Dungeons: Game Walkthrough and Guide

General recommendations:
– The heart is most important! Guard the heart of your dungeon by all the forces, truth and untrue, because if it is destroyed – the mission will have to restart.
– Do not kill! Heroes kill only after they become completely satisfied. In this case, you get bonus energy shower. One completely satisfied hero costs several newcomers.
– Read! In the game developed tip system. It is worth paying attention to them, since the gameplay is replete with various trifles and subtleties, which are not always cut off the go.
Prologue. Help to help
We run along the corridor ahead, stop in a pair of places and listen to the future advice. Pull the lever, go down, watch the movie.
Prologue. Overhead with throne
Calypso lowered a huge number of heroes to your dungeons, so the dark lord is forced to retreat. First you need to take heroes with something. To do this, go to the menu of construction of therapy and we want anything, the main thing – so that in the end you will have two hundred points of fame. Now you can accomplish directly escape to the door. Focusing on the mini-card we find the right door (marked with an exclamation mark), we get to it, having activated another lever, and kill three heroes, scattering the path. Raise above.
Mission 1. Yumuschburg
First go ahead and kill bats, grab the pentagram and get influence on their lair. Further on the way there will be a door and a cage with goblin. We destroy the cage and get into submission of the first goblin. Clean the path to the first treasure chest and open the doors for heroes. The most dark lord is better to move away, so as not to distract the coming heroes. As soon as the hero fill his pockets and decides to safely remove – attack him and kill. And after that, also put in the dungeon. Heroes will now come constantly, so so as not to lose gold, you need to constantly monitor the emerging heroes and understand them until they go. You can delay them, for example, by installing a pentagram with monsters near the entrance. Five minutes after the start of the mission, the king of zombies will contact you and report that several bony warriors deserted from his army, and they are sent here. They will appear quite rarely, but in any case they are better not to let the heart of the dungeon. Now swing the path to the second door and install the pentagram next to the chest so that the goblins filled it with gold. From this room with digging to the right to establish control over the skeleton crypts, and then the rat basement. After making all these manipulations, the door to the room will open, where there will be desired seeds of discord. To complete the mission, it remains only to approach the chest and open it.
Mission 2. Stream of joy
First we put the leaflets, the placer of gold and pentagram with monsters. It is logical to arrange them so that the heroes on the leaks went to gold, and then came across monsters. The more the latter it is, the better because the heroes here love to fight with monsters. At the beginning of the mission, the king zombies will ask you two hundred gold, and you will need to fulfill his request within a limited period. As soon as the processing scheme of heroes will be adjusted, you can take on the creation of aisle to underground security items. In both of them you have to kill everyone. In the first, the last surviving guard will say that in the courtroom, it is necessary to defeat everything, and in the second it is necessary to jump around the door in the second, and then the guard will tell you that there is a merchant who owns the key from the very basement. We go to the merchant, he says that he needs three drunk chests with gold. Space gold from heroes and from the surrounding land (let the goblins dig. As soon as the chests are filled, the key will be in our hands. For further promotion you need to score two hundred points of fame. Everything is simple: we kill the heroes, we collect the energy of their souls, we build for this energy of the leaflets, increase the fame. The spell stops working, go to the cellar, we kill everyone and break everything. Watch Roller. Using various skills and magic, kill the Bucket and its owner. Now the butcher goes under our command. It remains only to click on the heart of the dungeon to encourage it – and the mission will be completed.
Mission 3. Santa
Key in this mission – score three hundred points of fame. Do it’s not so difficult. First prepare the room to which the heroes of all inputs will be reduced. In this room, place the treasure, and drop the path to it with the help of the leaf. Exit, make a separate and also supply it with leaks, and at the end of the corridor, make a small room that you should fill in monsters (you can plant them in the corridor). Thus, the hero will first satisfy its treasure needs, and then in battles with monsters. Now you can open the first pair of gates. There will be a king of zombies and asks you to pour flowers on the grave at his acquaintance. The grave is somewhere in one of the long corridors at the top. Watering flowers is not so easy. First you need to click on the fountain with the crypton, and then on the flower. Now go back. The following is worthwhile to pay attention – this is the creation of a library, as novices appear at this level – Heroes, seekers. You can create a library right in that room with treasures, it is enough to put everything there for this necessary from the Library Construction menu. And then the king of zombies will knock and ask for five hundred power units of shower. On the execution of request you will have five minutes.
