Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide of side quests Fort Joy

There are several possible results depending on what you say or make. You can allow Elodi to fight with extortioners alone, but in this case she will die, and you will not get anything. You can also make a girlfriend and help her kill Berro and Kana. Finally, you can stand on the side of the extortionists – in this case, the battle against the ELO will be the usual formality.1 – Elodi and extortionists, 2 – Caves.
If you have a talent “Robber” (criminal), then you can convince the extortioners that Elodi is a cruel mythical character, and they will leave her alone. You can pay gold cuins, and then they will also leave ELOs alone.
If you help Elodi, then you will need to follow her in the caves and take another award – a chopped head.
– 300 experience points for being, if you, together with Eldo, stop Berro and Kana.
– bonus 480 experience points, if you decide to kill Berro and Kana.
– severed head (restores health if it is elf elf.
– Dubinka Berro – can be obtained by searching for his dead body. It is a nominal element, but unfortunately not so powerful.
– Improved relationship in the group, if you help Elodi.
Talk to Gavin, which will be located in the ghetto of the Fort of Joy to start the quest Teleport. Go to the beach and take the teleportation gloves, pre-destroying three salamandr. Return to Gavina and tell him that you have gloves. Follow him in hidden alcove and teleport character after a few ledges.1 – Gavin, 2 – Teleportation Gloves, 3 – Cameras of Conclusions, 4 – Harbor (where Masters will kill Gavin).
Crocodiles – Dangerous opponents, so do not underestimate them – go to battle only if you have a full detachment and almost every character has more or less standing armor and weapons.
Try to place the characters away from each other, as Salamandras will often use teleportation and try to land right on your heroes, causing them damage. Also, the enemies use stacks to apply damage around the area and attack several goals at the same time. Also try to stay away from the oil barrels – the fiery spells of opponents will allow them to wait for them and damage around the detachment immediately. In addition, Salamandra themselves fires the minimum number of damage.
In this battle there are two oil barrels, one of which is at the entrance, and the other – in the distance, where the third salamander appears. The first barrel usually breaks the nearest crocodile, so try to destroy it before the enemy.
Now you will have three options:
one. Drag the log about you and go through the hole down to be in the gap between the ledge, on a small beach. There is an entrance to the cave – if you go through it, then you will be in the prison fort joy. It will be necessary to hack the door to the camera, using the launder, use the large door to which the steps are leading and getting to the first floor of the fortress (and then you can also explore the second).
2. You can also go to the end of the corridor and defeat Psar and his assistants to get the key from the biggest door, as well as save Delorus.
3. The last way – to hack the large door opposite the camera in which you were, and escape using teleportation or climb the stairs to the camp of the Fort of Joy.
– 600 experience points for each character for completing the quest.
– 120 points of experience for the murder of Salamandra – 360 for all.
– Teleportation gloves.
– Rob Gavina – Side Lut.
You can teleport Gavin to yourself to handle it to kill him and take prey, or you can plunder his body, because it will still kill masters. You can also turn it before teleporting through the canyon.
Arena Fort Joy
Go down to the dungeon under the ghetto of the Fort of Joy, finding the desired hatch on the camp kitchen Griff. Chat with Tol and she will ask whether you are ready to fight for the title of champion – if you agree to battle, you will have to fight with four opponents. Therefore, it is better to collect a complete detachment, taking into a group of three of the available satellites.
Win the opponents, and the player will be rewarded by the title of the champion of the Arena. Completion of this quest will allow you to talk to the blacksmith gentle at the beginning of the Fort of Joy and ask her to remove the collar from the main character. However, keep in mind – if you are notified by masters without a collar, then they will immediately want to send the main hero to prison. You can agree, but you can fight with them.
Packed Elf
Communicate with the elf, which is held in a camp in the camp Kitchen Griff, where the hatch is located leading to the arena of the Fort of Joy. Griff will begin to arise, they might talk to him. Talk to a man and learn that he suspects an elf in theft of supplies. He is ready to let go of the elf if you find stolen things. Stand up to the cave of the Sahaila and go to the right to find a breakfall at the shore, a lizard, which stole objects.1 – Saheyl, 2 – Amiro and Griff, 3 – Shower.
