Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga: Game Walkthrough and Guide

This material describes only the quests needed to pass the story of the game.
Having appeared on the market square in the bracket of sparks, as if the Zaraditional Terminator, you will learn from the legis of August that Beryin’s location information can be found in the historian of Taddews, sewing in the club “Garbing Konk”. So begins the main quest game “Divinity 2: Flames of Revenge”, which includes a mass of side tasks that can be performed in random. Therefore, do not worry if your order is different from the above. For better orientation in the city Take a look at the map of Alertota, on which all key locations of the game are indicated – knowing their location in advance, perform most tasks will not be easier.
Vegetables are useful
First of all, go to the club “Garding Konk” and the stairs to the second floor talk with the picture hanging on the wall. She will tell you that the witch Ursula turned three regulars of this institution in vegetables, and now they are lying around the city. The problem is that the door to the storage on the second floor is closed with a magic stamp, and you can remove it by penetrating the locked rooms of these three enchanted subjects. Tomato named Thomas you find on the second floor of a “cozy house”. Carrots, responding to the name of Agrian, lies in the tavern “Circle of Trust”. And Pumpkin Ashraf wait for you in the “Elsbeth’s institution”. You can get the passwords from this trinity from the doors and activate the levers located in the rooms, after which the entrance to the repository will be publicly available. But even if you do not hold on and eat one of the poor things, do not despair – climb the second floor to the sealed door in the archives and alternately tell the book at the entrance of the number 1, 6 and 8. In the hall you meet with Ursula, configured too kindly. You can avoid contractions in a conversation and then finish this story in the world. Well, and those who want to wave their fists will not be left in the acclaim. If you chose a warlike path, then for victory over Ursula you need to activate the teleport with the help of a lever, which is located on the bottom site, after which you can jump into it. By the way, after the victory over the witch, you will personally have to stall to enchanted vegetables and return to them with a human view with the spell received in the battle (if you dismiss the world with Ursula, it will declare them herself).
One way or another, you will complete several quests at once, and even meet with Taddeus. He will tell you about Beriline and went to look for you. The historian is not known so little. He knows exactly what the captive Spirit of Berylin is sharpened somewhere in the old grave under the city, but the passage to it is locked. You can open it with the help of five magic balls located in the “Pretorian Academy”. The snag is that these balls are needed in a strict order, which cannot be selected by simple bust. Taddeus’s cherished order does not know why you have to solve it yourself, finding five tips in the city. Just before leaving the “Garding Konk” Take from the archive of the counter-spell of the troll and the elf alphabet.
Tip 1
Go to the tavern “Circle of Trust” and go up to the second floor. The door will not allow you to keep the guard, but if you read their thoughts, you can find out that they can not tolerate Pretorians. Get the dialogue with them again and put them out of the post. Come in the room and look around. However, it is worth trying to go out of it, how the chilem will go there – the person is extremely unpleasant. Will have to overcome it in battle. In a reward for a victory, you can explore his amulet giving you the first tip of the installation of magical balls. After that, especially do not relax, for at the exit of the tavern you will have another one to show your combat sweating.
Tip 2
To fulfill it, you must first activate five runes in the city, after completing the Quest “Rune Lever”.
Rune lever
The location of the levers is indicated on the map, and they themselves stand out on the background of walls with reddish shine. As soon as you activate them all, go to the Magu Valerie (you can find it near activated runes) and ask him about their values. He will tell that the first rune indicates a kitten, the second and third totem, the fourth – Makhosa, and the fifth new kitten. With these knowledge, blow in the club “Garding Konk” club and go around it from the back (from the opposite side of the entrance). In a dead end, you will find the sculpture that you need to specify the correct sequence of the Rune value that you learned from Valerie (kitten, totem, totem, mahos, kitten). After that, the hatch in the dungeon of Makhos became available, and you can descend into it to get a second tip.
In the “Chapel of Makhosa” go down and get ready for a fight with skeletons. You also need to find and activate three buttons opening access to two chests. In one of them will lie ring with the second tip.
Tip 3
To obtain it, you will have to unravel a bloody detective story called “Triple murder on Lanilla Street”
Triple murder on Lanilla Street
Go to the entertainment “institution of Mrs. Ava,” where you will learn from the hostess about the disgraces. With customers there are terrible things here, because of what the whole business flies to hell. To begin with, a scenario await the first two rooms where murders occurred. In the room 101 you will have to read thoughts from a pig, from which you learn that under the bed lies the dagger. Pick it up and go to 102 rooms. There is a swirl piece of meat, but it’s not surprising you too need to pick up. But in 103 the number does not allow you to guard, so show your trophies of the hostess of the institution so that it advises competent people on these issues. The blade must be demonstrated to the Blacksmith of the Goffannon on a large market square, and the meat of the Vesta, which is in the basement of the tavern “Circle of Trust”. With the knowledge gained, come back to the guard of 103 rooms, and it will allow you to go. Near the bed of the deceased you will see some kind of white powder, what the hurry to report to the hostess. After short thinking, she will send you to the “Boutique Valentine”, where the girl the same name recognizes a white powder like dust fairies. In addition, it will give you a remedy for the neutralizing effect of this powder, which you should apply in the room 103. Click on the button and go down to the basement. In addition to ordinary skeletons, you will have to face the main villain named Eyk, but it’s not so easy to get to it. First, you need to find in the dungeon two shards of crystal and put them at the foot. Secondly, it is necessary to call fastener striking leader from the graves, and when they fall, he will lose immortality. The fighting of the culprit of all the misfortunes of Mrs. Ava, you will get a ring with another hint, and coming out of their basement and talking to the hostess, finish this local quest.
