Deus Ex: Game Walkthrough and Guide

For a start, a few pursuant words. First, the levels of this game can be passed in different ways. Of course, the final of all levels (with the exception of the most recent) will be one, but you can achieve them in different ways. In this salt, only a few options are described, but for information I will tell you more than several main methods of penetration into closed areas:
1) Almost always next to the door is a code lock, which can be hacked by a special device – multityl. 2) In addition, you can not hack this code, but to enter it, but for a start you will need to be seized all the nearby rooms in search of DataCub’a (a small instructor with a blue screen) or computers on which it is recorded. 3) In addition to these options, it is almost always possible to go where it is necessary, opening the grille and taking advantage of the complex chimney system. 4) Sometimes it is possible to get a code or password in conversations with various characters (both friendly and not very). 5) In some cases, you have to open the door to the launder (LockPick). 6) Sometimes a special key is needed for the door, when you find it, you just use it on such a door “Key Ring” (wears the doors that are closed on such a special key, in most cases I did not work). 7) Well, sometimes the door opens only with a computer or computer console (not to be confused with the code lock).
Now about how to penetrate most of the computers – for this you need to have either the name and password (Login, Password), or have very high hacker abilities. I would recommend you to raise exactly this indicator of the main character, because you can cope with enemies in different ways, and computers are still better hacking (Hack), and not run half a day in search of suitable codes and passwords. Do not forget to enter computers in a timely manner and disable security cameras and machine guns. By the way, you can put machine guns option “Attach everything” and then they will shoot all your enemies that are in their visibility zone. Consider and repair with medical and repair bots. In addition, with the help of them you can establish new abilities (Augmentation), only for this it will be necessary to collect several necessary items. Do not forget to undergo a training mission, because there you can master all the main devices that you need here. And always have a large reserve of laundrs and multitilities (Lockpick, Multitool), if you do not want to smoke in all neighboring rooms. Constantly searching the corpses of their enemies – you can find a lot of interesting. Learn to navigate the compass and on the cards that you will be sent from time to time. All tasks that you will receive are fixed in a special menu – do not forget to come with them, they are also fixed and all conversations. So you can always scroll through any of the conversations that you led earlier. Always be sure to perform the main tasks (Primary Goal), and here are all secondary sometimes and omit. Therefore, I will not always describe the execution of secondary tasks. Always try to make as little noise as possible, because the guards will always run on it, and then your fate of interest is for 90 is predetermined. Of course, if you are unthinkable cool, you can have themselves all in a row and always pass through the main gate, do not run from anyone and take out absolutely everyone in the style of A la Quake, but it is only if the skill is enough. Only I would still not advise this to do. In the end, towards the end of the game you still have to participate in serious dumps, you want or not.
Mission 1.
Talk to the floor (he will assign to you to you) and choose one of the options for additional weapons, which he will suggest you. Look at the card, now go on. Talk to the guard, soon the agent will contact you and say the “Iron and Copper” password. Go to the northern docks and talk there with a man, on the left in the house. He will give you a photo of the main terrorist. Talk to the woman in the corner, now you need to go to the statue and climb to the very top. You can climb the stairs from containers, through the main input (use the locks, read DataCub…). To disable the security system, go to the house with a big antenna and enter there (code 0451). Inside Enter the computer (Login – Satcom, Password – Unatco_001). After turned off the security system, go to the central doors and enter the terminal (Login – NSF001, Password – SMashThestate). Entering the computer, turn off the camera, open the doors. You need to get over the laser field on the left. To do this, or sneak through the ventilation mines, or turn off its multitool. Enter the computer (Login – NSF001, Password – SMashThestate). Talk to the GUTHER, give him your gun. After that, go around the steps to the top, kill a few soldiers and talk to the main terrorist. Return to the database (Unatco HQ). Talk to the entrance to the floor. Go down to the second level and talk with your boss – Mandelley (Manderley). Before you can talk to his secretary. Go down to the third level and talk to Sam Carter and Jaime Reyes (Jaime Reyes). Raise back and in the restroom Talk to your new partner Anna Navarre (Anna Navarre). Return to Mandley and talk to him about the new task. Go to the southern docks and sit on a police boat.
