DragonShard: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 12, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

DragonShard: passage
DragonShard: Game Walkthrough and Guide
According to the law of the genre

DragonShard – RTS C role-playing elements, which means you will not be mistaken if you decide what you can and need:

  • Touch the base and produce troops on it, as well as create all sorts of improvements;
  • organize collecting a variety of resources, as well as expanded on the prizes;
  • lead warriors into battle by circulating them with a “rubber framework”;
  • set groups assigned to the digital keys;
  • accumulate experience and levels of fighters;
  • Actively use special skills and spells.

There are two campaigns, a network mode and Skirmish mode – solitary battle…

Stop, Stop, Stop! Suppress Zevok. Actually everything is more interesting. I outlined you a mandatory program – “For those who have never seen Warcraft III in life”. And now – the details in which, as usual, and contains the whole essence of the case.

Today in the arena…

So, in a big game for the heart of Siberis (see “What is DragonShard?») Participate:

  • In the blue corner: Order of Flame. Noble warriors carrying good and light, sometimes – contrary to mind, but more often in good. For this, they need a great artifact – the above-mentioned heart. (In Eberrone, not the whole “bright side of power” considers the Order by the personification of good, but is a completely different story.)
  • In the red corner: Umbrodene. Unclear underground and above-ground, greedy, insidious and canceled vile. It is crazy to use the heart of Siberis to strengthen their own power. To the great regret Evil Genius, to defend their interests and become the evil black lord in the framework of the campaign will not be able;play off in single games and online.
  • In green corner (yes, rings we have triangular…): Lizards. Those are the only ones who can know what the heart of Siberis is and why it actually needs.

This is interesting: The image of lizards, keepers of the intention of the ancients, the people serving the initial plans of the universe – from the Universe of Warhammer. From there, however, generously borrow ideas not only DragonShard, but also a clearly cleaned Warcraft. Lizards from DragonShard, although they continue to serve their past, but they do not remember this and do not understand…

The team of each side consists of:

  • Selected Champions. There are four of them each race, but only one participates in the mission, to choose a player.
  • Captains “Ordinary” heroes, they are produced in buildings.
  • Soldier Captain Sweets, they automatically join as Captain Level Growth.
  • Jaggernaut“- a big and terrible monster, existing in the singular and only one type of race.


Favorites in the levels do not grow, because they are both great heroes, everyone passed and surpassed. The abilities of them are usually three:

  • The first is passive and increases any parameter All allied troops;
  • The second is active and recharges with time;
  • The third is active, and for recharging requires that the hero makes a certain amount of damage to the enemy (something like Fury concept from Age of Mythology). This ability is the main and, as a rule, can one change the course of the battle, and often the hero even not necessarily participate in it – it is often not limited to the range. True, to recharge anyway will have to fight.

Captains and soldiers

Captain is an ordinary hero. Its level is determined not by personal experience, but the number of improvements produced on the basis, which, in turn, requires the cost of the accumulated Army Obvious. In other words, you have gained experience in the battle and solve to decide who to raise the level of level – to the legarons, arrows, warriors? After that, not only all the captains of the specified type receive their level, but also “newborns” appear immediately with it.

The level, in addition to enhancing the characteristics and adding specials, allows the captain to recruit the soldiers. Soldiers are like an escort captain, they themselves do not act on themselves, but only support their leader (and serve him with additional hits, among other things). Restore your squad Captain may, approaching its city.

Underground, in Hyber, soldiers do not act: this is the work of heroes.

Rock Paper Scissors

The game has five types of attacks: weapon (Physical), I (Poison, This includes most arrows), Fire (Fire), magic (All magic attacks, except for fire) and Rage (Fierce: A special type of attack, reserved for chosen and jaggernauts). Each fighter has exactly in one way to apply damage – and different stability to 4 types of attacks (to fifth, Fierce, there is no resilience of anyone).

It is important: That is why the attacks of the elect, although at first glance is not too strong, “on average” turn out to be stronger than all, except for Jaggernaut.

