Culpa Innata: Game Walkthrough and Guide

This text contains only one sequence of the game. One day you can make various actions, all of them are indicated in this text. But what I did on the day fifth, you can do, for example, on the day eighth and so on. Do not be afraid to experiment.
The first day
Building GPSN, Cabinet Phoenix – We start in our office, which is on the third floor to the left of the sign “EXIT”. We study the cosmetic bag of pink, lying on the table, locked with a wardrobe and a human development index attached to the wall. We must first find
Our personal assistant (Pennsylvania). Without it, it is impossible to take objects and a lot of things. We study the computer. We receive a letter from Chef Morsenna, in which he asks to go to his office. Cabinet of bosses is located opposite the Cabinet Phoenix.
We find Pennsylvania – after a briefing we go to the right from the door of our cabinet to the lifts. Go down to the second floor. We go to the left by the corridor. Find on this floor of Julius, sweeping. During the conversation, behind Phoenix, we notice a glowing item on the floor. Renting with Julius, we go to a dead end, where we select this glowing item. He will be our personal assistant. It is called right mouse button. It contains inventory, contacts, card (until not available) and diary. Return to the Cabinet Phoenix.
Riddle in the office – take the paint color cosmetic bag and a social security card. Look at the cabinet lock. Keys we never found, so we will crack the locker. In the inventory click on the cosmetic, then on the sign I above the cosmetic bags to open it. Take out the hairpin, insert it into the keyhole. Tilting the hairpin twice up, one time down, once left and once again up. The castle will be hacked. From the box we only pass the skip, you can not take anything else. We leave from the Cabinet.
On the first floor – on the lift go down to the first floor. Go to the right. We look at three big posters raised on the wall. They describe the history of the city.
Audience – go to the door located between the second and third poster. Go down to the first row. From the table we take a ID of the Talai Talaiman. On the podium we can read Morsenna’s speech. We leave the audience.
Outside the GPSN building – we go to the left to the exit (further lifts). On the main door we use skip. Only so we can leave the GPSN building. On the street notice a sanguous man. Noticing us, he will hide in the cemetery. We look at the plates on the left and right of the gate.
The mystery with the gate of the cemetery – we look at the gate. There are four buttons on the castle that controlled metal bars in the center of the castle. Note the buttons from top to bottom from the 1st to 4 and click on 4, 4 and 3. Phoenix will go to the cemetery, where the CD will find on Earth. Take a picture of the disk to get the image of the butterfly, then we take the drive itself. We leave from the cemetery. We look at the plate hanging on the wall on the left of the gate. From the cosmetics, pull out the desiree cream, which lubricate the plate. Then use a cotton bowl from the cosmetics on the plate. It turns out an interesting picture. Photographing it. All collected things we can check later in the Phoenix office.
Omega 10 Station – follow the path to the bridge. Cross it, go to the subway. We go to the left to the brown apparatus for the sale of tickets on the subway. Use the apparatus. Choose the item “Credit Metro”. We will be asked to introduce social security number. We introduce 293-72-4925-2. One hundred loans will be added to our account. Now we go to the platform B. Phoenix will sit in the train.
In the train – I go to Pennsylvania. We notice a certain failure. Close all pop-up windows. Keep unidentified binary data. Close Pennsylvania. We look at the metro map hanging on the wall to the left of the door. We take a picture of the map. Finally, in our Pennsylvania will earn a section “Map”. It will appear all locations that can be visited. Go to the house of Vasily Bogdanova.
House Bogdanova – We go to the right from the elevator. We are trying to get into the room 3105. Instead of rainbow reception, we will have a home security program that refuses to skip us inside. We say that we are here in the case (second item). Then let us miss us. We pass to the coffee table. We find an old-fashioned business card on it, from which it becomes clear than Bogdanov owned. Thing Store will appear on the map in Pennsylvania. With the push take a magnetic map. We go to the bedroom on the left. Look at the picture above the bed. Safety deposit boxes will be hidden. To open it, we need to install with 9 squares Russian flag. Top row white, second – blue, third – red. From the safe we get a sculpture. Later we will find her use. Go to our office.
Phoenix office – Before you go to the Thing Store, we dig in our computer. We choose the section Sound and Visual Consideration. We use the CD, which we found in the cemetery, on the frame. Losing recording. CD data will be erased. Now choose the data processing section, then image processing. We use binary data that we received when Pennsylvania fell on the frame. Squares will appear with images and text that we must change places so that it is this picture.
Having received this drawing, we get up from the table and go to the Thing Store.
On the street in front of the Thing Store – come out from the store. We pass on the other side of the street. We look at the emblem drawn on the wall. On it written numbers 505. We use a nearby kiosk. Enter the numbers 505. This action will lead to a change in the fourth line. The place with the kiosk will now appear on our map. Returning to the Thing Store.