Mission 2.
From Women Agent Get photos – Exam. Soon you will meet a boy who will tell you the code (9183), only first give him something out of food. This code is suitable for a machine gun that stands behind you. First, open it with the launder, and then enter this code – the secret move in Castle Clinton will open. You can get there and more in a standard way. To do this, go on, take part in a shootout in front of a large building, talk to the cops, with Anna. Now go to the subway (SUBWAY STATION BATTERY PARK) and save hostages here. You can use a special grenade, which interferes with the operation of electronic devices in order to move through the laser field. Kill all terrorists and talk to hostages. Return to Castle Clinton and talk to your partner. Come inside, in the central house inside. Open the doors with a launder or multitool. The code to the panel on the wall is in the drawer next to the guy (666). Enter this code and on the door to the left. Soon you will come to a room with a green canister (it is not necessary to take it), get a new task. Come back and talk to Anna. If you have not yet freed hostages in the subway, then do it now. In the metro sit down to the car.
New York. Hell’s Kitchen.
Go to the exit and talk with Paul Denton (Paul Denton). He will give you the key to his apartment in the hotel, so you can search there in some fixtures. Go to the city and go to the hotel Hilton. Here kill terrorists and talk to the hostage. Climb on the second floor and talk to a man. He will tell you the password (RIGHTEUS). Go to the clinic (Free Clinic) and talk there with people. Go out and go to Underworld Tavern. Talk to the pilot, buy beer and talk again with him. Give him beer, he will say the password you already know. Go to another part of the city where the basketball court is located. Open the container with the laundr and inside it, go down the stairs inside it. Disconnect the power field (a shield in the camork straight), go on and talk to smuggler (smuggler). He will give you the key and says the password (BloodShot). Now you need to save his boyfriend in the sewer pipes. Go outside and go to the warehouse (“Imports”). In the door to the right. On the outlet of the building, receive a message and image. Look at the picture – it is there for you and it will be necessary to get. Make a small box to the stairs hanging from the roof, and climb on the top of the building. From there, go through the roofs to the site with the antennas. Go down and shoot the generator, go back to the roof. Talk to the hollow and sit down to the helicopter.
Mission 3.
Go down to the headquarters and before the door of the boss overhear the conversation. After that, talk to Mandley, talk to Anna in his office. Descend on the third level and talk to Sam Carter. Get out of the headquarters and sit down to the helicopter.
New York City – Battery Park.
Go to the entrance to the subway, go down and talk to Harley Filben (Harley Filben). Close up and in small houses next door to find Kerlya (CURLY). He will give you a password (6653). Return to the subway and enter this password in the telephone booth, it goes down down. Go on the corridor, up, climb into the hatch. Talk to “Mole Person” on the left. This is Charlie Fann (Charlie Fann). He will give you a password (5482) to use on the panel in the women’s toilet. The panel is located under the middle washbasin. In the extreme cabin will open a secret move – go there. Eggs a bunch of terrorists, talk with peaceful people. In particular, with Kevin Bredley (Kevin Bredley), which is located next to the pipes. He will tell you about a secret move. Now go on the tunnel south. There in one of the houses break the cardboard boxes. For one of them, click on the brick – the secret passage opens. Talk to the leader of the terrorists, and he will surrender. After that take the key from the table. If the terrorist starts to shoot, just kill it. Return to the stairs from which they came, go past her in the same direction left. Soon you will come to the new toilet (this time to male). Open the door Key Ring.
New location in New York City.