What is interesting: usually 3 of 4 types of stability are within 65-85%, and the remaining – 0-25%. This means that for each fighter there is a type of attack that is approximately three times more efficiently (excluding Fierce, Again).

In other words, correctly distributing the attacks of fighters, you get many times more effect. Method “Everyone beat this” on average ineffective. Only chosen and jaggernauts do not care anyway.

Detailed troops are shown in the table, but next to the description of each fighter I will give the type of its attack and the type of vulnerability: this is the most important thing to know about your and enemy troops.

What is the meaning of the flight?

Many troops in DragonShard fly. In this ability there are advantages, and cons.

Flying cannot be attacked in the near battle – no one except other flyers. It’s nice, although it should be noted that it is able to shoot more than half of the troops here, so as not to say – almost all. In addition, they easily cross the abyss, forests and other obstacles. And this is quite valuable, because local cards are often like a labyrinth, and the opportunity to go to the enemy in the rear, excitement from the fortress to security, something costs.

In compensation, they cannot produce resources and descend into the dungeon. The ban to leave the heavens, in turn, prevents in one sense in one sense: can not be treated with rest. Therefore, if you count on aviation – you need to not forget about the strengthening of healers.

Economy Adventure

Cities can be built not abuby where, but only on specially trained construction sites. Which two types are: large, 16 buildings (Nexus), and small, on 4 (expancyion). It would seem that the big platform is enough with interest: we produce captains of only 10 species, plus some kind of deson. But this is not the case: the fact is that each building is enough to increase the level of fighters of the corresponding type just per unit. That is, you want the priests of the 5th, maximum, level – please show 4 Lorehold’a. In big missions, where there are real chances to grow Superaramia, often you have to choose a specialization.

It is important: To develop captains to a new level, you need not just to build enough buildings – they still have to stand nearby. On neighboring cells.

There is a limit on the number of hired captains: 1 on the building, in the amount of not more than 20. But there are no tough binding to buildings: that is, in the only Lorehold you are free to hire at least ten priests, if there are 9 more buildings. Restriction – only in the amount.

Resources – Three: Gold, DragonShards and Experience.


Mine with golden sand we will not see here – Sorry, not Warcraft. Gold is taken with battle – from neutral monsters and – the main thing! – from chests and placers in the dungeon. In addition, it gradually “dripping” for city buildings, but if needed quickly and more – it is necessary to equip an expedition to Hyber. This is a reason for one of the first troops to make thieves: there are many traps in Hibiber, and part of the chests is locked.

Gold need for all construction and production of troops.


This wonderful resource is found in the form of large and small beams of blue crystals. They need to be collected, what is suitable for any captain (excluding flyers) and even elected. Although each race has a resource collection specialist making it faster.

Crystals are found on earth, and underground. But on Earth, this resource is replenished: in a thunderstorm from time to time, a weighty beam of crystals falls from the sky.

They need the same, why and gold, although in smaller quantities. For more “magic” troops, as a rule, they need them more.

An experience

Experience comes from battles, earned for the entire army and goes to the purchase of new levels for troops. Of course, the higher the level acquired – the more expensive this operation costs. Often cheaper to “promotion” on 1 level of all than one one – until it stops, so consent the desires with opportunities.

Special buildings

Most of the buildings under construction in the cities are “milling” relevant troops, and there is nothing to discuss there. But there are special buildings – Monuments: they do not produce anyone, but increase the parameters of the troops under construction in any of the neighboring buildings.

The lack of them, in fact, one: construction of monuments somewhat conflict with the production of high-level fighters. Formally, you can achieve warriors 5 levels along with the monument (for this you need to build one milling room next to the monument and 4 more – aside), but a lot of place is eaten.

That’s what are the monuments:

  • Monument of Power. Gold – 200, crystals – 275. Increases damage.
  • Monument of Vitality. Gold – 100, crystals – 100. Increases hits.
  • Monument of Clarity. Gold – 100, crystals – 100. Increases energy.
  • Monument Of Valor. Gold – 75, crystals – 75. Double accelerates training troops. ONLY FOR ORDER.
  • Monument of Haste. Gold – 150, crystals – 200. Increases speed. Only for lizards.
  • Monument of Shadow. Gold – 150, crystals – 200. Gives disguise. Only for Umbrenenov.

