FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline

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August 4, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

S.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Passage of the storyline
FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline
Passage of the storyline Stalker Call Pripyat

“Skat 5” – explore the place of fall

Description: Explore the place of falling the helicopter “Skat-5”
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing:
Passage: One of the first plot quests. Here everything is simple, we need to walk to the helicopter, which is inside the “Top” anomaly and seize it. I think nokhogo special difficulties will not. Pass to anomaly free, the main thing is not to run into hungry dogs or someone else.After searching the helicopter, it is found that all the electronics inside burned and now it is necessary to find the cause of the blown electronics. The reason we will find performing another quest, so that we have finished.
Adviсe: In the anomalies, use the bolt to lay the road. Near the helicopter in the box will find some provisions.FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline
“Skat 2” – explore the place of fall

Description: Explore the fall of the helicopter “Skat-2”
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing:
Passage: So searched Skat-5, running on, to the second helicopter, in the most edge of the map to the southwest, right next to the anomaly “Iron Forest”. Poltergeist flies near our goal, so we move slowly, as it reacts to the movements of the GG. Kill Poltergeist and we can search the helicopter.Another Screensaver on the engine in which Degtyarev (GG) discovers that the crew of this helicopter died in the air, but on the onboard computer it was possible to detect the map of the area between Zaton and Jupiter.Adviсe: Search next to the lying corpses of the military, we collect cartridges and t.P. If Poltergeist noticed you – it will throw it with objects, hide behind the corners and various shelters.

Maps of the area: Find interested

Description: Find someone who will be interested in the maps found
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing: Found and inspected helicopter “Skat-2”
Reward: Discount on the transition between locations
Passage: We go to the dry cargo ship “Skadovsk”, speak with the stalker named Lotsman, we suggest it to take cards. He copies them to PDA. Now we know that there is a short way between Yanov and Skadovsky station. Maps of the area gave and got the possibility of cheap transition between locations.Adviсe: FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline
“Skat 3” – explore the place of fall

Description: Explore the wreck of the Skat-3 helicopterQuest issues:Conditions for issuing: Reward: Passage: To the third helicopter just do not pass so much, so we will go to the stalker Noah, who lives in his “ark”, a little south of port cranes. In his ship he holds a tamed dog lesses. Talking to him, ask about helicopters and agree that he spent us on the plateau.I appear on the burnt farmer, around full of “frying” anomalies, follow what kind of road goes, then follow him. Do not forget about the bolts! Return to the edge, repel and jump into Teleport. (ATTENTION – accelerate well, but it will come to jump again) teleporting near the “Circus” anomaly, and go to the plateau. Next to the goal is the lair of the snarles, so first it is better to destroy them, until they did it with us). After that, we go inspect the helicopter Skat-3. We receive information that both engines have been denied in flight, and in the on-board computer we will find a map with marks of evacuation points “B2”, “B28”, “B205”Adviсe: Long stay in anomalies frying greatly hurts your costume

Evacuation Places: Check the point “B2”

Description: In the map found one of the helicopters, evacuation points were marked. Should be checked if the military did not appear.
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing: Skat-3 is examined
Passage: Proceed to Skadovsk, speak with a beard, which refutes information about the emergence of the military here.

Evacuation Places: Check Dot “B205”

Description: In the map found one of the helicopters, evacuation points were marked. Should be checked if the military did not appear.
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing:
Passage: We go to the VKC Vollah on the location of Jupiter’s neighborhood. In the area a lot of zombied, so it is better to take a shotgun or other effective weapon. We go to the building, in one of the rooms we find a note on the table from Sokolov with a content: “Old leaflet with a schedule of posts; from the bottom on it are visible four digits:” 1421 “. On top of the old records marker it is written: “Lieutenant Sokolov in.AND. In connection with the twist of the helicopter proceeded to the point of evacuation b205. Within two days, the evacuation did not take place, the further stay at the point is associated with the unjustified risk. Decided to leave the point and proceed to the Mobile Laboratory of the Scientific Expedition. The laboratory is located north-east of the evacuation point “.”Code 1421 It is still useful for us, go down to the basement, to the closed door, enter the code. (although in fact the code to enter us will not need). Downstairs there will be a flock of tubes, and the big room has a fight with the Burren. Try to dilute from the items that he throws, as well as hide behind the big boxes. Next, climb the stairs upstairs and fall into the room, closed from the inside with a small arsenal. There are a rocket launcher and two shells for her. The task is completed, it remains to search the point B28.

