Far Cry 5: Game Walkthrough and Guide. Faith (River Henbein)

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July 29, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Far Cry 5: Passage. Faith (River Henbein)
Far Cry 5: Game Walkthrough and Guide. Faith (River Henbein)

Faith (River Henbein)

Prison County Hope

Region: River Henbein (territory of faith).

Location: Hope County Prison.

Questrorist: Automatically appears in your journal after the prolobe passage.

Requirements: Complete Prologue.

Reward: 900 resistance glasses.


– Get to Location.

– eliminate enemies.

– Protect the gate.

– destroy loudspeakers.

– eliminate the remaining enemies.

This task will be available literally from the very beginning of the game upon completion of the prolobe. You will need to capture three regions belonging to the LED family (faith, John and Jacob), in any order. And you can perform one task in the Valley Holland, then return to the Whitetail Mountains and continue the passage of plot quests associated with Jacob’s cultures.

If you want, start from the faith region. Your choice does not affect anything, because all the territories are approximately the same for a set of opponents. Open the journal with quests and make an active task “County Hope Prison” to get a travel marker. So you will reach Hope County Prison.

As soon as you find yourself in place, then kill all animals before prison. Then the cat scene will start, and you will find yourself on the prison wall to protect this place. Your new task is to defend the gate. There are several missile on the wall. Take one of them and shoot the transport of opponents. There are also many other guns with a good lesion range. Use everything you want, with the exception of shotguns.

After the first big wave, the Western Wall will be attacked by another group of opponents. Again, try to kill most of them, firing from the rocket. If enemies are too much, they hack the gate of the prison and try to get inside the building. Enemies, similar to zombies and attackers in melee – are angels. Their attention sectarians attract speaker music. You will need to destroy three pickups with huge speakers to stop the appearance of angels. After that, it remains to clean the location from the remaining opponents.

As a specialist here will be very useful to Herk Jr. using a big rocket. Select if it has already been unlocked.

I achieve all opponents, you complete the mission and release the arrival of the County Hope. This will be obtained by the main base in the current region, which will allow to start many new story quests to continue the passage of Far Cry 5 on StopGame.RU.

Kisa, Kis, Kis (peach satellite)

How to find peach

You need to get to the Taxidermist workshop. Open the map and find the Henbein Large picture on the territory of the River, which depicts a wild cat. This picture just points to the location of the right place. Look for it in the northern part of the region. When you get to workshop, then talk to Miss Mabl to learn about the fooling animal.

For a start, take the favorite delicacy peach. And then move to the designated place to the southwest of the taxiderist building. The path to peach will be marked by corpses and blood traces, right along the trail. In the further part of the trip you need to kill sectarians hunting for an animal. When you find yourself near the camp, then clamp the Q key to open the weapon selector. In one of the lower slots instead of explosives, select a bait. Throw it before peach to lure gradually back to the Taxidermist workshop.

Back with peach to Taxidermist workshop

The placement of one bait on earth will not solve the problem because it will lose interest after its use. Throw yourself under your feet more and more bait, gradually moving towards the desired building. Approximately every 10 steps. The benefit of the bait you have an unlimited number.

When you get to the place of starting the quest, you will have to deal with many more sectarians. If there is a desire, then they can be finished even silently. Throw the last bait in the Persix, and then talk to Miss Mabl, which will give you a wild cat.

Reward: New specialist wild cat peach;600 resistance glasses.

Peaceful Sky (Specialist Adelaide Dambman)

Freeze berth from sectants

Move to the outpost of “Marina Drabmenov”. This place is indicated on your card initially, after completing the prologue – on the northern outskirts of the Faith in the region.

Unfortunately, the marina is the outpost of the sect, which first need to be to knock from their positions. It is recommended to operate silently, relying on a sniper rifle with a silencer, a crossbow, a peach or secretive murder behind. In the event of an open clash at least try to get rid of two towers with speakers to avoid the call for reinforcements. When the outpost will be conquered, then look for Adelaide Drabmen and talk to her about the missing helicopter.

You will need to examine the three locations on the map. Do it in any order that you like.

– When you reach the refueling Misty River, then find and eliminate its pilot. This must be done before he sits down in a helicopter and try to escape.

– When will be near the observation tower, the next kill the pilot and the other cultists on location.

– Once you reach the third place, then look through binoculars to fly from one place to another helicopter. Wait until it lands, and then go to the location in the southeast of the current position. It is best to podoydti behind and silently kill the desired goal – the last pilot. After the destruction of all the sects get in a helicopter and go to flight.

When you return to the outpost at the pier, you will find here a lot edemschikov. Use weapon in a helicopter to destroy all the enemies from the air. You can land and attack them from below. Talk to Adelaide as soon as an opportunity. The job will be completed, and a woman can be used as a specialist.

Reward: New specialist Adelaide Drabmen; 600 points of resistance.

Leap of Faith

You will learn that faith is after you after the screen the words “You’ve got the blessing” will be. Shortly thereafter, the main character’s poison, and he will be in his hallucinations, where Vera tries to powder brains.

The mission itself is short and simple. After viewing all episodes and listening to faith, go to the edge and jump down. The mission will end. It will not be the last meeting with faith. Next will repeat after you increase the resistance level on the Henbein River to a certain value.

Gori, Gori clearly (Specialist “Shark” Boshou)

Region: River Henbein (territory of faith).

Location: Trailer Park “Sanflauer”.

Questrorist: “Shark” Boshou.

Requirements: absent.

Reward: 600 Resistance Points, Unlocked Specialist “Shark” Boshou.


– kill as many angels as possible.

– Disable speakers.

– Clean the location.

