Dragon Age 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Choosing a character class and floor – warrior and a man, respectively. After the introductory roller, together with the partner, beat the attack of garlocks. We use all sorts of skills, and at the end are divided with a mini boss. Shy away from his blows and try to attack from behind. During conversations, we choose exclusively positive options, focusing on the icons. Watch Roller. We continue to customize our hero. We change the appearance to your taste, we define with the name, and most importantly choose the events of the original Dragon Age. This will be a default story, t. E. Hero Ferldena.
The death of lottering.
Together with the family we are moving forward, destroying the Horde of Garlocks. On the road, we also examine the corpses in search of useful items. Do not forget to improve the characteristics with each level raising. Each character has its own branch of development. For example, the Bethany sister is more well developed magical abilities. It would be correct to continue to develop them, and not switch to improving combat skills. We save a couple that are hostile to configured against us. But so far we are all combined with a common problem, they will be in our team. Plan with the next storm this time will be more comprehensive. Upon low level of health, we use therapeutic potion. We try not to come across his taran and powerful blows. Unfortunately our brother Carver kill. We continue to fight, as the dragon suddenly appears, is painted with a numerous orde and transformed into a person. They turn out to be a witch is a fever who happily agrees to help us if we deliver some package. Husband aellin wounded, and he is infected with a bad. So that he did not die a long and painful death, we provide his fate in the hands of his wife.
Long way home.
Speak with the guards at the castle gate. He directs us to Captain Evalid. Get to him, focusing on a mini card. We paint with raging deserters. After this act, the captain agrees to help us. Three days later, Gamlin is declared. He reports that in order to get into the city you need to get acquainted with some personalities. Find in the courtyard of Aterril and Miyran. First, it is best to take the task of Miyran to murder. But instead, get enough gold and let go of the goal. Security will still have to destroy. Then speak with an atientril and get a task. Merchant on the square intimidate with Avelin, open the chest and return to the employer. Speak with gamlen and watch the video.
To go to the expedition to deep trails, we must accumulate 50 gold. For this you can perform additional quests.
Friend in guard.
Alelin instructs us to clean the place of ambush on the split grief from pirates. Successfully completing the task, return back to Avelin. After the roller we look at the schedule of duty. Let’s leave the location and switch overnight. Get to the lower city and save the donon from robbers. Return to the barracks.
New house?
Go to the lower city in the house of Gamlen. Come to the desk and read the news from the Atenril. Speak with mom, then with betany. Let’s leave the house, we choose Cloaca on the map and move there. On the way we kill thugs and mercenaries. Through the basement door we fall into the estate. In the cellar we are expected even stronger opponents, as well as a mini boss. We get into the room and inspect the chests. Take a little gold and testament. We return to the mother.
Business conversation.
Get to “Hangbody”, which is located in the lower city. To do this, open a local card and carefully studying it. In the tavern speak with Varrik (it should be in our team).
We go to the Laine shop, it will help us establish a connection with gray guard. Speaking with her, leave the shop and there are certain people in front of us. We provide the word Bethany, after which they go. Go to Cloacu and find the hospital there. Chatting with guardian (healer). He will help us if we fulfill one task. Let’s leave the location, switch overnight and go to the upper city. We meet Anders at the gate of the church and together enter inside. We rise to the second floor to Karl. We destroy the arrivals of the templeovikov. Then during the dialogue with Karl, choose the branch “Do not kill”.
Long way home.
We go on a split uphill to pass the amulet pie. Some elf reports that with the help of this amulet, it is necessary to do the ritual. With us, she sends Merril, which will help to make a ritual. We convert to the altar, cleaning the path from the corpses. Next, we pass through the caves where spiders await us. From there we will fall on the cemetery. We remove the barrier and reflect the attack before the altar. Do not forget to inspect the corpses, gold coins must be in one of them. We hold ritual and go back to the camp.
That’s all, a little bit left to the expedition. Imagine the required amount of gold, performing additional quests, and produce a card by completing the Quest “Pad”.
Expedition to the depth trails.
We go to the upper city and get to the trade guild, focusing on the map. Talk to BarTartrance. He reports that the expedition will be delayed for several weeks, so it is worth completing all your affairs in Kirkvall. If there were not fulfilled tasks in the list of “rumors”, then you will not go to the expedition. Arriving in place, we find that the path is littered. Gnom Bodan asks to find a boys. The only enemies that will meet on our way are garlocks. Savor Sendala and he independently gets to the camp, and we continue to look for a workaround. After the figure of garlocks will appear OGR, to kill which is quite simple. Next – dragon, deal with which, even having levels of level 10, at the average difficulty level, is pretty difficult. The main thing is to use the locality correctly and give the opportunity to the robber and the MAA use your skills as efficiently as possible. We discover bypass and go back to the camp. Talk to BarTartrance. We continue to move. We are separated with several ghosts and with stone head. We get into a new location where we find something very expensive. Bartontand locks us and we are forced to look for another way. Definition of weaker opponents came stronger – dukari. Having met another golem, we communicate with him, in the dialogue resorting to the help of Bethany. He will help us get out if we kill some creature in the crypt. To destroy the stone spirit, we do this: attacking and needed to be descended. When he teleports to the center, quickly hiding behind the column and wait. Next, we go out and beat the enemies that appeared, and best way to order partners. Then I attack the Spirit until he was revived. After the victory will arrive golem. He wants us to take only the key, and the treasures did not touch. We, of course, give up his proposals and destroy it. We take everything that is in the chests. During the walniary on the paths of Bethany infects badly and asks to kill him. Return home with bad news. After the roller speak with a governor.