When three hundred points of fame scores, a powerful paladin will go down in the dungeon, and if you do not have time to kill zombies, then they will immediately. Kill these messengers of despondency and end the mission.
Mission 4. Sweetkoson
In this mission, we have to reflect the attacks of heroes. They will be all six and every next attack of heroes will be more and more. Act here will have exceptionally by force. Around the path of the heroes to the central chamber with the ammunition would be good to put a variety of pentagrams with monsters so that the heroes approached the target is not very healthy. Now let them gain gold and ammunition, you can send a room with a library next door, and at the exit – room with monsters and dark lord. It will be very useful to search the surrounding dungeons. You can find a useful chest and a lorge. Zombie king this time will get less: asked to open two more additional doors and pay him gold. Do not also forget about the construction of cells for heroes. The heroes here will be much, so cells are also worth building as much as possible. After the destruction of all heroes from the last waves, we go to celebrate the victory.In Dungeons, even the approach is not quite familiar to everyday lever.
Mission 5. Smerad
The main goal of the mission is to defeat the four wine cellars and destroy the heart of the dungeon of your competitor. Access to two first cellars open easily – they are close to territory controlled to you. First of all, we protect the heart of the dungeon, we put the leaflets and arrange the library and weapons. At this time, you can get goblins to dig passes to the first two cellars. When the tunnels are ready – we send a dark lord there so that he spins everything. But there is one point: in the cellars there is a noise accounting system. When you break something, the noise counter increases. It is worth a little wait, because if he translates in two units, the heroes will begin to descend into the cellar. While the heroes will wander around the cellar, the noise level does not fall, so it should be understood with them. Further the path will go down, in another cellar, and then left, to the last cellaber. From here it will be possible to proceed to the territory of the competitor. Spend time on the capture of pentagram does not make sense – immediately we run to the heart of the dungeon and destroy it.
The king of zombies this time will demand heroes for his army, and demand will be constantly.
Mission 6. Horror caves
It’s time to destroy the zombie king, but the entrance to its dungeon is closed. At the very beginning, we put the protection around your heart of the dungeon, after which we put the standard leaks with treasures, weapons and library for heroes. Now it remains only to wait when the crypts of the zombie king will open so that you can get to them and destroy all the coffins there. All the crypts will be four, skeletons will be published and sent to your dungeon heart. And in the sclepe itself will remain looking. In addition, various monsters will be broken from the dungeon of the king zombie, also desperately requiring attention. After the end of all the peripetics will open the doors to the king skeleton king. You can go there only one. After the standard of living of your former boss is dangerous, he will cure the help of a VAZ with a rush. We switch all attention to them, in just this dungeon there are eight pieces. After the destruction of the VAZ, you can play the final chord in the battle. For a complete victory over the king of zombies, it is necessary to simultaneously die, and his heart of his dungeon, otherwise everything will be restored.
Mission 7. Castle Vessel
The purpose of this mission is the accompaniment of seven mucous creatures to the mucous cannon. The territory in which the slugs will be sent to the cannon are controlled by people, so the dark Lord will have to accompany each slug throughout the road. First guards will be a little. After supporting the third slug, Palladin will appear on the road. After accompanying the sixth to the mucous cannon, two huge colossos are trying and they will turn it – with them it will be necessary to figure out as quickly as possible.
The beginning is quite standard: focus on the map, we build a couple of distinguishing rooms and search for the Logov monsters to put not only huge frogs. And one more important point – to build the guards of the heart of the dungeon on this map can not. So the dark lord is not worth sending too early. You should make sure that the heart of the dungeon is securely protected.
The new boss, minotaur, will require the construction of a large number of library elements to combat illiteracy.
The mission will end only after all seven slugs will get to the gun.