Dead Space 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

June 18 2314.
After the introductory roller, we begin to move along the covered field. Focus using the device on the wrist Tim. Come to the collapsed aircraft. We destroy drawers and thus produce cartridges for weapons. Shot on a junk on the main door. Opening it, enemies are chosen from the inside. The most vulnerable zones – limbs and head. Entering the ship, we move to the stairs, while shooting opponents. Kick the corpses for the extraction of ammunition and the aidhechki. We rise to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select a cylindrical device. Unexpectedly, the ship rows from the spot, and therefore jump over with the rope on the gorge. Moving the lower and below, occasionally jumping pits. Go to the left side so as not to be above the explosive wave. Roll from side to the side to avoid collisions with fragments.
Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Moon Colony “New Horizons”.
200 years later.
Inspecting in the apartment, after which we go to the corridor, turn left and leave outward. Go to the fighters at the gate. After the dialogue, crouching pressing the shelter. Killing a couple of opponents for training and pass to the car right. After the explosion, we turn out to be below. Go straight, destroying enemies. Do not forget to use shelters. Another suicide shoot before he approaches us. We enter the construction, climb on the stairs. Talking with Norton, inspecting indoors and go out in the alley. Carefully envelm corners and shoot opponents. For a minute, not a stopping stream of trucks on the highway will not allow crossing the road. Aim in the stream and slow one of the Machines of the Stasis. Now the flow is stopped, and we can go to the other side and go upstairs.
Inside the hall face with a lot of enemies. The main thing is not to afford to surround yourself and go back on time. On the elevator we will rise to the top floor. Immediately attacked, but Isaack escapes the flight from Diana and his people. Get up, pick up the aid kits, until the enemies broke. Killing them, go further to the next elevator. Rising, go out to a number of stores. Turn to the right, pass through the souvenir shop. We go out in the alley, destroy enemies. Go down on the stairs in the building, on the elevator go upstairs. We arrive at the station where you tighten the locomotive to the central platform with the help of a kinesis. Then he move it into the tunnel. Similarly, connect the fuel composition with the head carriage. Waiting for the last car and climb in front of it. We are moving to the locomotive, exterminating enemies trying to stop us.
Chapter 2. By itself.
W.FROM.M. “Eudor”.
Come into consciousness, speak with a carver. On the shelf on the right turn on audio recording. Follow the corridors to the Captain Bridge. The ship performs a jump in space, after which he is collided with mines. We leave the bridge, we give allies of instructions, then moving forward for the costume. Wearing it, tear into weightlessness and catch up with the last and main element – helmet.
We reach the shipment and use the kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. After pushing them along different directions, we interact with the control panel. Rushing through space, labby between debris and mines.
Chapter 3. Roanoc.
We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. Inside, do not pass, so we go to the neighboring doors. Open them by sending an eye on the central castle and applying kinesis. Now click on the kinesis button again and scroll through the lock. Through the gateway, we turn to the corridor, turn to the left and get into the room, from where you open the cargo door with the use of kinesishes on the control panel. Return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. By coordinates of Norton, we go to the group of headed Ellie. Let’s go to the right and collect all useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room, in which all the doors are blocked. Capture the battery near the central door to the kinesis and install it in the appropriate hole next to the machine.
Now we can open the central door and go to the corridor. We destroy creatures and remove the barricade near the side door with the help of kinesis. We are growing with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We go out into the corridor, get to the door on the left side. Descending, fly in weightlessness and shoot from the opponents fluttering to the walls. Then climb the stairs and proceed to the launch of the main generator. All three mechanisms omit the top parts. Next, we capture the locks opened on top and hold the kinesis button to promote and subsequently submit energy. Turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. Raise to Ellie and to other surviving workers.
Chapter 4. Echo history.
Admiral headquarters.
On the elevator we return to the generator and proceed to the destruction of a huge necromorf. Lower the tops and spin them, as we have already done earlier. The bottom will appear to the tentacles that shoot in red areas. Since they are moving too fast, I will apply the Stasis. Walking in all generators, we go down the same way that profits. Being in weightless, we use the stasis on the fans. Go to the opposite direction and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, come to the control panel on the wall. Move the slider to the allocated cells and activate them. After filling out the entire area, the elevator will be available on the left side, which go to the top floor.
Isaac sees on images in the wall. Now we can return to Ellie to the station and go through the passage left from the machine. Through the corridor, we will get into open space and go to the trolley that will deliver us to Terra Novu.
Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Crew Crew Terra New.
Arriving at the station, moving through the gateway. Opening the door, we get to the elevator before the Captain Bridge. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotating sticks and search for three blue zones that need to be fixed. We go into the corridor and clean it from opponents. Go down to the folding room where we also spend stripping. Get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Together arrival, we are talking about a problem. We go through the door on the left, climb upstairs. Come across the adversary sticking to the wall. It is necessary to shoot all his tentacles and only then can go to the elevator. On it we go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the way from the cargo. This is done by the connection of two goods by the parties corresponding to each other. Visually pick them enough easy. Next, we are separated with the enemies that appeared and go back to the elevator.
Going down, go to the door on the left. We climb upstairs and run to the warehouse. A new opponent appears, which is impossible to kill. When leaving all the limbs, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After which it is regenerated and again continues to attack us. I hurry get to the trolley and call it through the console. Keep defense prior to arrival. Actively use stasis for slowing the immortal necromorph. On the arriving trolley, get to the central station.
Chapter 6. Repair before shipping.
Tail C.M.FROM. Terra Nova.