Let’s leave the fortress of the governor and at the exit we meet Bodan. He reports that we are waiting at home. Focusing on a mini-map Get to our estate.
Prime suspect.
Go to the caasemates. On the square we find Emerika and communicate with him. Switch overnight and get to the estate of Gascar Dupuy, which is in the upper city. There are several ghosts and one demon within us. Agree to help Gaskarar. Return to Emerika to tell about his innocence. Woman in the square reports that Emerik has left recently. Switch again overnight and go to the alley next to Cloaca. Save the Emerika will not succeed, so we simply clean the terrain from ghosts.
Explosive service.
In the port we go to the camp of the kunari and speak with Arishok. We get a task and go to search for Jaulus. In Cloake, we communicate with a local boring, which sells its goods. Right around the corner penetrate the tunnels, through the pit of smugglers. On the way, we are growing up with numerous thugs, and going to the wilderness, kill mercenaries. Speak with Jaulster and let him go. In the alley next to the lower city there was a leakage of poisonous vapor. Conducting the area from mercenaries, select keys and block barrels with a source of poisoning. Kill the elf and a few more mercenaries. We inform Arishok about what has happened and about the involvement of poisonous gas. We return to the governor and we repeat about the work done.
Find and lose.
In the fortress of the governor we communicate with a bluff. Night we go to the “Hangster”. We find Orwald, pull out the truth from it and weaken with him and his friends. Get to the Church to find out the truth. We meet Petris there. She invites us to a daytime, to confirm her suspicion about the kunari. Our fears were confirmed: Warnell kidnapped Kunari and executed them. We destroy fanatics and warnell. Opponents mostly, though weak, but take a number. The main thing is not to enlist the magicians and robbers using small arms. Also do not forget to treat them on time. When the governor arrives, we advise him to burn the corpses of the kunari.
All that will remain.
Happy Uncle learn that Mom disappeared. Night we go to the streets of the lower city on her searches. Speak with the vagrand and find out the details from it, giving some silver. Follow the bloody tracks. They lead us to the foundry. We continue to go in the footsteps until we stumble upon a secret hatch in the corner of the mini card. We go through the basement, destroying ghosts and corpses. At the end, we hold a few waves of attacks and kill Quentin.
Following kun.
In the estate, read the letter from the governor of the word. We go to the conversation with him. He asks to return the Son, who migrated to the side of the kunari. In the cunaries cuner we communicate with Arishok. Saemus was lured to church, so we penetrate there at night to see him. As it turned out to be killed. We are separated with fanatics, and when the master will appear, we tell her about the perfect plans Petris.
Requirements Kun.
Arriving in the estate, we meet Alelin and agree to help her. But before doing this, it is necessary to complete all your affairs, as in the case of an expedition. Avelin will wait for the Kunari camps before the gate. The offer to arrest criminals Arishok aggressively reacts and the battle begins. We move through the streets of the lower city, painting with karasoks and ashadami. Break through to the upper city and continue the battle until Meredith appears. Get to the fortress of the governor, destroying the robbers, who also show aggression against kunari, and karasokov. Occasionally, Stanny appear, characterized by good armor, but weak attacks. We combine with Meredith and another elf – a sorceress. Having graduated from the dispute, we lead the team and order Elf to distract those standing at the entrance of the kunari. The main fight with Arishok is worth starting, first destroying the rest of the kunari. Arishok has a big margin of health, in addition to this, his counterattacks are applied very serious damage. But these attacks are easy to predict and dodge or retreat. Even if all the partners die, and we will stay 1 to 1, then the chances of winning the Victory. We save the city and get the status of “Kirkwall Defender”.
Three years later.
On the square we will witness the next debate between Meredith and Orsino. Delude your choice on the side of the sorcerer.
We go to the estate and read the letter from the commander of Meredith.
At freedom.
Go to the caasemates to meet with Meredith. We find it in the hall of the temples and agree to the task. Speak with her assistant Elsa. Wake up about the three magicians – apostate. In two cases, we act on the same scheme: asking the witness, finding out the apostate and kill it. We are looking for Evelyna – in Cloake, Chiona – in the lower city. In the latter case, ask the parents of Emile de Spex. They inform his location. We go to the “Hangster” and kindly accompany Emile to the temples.
Serve cold.
After reading the letter from Orsino’s Correder, we go to the meeting with him to the Casemates. We get a task to find out why magicians and temples are found at night in the upper city. We destroy conspirators and go to the port, then in the torn bank. Rescue Alelin, kill Grace and her followers. Return to Orsino with news.
Last straw.
We get another letter and go to the Casemates. From there we are sent to the square, where the final and irrevocable fight between the magicians and the temples unfolded. To make a choice on whose we face. Choosing Mages. Our goal is the temples, we move through the streets, destroying them. In the port of us there is a demon pride. He is strong when he is paired with a blood magician. Therefore, it is desirable, first to destroy the magician and ghosts, only then proceed to the demon. Get to the caasemate and speak Orsin to enter into battle against the temples led by Meredith. We hold the wave of multiple, but not very strong opponents. Orsin is cheating, so it uses blood magic and turns into a huge creature. It is able to suck the vitality of the Allies, to replenish his health. Attack from all sides until it is free from the body. We do these actions several times. Next we are trying to leave the chamsis. Ahead is the last fight with Meredith. She has extremely strong armor, but also does not have special abilities. Also Meredith periodically sends large iron statues that are not dangerous. We look at the final roller.