Explore the wreck of the helicopter Skat-1

Description: Explore the wreck of the helicopter Skat-1
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing:
Passage: Location of the neighborhood of Jupiter. We go to the helicopter platform. Pass is closed by a mine field. But the helicopter can be reached along the fence. Come together, inspect, take a black box and carry it to the nitrogen on Yanov. He says that the decryption can leave about three hours, and the amount of decent will be released for money. So, we are waiting for three hours, approach nitrogen. We give him three thousand and listen to the received audio recording, which says that in the event of an accident, everyone follows to the point of evacuation B28.

Explore the wreck of the helicopter Skat-4

Description: Explore the wreck of the helicopter Skat-4
Quest issues:
Conditions for issuing:
Passage: We go into the building of the plant through the southern gate, on underground corridors we get into the hall, with a destroyed roof. Fallen a helicopter will not notice will be difficult. We see, but we will not know anything particularly valuable.FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline
Path in Pripyat

Description: Judging by the recordings from the “black box” of one of the helicopters, the military should have been gathering at the point of evacuation “B28”. She is in Pripyat: So, in any case, they say found in another helicopter cards. Will have to seek the opportunity to get there – you need to talk about it with the conductor.
Quest issues: Pilot
Conditions for issuing: Found and deciphered black box of helicopter Skat-4
Passage: The conductor does not know the road to Pripyat, and sends us for documents to the Yupiter factory. We go to the factor’s factories through the central entrance, cook right and go to the administrative building. In the room on the third floor we find the folder with the order. In the documents found in the administrative workshop, the documents say about the evacuation of the production complex from the plant. Information about this should be sought in the laboratory building. In the same way on the third floor there is a corridor transition to another building, after it turn to the left and find a notebook sheet on the shelf, in which they are talking about a certain product number 62. Judging by the record from the laboratory shop, the evacuation was to conduct a delivery department. Need to check this place. Come out of the housing and moving on from the entrance. In the next copus on the first floor there will be a sheet with the supply of this product itself.Now we go to the repair shop. We go around the main building and go through the southern gate, go down to small underground corridors and go out to the main building. There will be two Chernobyl PSA. On the table we find another document in which it is said that you need to go to the first department where we find the evidence that the underground path in the pripe exists. In the workshop of chemical compounds there should be information on the conservation of an underground overpass “Pripyat-1” with some gas. Therefore, they object to the same way as we went to the repair shop. Those who have not yet been tired of running around the abandoned plant in search of the document are sent further. The entrance to the underground overpass is behind the transport gateway. You need to check this place, and search there any information about the overpass. Finally, when we collected all the documents, we go to the Nitesta technique on Janov, where he will tell us about the underground transition to Pripyat.
Adviсe: Before leaving the plant, go to the third floor of the administrative building, in order to take some more documents. They carry purely administrative information, but the mercenaries are guarded, the leader of which is on PDA, there is some interesting information. All the documents found include the leader of the Longovists, you can get the achievement of the “Information Trader”. And here are administrative information to the camp of scientists. 7000 + medicines will pay you for it, and for PDA black 2500.FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline
Pripyat-1 + Check the point “B28”

