Dracula 3: The Path of The Dragon: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Vatican. September 3, 1920. Father Arno (our character with you) The Sacred Congregation of rites sends in Vladovist that in Transylvania, with the only task – to investigate the case of the doctor and scientist Marta Kalugarul, who deceased a few months ago, and establish its holiness.
Vladovista. The first day
Crucifixion and Bible are in inventory. Standing face to Perrons Railway Station, turn to the left and go straight to the intersection. Next, we turn right and go to the Red Building, which is a hotel. We go inside and call the call, installed on the table to cause the mistress of Zana. Speak with Ne. After the conversation we go to the left to the stairs, not climbing, we turn right to be in the lobby. There we will meet the guests of the hotel Janosha Poketer. Speak with him. He will suggest meeting tomorrow at the Twilight Castle.
We return to the stairs and climb it upstairs. Go to the first right room that the hostess of the hotel prepared for us. How she already said, a letter came to us. It can be found on the table. Inside the letter will be the diocesan materials Martha (Documents). Learning them.
We leave out of the room. We go down the stairs and use the phone attached to the wall to make a call Cardinal Briganti (you need to raise the phone and twist the handle, then inform the woman on the line who you need to call). After communicating with the cardinal, we leave the hotel and go straight to a green building with numbers 1905 above the entrance. This is a hospital. Before entering, calling the call. Once inside the building, we go to the kitchen, which is located to the right of us, and there we communicate with Maria Florescu. After communicating with it, approach the door to the left, to meet with the watchdog PsS Fidel. On this acquaintance with the hospital and with the new doctor you can finish. Let’s leave the hospital. We notice how someone with red mines on hand will closely follow us from the building window.
Turn to the left and go to the destroyed building. Next again we turn to the left to face the hill on which the cemetery is located. Climbing it. On the left you find the boy Ionel, sitting near the Mausoleum, Marta Kalugarul, ahead – the grave of Yordan Mityiu. First communicate with a boy. Then we pass to the right from the mausoleum to the stairs, to the left of which the grave of Lucian Hartinger will be located. Learning her to watch the video. Finally, we communicate with the buriel. From him we know the phone number of the sanatorium, where he went on the eve of our visit to Vladovist Priest Gregoria Nesika. Let’s leave the cemetery.
Go to the hotel (I think the way back you will find). We use the phone to call Father Gregoriu (Speaking a woman on the line “Constanta 1 3 5”). We ask his opinion on the holiness of Martha.
This first day comes to an end. Raise to your room upstairs and go to bed.
Vladovista. Second day
Open the door to the right of the wardrobe and look after the silhouettes of people. It was a nightmare Father Arno. When he wakes up, come out of the room. In the corridor, osana. She will inform us that the reporter from the city of Stefan Luka wants to talk to us. She will also ask to check the number, which, in her opinion, is damned: the crucifix hanging on the wall constantly falls. Turn to the right and go into the room. This is a number in which we went to the nightmare. Check the door in the right corner of the room, then look at the spot to the right of the bed. We select the crucifix and its broadcast on the carnation on the wall. Father Arno will automatically say prayer, which means that the missing request we performed. We leave from the number. Speak Losan that the room is now “Clea”.
Go down to the first floor. We go to the hall, where we meet the reporter of Shafan Luke. He will report that Martha was killed because he challenged evil. We read the letter Marta, which Stefan will put on the table. Next, we look through the folders with medical records and the Red Book “Repeated History”, which can also be found on the table. We continue to talk next to Luka. After we go to the telephone set near the stairs to call the police, and then the inspector Brutatu in Alba Yulu 22.
Returning to Luke and talk to him again. Read 2 letters March that he put on the table. Of these, we superficially learn about the path of the dragon in Turkey. Also in the letter will be a hint: “To find the key, carefully look at the order in which the pictures hang”. We continue to ask questions onions. When all themes are exhausted, we pass to the phone to contact the first with the father of Gregoriu, and then with the Monsenor of Briganti (no one will answer for the call).
Trying to take a stone hanging on the wall to the right of the phone. We approach the hostess zone of the hostess at the exit from the hotel, call the bell and talk to her about Mary, Ionel and the Stone of the Dragon to get permission to take it. Take a stone fragment with the image of the dragon and leave the hotel.
We go ahead and left to get to the station. There on the bench on the right we will find Gypsy Luan. We speak with her on “empty” themes. After talking we can look at the board in front of her with two games. If you want, then you can play cards or in the bone of entertainment for the sake. To pass the meaning, they do not have any.
We go to the cemetery (from the station 2 times ahead, then left and up the hill). We speak there with the grave of Jordan about the death of Martha, as well as with Ionel near Mausoleum about Seldrick and Ariel.
Leaving the cemetery to go to meet with Janoche Poker. Go down on the hill, then go to the right outside the village. If everything is true, then we will be in front of the tombstone. Turn to the left and go to the intersection, about which there is a Gypsy van. We look at the tree, exhausted by bullets, to the left of the tree from the ground we select two sleeves. Go further along the path to get to the Twilight Castle. There we will already wait for Janos Peneter. We speak with him about the castle and about the prince Vlad Chainche. We look at the skeletons to the left of us, then on the slab on the right, which is a sundial. Click on two separate lying pieces to attach them to the main plate, then use the stone with the image of the dragon from the inventory on the scratch. There is nothing more here. Only tearing rowan berries from a tree and go back to the hotel.
We use the phone to call Monsignor Briganti. He will close the case of Martha, but will open the case of vampires. Its essence is to dispel superstitions about these creatures. We go to the hall, where we speak with a styfan onion. He will show us the case of Marta from Turkey, in which there will be three drawings for two tests from the seven Dragon path. Go to the exit from the hotel. Ozana will tell us that Maria Florescu is looking for a donor. We speak with the stamina and go to the clinic (coming out of the hotel, go straight).
