Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 23, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Passage
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Wake up in the house and inspect everything around. Look at the bedside table, take the letter. We study it, in the letter there are hooks, their number can be viewed on top. We emphasize them.

Wake Up, Head Straight To Arkhamend
Worms Feast
IS Directly Connected With US, You Know this

The letter states that we need to go to the city of Arhamed and find the book “Memories of the break”. Open the bedside table, taking a purse and flashlight.

Open the cabinet to the left of the bedside table and take clothing. Take the lamp on the box. You can use a lamp or flashlight to light the room. We look at the statue. Go down on the stairs down. Nothing interesting there. Open the door and go outside.

Day 1
February 21, 2012
City Arhamed

We go to the train. We arrive at Arhamed Station. The station seems to be deserted, not counting the sleeping homeless. We go right and turn into the tunnel. Do not forget to use the flashlight to light the road. Raised the stairs and get to the city center. We inspect the monument and go around the city. We see a closed door to the older store. Two times we click on the door and hearing a strange cry. Put here in the morning.

Find a hotel and go to her. Speak with bartender. We ask him about the bookstore and remove the room for the night. On the room on the second floor, the first door to the right.

We go to your number. We inspect boxes of tables on the road. Find notes.

Go to your number. Read the newspaper on the table. In one of the bedside tables take a flashlight.

Lay on the bed … we dream sleep!


We will be a voice calling by name. We look at the room, the door is locked … come to the chest and move it to the side. We look into the hole in the wall. A man is suitable, talking to him, and he gives us the key to the number. Open the door to the key. We go to the end of the corridor and go into the room on the left. We speak with a man in a rocking chair … Wake up in your room.

Day 2
February 22, 2012

Go down to the first floor. We hear the conversation of two men … We are trying to go behind them, but automatically return to your number. Go down and talk with the owner of the hotel.

Go to the buckinist store. Go to the store. We speak Henry about the book. He agrees to give us a book, but she is in the basement of the store. We inspect the slave card and the camera. Speak Henry and buy them. We consider the card in inventory and Henry marks us a new place.

Go down to the basement. Do not forget to use a lantern or lamp. Inspect everything in the basement. Under the statue of the dragon lies a phononendoscope, inspecting it. We find a toy machine and a music box. Find the shelf we find a book. Take her. We consider it in inventory. A strange key opening key on which there are six rotating parts with nominating pins that must be in a certain position.Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Returning to the shelf with a dragon and take the phonenendoscope.

Connect the PhoneDoscope and Book in Intellectual Inventory. We listen to sounds when rotating wheels.

From left to right:

– 1st rotation of the wheel 2 times.
– 2nd rotation of the wheel 2 times.
– the 3rd wheel do not move
– 4th rotation of the wheel 3 times
– 5th rotation of the wheel 1 time
– 6th rotation of the wheel 1 time

Click on the handle and insert into the lock.

If everything is done correctly we get a book, but you can not read it.

Raise upstairs and speak Howard. Please translate his book.

He asks to bring him a book from the basement. Again go to the basement and find a book about the first rack war, the second shelf. Take this book and consider it Henry. Now he can decipher it.

Walk around the city and come back to Henry. He transferred us a page with content.

Old building

Using a map moving to a new location. We are in the snowy forest. Using the lamp we moving forward, past scattered logs. Pay attention to the stones around the building. We go to the room. We will examine everything. Do not forget to use the lantern.

From the ceiling hangs a lamp. Screw the light bulb. “Yes, there will be light!”

Come to the writing. Open Table Boxes. Take a flashlight, clean. Read the document. We emphasize the hooks.

A Single Bite …And Even Death
I Pounded Henbit ….To The Mixture

From the windowsill we take a sprayer.

On the table we see torn nurses. You need to collect them. We collect an incomprehensible chart and glue it with a scope. We take

Move the chair from the table and look under the table, we see the chest. Put forward the chest and open it. Get a book from the chest and throw them around, until you find the right. We read it.


This Jar Was Placed Inside A Metallic Box

We enter the bedroom. From the bed we remove the pillow and find a diary. We read it.


