Far Cry: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 17, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Far Cry: Passage
Far Cry: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Pleasant sea walk for the former Morpja Jack suddenly turned around the hellish nightmare in the company of modified cyborgs, and the dreams of several days in the company of a pleasant companion scattered as soon as she knew off on an aquatic motorcycle. The bummer, as they say, on the full program, but it is still only flowers. Once at the bottom of some incomprehensible pit, run along the pipe, raise down the steps, crossing over the skeleton. Let’s flex, we climb into the hole, and then it is already in shine (by default, the “V” key) under the pipes. Next to hieroglyphs, on the stairs upstairs, hear how one gentleman in a cowboy hat scolds another, without hats. Job past a small pool – here you will advise you to leave the pebbles to divert the protection, – and take the transmitter. Get acquainted with Doyle, this unknown Savior will now all the time help you. Take a pistol from the box, from another grenade and go to the barrels, where there will be the first “Save”. The saving system in Far Cry is represented by the checkpoints (which is unusual for PC’shy shooters, but quite ordinary for console), after which you are automatically recorded. Pulling boxes and shells, if a desire to admire local physics. Take the armor and go to the door.
Go down towards the beach, without being distracted by the birds and soaring the helicopter in the embroidery, and see what you can get started in the huts. CAUTION, from the rock it is easy to break and crash in a pellet. In the hut next to the boat, get a new task – climb the house at the top and get binoculars. Save. Look at the flashing point on the radar and swim the strait. Save.
On the approach to the camp, the radio transmitter will report that now you need to make any transport. Grab the jeep and go along the path (follow the pointer on the radar), on the way, knocking down the mergers under the feet. Save. On the beach there will be another jeep with two peppers, with whom you have to deal with bad. Keep going further along the track and left. The new jeep will be waiting for you two more thugs and the next SAVE. The cars further add, run along the path and to the remnants of the aircraft. Save. Dress through the jungle straight to the aircraft carrier of the World War II. Close inside the hole in the nose part of the ship, then with you will be contacted by Doyle’s radio.


The goal is to find Valeria, the very tsama who was smelled, not even saying goodbye. Jump into the water, swim along the corridor, pick up at the end of the machete. Select upstairs, carefully – in the corner of the mercenary. Then run through a few rooms, big hangar, room with scattered in disarray bombs. Next to the staircase, rise to the top deck, will re-remind your favorite transmitter again. Get out in a hole in the case (Save) and run on the nose of the ship, where the six-only machine gun is installed. Cook from him all on small pieces, then go around the ship on the other hand and climb the stairs to the top. Save.
In the nearest room you will find not only the mercenary, but also Valerie documents, at the same time listen to the speech of Krieger about his research, from which humanity should not shift. Nothing concrete, however, now you can expect anything. Select to the upper deck (Save), you will be heloded with a helicopter and a small handful of mercenaries for drawers. Go through the pavement on the stern, carefully, the automotum queues are easy to interrupt the chains on which they are fixed, so you can have a bad rumble and part with the latest balances of health strips. Shoot a chain on which the inflatable boat is holding, and jump in. Swim by the arrow on the compass.


Minute the village of the water and move towards the complex on the mountain. You can shoot the crew of the patrol boat and swim a little on it, instead of crawling between the bushes. Save. Further on the coastline and start climbing the slide. Near the following checkpoint installed a stationary machine gunlet, from which you can make the guys who have slept in the next village. Rise on the stone stairs to the top of a hill, playing hide and shooting from patrols, (Save) and enter the complex. Run further along the corridor, without turning anywhere (Save at stunned lockers) until you get into a large room. Here you can take a new automatic rack. Close to elevator, go upstairs and leave again on fresh air.

The path (SAVE) will bring you to an ancient cannon, then to the dish of the antenna, next to which you can get on MINIGUN, watering the queues of the mercenaries planted from the cargo helicopter. Come to the door of the bunker, Doyle will report that he needs some time on the break of the code. Try to hold out before the happy point, shooting from the waves of hot guys and “turntables”, when this damn door will still open. Save. Come inside and in the command center left. Shoot the commander, pick it up with a plastic tolerance card. Now you need to get explosives and join it to the gas generator so that the whole base soaks into the air. Compare into the room on the left, use a card on the door and pick up explosives. Go out into the corridor, roll left and lay a bomb next to the generator. You have exactly ten seconds to clean up in a red tunnel.