You will need to kill him give oranges. Everything is twisted – if there is in the Saheyl squad, it will not allow anything to do and immediately kill the fault. If there is a red prince, then to start, he will ask to talk with a fault.
Leave three characters in the stalling camp, and one go to the camp kitchen to Griff. Pass the oranges and tell me who stole them in fact (if the player refuses it, then Griff and his team attack him).
Quickly go back to three heroes at the fault and attack the character who approaches it – this is a killer sent by Griff. You can also allow him to deal with the fault, but then you will not receive additional experience, as well as lose a good merchant books with the skills of pemer.
If you fight the killer and kill it, then get 1000 experience points and another 600 per conversation with a fault after he survives. Character, which remained in the kitchen, talk to Amiro to complete the quest and get an Amulet Sahaila and another task – “Saheyl tribe”.
Saheyl tribe
Quest “Plated Elf” must be completed before the current task is available. As soon as Amiro is saved, go to the caves and talk with him and Sahaila about Escape. Amiro will give you a coat of Sahaila (amulet) immediately after you communicate with it when released from the cage.
You can also chat with Sahaila inside the cave, the rest of the quest is on another location.
Gaist killer
Before you start this task, find the flower of Arnica, which is on the beach in front of the Fort of Joy and in the ruins to the right of the main gate, where there are masters (including Borris). More accurate coordinates – X212 and Y243. Go to Magist Arnica, which is at the gate of fort, on top of the wall, and talk to a girl.1 – Master Arnika, 2 – Arnica flower, 3 – Migo.
Lay Migo on a small beach to the left of the cave of Saheil. Communicate with it and in the dialog box, select the item that will allow to show the mad of the Arnica Flower. Or you can just kill it.
Return to Arnica and show it the proof of what Migo found (if a flower showed him, he will give you a ring). Follow her to the MGO, talk again with the characters to complete the quest.
– If you kill MGO, then get 1000 points for murder and 300 for telling about this Arnica and give her a ring in evidence. Also you will get Kiraça Migo.
– If you do not kill, and let the location of the Migo, then get another 600 experience for communication with Arnica near Migi, as well as the master of masters with which you can escape from the fort.
At the early stage of the game Migo – a very powerful opponent, so it is not recommended to fight him.
In search of Emmy
The player will be able to start searching for Emmy if he uses the satellite with the talent of the “animal friend”. Communicate with my friend near the caves in which Saheyl is located – the black dog will give you the key that will find a few seconds a few meters from its location.1 – Friendly, 2 – Enter Fort Joy Prison, 3 – Passing to Camera.
When you find yourself in the fortress of masters, then climb the second floor, which is above the prison, and go to the psary room. Calm the dogs located here, using the skill of the “animal friend”, throwing the ball to distract them. On the other hand, you can convince Emmy that you sent you a friend. Return and tell the boyfriend about what they saw in the Master’s Fortress.
Terrible mother’s sleep
Talk to the spotlight and ask if you can do anything to her. She will ask for help in finding missing daughter. Talk to the Jeff standing next to Jeff and find out that the daughter has long died. Talk again with the spotlight and tell her that the daughter is dead.Headlight.
Quest will appear from the very beginning of the game as soon as you find yourself on the island with a Fort of Joy. The player will be able to remove the collar in two ways – to defeat the Fort of the Fort of Joy and visit the blacksmith of the neat at the beginning of the ghetto, so that she removes the collar from the main character, or save the leader of Gareth’s seekers during the quest “Corrected Corner” and make Dwarms Lei and Daggan to remove collars,Returning back to the camp at the sancti.1 – Neak, 2 – entrance to the arena, 3 – Leia (if you save Gareth).
Keep in mind that after removing the collar with the help of a blacksmith, the non-abilities, all the masters who will find you will conclude the main hero in prison.
Deleting the collar, you can assemble the source and use the appropriate skills.
Nonhety game
When you are on the territory of the prison of the Fort of Joy, then you will meet with a boy named Han – it will be interrogated by two Masters named Karin and Goa. Khan tried to open the castle. If you saved Delorus inside the prison, which Psar interrogated, then find out the secret password – it will need to be called masters and they will back out from the boy. If you failed to save the Delorus, you will have to fight with two masses. By killing them, talk to Khan and he says that it was in the fort for finding a friend Verdas. In order to thank the main character, he will allow him to use a boat that sails on the coast for the Fort of Joy, to the milk tops. So you can leave the fortress!Khan and two master’s.