At the intersection, go to the right, in boxes, through the pipe with steam. Kill the terrorist, visit his body – must be the key, open the door. Laser field can be turned off or crawl past by ventilation mines. If you disconnect the field, you will pass on the pags, they will dodge, and you will find yourself in water. Swim in the hole in the floor, then on the stairs to the top, open the hatch. Right behind the bombing will be a couple of little robots, blow them off or try quickly-quickly stumble past them. You are close to the base. Kill a few terrorists inside the base, go to the green canister. After that, go up to the second floor, kill the terrorists in the toilet, take the key and open the locked door Key Ring. PET in the control room. Click on the terminal on the right (Login – etodd, password – saintmary) and disable all systems. This code was on DataCub somewhere above the pipes, near the bots. Go down to the first floor (under the take-off site for the helicopter) and go to the exit (large letters – EXIT). On the elevator go to the top. At the airfield, there are quite a few bots, you can hardly kill everyone, so if possible, avoid. Look at the airfield map and go to Boathouse. There you will find another canister. Open the Eastern Gate (Large Wires) with Key Ring and enter the building in the center. Behind the stairs, click the brick – the passage will open. Take the key, ammunition… Go to the second floor and open the door Key Ring. In one of the boxes, read DataCube (password – 5914). Enter it in the panel next to the next door. Position in the big hangar with Boeing-747. Talk to the floor of the Denton and go to the Boeing Cabin. Go to the second floor and take the key from the VIP-class. In the tail of the aircraft, open the door Key Ring, talk to Lebedev. Anna appears. Here you have a choice – either kill Lebedev, or spare (then Anna will kill him). Read here Datacube (code – 9905). Find the staircase down and find the last container in this aircraft. Go to the hangar and go to the helicopter platform. Talk to the robe, sit down to the helicopter.
Mission 4.
Go to the headquarters and talk to Mandley. We also talk to the Secretary Boss, with Jamie Rees, Walton (Walton), Tall (Tell Jaime). After that, talk to Sam Carter and restore health in high. Return to the site and sit down to the helicopter.
New York. Hell’s Kitchen.
Go to Hilton Hotel and talk in the office with Gilbert, give him a gun and go to the second floor. How start to climb, look at jogo and follow him. Overhear the conversation between Jojo and Gilbert. Kill Jojo and go up to the second floor. Open the floor door Key Ring and talk to him. Slide the picture to the side and enter the code (4321), take all that can come in handy. Go outside, on the way through a long tunnel. Talk to the guards before entering the NSF database. Come on the base and go to the women’s toilet (they have here – toiletmia???). Take the key in one of the boxes you can find a protective suit. Close to the second level and open the door to the launder. Read Datacube (Login – Tjefferson, Password – NewRevolution). Close to the third level, read DataCube in the control room. Go to the computer room (do not forget to wear a protective suit) and in the corner of this room, click the button – ventilation will turn on and the room will turn. Use the terminal and turn off the camera, open the door to the basement. Go down to the first floor and go to the hatch next to the robot. On the door “Basement”. Here you can try to avoid lasers, or disable them by multityl. Enter the Terminal (Tjefferson, NewRevolution) and disconnect the cameras. In the last room, open the cabinet launder. Read DataCube at the top of the drawer. Glass cabinets can not be opened, but just shoot a gun or any other weapons. Read all DataCubs here, enter all the computer systems. Get out of the stairs to the top and lear the roof stairs. Go to the house on the roof itself. Use the Computer Terminal (Login – Mcollins, Password – Revolution). Press all buttons and open the door. In the second room, log in to the computer and enter the code (Login – Napoleon, Password – Revolution). Press the button to start the transmission. Return to the hotel (NSF employees will start to shoot – they have such an order) and talk to the floor in his room. When a man is buried in black, do not listen to the floor and kill that man. Now you need to get into Battery Park if you are killed, you will automatically find yourself in the following mission. If you survive, enter underground tunnels (6282), talk to Anna. Here are two ways – or she will kill you or you. Talk to Battery Park with a hooker.