Tip 4
But to get this tip, you will have to perform (or at least take into development) a whole heap of quests. First of all, it is due to the fact that many locations are not yet available to you, and you can only go to them after you begin to perform a number of side tasks.
First walk down the street Lanilore past the club “Garding Konk” until you get enough on the magician of Helion. He will suggest you to bring him flasks with potions from a cave of some Gullah, which is located on the area of marching. Perform this quest or not – the will is yours, but the key from this cave must be taken necessarily, because without him anywhere.
Old stump
Now you need to access the neighborhoods “Vorona Nest”. To do this, we go to the area of marching and approach the group of soldiers standing in the palication fence. We speak there with the warrior by the name of the helmet and find out why no one can go ahead. Magic tree refuses to miss anyone in captured quarters, burning everyone who dares to pass by him. But we are not a timid ten! Come to the tree and hear how it speaks with us in incomprehensible language. We remember that in our inventory lies an elf dictionary. Take it out and study, after which you can safely talk with a tree. It undertakes to miss you than you in the near future we will use.
Appetite comes with eating
Come in the “House of Healers”, which is on the market square and find there Bernard there. From him you will receive this quest and the first hook to solve it. Wide Darwish on the square of marching, which confesses that he sent Bernard soldiers to the “Voroniego nest” area, where the entrance to the catacombs saw a strange man with pile meat. Catching from the origin of darkness, go down to the catacombs, where Duin meet. After the victory, take the key from the hatch, after which they stumble upon Elsbet – the reason for all the troubles. Execute it or free to solve only to you, but in any case you will get the key to the “House of Master Gulla”, where immediately and go.
Thick hint
Having received this quest from Gulla himself, go to the “Archaeological Warring of Gullah” and open it from Helion Key. Get down down, overcoming the resistance of undead, while you do not find the key from the laboratory in the corner. Open the first door to them on the right and put the golden dish on the altar. Now come back to Gulle. Finally, after studying books from his chest, you will receive a long-awaited fourth tip.
Fifth tip
Behind the last fifth tip will again have to go to the area of the Crimene Nest. Watch out there “Abandoned crypt”. Inside, you will have to overcome not only sophisticated traps, but also admire the troll pin. I advise you at the first opportunity to read his thoughts – it will not only save the life of the abbot, but also make you getting the latest tip. Having reached the poisoned room, rather get to the lever to be saved. After that you will meet the abbot himself who will open the door to you and will even offer to sacrifice your life to overcome the last trap. But if you read the thoughts of the troll, then it will be possible to do without this heroism, successfully passed the trap with the help of magic. It remains only to deal with the engineer, whose invulnerability is based on four levers. You should squeeze them in the same sequence, as demonstrated in the video and deal with all its minions, as the destruction of the Suporage will be the issues of technology. Here you got his sword, and with him the last fifth tip. Now you will be ready to go to the “Pretorian Academy” in search of magic balls.
In search of sorcerer
Possible with battles in the basement “Pretorian Academy”, where, after activating two levers and meetings with theophyl, you will become a happy owner of a helmet secrets. Find balls only with it, so in the way.
The first ball you will find, rising up the stairs and go into one of the rooms where you will see a sculptural composition with colored bowls. Equipment of a helmet, you will be visible levers near these bowls, changing their color. Use the levers to color the cup in the real and parallel worlds. Having coped with this task, you can pick up the ball “White Snow”.
Come in the room on the contrary, where you will see four plates. They need to get up in a specific sequence. If it is true, the plates are highlighted. So, we go to the first left plate, then go to the second slab on the left. Put your helmet and do the same trick, but already with two plates on the right. Award for such a ballet will be the ball “Fire God”.
Go to the main staircase of the Academy, leading to the second floor and dressed helmet. You will see a luminous slab path, passing by which you take a ball “purple sigh”.
Now climb the stairs to the top and find the room with baths and bunch of opponents. Crashing with unfriendly workers, put on a helmet and discover the previously invisible lever in the smoke. It activates the plates for which you can dare to the ball “Blue Moon”.
Go down to the first floor and wear a helmet near the table. So you will notice the hidden passage and you can go down through it. There you will have to ride on real and hidden plates, until finally you do not reach the last ball with the poetic name “Mokhovaya Rat”.
With a clean conscience, jump into the basement to lay the balls found there according to the prompts. The procedure for installing spheres Next: Mountain Runa (White Snow), Protective Rune (Blue Moon), Snake Rune (Fire God), Golden Rune (Purple Sigh) and Death Runa (Mokhovaya Rat).
Break through the dungeon until you meet with Beriline and Bellemar. If you agree to free Beryin, then at the end of the game will have to fight him and playing. Otherwise, Igrain will be your only opponent in the final. Here you got the desired artifact with which you can try to free the city.
But in front of this, talk to the legate Augustus and choose, start up to the final fight right now or continue the performance of side quests for proper preparation of the hero.
The final
Selflessly defend the flagship ship with the artifact on board from the attacks of enemy forces. Follow the ship by index shooter and do not lose your vigilance. After acting the ancient artifact, you will have the last fight in the parallel world. With whom it will pass, depends on your choice in the dungeon – with one playing or a company will be Berinin.
It was the last story from the world of Divinity 2, so we will learn about new peripeties in this game universe from a full-fledged third part.