PROF Jacob
THEY LIVE …Are Blind
We TriD to Go Down But Realised The Handle Was Gone

It refers to protection against insect bites. We look at the cabinet. We see a mechanism for opening.

Come out of the bedroom and go to the room on the left. We see frozen corp. We look at it. We take a capsule and letter. We read it and emphasize

Machines Mentioned …Destroy Them All
Borellus’ Way
Immediately Report Back ….Way to You

Once again, we look at the corpse and get three metal pins. Climb the stairs to the attic.

Checking table boxes. Take a compass and handle. In another box, read the book.


Alternatively Placed …COMING CLOSE
IT CONSISTS OF ….Compass Rose
East = Red, North = White, West = Black. South = Yellow

Go down down. We go around the table and consider the wardrobe with dried flowers.

We remember that we read about the mixture of insects. From the shelving take a mortar and score into it:

Hanbit, Rue (Ruta Study), Heath Aster (Astra), Basil (Basil), Geranium (Geran).

We take a sprayer and score in it, alcohol and oil. Combine in intellectual inventory Sprayer and mortar. Now we have a mixture that can neutralize insects.

We look at the floor and see footprints. Prints lead to the table. We look under the table, insert the handle into the hole and open a secret niche. There is a key in niche, taking it. We look at the floor and find a hole. Insert the key to it. We see a mechanism with 7 discs and symbols on them.

Open it we can not yet.

We go outside and use the camera on the stones. In the light of the outbreak, we notice the signs, the same as on the metal device in the floor.

Take the compass. Connecting lines on the map that we glued together, black.
According to the book, black means West. We are looking for a stone in the West (the closest to the door) and start counting from it. We get the code.Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Return to the bedroom. Insert three pins into the cabinet mechanism. Moving them, you need to achieve that everything would be right in the selected area. Open the wardrobe and take a protective suit from insect bites. If we have a protective suit, you can not do a mixture from insects. If you failed to open the closet, you will have to use a mixture.

We go to set the code. If everything is correct, click on the floor and it starts to drop.

It turned out to be elevated.

Going down, inspect the premises. There are several rooms here. We go to the left. We go to the room. We see a cabinet, dreaded with insects. You can use the sprayer to scare them. You can wear a protective suit. Open cabinet. Take a metal capsule.

Open a wooden box and take two cylinder from it.

Come out and go on. We see the door, the castle hangs on it. Turn to the right and pass forward. Open the door and go to the laboratory. Come to the desk opening the box. We see a small key. Take it. This is the key from the door with the lock.

We pass forward. We see an old generator. Exactly the same drawing we saw in an encrypted book.

Go to the city, go to Henry and ask him to translate part of the book about cars.

You can just get out of the store and immediately return. Henry gives us a translated page.

Return to the old building.

Go down on the elevator down and go to the locked door. Open the key lock. We go inside. On the table is a leaf of Azbuki Morse. Nearby is a closed metal box. Open the wardrobe and take the canister.

Return to the room with the generator. We combine the capsule taken from the frozen corpse with a capsule from the cabinet with insects.

Right from the car stands a phonograph. We use one of the cylinders, click on the lever.

We look at the device next to the phonograph. There are three levers and two indicators on it. Need to reduce the noise level to listen to the record. Move the levers until the red lamp will light up.Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Now we can listen to the record. One speaks of experiments, on the second we will hear the code to start the car (51637).

We inspect the machine and open the damper below.Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and GuideDarkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Enter the code that is heard on the record (51637).

In the hole put the capsule.

Apply a canister on the generator and press the green button.

Watch Roller.

We woke up in the bedroom. We look at and notice a note pinned knife to bed. We take it, but can not read, it is written on the language unknown to us.

Go down to the underground gallery. If there are insects eat us, then we can hear the sounds of the Morse, the gallery coming from the pit. We go to the room where we saw the cipher on the table and try to decipher the heard. We find out the code to the metal door and go to open it. We enter “Ausir”. Pushing the door and go inside. Open the first right coffin. In the skeleton we take the key of a strange form. Return to the room with a metal box and open it with this key. Find a flask with the results of the experiment of the Homunkula.

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