Description: You need to get into the pripe
Quest issues: Lotsman, Zulus, Nitrogen
Conditions for issuing: Prepared Quest Path in Pripyat
Passage: First you need to get a suit with a closed breathing system. The most convenient and fast option is to buy it from Hawaiitsa on Yanov. Nitrogen could open the oscillation gateway “Pripyat-1”, but it refuses to go to the territory of the “Jupiter” plant without guarding and recommends to take a couple of fighters in the overpass. To the detachment already joined Zulus. He suggests sending new fighters to him. The more you passed quests, the more characters you can take. Zulus says that for a trip you need at least three people. With the amount, I got a maximum of 5 people: Vano, Tramp, Lieutenant Sokolov, Zulus, Nitrogen. In the dialogue with Zulus there is another branch, where he speaks about Noah, but if you come to Haton, it will not have a dialogue associated with a campaign in Prip. Perhaps patch will correct. Let’s start collecting the team. Each stalker will need a suit with a closed respiratory system. First let’s go to Vano, although there is no difference, who to take first. It is necessary to lend 5,000 per suit, after which we assure it to Zulus. There are no problems with a suit with a suit, since he has an old monolith costume. But the lieutenant Sokolov is no costume and will come to ask for Ozersky. But as always, just so you will not get anything. You need to task and bring scientists a sample of an abnormal plant on the edge of the career. When you bring it, you can go to Zulus.By the way, if before that you fulfilled all the tasks of scientists, then you will assign the rank – “the discoverer”, and when we will give all three to Zulus, then you will be waiting for another achievement – “leader”.When everyone assembled, nitrogen opens the door to the subway of Jupiter. Further, most importantly, it is necessary to follow the fact that no one died from your team. This passage underground will be remembered for you for a long time. All the way to the Big Hall, will attack snarks.Use the bait and use both slots for weapons. Next, you will need to turn on the power of the door. Select the ladder transformer, turn on.From the side of the containers will run by monolithic. Power is turned on, but the door is still blocked. Need to go to the dispatch.When we go on the opposite sides of the hall two sniper appear, and a few of the monolithmets go from the other side where we came from. Click on the lever, and go to the door opened. Further we go on the corridor, shooting tushkanov, zombies and snarles. Impossible to get lost. Redeem the staircase that leads to the ventilation hatch upstairs, and here we are in pripyat. After loading the location, we look at a small roller on the engine, after which I appear before Koval.FROM.T.BUT.L.TO.E.R.: Call of Pripyat: Game Walkthrough and Guide of the storyline
Unknown weapon

Description: Find a weapon that monolithica shot down a helicopter with the military.
Quest issues: Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky.
Conditions for issuing:
Reward: Gauss-gun, yellow key card
Passage: Together with the captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We occupy places in the building and we are waiting for three monolithica to go to the center of the courtyard. Quickly remove them, go to search the bodies. At this point, the rest of the monolithic, who staged an ambush on us, begin to attack. Our goal is to kill monolithica, on the edge of the roof of the five-story building, which stands with Gauss-gun. After all fanatics are dead, we take secret weapons and object to Koval. But the sample of Gauss-gun is spoiled, you need to find a mechanic who would fix it. We go to the cardan to Zaton. When we tell him about the product number 62, he will cut down and wait to wait until he comes to himself 🙂

During the dialogue, we find out that the Cardan has previously worked at the Yupiter factory, it is with this product. For repair, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the anomaly of the Iron Forest, in the building there will be a coded door. Here the key card is useful to us. We go down to the test workshop, the vcridor will be about 5 zombie stalkers, descend even lower, we fall into the hall with a ogrant shield installed on the rails. Personally, I, it is in this place for the first time I met pseudogagant. He is pretty bad, but it is very difficult to pierced his bullets. Broken armor-piercing, shotgun and charges for a grenade launcher. But it is better if you take something squeezed.

We climb the stairs, then on the top pipe of the Zalazim, through the hole in the ventilation shaft (remember the old sign of freeman) and climb into the second hall. On the table will lay the necessary documents, and near – sample product number 62. We get a yellow key card from the x8 laboratory. Now you need to get out and return to Kardan to Skadovsk. We give documents, we wait until he runs out, and at the same time he repairs Gaussk. At this time you can sleep. We get up, we take weapons and documentation and go to the Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.
Adviсe: In the test workshop on the shelves will find cartridges for AK.

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