Khan next time you will meet already in the sanctuary of Amadia.
Jug souls uzermura
Go to the caves next to the Fort of Joy and talk to the boy Moi playing with another girl. Agree to play hide and see, discover it twice, and then dig a bunch of land to which the character indicated. Move down the way down and talk with Weermur, a high petrified skeleton.Matter in the cave.
You will need a character with a high force to pull the spear from Weermur (about 12 units). If you do not have the necessary strength, then you can attack and destroy spear. Agree to help free his soul and he will tell you about a secret trap in the temple camp Fort Joy.
Go to the sodes of seven and activate the door of the trap from the dialogue – you will find yourself in the underground area where the altar of wanderings is located – talk to it to unlock teleport to the shrine. There will also be a locked door with a lever located on the left side of it. But the castle can be hacked using launders or bone fingers. Now you will find yourself in the area with Cameras of the conclusion – hack the castle at the top of the stairs or defeat the Master-Psar with its followers to get the door of the door.
So you will find yourself on the second floor of the castle – do not worry for silent monks, because they will not attack you until you attack the first. Follow the stairs opposite the place where they came from here, and see other steps – go to the corner near them to discover the lever on the wall, which will lead to the underground chamber. You can install vases to stop gas.
At the end of this corridor, you will find several shower jugs – you need to break the one on which the “Weisermur praying” is written. All the rest of the traps or the horde of skeletons, which can kill low-level heroes.The desired jug of souls.
Return to Wizermuru and take the belt from his corpse. Later during the quest “Labyrinth Garguli” and “Fate worse death” you will meet Weermur for the last time, when it helps you go through the origin barrier.
– 1400 points of experience for the destruction of a jug of Souls of Wizermura and the liberation of him.
– Lord Wizermur will help you in the tower to be priced for the Mazgral labyrinth, where you will also meet three undead.
– Alternatively, you can absorb the soul of Wezermur and get 1000 experience points. Nothing but the source of the source for it you will not get.
Labyrinth Gorgulia
To start this quest, you must go inside the labyrinth or get into it with the help of Liana, located near the ledge. You can also automatically overcome the labyrinth, if before approaching the main entrance, put on the character. PRACKER showing it – by showing it, you confirm the stone Gargoyle, which is a brack – she teleports you on the other side of the labyrinth. But if you came to her for the first time, then it will not be possible to do this again.
You will need to look for a burning skull to open various doors and assemble the maximum amount of production scattered by the labyrinth. Doors can be hacked if you have a fairly high level of “theft”.
When entering the labyrinth in the center of the room, you can find the pressure plate in the floor. Come to her so that the skull appears on the table on the left. If the character goes from the stove, then the skull will disappear – hence the conclusion: you need to divide the team on four separate characters. One let stand on the stove and the other – takes the skull. Continue to go through the gate, open the hatch, which will lead you to the hatch on the opposite side of the wall.
Finding into the room, install one character on the pressure plate in the center – Beware of traps on the floor. Send a second character through the door to the specified location where the second push plate is located – and again you need to fear traps on Earth. Take the skull using the third character.
As soon as you take a skull from the previous room, then go back and raise up the stairs. Go through the gate to the historian, where you need to kill several skeletons. In the center you can see a burning skeleton. To save the historian, you will need two skills – “Bloody rain” and “Blessing”. If there is no first, you can attack one of your characters to shed under the legs of a burning historian blood. It will have to bless it – the source is required.
After salvation, the historian passes through the following gate and set the character on the pressure plate – opposite it, the skull will appear in the room below. Go through the portal to find another skull.
Go out through the southern gate to the room where the historian was, and on the corridor in the corridor, find another skull. Go down the corridor to collect prey, but do not forget about the traps scattered along the floor, which incite the gas cloud.
Complete the angle to find another skull on the corpse. It will be the last of the six skulls scattered through the labyrinth – go to the exit, enter the tower and get a reward.