Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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February 11, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game: Passage
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Short Passage.
S H a d y s a n d s .
In this City You Can Persuade Yana to Go With You. IF Your Abilities in Science Are Good Enough, Talk to the Curtis in the Gardens of the Eastern Part. Give Him Advice and Get A Little Glasses. WHEN TALKING TO ARADESH, ASK THE SETTING OF YOU TO THE SCORPION CAVE. You can Destroy Them in Two Ways (1-Kill All Scorpions; 2-Blow Entrance To the Cave)

IN A YU L T 15 .
To Get Lower Than The First Level, You Need A Rope. In The Boxes Sometimes Come Across Valuable Things. Here You Need to Find a Team Center. IT IS Located in the Level. FORFORMATION ABOUT THE ABSENCE OF CHIP YOU GET A STUDY BONUS.

R a i d e r s .
In Principle, This City Serves To Receive Points by Destroying Everything That Moves.

J u n k t o w n .
I Do Not Advise You to Walk Around The City Weapons In Your Hands, The Protection May Not Like It. THERE ARE TWO LARGE GROUPINGS IN THIS CITY. If You Are Not Sure About Your Abilities, It Is Better to Choose The Direction Of Kiliana. Talk to Kilian, Help Him Kill The Attacked Mutant. After AccCepting A Proposal for the WithDRAWAL OF GIMMO FOR CLEAN WATER. Go to the Guard at the gate, go to gizmo with him. In The Bar, Help The Nile Will Cope with the Gangsters. IF You Talk Early In The Evening With Tiko Twice, Then Maybe He Will Go With You. Skulz Gang Can Be Neutralized In Two Ways (1-Join The Guard At The Gate; 2 – Persuade A Girl from A Gang to Go and Surrender)

T h e h u b .
Bach Will Give You A Task to Find Missing Caravans. After Talking With Him, Talk With Beth From A Weapon Store, Then With Old Harold and Tangle. Tag Will Take You to the Cave. Killing The Animal, Do Not Forget to Talk to a Dying Mutant. He Has Information about The Missing Caravans. Decker in Casino Will Give Work. IT Will Be Necessary to Remove The Merchant and His Wife, and then Jane from the Hospital. Sharp Thiefs Will Give A Task. IT Will Be Necessary to Get a Necklace from the house of the Merchant. The Captured Person Is In The House Guarded by Bandits, But If You Take Care Of Them, The Police Will Not Mind. In The Old Town Area There Are Shops with Powerful Guns.

N E C R O P O L I S .
IT IS Here That Water-Chip Is Here. IT CAN BE REACHED IN THE COMPUTER AT THE THRED UNDERGROUND SHELTER UNDER THE BUILDING OF THE WATER-SED. TO CHIP CAN ONLY BE REACHED by Sewage. In The Sewage, Talk to the main Naked and Tell Him That You Reveal The Water Pump. The Building Is Guarded by Mutants. Details for Fixing The Pump Are In The Sewage System, Entering Which Can Be Found Next To the Water-sed Building. Bring Them to Hhol and He Will Give You a Few Books. INSERT THE ITEM INTO THE PUMP (IT IT HIGHLIGHTED)

B R O T H E R H O O D O F S T E E L .
IN ORDER TO JOIN THIS ORGANIZATION, TALK TO KABBOT, HE WILL GIVE YOU A TASK. On the Task You Need to Go to the Glow and Get There A Cassette (See. The Glow) . WHEN YOU FIND A CASSETTE, YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO THE ORGANIZATION. AT The First Level, Talk to Talus and, if you Saved A Person at the Hub, You Will Be Given Permission to Receive Power Armor, The Coolest Armor in the Game. The PHYSICIAN ON THE SECOND FLOOR CAN BE USED FOR MONEY TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE. At the Fourth Level, The Head Of The Brotherhood Makson Will Give You A Task to Play The Area North of the Brotherhood in Order to Detect The Army of Mutants. To Perform This Handrair, You Need to Find A Military Base and Report to Her Maxon.