Thing Store: 1st Visit – Speaking with Curc Alicia Cordobo in blue-gray uniform. Remember that according to the GPSN rules on the day we can interrogate a person only once. Dialogues are not linear. If important questions are not asked and important information is not received, it will not work the trigger that will promote the game further, and you will have to wait for the next day to interrogate a person and find out finally important information. I recommend to persist before dialogs. We learn about Harry Collakhan, a false officer. When Phoenix will ask for an alias to describe the appearance of Harry, the image of the head will appear on the screen. We can change hair, eyes, nose, lips, chin. Pressing the “Comparison” button, Alicia will say, is some part of Harry or not. Create is needed this face.
Alicia will confirm the complete similarity, then we click on the “Recovery” button. We continue to ask Alicia about the death of Bogdanova. We learn about other clerks – Piper and Monica. We ask anything else related to Bogdanov.
Bogdanova’s office: 1st visit – go down the steps to be in the main hall with the lift. We use a magnetic map found in the apartment Bogdanova, on the lift. Rising to his office, look at the account of HDI Bogdanova (hanging on the wall). Next, look at the Rubik Cube, lying on the table. The purpose of the riddle is that all squares are painted in one color. In the center square so far yellow, but it will change on green. So we change all squares on green. This is done easily by the method of random. After the mystery is solved, Phoenix on one side of the cube will detect the following: top row – white, medium – blue, lower – red. These are the colors of the Russian flag, which were the key to open the safe in the Bogdanov apartment.
We look at the album with photos lying on the desktop. We look at the drawing with the building on which the numbers 657 are drawn, and on a photo of a couple with a child. Sit down for your computer. As a password, we enter the numbers seen in the photo – 657. We read an email, which refers to a meeting with Douglas Andersen. Visit this lawyer.
Office Douglas Andersen: 1st Visit – Choose on the map in Pennsylvania Office Andersen. In the corridor, we find a list of residents of the building from which we learn that Douglas Andersen lives on the 7th floor. The lift is understood on the specified floor. Come out of the lift, go to the left. Go to the door to the right of the eye drawn on the wall. After talking with the door security program, we will be allowed to enter the office of the lawyer. We are discussing in a formal manner. Learn from Andersen about Larisa Lukina, sexual partner Bogdanova, about Mrs. Capello, his doctor, and Roger Arnette, his imagemaker. On the map the locations of these three personalities will be added.
After the conversation with Andersen Phoenix will receive a request from the authorities with the requirement to interrogate immigrant. It automatically turns out to be in the interrogation room. This will happen only if you passed the game, accurately following this text. Do not worry if this episode will occur later.
GPSN building: Interrogation of the immigrant – speak with Ingrid, head of the Academy of Immigration. She is dressed in a blue form. We look at the screens installed on the table. The one that the left detects a lie and reduces the glasses of the questioned. If the account is less than 70, the applicant will fail.
I interrogate the rage of Patel. We ask him about the past and about his plans. Thoroughly examine his past. If we ask him about his participation in the riots and about his actions during them, then the Patel will fail. If you ask him about his actions after the riots, the patel will be checked. Better if he fails.
Now visit any location. Phoenix will say that they are tired and go home.
Phoenix House – click on the projector before the sofa. Phoenix is running out to watch news. After that go to bed.
Second day
We turn out to be automatically in the office of Phoenix. In my case, a message came from Alexandra Pescara. IN 20.00 We can meet her in a cafe for easy secular communication. Nothing more. Checking the diary, go to the house of Larisa Lukin.
House Larisa Lukin – communicate with room safety program 2108. Inside, we communicate with Larisa sitting on the sofa near the window. Select a pleasant approach in the dialogue options. After conversation about everything, focus on Bogdanov.
Thing Store: 2nd Visit – Talk to Alicia. It is located on the left side of the exhibition hall. We ask her about Bogdanov and his business enterprise. We learn about artistic consulting and club. We again affect the topic of Business Bogdanova. We look several times for a pedestal near Alicia. We go further to the left. About the walls we look at the central exhibit. We use a sculpture taken from Bogdanova safe, on this exhibit. A secret box will open, from which we will get out of the Bogdanov Electronic Diary.
We pass to another part of the exhibition hall. Interrogate Monica. We ask her about Bogdanov. Nothing sensible to know. We go to the office of Sofia Capello.
Office Sofia Capello – We go to the far end of the corridor, where the door of the office of Capello is located. We see that the security program on the door will be. Return to the lifts. Find on the wall near the first door two panels. Please look at the top panel. Open the lid, make a third tube in a group A red. Switch to the bottom panel. Insert the fuse in place. Now on the top panel, the third tube in group A is done again green. Return to the door of the office of Capello. Speaking with the security door program, we fall inside. Communicate with a Capello psychologist in a formal manner. We learn from her about the sexual partner of Bogdanova Katina, working in the Children’s Center for Development. Let’s go home.
House Phoenix – click on the closet near the bed. We change clothes and go to the cafe to communicate with a girlfriend. After the gatherings, we return home to go to bed.