Really usually use Power and Shadow, less often Haste and Clarity.

On the map – both on earth and underground – at times there are “Power Places”. They give some plus to the side that she visited her last. Do not forget to approach them closer.


Hyber – Underground Mir of Eberron – Playing DragonShard the most important role. This is not just the second card, parallel to the main thing (as usual with the underground world in games) is a completely different world living in other laws.

First, as already mentioned, soldiers and flyers do not let.

Secondly, there you can relax – In this mode, health and energy is regenerated much faster, but price vulnerability. This is much more important than it may seem. Why it is impossible to sleep on the surface? I have no idea. Maybe light interferes?

Thirdly, there are traps and locked chests. Traps here are serious, and after the first response is not thrown, so without a thief (chameleon, suffocating) or the hero with the ability to eliminate them in the dungeon to do just nothing. The thief is not only the only one who cleans the traps, he sees the only one. Do not deceive with imaginary safety.

It is important: The trap can be recharged so that it will work on your enemies. Unfortunately, the monsters that the treasures elapse are not very loved.Scenes head to rush in pursuit, and it is not possible to lure onto the trap.

Fourthly, there are usually a lot of locked doors (from which the key or unlocking lever is needed), chests (which wake up the thieves) and other settings characteristic of role-playing adventures.

Most often the first thing about to take care is to equip treasure expeditions. Therefore, you will need a hacker, as well as a combat team: a couple of healers, a couple of fighters, if there is an opportunity – arrows or magician support. The Order of the Order recommends 2 levels (if there is, again): its rat explores the path and reduces the risk to the detachment.

A huge crowd in Hyber is most often not needed – in narrow corridors, they only interfere with each other, and sometimes they are drunk on a trap. In general, seeing a trap, better leave the main detachment led.

A little about the goals

For each mission of the campaign, we are prescribed points, which then you can spend in the “Awards store” for useful items and gains for the elected.

Balls give not only for quests, but also for:

  • time;
  • saving resources;
  • The ability to do with scarce means (minimum heroes, without stationary defense, and so on – depending on the mission).

As a rule, to fulfill all quests is not difficult, but to get other advantages, except for time – very difficult. What makes an additional interest in the game: get gold medals everywhere, I’m not talking already – the maximum possible points, only the master will be able.

Order of Flame


Cm. Table 1.


Attack: Fierce

Relaxity: Magic

As befits the main monster, he mogly is incredulously, and also flies, which makes his destruction very problematic (but does not allow them to use it in Hyber).

The first ability of the Phoenix – Skipping (Immolation) – causes a strongest blow to a small area around the bird. The second – battle cry (War Shriek) – slows down the speed of movement and attacks of all enemies within the action radius.

All this dictates a simple tactic tactic: to fly into the thick of enemies, to discharge the specialists and fly “for recharging”.

It is important: Together with the hero of the Amanator, Phoenix can “bomb” a whole army, while the regime of free use of abilities. Try – you like it!


Lady Marrin

Attack: Fierce

Relaxity: Poison

Traditional heroine of light forces – progress-healer. I don’t know why Irrodelians are so convinced that the girlfriend love to wear a suit with open hips and so on…

Mrs. Marrin’s passive ability speeds up the regeneration of all orders. Hammer of justice scatters all enemies around and inflicts fair damage to them. And the final ability is completely cured All Army, Where who at that time was not.

It is impossible to overestimate mass healing. But nevertheless, oddly enough, it does not often save the army, even in campaigns. Because enemy fighters Make sure concentrate strikes on individual fighters, and because of this lady just does not have time to recharge his healing attacks.

In any case, playing Marrin is easy and nice. In my opinion, she belongs to her second place in the possibilities among the elected orders, and some are even awarded to her even the first.

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