T h e g l o w .
THE GLOW ENTRANCE LIES THROUGH THE CRATER. For Descent Down, Bring The Rope to the Metal Beam and Go Down on It. IN THE GLOW STRONG RADIATION. IN ORDER TO SURVIVE HERE, YOU NEED TO TAKE TWO RAD-X Tablets and Use Rad-Away. AT The First Level In The Body Of A Deceased Person in Power Armor You Will Find A Cassette for the First Elevator. In Order to Get Out Of this Place Unharmed, You Need to Repair the Generator. The Generator Is On The Sixth Level. IN NO CASE DO NOT INCLUDE BASIC ENERGY FROM SMALL TERMINALS, OTHERWISE Security Robots Will Be Included. The Main Energy IS BETTER TO INCLUDE FROM LEVEL. There You Can Turn Off Robots. Having Access To The Main Computer Can Be (1-Playing A Couple of Times In Chess With A Computer, Then Request The Input; 2-Having a High Level Of Intelligence, You Can Access Simply by Requesting IT) . IN THE GLOW A LOT OF ALL WEAPONS AND Ammunitions.

Boneyard .
Talk to Chapter Blades. She Will Tell You ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE CITY. Then You Need to Go Through the Warehouse Area, Occupied by Deathclaws, and Talk to the Leader Gun Runner. He Will Give You A Task to Kill All Deathclaws. So That No Longer Appear, You Need to Kill The Uterus and All Her Eggs. The Uterus Is In The Basement in the Warehouse Area. By Killing Everyone, Talk to the Head of Gun Runners, Not Forgetting to Ask for Help for blades. RETURN TO BLADES AND DESTROY PROTECTION WITH THEM IN THE ADYTUM AREA. IN NO CASE DO NOT AGREE TO THE REQUEST OF JOHN, AND THEN LOSE TWO QUESTS. By Destroying All Regulators You Can Make Some Improvements in Your Ammunition. IF You Have Power Armor, Talk to Miles. He Will Need Some Details. THEY ARE IN THE BODY OF A KILLED MERCHANT IN THE AREA WHERE DEATHCLAW WERE. Bring These Details Miles and He Will Ask You to Bring Books from the Library to the Hub. Go There and Talk to the Librian and You Will SELL THE RIGHT BOOKS. Take Thatm And Miles Will Improve You Armor. Talk to Smith and He Will Turn Your Plasma Rifle in A Turbo Plasma Rifle. In The Area of the Old Library, Turn to Your Side Katya. IF You Have Already Found The Cathedral, You Can Ask Nicole About Help.

C a T H E D R a L .
IN THE BUILDING THERE ARE MANY CLOSED DOORS AND YOU CAN OPEN THEM USING SPECIAL KEYS. The Red Icon Can Be Found Right At The First Level (Killing the Necessary People), Black – AT The Third Level in Morpheus. THE BASEMENT HAS A SECRET DOOR THAT OPENS WITH A LEVER ON THE SHELF (USE HACKING ON THE SHELF). UNDER THE CATHEDRAL IS ABANDONED REFUGE. AT The First Level Of Refuge, You Can Find Out The Location of The Military Base Using the Computer. AT The Third Level, Shelters Have Two Doors (1-hand in a room with a Large Number of Mutants and An Elevator to Nuclear Warheads; 2DVER (SECRET) Is to the Owner of All Mutants) . The Head of Mutants Can Be Killed by Two Ways (1-Just Kill; 2-Launch Detonator Warheads (with High Science)) . After the Destruction of The Owner, You Need to Quickly Run Away From the Cathedral, Because in Any Case the Blasting Of The Warhead Is Inevitable.

M i l i t a r y b a s e .
To Avoid Anxiety, You Can Deceive Protection by Means of a Radio. One of the Guards Has a Cassette With A Door Code. Power Fields Can Be Deactivated for a while, If You Repair Small Generators on Door Shoals. RETURNING TO THE BOTTOM LEVEL, ACTIVATE THE DOWNTRIDE THROUGH THE COMPUTER AND GO AWAY.

The Main Goal of the Game Is The Destruction of the Base and the Host.

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