Eastern Front: Unknown War: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 4, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Eastern Front: Unknown War: Passage
Eastern Front: Unknown War: Game Walkthrough and Guide
1938. Nazi occult mystical organization Anecherba is equipped with an expedition to Tibet. Its main goal is to find any documents containing ancient esoteric knowledge of the resurrection of the dead. The management of the expedition was entrusted to Dr. Ernst Scheffer. Searches were crowned with success. Returning to Germany, Ernst Schaeffer began a study on the practical application of the knowledge gained. Working for several years above this problem, Schaeffer found that people who returned to life are not quite common. The shock of transferred death endowed their superpowers who made owners invincible (Pyronesis, telecision, time management). People who have such abilities could be perfect soldiers – almost invulnerable, deprived of the fear of death and the horror of the enemy. In the course of research under the guidance of the reader, the Ze-8 revitalization was built. But the first practical results of her work showed that the resurrected “supervasions” are absolutely unable to perceive orders and obey them. The next stage of the development of the project “Perfect Soldier” was the study in the field of psychotropic drugs, overwhelming the will and who weathered in the patient the usual subordination of orders. And by the end of 1943, when the position of Hitler’s Germany on the fronts was catastrophically shaky, such a drug was found. He got a code name T9 and immediately launched into production. Now everything solved time.

Life after death

Death is close enough to not be afraid of life. Friedrich Nietzsche

Well, let’s get to know the possibilities of our hero – Karl Stolz, the former officer of a special sabotage division of the Wehrmacht, lively by the devilish genius of Ernst Schaffer. Its main difference from an ordinary person is a “temporary shield”, that is, a certain spherical area around it, which stops bullets. This ability is evolving with the help of an “emotional engine”. When shooting head of the enemy in the lower right corner of the screen, a stylized image of a skull with a hole in the forehead appears. At the same time, the time of time begins, which is demonstrated by a linear indicator. If during this time interval, it’s shot to the head of the next opponent, then the countdown is restarted. Three shots in a row in this mode give a noticeable increase to the power of the shield, which is indicated in the lower left corner of the white-blue stripe. When the shield is activated, all bullets flying to you are braking and hanging in the air. The same applies to the bullets issued from your weapon. The accumulated energy is spent on maintaining the shield. When it ends, the shield turns off spontaneously.

When you turn off the shield, you may have two options for further events. If the energy of the shield is enough (the energy indicator on the white plot), then the bullets stuck in it are shot in the direction of the sight, if there is little energy (the figure is on the blue plot), then they just fall on the ground. There is a shield one interesting property. If, without turning it off, “enter” stuck bullets into the body of the enemy, he will die like from shots. Thus, competently combining the receptions of circulation with a shield, you can achieve very unusual and effective results. Remember that the shield does not protect against hand-to-hand attacks and explosive waves. So try not to use it with close contact with the enemy. Another feature is a knife attack. The knife, by the way, is not chosen as other weapons, but is used instantly when you press the corresponding key. After hitting it automatically replaces the weapon selected earlier. For a knife, there is also a condition for the “three rapid murders”, but they do not increase the shield energy, but the maximum level of health. I advise you to take this note, because the final battle will require maximum reserves from you (especially at a high level of complexity). In the game there are treatments – traditional “first aid kits”, carefully cooked by developers in secluded places. The same “first aid kits”, but smaller, fall out of most killed enemies.

We will be inventive

Who wants to become a driver of people, must hear them among them in their dangerous enemy for a long period of time. Friedrich Nietzsche

The game world of the Eastern Front is replete with non-standard possibilities of murder of enemies. Main sources of mass Mora in the mill of the enemy – barrels with flammable and gas cylinders under pressure. Stupid Nazis just adore hiding behind them and near them. Cluster of barrels near the ambush the enemy – a small holiday of the soul. Me the following features were noticed: with a single shot, the barrel most often begins to burn, and after some time (5-6 seconds) explodes. Nearby barrels are flying out, after which they participate in the process on the same principle. If you send a targeted queue in a barrel, it explodes almost immediately. As for gas cylinders, then with a single shot, they begin to hiss and randomly spin. Next – as in the case of a barrel. It is very useful to see the barrel or a cylinder somewhere on topper, next to the malicious Fritz and his machine gun. One shot of a sniper rifle – and you can spend a pensive view of a pensive look. Moving along the levels, carefully mark the location of explosive items. Remember that any weapon can be addressed against you. Thoughtful developers prepared all sorts of small scripting dirtiffs in the form of barrels rolling for you on the stairs. Such “surprises” is desirable to shoot from afar while they behave peacefully.

Iron War

Those who gave the object or action definition own them.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Weapons in the game a lot and it is different. It is noteworthy that, despite the fantastic plot, only those “trunks” were used, which existed in 1944. Tactical and technical data of weapons The developers have observed enough scrupulously, not counting the pairs of inaccuracies. But we will not get ahead, but calmly and tastefully deal with the deadly mechanisms and devices offered to us. So, from simple to complex, from a small caliber to a large, from the game – to reality. Player can simultaneously carry with him three any type of weapons and grenades. Each type of weapon is selected by the digital keys – from 1 to 4. In the course of the matter, he can easily change and replenish his arsenal due to the enemy. To do this, he must go to the lying arms and by pressing the “Use” key, replace the sample in his hands on the lying. Almost every weapon has the ability of a sighting shot. Ammunition for each weapon type are unique, with the exception of cartridges from MP-40, Walther P38 and Luger Parabelum, which are suitable for all three weapon samples.