Come to the console next to the left door. Hacking her, enter inside and select the key from combat cutting. Now we can return to the trolley and go to the tail station. After arrival, we call the elevator and while we wait for it, cut off the limb to immortal enemies.
The elevator will deliver us to the shuttle. Let’s go through all levels and collect the necessary modules. Then ride up and call the platform. It goes on the opposite direction and similarly to the modules. Use the remote control machine. Next, on the platform go to the center to the shuttle. Open the cover with the help of a crucible and install the assembled remote.
Without fuel shuttle do not budge. Re-move on the right side. Going down on the lift, we will turn right and go through the unlocked door. Climb upstairs, then go down and again up on the lift. Activate the fuel pump, we go to it and kinesis in the tank. During the refueling, they are progressed by the murder of approaching necromorphs. After completing the refueling, deactivate the pump and ask the Ellie to hold the final stage in the preparation of the shuttle to flight.
Unexpected overheating will fail. Go down and turn to the right. I do not have a rush to run the head, because the fire will constantly overlap the path. Pointer will indicate the right road. Get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the lift, causing it, restrain the immortal necromorph. Climb upstairs calling the platform. Now fought back from two opponents. We move on the opposite direction, follow the lift and pass to the left. We go to the building and get to the elevator on which we go to the top floor. We are located for stationary weapons and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. We also do not forget about enemies, which will eventually be more and more.
The explosion brought us into outer space. Get to the station, just shooting mines. Their approximation is easy to recognize across the frequent sounds. We use a shuttle for sending grills.
Chapter 7. Chaos.
FROM.M.FROM. Grills.
Go to the engine using a pointer. Kinesis pull the shields, then square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the station of Roanoca. Here you need to get three registrars from three different satellites. Before the first easy to get through the pointer, but the others find will not be difficult for green illumination.
Next, in the signage, we find the nearest machine. We connect objects found in it and go back to weightlessness. Fix the module on the shuttle. Immerse yourself in a shuttle where you notice damaged oxygen cylinders. Insert them on the connectors and turn one hundred eighty degrees. Now we can go to the path, running a shutter through the control panel. Do not deviate from the course, that is, keep a shuttle in the framework of blue squares. Shoot marked enemies and try to avoid obstacles in every way. We still have to return to the cylinders and again put them in the right location.
Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.
After crash, we start searching the second part of the shuttle. As a landmark we use fire. They also replenish the stock of heat. We go to the open area, and the shuttle is collapsed on top. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to advance, and soon you will find the tail of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, focusing on red signal checkers. On the slope to attack the enemy, which recking us far ahead.
We detect the bridge, follow it along it until we find the stairs. We climb upstairs, we turn to the left and enter the warm room. Run the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go to the snow, descending on the lift. Moving along the pipe, go down on Earth. We destroy the emerging enemies and go to the next building. Passing through it, we will continue to go straight until I see the signal checker. From her, we will turn left and get until the next checker, near which you will find a passage to the construction. Communicate with bare bale.
Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.
We go to the left and get to the end room. Run the generator, kinesis stretch the gear on the wall. Deliver it to the location of the Bakka and ingested in the area of the axis. On the elevator go down where we clean the room from small creatures. They love to attack by large groups, but they quickly die.
Get to the workshop, on the stairs we go to the lower level. We set into the correct position of the mechanisms on the appropriate to each other types of tips. When the device starts, we wait for a couple of tens of seconds. Then run behind it and go to the extreme left passage. Repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device to the Stasis to have time to reach the passage and not be clamped. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. Change to the Arctic suit in which protects from the cold.
Using the locator, choose out. Get to the incitement of the crane and quickly press the displayed buttons. Upstairs, we find a carver, which actively behaves with enemies. We go to the room from the right side of the lift and launch the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will interrupt the necromorf, which we have already met earlier. Shoot it constant growing on the back of the tentacle. Escape from the enemy attacks double pressing the acceleration button. Tentacles will constantly grow, so after several successful attempts, the monster will run away. We rise higher and, focusing on the locator, reach the command item.
Chapter 10. Now we know.
Command headquarters.
The team is waiting for us outside, go to them and immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy people of Danik. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we run the generator and release the drill device from protective stems. At the site there will be a huge, constantly rotating device. Move in a circle so as not to be under it. Slow down the Burmashin Stasis and shoot the yellow parts in his center. I charge the Stasis through wall installations and destroy necromorphs. Winning, heading to the passage.
Chapter 11. Hunting for signals.
Building for samples.
Get on the lift to heaters. After talking with Ellie, go to the boiler room, and then go out to the street. On the right there is an energy unit. Pulling it out, deliver to the building on the other end. All the ways will be attacked by enemies. Wake up block through the window. Returning back, we climb upstairs and run right to the same building. Going down the stairs, insert the unit into the appropriate hole. Manually make the start of the boiler.
Let’s return to heaters and adjust the pressure. Activate the central console and rotating the kinesis mechanisms over which the figure will turn around. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and can climb the team. Santos transmits us a probe scheme. It is necessary to get several parts to create it. Get to the snow-covered lands, where we are faced with new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which it is trying to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way, stand still and learn them. Reaching the barracks, pass through it and find ourselves on the auxiliary area. We destroy many opponents, after which we turn to the left and we wake the console. We arrive at the warehouse that is in a dilapidated condition. We pass to the end on the right side. Weeva notice the winch, pull her kinesis. Then go down and collect the components of the probe. They are all highlighted, the latter is in the very cage that we raised.
Return to the site and fight with a familiar enemy, which will hide from us again. Let’s go back to the allies and collect the probe on the machine.