Call the clinic call and go inside. We go to the kitchen, which is located on the right. Maria will sit at the table. Communicate with Ne. They will now go through their medical cases, and we will assign in her absence to take the blood of Father Arno, put it in the refrigerator (code from the castle – date of construction of an ambulance), as well as make analyzes to establish a blood group of Father Arno and the three last donors.
We go to the procedural office (we will be automatically here). We take a tray with tools. Return to the kitchen to make sterilization of tools. Take the tank, standing on the oven, pour into it water from the crane and put it back to the furnace (left hardware). In the tank put tools. Take the left of us out of the lunite and put it in the firebox. This instant the phone set in the corridor. Come to it. Taking the phone, we can’t hear anyone. Only we will gather go back to the kitchen, how the phone rang again. This time, at that end of the wire, Professor Pon Kruger will answer. He will ask us to say Mary to call back. Returning to the kitchen. Click on the soap on the sink to wash your hands, then get sterilized tools from the tank.
Return to the procedural office. On the table put a tray with sterilized tools. Take the right end of the left tube and insert it into the left side on the syringe. Needle lying on a tray, insert into the left end of the left tube. Left end of the right tube insert into the right side on the syringe. Click on the ampoule to turn it over. The right end of the right tube is lowered in an ampoule. Next on the ampoule use a measuring glass with citrus.
Father Arno’s hand appears on the table. Remove the cap from the bottle of alcohol. Open the first-aid kit and get the mob from it. Wet her in alcohol and rub the elbow area of the hand. Vatka we put back in the first-aid kit. Now take the harness and with it tie my hand above the elbow. Insert the needle to Vienna to the end, then remove the harness, and I pull the moving part of the syringe against yourself. Everything, blood is taken and automatically transferred to a bottle at number 814. Take her with me and go to the room to the right of us.
This is a laboratory. We look at the castle of the refrigerator. Maria said that the code is the year of the ambulance. Over the entrance door hung plate with numbers 1905, so this is the year of construction. We enter these numbers on the code lock, drag behind the bracket of the lock and in the refrigerator on the middle shelf put the bottle number 814. Be sure to close the refrigerator.
We view the green folder with the results of the blood test, which lies on the table to the left of the refrigerator. The last three donor – Luke Stefan (813), Janos Pojmer (812) and Ionel (811). The blood of these people, as well as Father Arno (814), we will analyze now.
Click on the soap on the sink to wash your hands. Next, open the refrigerator and in different test tubes that are inserted into the stand hanging on the wall on the right, pour blood from bottles 814, 813, 812, 811. Also in two test tubes we pour blue and yellow reagents from bottles in the refrigerator. Close Refrigerator.
Click on a pipette located in a tube with a blue reagent, then we pour out the blue reagent to the left bowl on the matte glass platinum, standing on the table under test tubes. In the right bowl pour yellow reagent. Now we take blood from the tube 814 using the appropriate pipette and add it to the blue and yellow reagent on the plate. Yellow reagent on platinum will be spotted, and this means that the father of Arno Blood type B. If there were a blue reagent blocted, it would be type A, if both reagent, then type AB, if none of the reagents, then type O. Rinse under the crane plate and right-clicking mouse it back to the table.
We do the same operations to determine which type of blood is in test tubes 813, 812, 811. Next, open the green folder and for Father Arno I exhibit the blood type B (put a tick), for the Štefan onion – type O, for Janosa – type B and for Ionel – type AB. If everything is done correctly, then Father Arno will say “fine! I am sure of my result “.
In the kitchen we speak with the newly Maria. Scroll to Roman Bram Stoker “Dracula”. Click on the “Random page” icon to view the most interesting offers. We speak with Maria to the remaining topics and then we go to the twilight castle, near which the historian’s historian is inhabit. We speak with him about the book Read in the book Bram Stoker. Janos will recommend contacting Irina Bokou – Vampire expert.
Go back to the hotel. First talk to Stefan Luke, then use the phone to call Irina Bocou and agree with her about the meeting tomorrow in Budapest. Next call Monsignor Briganti. He is asked to send us a biography of the chain. And finally, do a phone call Professor von Kruger to find out his professional opinion about vampires.
Before leaving to Budapest, we speak with the shtifanov in the lobby and with stamina in front of the rack. We leave from the hotel and go to the station. Speak with Gypsy Luana, then sit down in the train car.
Budapest. Third day
Knock on the cabinet door Irina Bocou, then go inside. We speak with Irina about the safe Wang Bergen, which she could not open. We look at the lock of the safe. Turn any discs to establish a strange loud sound of the mechanism. Find the correct combination We can enjoy. If the letter is correct, then we will hear a characteristic click. Running Combination – MDCCCXX.
Get a cylinder and a letter from the safe and put these items on the table before Irina. After Irina read the letter, this opportunity will fall out and we. The letter is written by Bram Stocker himself. We look at the cylinder. Irina will try to find a typewriter to listen to him. We speak again with Irina on all topics. The conversation will be interrupted so that we can get acquainted with her books – the owners of dusk, a secret apocalypse and library book. Also in one case, we will be offered among many letters on the leaflet to find words (since the letters are English, then we have nothing to catch here, just click on the output so that Irina sama finds faithful words). When we ask her about the path of the dragon, then she will show us a copy of the crucifix, which we need to compare with the original. Click on the shooters in the Documents section to move from the copy to the original. When the difference is installed, click on the magnifier icon, then at the bottom of the cross to find the inscription and read it. When all topics for the conversation are exhausted, Father Arno will automatically leave the Irina Cabinet. We pass to the end of the corridor and you choose Vladovist on the map.