Go along the path, turn all the mercenaries in the camp and, clinging to the deltaplan, fly to the other bank of the river. There will immediately appear two helicopters that will start to install you. Plugging onto the path, rise to the hill and minim the platform with a machine gunner. Save. But ahead of the namniki appeared in front of the palm trees. She will be in the valley, right behind the observant tower. Doyle will receive a new disposal – blow up the warehouse of weapons. The problem is not the lungs, but where to go. Save. Right on your way there will be a group of mercenaries, they can be tried to get around, or put everyone. Save. Wake up, finally, in the camp and indoors with the inscription “Briefing” take explosives. Take a look in the building opposite (Armory) and laid explosives next to the boxes. For the left before the explosion for five seconds. Hurry up. Further along the path treat one of two buggies to get to the next destination item. Save.
The car has its own degree of wear, so if it will shoot a lot, it will explode. Tarann the mercenaries who had the misfortune to be right on your way, and go on the way further. The road will block military tractors and buggie with two soldiers. Just behind the truck there will be a free machine, you can use it. In fact, why taking out soles, if you can ride, yes with the breeze. Immediately behind the river – SAVE, then on the road there are several more machine gunners under the cover of the jeep. Save. The next task from Doyle, even with all the desire, cannot be called original, it sounds like that – “the urine of all!”. When you shoot all mercenaries, go to the very end of the pier. See the roller in which Doyle will pick you up on the boat, and then falls out in a new place.


Falls out to advise moving through the whole island to the research center. I wonder why he did not bring him before? Go along the shore, admiring the waves and photorealistic textures of the stones.
You will reach the cave, next to which kept with a dozen mercenaries. Climb into the house (Save) on the hill and take the card from the table, then go to the cave (Save), where to open the gate with it. See how some crazy creature will be painted on a soldier. Jack hopes that she was the only. Naive…
Go to the right, soon, after a small earthquake, Doyle (Save) will contact you and says to look for an elevator. Go on the tunnels, at the end of a large cave with mercenaries running around the stairs, you will find the long-awaited elevator. Now it does not work, you need to find a generator to turn on electricity. On the cave right and over the screw lifting up. Pull the chopper and go back to the elevator, it will raise you upstairs. Then just get to the nearest door to the right.


Immediately at the first door, someone will drag on the rope to ventilation. This someone will be desperate to resist and loudly scream. Do not be scared, whether there will be. Go back and right along the corridor, come across the corpse of a terrible monster, who has a fanging mouth takes the entire top of the chest. Go for a jeep and go to a small room on the left, behind it at the door next to the vending machines. Save. Doyle will report that you need to look for scientists who can know the location of your companion Valerie.

Go on bridges stretched between trees to in the end to get to the building with the inscription “Supervision”. Inside, let off from the monster, select a key card next to the corpse of the scientist. Use it on the reading device, in the next room, pull the switch to open the gate to the helicopter platform. Get out of the building, sit down in the elevator, it will lower you to the ground level. Further along the path is upstairs, you can saint a jeep in the camp of mercenaries. Drive further, focusing on the point of point on the radar. Save. Doyle will require to get explosives and arrange a small firework.
On the road will be a blockage and several mercenaries, driving out of machine guns, move further through the bridge and towards the tower. Curious can break the wood and see how all the barrels will be touched down the hill. Take the explosive next to the tower (Save), then go through the tensioning bridge through the abyss. Lent a bomb in the wall, next to the door with the code lock. We climb into the resulting manner and then in the bunker, opening the massive door to its card.


Go along the corridor, take a body armor and a first-aid kit, press the button and sit down to the elevator. Complete the room with a hefty monster, which is dispersed on the table, then in the mine, go down to the bottom and even lower, on the stairs with the arrow next to the number “2”. Through a few doors, you will go to the walkways over the water, for which there will be a room with monsters cells. On the door to the right, after a dozen doors, a gun on the bridge (Save), a mine, a bunker with mercenaries (Save). We drink in the glass, followed by a pack of soldiers and monsters in cells. Climb the stairs to the top and press the console to free the poor animals that brutally will distort your offenders. Shoot all that will still move, and go to the goal. In the next room, climb up the stairs and leave the building. Finally – on the will of these stuffy labyrinths. Run to the helicopter platform, it is not far, and watch a new movie. Val first kicks Jack’s kick from the helicopter (he managed to cling to the wheel), and then, in the next stage, crawling like a marine mermaid from the sea to the beach, will begin to tell the truth about himself – Valeria Konstantin, CIA.


First of all, it is necessary to get glasses for night vision, nevertheless no noon in the yard. Close to the jungle, let’s fight three colors next to the corpse of the mercenary. Doyle recall them again. Go along the track (the company of mercenaries is located just between two Saves), and in the camp. In the house grab the glasses from the box, Doyle will say to move towards the steam generator. It is better to go there on the jeep, the road will be long, five pieces are suns, no less. Go to the generator, Pribe a worker to get communications plans. Then, try to the door in a pair of tens of meters, compass points to it.

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