Battle knives

No matter how regrettable, this richest class of weapons has in the game of the only representative.

Seitengeewehr 98k Klink-type knife to Karabin Kar.98K Mauser systems. Modified S84 / 98 bayonet version. Produced since 1934 and was in service with the land forces of the Wehrmacht. Effective hand-to-hand combat weapon with a clinic length 24 cm. For less visibility, steel blade has been crying. The handle could have both wooden cheeks and black or brown bakelites (this depended not on the time of production, but from a particular firm of the manufacturer of cold weapons). In the game Knife – An important weapon. With it, you can get off the enemy that penetrated the “temporary shield”, earn additional health points, with honor to get out of the situation when the cartridges ended.


Walther P38 The P38 gun was developed by the German company “Karl Walter” during the universal militarization of fascist Germany in the second half of the 1930s. According to the results of studies of a number of prototypes of a new army pistol, designed to replace the morally obsolete “Parabellaums”, in 1938 the Wehrmacht adopts a new self-loading gun under the designation of Pistole 38. During World War II, other firms were connected to the release of P38, including Mauser, DVM and Other. Caliber: 9 mm Store Capacity: 8 Cartridges

Luger “Parabellum” P08 Georg Luger created the world-famous “Parabellaum” in about 1898, taking the patron and locking system of Hugo Barhard, which was modified by making a more compact. A little later, Georg Luger, together with DWM (the main manufacturer of Parabelloums in the first quarter of the twentieth century), catches its cartridge under the bullet of 9 mm caliber, and the world’s largest pistol cartridge in the world of 9x19mm “Luger / Parabelloum” appears. In 1904, Parabelloum caliber 9 mm is adopted by the German fleet, and in 1908 – the German army. Caliber: 9 mm Store Capacity: 8 rounds the role of this pistol in the game is insignificant, because it meets infrequently and special combat qualities does not have.

Colt M1911 The gun, most famous under the designation M1911, was developed in the US by John Moses Browning at the beginning of the twentieth century and in 1911 adopted by the US Army. In 1926, the gun was part of a partial modernization and since then until the mid-1980s remained on the actual military service under the designation M19111A1, thus becoming the most long-lived army pistol. To this day, M1911 remains one of the most popular pistols in the US. Caliber: .45 (11.43 mm) Store Capacity: 7 cartridges are quite powerful weapons with good bunchiness. It is advisable for accurate shots in the head on short distances.


Mauser Kar.98K In 1898, the German army adopts a new rifle created by Mauser based on previous models – Gewehr 98 (also designated G98 or GEW.98 – Sample rifle 1898). Along with a gew rifle.98 was released and carbine kar.98, however, in its original form, it was released only until 1904 or 1905. The next, most mass modification was Karabiner 98 KURZ – short carbine, released in 1935 and adopted as the main individual weapons of the infantry of the Wehrmacht. Up until 1945, the German industry, as well as the industry occupied by Germany, produced millions of units K98K. Caliber: 7.92 mm Store Capacity: 5 Special meaning cartridges in the game application of this rifle I did not see. However, its deadly is high enough and allows you to implement the principle of “one shot – one corpse” on loved ones and middle distances. In general, a weapon for an amateur. However, barrels with flammable and cylinders from it are quite possible to shoot in order not to spend more valuable cartridges.

Sleep-loading rifle Tokareva SVT-40 In 1940, to replace the sniper rifle of the sample 1891. A sniper self-loading rifle of the Tokarev (SVT) system of the 1940 sample comes. SVT-40 sniper rifle differed from the base model of the standard SVT-40 rifle, not only the presence of a new universal 3.5-fold optical sight, designed for the firing range up to 1300 m, but also processing the stem channel on precision machines to increase the bunchiness of the battle. For the first time in the troops was used in war with Finland 1939-40. Caliber: 7.62 mm Bullet initial speed: 840 m / s Store Capacity: 10 Cartridges Cheating: 25 shots / min Victory range: 1500 m Powerful and accurate rifle with good optics and a spacious shop. It was especially pleased that recharging in the “optical sight” mode does not reset it as in many militants. Cartridges come across infrequently, so be economical.

Anti-tank rifle S.PZ.B-41

In the late 1941. Wehrmacht was admitted by heavy PTR S.PZ.B-41 with a conical drilling of the Channel. S. S.PZ.B-41 had a caliber of 28 mm in a government unit and 20 mm – in the donu. Two conical transitions were performed in the trunk channel, T.E. The projectile has clipped twice. Active muzzle brake was attached to the trunk. In the massive treasury there was a sectional nest for a horizontal wedge shutter. PTR provided the similarity of a light artillery boiler with a rotary top machine, sliding beds with folding bumps and stamped wheels with rubber tires. To s.PZ.The B-41 was created a unitary cartridge, equipped with a 28mm pzGR armor-sample shell.41 Weight 125 g with steel armor-piercing core and sharp aluminum cap. Caliber: Podcast career 28 mm Store Capacity: 4 cartridges there are obvious absurdity. Even lightweight option from.PZ.B-41 Weight about 115 kg. So even “Yumbolden” could hardly be able to run with him and shoot an off date from the position “Standing”. If anyone watched the “salvation of ordinary Ryan”, then in the last episodes, when the Yankees drove the enemy “Tiger”, the Germans quickly rigged a similar “Wunderwaff” and inflicted them a big damage to the Americans.

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