This is one of the three story missions in the Region of Faith, which will provide access to a new specialist as a satellite. “Akula” is marked on your card from the very beginning after the prolobe. Lay you a character on the territory of the Munflauer Trailer Park. Just move to the specified location and talk to the NPC to start the quest.Far Cry 5: Game Walkthrough and Guide. Faith (River Henbein)“Shark” Boshou.
“Shark” uses flamethrower. He wants you to be attended with him in the extermination of angels. Use here any weapon.

After that, Boshou will ask to turn off four huge columns, loveful angels. Do it, and then achieve the remaining goals, then talk with a character who agrees to help you in the fight against sectarians.

Clean water

Region: River Henbein (territory of faith).

Location: Water treatment station near the Taxidermist Workshop (where they found a peach).

Questrorist: Get from the doctor from the prison of Hope County, which will contact you by walking.

Requirements: randomly (perhaps after performing a different order / quest of the doctor).

Reward: 900 resistance glasses and the achievement “Sewage rat”.


– get to the water treatment plant.

– find a way to get into rooms with pumps.

– destroy pumps in each building.

While traveling through the Region of Faith, it will randomly be a call on a radio, which will unlock access to the Quest “Clean Water Act”. Sooner or later it will definitely happen. Perhaps this will be at all your first story quest in the Henbein River, but may appear after completing 5-6 others. Most likely, the start of the task is associated with the amount of time spent in the faith region or resistance level.

You will need to visit the water treatment plant and blow up two pumps hidden inside buildings.

Once at the station, kill all opponents. In addition to ordinary enemies, the VIP-sectant will be here, which is not so easy to kill. Act carefully and try to neutralize it by putting the back. Concepting opponents, learn the territory to get a new goal – to find entrances to the buildings with pumps.

To do this, find two bright lights in the middle of the pool with water. On bright lamps are the pump control panels that can be activated. This will make it possible to drain the water, go down and go through small tunnels. In one of the pools you will need to destroy barrels and boards, blocking the path.

P.FROM. I managed to pass this segment without draining water. In order to get into the first building, no boards to destroy. But in the case of the second, throw down a grenade, so that it explodes (because it is impossible to shoot in the water). We continue to pass the game Far Cry 5 on the website StopGame.RU.

The first pump control panel – near the fence

Click on the red button, then descend down and left from it and go through the pipes. Wait until the water returns again, after which it will be possible to climb the stairs at the end of the pipes leading to the pump.

Insert explosives and blow up the equipment, holding the sidelines.

The first pump control panel – in the rear of the station

Reggle click on the red button. Wait a few seconds so that the water is merged, then go down from the button and shoot in a red barrel to blow up the barrier and release the tunnel. Go through the pipes in the dispatching and shoot to another red barrel to blow up the second pump.

Now just leave the pump and the quest will be completed. It also unlocks the achievement of the “sewer rat”.


Region: River Henbein (territory of faith).

Location: Hope County Prison.

Questrorist: Tracy.

Requirements: After the completion of the story quest for the liberation of the arrival of the round Hope.

Reward: 900 resistance glasses.


– Get to the statue of the Father.

– destroy the statue.

– enter the statue.

– get to the top floor.

– burn the book of Joseph Side.

After completing the first plot task in the Region of Faith, you will be able to talk with several characters in the County County Prison, which will provide access to even more plot missions. During a conversation with Tracy, you will discover the Quest “Fitzpoorok”.Far Cry 5: Game Walkthrough and Guide. Faith (River Henbein)Statue of Father.
The girl asks to destroy the big statue of the Father you saw at the beginning of the game. Go to the marked area, use the helicopter to quickly destroy the statue by shooting rockets. Once all parts are destroyed, you will be ordered to enter inside. Land, clean the area around the statue and enter inside.

On the way to the top of the statue will have to use stairs and various protrusions, as well as kill opponents. Use the yellow buttons that are available on some tiers to lower the stairs. You are twice attack helicopters, however, on the second or third tier there is a rocket. When you find yourself on top, then go closer to the book to launch the cat-scene, in which the protagonist burns the manuscript of the father.


Region: River Henbein (territory of faith).

Location: Hope County Prison.

Questrorist: Sheriff Whitehorse in Hope County Prison.

Requirements: After the completion of the story quest for the liberation of the arrival of the round Hope.

Reward: 600 resistance glasses.


– get to barge.

– Clean the area.

– arrange an ambush for priestess.

– save the remaining hostages.

This quest is associated with the rescue hostage. Try to assemble a character that prepared for silent passage. I recommend using a crossbow or sniper rifle with a silencer, which can be bought from a merchant in the same round of County Hope. If the enemies notice the hero, they will begin to kill hostages. Go to location on the map, move to the North of the Region of Faith.

Take advantage of binoculars to celebrate all opponents and kill them one after another. Kill as many enemies as you can, being far and shooting from the crossbow. Then go closer and deal with the remaining. Nothing terrible will happen if they find the corpses of their allies. The main thing is that you are visually visited. A good option to get to the right place – a huge pipe-shaped design with the inscription MISERY, on the side of the building.

When all enemies will be killed, the next goal is related to the ambush on the priestess. The easiest option is to install explosives at the bottom on the road and undermine when a car is there. Or you can use a machine gun on the deck of barge.

Now the next goal is to free the remaining hostages (assuming that you have not been noticed and all alive). There are four hostages:

– The first is at the very bottom, on the first tier, partially immersed in water.

– The second hostage is on the second floor.

– Third – at the third level, on the roof.

– The fourth hostage was locked in a cage hanging above the water. Go to the board and find a lever there, allowing you to open the cage and release the hostage.

As soon as everyone is saved (from the survivors), the mission will end.

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