Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Passage of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic:
At the end of the corridor, go left. Take the key with the stove and open the door with the spider sign. In the adjacent corridor, press the lever located in the left wall, after which it is quickly running through the open door at the end of the corridor. Further go down to the pit, there I will break the wooden backup. Then remove up the chain and jump from it to the protrusion. From there Climb the site and go left to the wall. There, disassemble the blockage from the box, then break the boards, covering the passage in the nearby room. To “view”, use the spell of a cat’s eye (key 1 by default), and then jump down and leave the hall through the hole in the right wall. Selecting the corridor, take the sword from the box that you must reflub the rope, holding a coffin suspended to the ceiling. Having broken down, he breaks the boards, covering the passage to the far corridor. There you will meet the zombie that you need to hit the foot so that he fell into the hole. After that, jump down and achieve it. Next, you will have to practic a little in the ability to handle the sword, after which your mentor will open the door leading to a large hall.
By interrupting black guards, go through the rising lattice in the nearby room. Once there, you will receive 1 point of the skill that you can use at your discretion. You can also split the box with an eagle painted on its wall, where to take a health potion. Having done it all, rise up the chain and go to the hall where the crystal is stored.
Chapter 1. Gate Stonehelma
Rising to your feet, go to the courtyard and run towards the rising bridge. Then roll to the right and run down the street to the house, from the window of which the town dweller. Choking up the chain, run after the guy on the attic. From there, jump onto the bastion platoon with a hanging rope. Landing, run to the right to the doorway. To the left of it there is a lever to be pressed to overlap the road breakdown in the fortress. Next, follow the guard to the baller. With it, you can deal with cyclops. It will be enough for three successful shots to defeat the monster.
After the fight, take a note from the table and lift the bread lying on the bench near the ballests and on the far table, and then descend the stairs to the office space. Take a book there from the table from which you can learn about the creatures inhabiting the world, and how to deal with them, then disperse the box to get a medicinal potion, and leave the room, lifting the grid using the wheel. In the second room, take the staff leakaged to the wall, if you need it, then go down to the floor below. There you will find a shield, onions, a short sword, daggers (lying in the chest) and food (from the box).
Going out, move to the left to the stone wall. There, under the arch, there is an entrance to the tavern, where you can deal with food. From the tavern roll to the left, climb the stairs, roll to the right and move forward. In the dark crossing you will find two boxes, from which you can also extract food. Passing further, roll right into the passage and go out on the next street. From there, go to the left to go inside the house, located opposite the big gate. Climb there on the second floor. In the chest, which stands on the floor near the railing, you will find the “Potion of Treatment”, in the wardrobe lies the “mana potion”, and on the table, which is located opposite the cabinet, you will find “freezing scroll”. After that, go out into the street and go to the big gate, where the sorcerer’s niece will meet you. But before this, go to the latter house, standing on the street and climb on his roof along a staircase leaning against the wall. From there, walk on the roof of the adjacent home and crawl into the attic through the window. From the box standing there, you will be able to extract the “Potion of complete healing”.
Chapter 2. Glitter of cold steel
Jumping out of bed, run up to the stairs to meet a black guard trying to attack you. After the “disassembly” with him, take from the chest of food and a bottle with manany, and then go down. In the room located below, grab food from a closet and a wooden staff, standing at the wall (if needed), then go through the door to the courtyard.
Having broken with the guards, a hotel is awaiting boxes and go through the courtyard behind the corner of the castle to go on the back courtyard of the structure. Go to the left, destroying black guards, and pass under the arch. Next, climb the stairs and go along the wall of the building to the door leading to the basement.
Going down, go to the door to the right of the stairs. Inside a small room, break two drawers to get food and antidote. After that, leave the room and go along the corridor to a large hall, where there is a couple of guards. You have two options: either kill them, or quietly sneak to the locked door located in the left corner. You can open it with a lever located next to the wall. Rising up the stairs, disperse with a pair of marauders, then a hotel’s room and finally get out of it in the dining room through the door in the right corner. There you will find another couple of villains, who certainly need to be destroyed, and then get out of the room to the main hall of the castle, where the door is leading in the left wall.
Climb the stairs to the column and deploy the rope attached to it. Then enter into battle with black guards. Having finished the battle, go to the first left door and go to the left to go through the passage, near which the enemy archer is. Next, climb the stairs to the end. On the top platform you will find the key from the sorcerer room, which is located in the tower. Next, go down to the library and deal with the soldiers guarding the territory. Then go to the left of the entrance to the wall and see the lever, after clicking on which the rope drops from the ceiling. Relieve it on it and jump onto the beam. Next, go along it to the wall, jump out onto the bookcase, from where you can go down to the secret camork, where you will find a scroll with spells, potion and manuscript. Having collected things, leave the snack and go to the railing. On the floor near them you will find a love letter from which you learn how to open a secret. Next, come back to the throne room, go down the stairs and go through the open door. So you will find yourself in a sorcerer office. Inside it you will see the hearth. To the left of it is a candelabr, take it and stop on the other side to open a secret door. Inside the hearth you will find a chest in which the “Ring of the Wise” is lying, several scrolls with spells and the “Potion of complete healing”. Also in the office you can pick up a mantle of the wizard and the recovery potion, opening the chest, standing at the door.
