Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 24, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy: Passage
Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Project Galactic Civilizations From the very beginning it was unusual in everything. Start at least with developers. Command Stardock From Michigan began as a office from one person – a passionate student Brad Wortdell. Since 1993, Brad has done what he did… Galactic Civilizations. He makes the same game for 12 years, and have to admit: if something has something good, then it is galciv.

The first game was created for the famous operating system of that time – OS / 2, in the focus “Semi-axis”. She became a hit unexpectedly for Brad himself. But the system has already been doomed, and when she ran finally, Stardock took up supporting programs for Windows. They not only helped the firm to remain afloat, but also brought financial success. From time to time, minor gaming halnkes seemed to be lightningly developed Political Machine. With money and the whole company Brad Wortdell could afford to do Galciv under Windows, without looking around at anyone.

And he did it. And players have rejoiced. Because, no matter how cool, after the inglorious death Master of Orion Galciv – the only and best representative of the genre of global space strategies. Brad after the release of the game promised a whole year to improve it with free additions and edit with poppipes. And kept the promise by winning faithful fans. STARDOCK business model is unique, the company is located on the border between the niche

Shareware and ordinary games. Even the term “gamma testing” came up – that is, the project testing after it is released.

However, a new addition Altarian Prophecy turned out to be so large-scale that it was not sin and sell. His Stardock put a fatty point in the development of the project. The current version of Galciv – 1.51, that is, rounded – one and a half.

And, most likely, when you read these lines, the first phase of beta test will begin Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords. The game itself is expected at the end of the year.

New in the universe

So, what exactly the developers in Altarian Prophecy? By itself, they improved the game, and especially its interface. Inspector Lestrade in the excellent Galactic Civilizations guide (see it on our CD) complained that pressing the only button destroys the ship without any warnings. Now you will be asked again. And automatic stroke in it either will not be if you don’t want them.

And here is the list of innovations:

  • Altarian Prophecy campaign in nine missions will reveal the mystery of the unusual similarities of people and Altarians.
  • Players have at their disposal a powerful card editor and can now build a space to taste. You can place not only the planets and stars, but also ships.
  • Mission and campaign editor gives players tools to create their own missions and companies. Developers secretly recognized that Altarian Prophecy campaign – partly learning, it illustrates the ability of the editor.
  • Four new spacecraft with interesting abilities. Two – for “good” civilizations, and two – for “bad”. Paladin treats neighboring friendly ships. Sovereign – increases their protection. Ghost reduces the protection of enemies. Vamp in battle steals the energy of the shields of another ship and adds to his “health”. True, if the ships are somewhat, then their action is not summed, so for the fleet just one paladin or vamp.
  • The ability to play with changed rules. For example, in teams or in “Humanity against all”. Total ten options.
  • Two civilizations have been added – Bad Corses and Neutral Dratchi. Especially for them was reworked by the Screen of the United Civilizations (OOC), so that all seven civilizations.

Well, in little things: new technologies, galactic wonders of light, even more moral tasks for colonization, encyclopedia and many small amendments to the interface and the game process.

Tactical advice

Galactic Civilizations have many ways to play well and even more ways to play bad. If you are a novice in the game, then you will not hurt to know several subtleties, from which the victory or defeat often depends:

  • From the first moves of the game, buy two colonization ship and try to capture up to five planets as soon as possible. Preferences give away from the distant worlds (neighbor later). Watch on the number of suitable planets and their quality (minimum – 15, in extreme case – 14).
  • If you need to quickly rebuild a few ships (for example, at the beginning of the game), slide into several moves to the economy on one hundred percent martial law. When you do not need to build anything on shipyards, slide the “military” slider until it is down – the resources will not be consumed in vain.
  • Newcomers are best to play on small maps – it’s easier to grab the main principles of the game and finish the party for some two or three hours. Start with light levels of difficulty. The novice player will surely be bought even on average.
  • Before the congress of the galactic combined races, buy influence from the neighbors.
  • Sell for money or influence other races Scientific developments. But thoroughly think before sharing military and diplomatic knowledge.
  • Races are arranged so that they attack the weakest. Even a pair of protective ships in a star system will not let you suspect you in weakness.
  • The more races know about you – the more your influence. As soon as possible, adjust relations with all.
  • Do not regret money on espionage. From the earliest game, find funds for destabilization of potential enemies. Remember – the effect of destabilization accumulates with time.
  • With destabilization from other races, you can fight, giving part of the income of the planet to propaganda.
  • Do not forget to schedule governors with the list of priority buildings. Very promoted.
  • Be sure to build and develop space bases on resources. They will allow many times to increase income from trade and the speed of building improvements and ships. By the way, in the window of the planet in the designation of the number of resources, small icons indicate dozens.
  • My favorite starting preferences – the folestist party (+20 to the economy will never be superfluous). Starting ten prize points are spent on improved planets (+7 to quality). Most often I combine them with accelerated population growth (+20).


At the end of the 22nd century, humanity has established contact with five major star civilizations. These were the Derenthin Empire, the Torian Confederation, the Empire of Arkians, the team of Yor and the Altarian Republic. Immediately the question arose: why Altarians are so similar to people?

The secret of past Altarians keep two new civilizations – Corx and Drath.

Exercise 1. Surprising coincidence

Target: destroy the corts and prevent war with Altarians.

On a small map of quadrant, three civilizations: humanity in the south, Altarians in the north and corsi in the east. Relationships with the latest are shut down worse now – you are in a state of war. Start the game Standard: Translate the economy to military rails and capture the planets, striving for the Card Center. Corsa come back there before you, but it does not matter. