Diggles: The Myth of Fenris: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 30, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Diggles: The Myth of Fenris: Passage
Diggles: The Myth of Fenris: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So, looking at the colorful cartoon about the story of Midgard, on a simple mediterrane, we get to the main menu. There you should watch hotkeys, set up and write them down, to convulsely do not look for them on the cover during the game.
Tip of the experienced player – do not start the campaign immediately, go first!
It will take no more than an hour, and in the game you will already be like fish in water.

After watching the horrors about the bad pussy (and maybe Volcter! ) Fenrir, and walking the heroic accession. And with the top of the gnomes, we get into the world of the forest ..
As the elf said – fruit and breed! Well, let’s start!!!

Council №1 – combine your free time among partner gnomes. They multiply only during the rest and with a good mood.

Tip # 2 – pairs of dwarves connect to groups. (Select the gnomes and Ctrl + 1 … 0)

Tip №3 – Try to watch the gnomes during the rest of the 2nd, on the 3rd. Actually for this and you need to build gnomes in groups.

To study this world, you must take from 3 to 5 unarmed dwarfs, from 2 to 4 dwarves with doubles and preferably with shields, but without them.
Run down and left. There you will find … It’s hard to call the village … Herbers. They will give you a task to find their key. Have to do! Without it in any way!
Even below and a little right there is a cave with old gnome. There, he will explain in detail what happened to him and give the task to get something to her. Under “something” meaning 6 hamsters. Of course you can give a damn on the Dage, but then we can not see the cards as your ears. Better to help. As a result, we will have a map. Surveying the surroundings you will find a cave with 3 barrels. To get there to get to release water in all caves. (Do not attempt, the dressing skin is not worth. There is an ax, though he is unique and hot. )

Run to the right of the cave down you will find a whole town of trailists. We don’t need them. Will the cave on the right and right you will eventually detect the tunnel. There anyone from the dwarves will say that the old man said exactly about this place. Roach down. Well, then there in the go will figure yourself out. Found a key? BRAVO! But you need to find a ring of life. Nearby on the left there is a fort trolls. There are only three of them, and two sleep! But without the crowd, do not even approach. Trolls, as they say, light, but strong.

In short, take this ring and dig down, down, and down. In all parties. It is better to dig dwarves without a ring of life, and then the Keyman will open the gate and time will be little. How to find this cave with gates, collect all your hosts to thread and in the road – to the underworld. On this you will have 41 minutes.

Not far from the gate one of the gnomes will fall from the suffocable smell of sulfur…. do not be afraid – there will be no live, even health is not taken. Well what can I say? So what are you, the world of sulfur.
Get down and develop. Forces you still need. Sulfuric voucher and other plants live here.

Tip №4 – It is necessary to approach someone else’s plants only with slingsters, onions, or guns! They take care of 8 health.
Focus down and then before the stop, t.E. to the granite right. How to come to the right wall – dig up. There will be a decent system of tunnels. But without a crowd you have nothing to do there too. Vuckers there will go to 2nd, 3rd. Soon you come across underground titanic, fully filled with water. It, of course, can be explored with a submarine bell, but, encroaching on working pistons, you will understand that with water you need to do something. Go until the left left. There will be a huge dragon. Maybe you told you a drummer from the bottom village, and maybe not.

Admire the aggregate to the right of it. This is the pump! But for his work it is necessary 30 pieces of coal. Multivo…. passing back you will wake up the dragon. After a kind conversation, he will ask to expand him the cave. Not difficult? Let’s do! While working to you on "Okonyuk" (J) a pair-triple trolls. Do not be afraid. Dragon without reminders will give them "bite" (J) After the end of the work, he himself breaks the partitions and it will become spacious. Then move it to the pump. He is mocking it. Turn on the pump, and the water in the Titanic will start decree. After the heroic death (L), the dragon will leave your son. Yes not a small dragon, and an egg. Take it – you will need it later.
Pass the pistons in the Titanic. There are 2 ways.

1) Door system. There are doors over the pistons. Go there 4 dwarves and decide the puzzle. And how to do it not say!!! Curious please write to me on soap. Everything will explain in detail. Next run on the floor. To the right will be evil spruit. Once you suggest close enough, he grabs you and takes to the 1st floor. Immediately make legs!!! Left!!! Healthy punch tentacles take up 50 health!!!

2) riding on the hill or on a board-aircraft. Come on the above devices as close as possible to the piston, and as soon as it starts to rise, run on the free space between these pistons. Then press the switch and everything!

Well, the pistons are no longer a problem. But leaded to go past the spruit! There are 2 ways for this. 1) on their own. Approach the spruit with slingsters, onions and guns and, observing the distance shoot in the head. 2) to the left of the spruit there is a niche. Right go there. Now they will raise you on the 2nd floor. (Strange he dude. Then on the 1st, then on the 2nd …) and as soon as he releases you, immediately press the close switch immediately. See cartoon. In the niche to the right of the spruit there is a chest. There is a ring of water. Exit through the right hatch in Titanic. Roach down. Soon you will find a bridge. Broken bridge. And it must be fixed. Collect all your belongings, 15 legs, 10 iron and down – to the bridge. How to render, go it. On this you will have 31 minutes.

Tip # 5 – Build Houses at home and turn on love only when you already want the gnomes do not multiply. There they will be used condoms.
And here he himself – the world of crystal ..

Here I can not help. Just get drove and dig. On the study of the world, you can walk 1st, 2 dwarves, but only with light swords. Here live demons and crystal spiders, who, after death, leave crystal ore. And about demons do not be afraid. 2 of my gnome laid 6 monsters (not lying!!! ). True, with special maneuvers…. and still – the demons can not climb on the walls like voucher or spiders.
When you find several platforms one above one, connected by iron staircases, reserve food and elzelmi. Eillproy and elixins to taste. Go right to the fortress of trolls. The fortress does not necessarily clean the whole.

Tip # 6 – Do not appear in the fortress without 4-dwarves with light swords and Alpuras. In the fortress we are interested in not wealth, drunk on the barrels and chests, although they, too, and a large portrait of Cinderella, hanging in the hall on the right. In the upper hall of 5 trolls. 4 trolls of the guard (2nd class) and one troll leader (3rd grade). But in the chest, which they guard, lies the rarest amulet – dragon tear.
Then go to the left. There will be an ancient legendary fortress fidget. Cross all the halls. You must find three more pictures of dwarves. In the central lower hall there will be an art gallery. Here it will help us these pictures. How to solve this puzzle I will not say either. Write on soap. I’ll explain everything.

After the pictures are correctly placed, both doors will open. Door to left leads to a treasuret with gold. And in one of the barrels there will be a hyperboloid. Sha, what was delighted? This is not a weapon, but a local counterpart hammer. Not still kayly wave!!! The door to the right end up will lead you to the village of Melnikov. Not far from this village all your gnomes men mysteriously disappear. And without its inventory! Do not forget to capture it with you! Will have to work only by women.…That is OK. Correct…. Go down to the bottom of the villages. Right to some strange unit. Yes, I almost forgot, in front of it, collect all the belongings and as much as possible. Make sure that all the gnomes have had a weapon! It is important. So, in this room itself, you will explain in detail what happened to your men. Of course, this Lorii Vijuk, witch, carga and radish.
Radish is a bad man.

But from this you need to somehow get rid of. First, take 10 crystals in the workshop of the cutter. Secondly, collect all the ladies in one place. And grab the ring. See cartoon. It’s not good…. fight on two fronts, and let you help you!!! Capture on the way all buildings and do not forget to act. Do not chase for smarts across the village. They themselves will fall to you on their boards. If you did not get on your own – do not score. Just below the primitive cuisine of the clever, oh, sorry – your primitive kitchen is a passage to the right, closed with a crystal door. That’s where we need. Focus to the right to the right. Then swear down. There you will find the mysterious hall. In the center of the statue you need to insert the most magic ring, which we got carried out straight from under the nose from the clever. Here I note that perhaps I had a glitch in the game, but I turned out two of these rings. But, in short, no matter how it was, insert this ring into the statue and turn the poles so that the rays fell into this rings. Then insert the crystals into the lamps so that the beam hit the crystal door. This door is to the right and below the hall. In the chest behind this door stored a fire amulet, giving power a fiery sword. So if he has someone, then the amulet should go to him in his pocket. Then remove part of the crystals and insert them into the lamps so that the beam passes into the hall with your men. I hope that you have already found them t.to. It is already necessary. If not, then they are left and down from the hall. I note that in a labyrinth with lamps there are partitions that can be proceded. Look for them using the cave marker. After the liberation of the men, you will be colorfully explained that after the death of Lorii the cave lost her seismic resistance (for those who do not know: seismic resistance is the stability of the building to earthquakes) and here it will collapse. It’s a pity. It was good here. Kortch legs in hand and in the world of lava ..

Tunnel like this, there is no, so dig up down. There will be three small cave with barrels. Well, in barrels, as always, food, fire and.T.D. And.T.P. First build all the most necessary. On the sides do not dig! Lava-Demons live there and they are very difficult to cope with them. Only 4, 5 dwarves with light swords should be walking for exploration!!! These lava-demons go there not one by one, but three – four!!!
Dropstaying in your lower cave, turn on the tunnel to the right down. You need to dig only. In the cave on the left there will be a huge black Madame Dragon. She should give her legitimate son. See cartoon. There, the grieving mother will give you a reward for the son of a magic hammer that will come in handy later. In the lower cave of this tunnel there will be a pair of lava-demons. There will be a boulder of gold. Everything! About this part of the card you can forget! Is that digging there to conquer the place for the cave and resource mining. Now our main goal is Glaipnir!!! In the lower cave in the left wall there is a slightly proof tunnel. There then we need. There we will soon find the abyss through which the bridge. There will be a fortress with lava. T.E. There will be 4 vertical tunnels filled with lava, connected in several places, but isolated from each other with doors that will not open until they come into contact with the lava. In general, with the help of 4 switches you need to move this lava and at the same time moving yourself. After all, in the upper hall of this fortress, the valve, lowering the lava to a minimum and also there is a ring of fire. About solving this puzzle to contact me on soap.

So, we already have all the globnir. It remains only to sow!!! Sink under this fortress and at its left edge dig up. How to come to the huge village of the deceased, collect the crowd. It is desirable that your gnomes were slingshots or bows. Rifles can also be, but you can do without them. This village must be squeezed into sins. Although I just killed all the dead, and the buildings captured. From the right edge of the village there is a crystal elevator. At the very top of the tunnel with this elevator there is a passage, closed by an iron door. There then we need. Go through this tunnel. There you will find a mountain where the fared magic anvil is located. But just so we do not sow collar. Most Magic Hammer. And of course all six rings. And it should all get together in the pockets of one gnome. But after all, the anvil must also warm up! The valve lifting the stream of lava under the anvil is located to the left of the mountain. So nothing to dig.

And here is Glaipnir Covan! It is necessary to find a bad peel of Fenrir and push him this collar to the appropriate place. In a mine with this elevator at the bottom of the right, there is a passage with an open door. Copite! In the near future you will get to Logova Fenrir. Collar with you?! And three portions of the grill?! Not?! Then go and do in the laboratory.

Tip # 7 – Take care so that the grills and globnir have one gnome.
Bring yourself from trolls. We must kill everyone. Then led away all except the gnome with globnir and grills. They run to the far right end of the cave and pull out the jacuzzi lava cork. Volcrah will break away from his mug and will throw it to stop flowing. And you run to his mug at this time, Leite Glickles and run back. As soon as Fenrir will return to the table, run to the jacuzzi again and pull the plug. And again leut into the mug already the second grill and make legs. When Fenrir is heating from his mug to the second time, run again to the jacuzzi. You can pull the plug. Wolf no longer reacts. He is already very good!!! But it will be in rabies to the peak of his personal rubber gnome …The third portion of the grill will achieve Volcter finally …Your gnomes will throw Glaipnir on him. That’s all….nearly….

Fairy picks up Fenrira – a cute white fluffy pussy, and will assign one.
Fidgets staged a drink right in the former Fenrian’s lair. Titres crawled on the screen ..
But this is not all … The king will need to break through the fairy…. Well … the word of the king is the law! Send all the dwarves to the opened gate. You are not limited to this time. Buildings do not take there! There you need to take more eating and elite.

Happy game!!!Yes, I forgot to say that it is necessary to descend the water where the water flowed, and to move out to the other side, which doors opened in what the doors were opened, finding the units where you can dig, dig in the bottom and go down.

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