Returning to the library, go up onto the roof on the stairs, located opposite the entrance. When you leave for fresh air, the leg impacts down down from the Wall of the Guard, and then go to the tower – the key from the door you have. The room has a chest, where there are two scrolls with spells and a large healthy flask. Next, go back down, go to the left of the roof visor to the next building and jump down to the window through which you will get inside the attic. Throw the barrel in the guards talking at the walls, then go down and go along the corridor. Having reached the room, where there is a black guard near the window, spike a villain from the windows blow. After the crash soldier, get out the window yourself and go along the wall to the court in the right far corner of the courtyard. From there, raise the stairs to the window, because of which the voices comes with and climb the room inside. Intervene in what is happening inside the room you will not succeed, t.to. Necromancet will have time to freeze you, and you will only stay to watch the death of Menegor. After the frost releases you, run on the roofs after the vampire, kidnapped the crystal.
Chapter 3. Trail of dead man
Switching out of the tower on the roof, climb into the attic through the window and run to the right to see the runaway visor. Next, run after it, jumping from the roof roof. When Voruga becomes climbing the inside of the walls upstairs, run away to the balcony, break off the boards to the racks and depart on the edge of the roof, which you need to run right to the end and jump on the roof of the neighboring house. From there you need to go over the boards to the dilapidated area. Being there, you will see a vampire, reaching the attic of the house standing nearby. Follow him without losing sight. When you get out through the window to the roof, be careful, t.to. her surface is very slippery and you can break down. Next again jump over the nearest roof and climb through the window on the attic. Having passed on it on the other side of the house, jump on the chain, rise on it upstairs, and then jump onto wooden paving. On them you will go to the stone platform, to which you need to jump and go left to jump onto the second chain from her edge. From there you will not be difficult to jump on the edge of the roof of the nearby house and walk to the construction “forests”. On them you will reach the wall, where you will have to boil around the protrusions and walk to the corner area, from where you can pass inside the tower.
Going down the stairs, go straight into a small room. Take out through the window on the ledge going along the wall. Go on it to the right to the end and jump onto the box, which stands at the fence. Next should break the boards in the fence and through the formed hole to go out in the alley. Having reached it to the end, climb into the sewer through the hatch located on the ground. The dungeon will bring you inside a large warehouse, which contains several necromantic whims. When you get out of the hatch, go to the door, finish off the guard, sitting at the table, and then go to the big hall. There you will have to deal with a pair of soldiers. On the noise of your fight from the street, three more black guards will come running, and you will have to defend your right to life. After the fight, take the key from the arsenal and the key from the hatch, which is right there in stock. But do not rush to climb there, and go to the courtyard. There are climb on a long staircase leaning against the wall to the balcony. Killing an archer standing at the stairs, go left. At the end of the balcony there is a small room where you will find a long bow and “killer clothes”, which can add you armor. Having gathered the necessary things, go back to the warehouse and climb into the hatch.
When you get to the place where the walls have two large barrels, turn the left and go out in the cave. Killing two soldiers, go through the door located on the left. In a small room you will find a fencer ring, chain ring and a silk sword of Nagi, plus in the chest lie quiver with arrows and antidote. Next, go out of the room and go left along the wall. The second door is a wine cellar, where you will find poisoned daggers and medicines that lie in the chest. Collecting things, come back to the barrels and go to the door located to the right of them. You will find yourself in a blacksmith where you can make a sword yourself. To do this, you need to pick up the hammer from the anvil, the steel bar you will find on the table that stands at the right wall. There you will find the book of the Dragon’s forge, from which you learn how to see the sword. So, put a bar in the boiler and turn the wheel to arrange it above the coal. Next, use blacksmith furs to inflate fire and melt metal. When this happens, turn the wheel again, and the steel will carry into the form. Now you need to cool the workpiece, for this, pull the lever located in the wall. Then take the resulting item and put it on the corners in order to split it. Bringing the workpiece to the desired state, put it down on the anvil and, armed with a hammer, snatch the sword. After that, it remains only to make a handle. Everything you need for this can be found on the table near the wall.
Having received a long sword, disassemble the blockage to the right of the door. Behind him you will find a secret move, which will come to a large tunnel. Next, move to the right, and you reach a large cave, where Arantier spends its ritual. To distract the guards from the place where the crystal is installed, open the cameras in which the townspeople are contained. When the crystal is in your hands, go back to the tunnel, from which you came and go to the place where the edge of the guards are attached at the rack. Lattices, blocking the entrance to the sewer, will be open, and you can go to the tunnel.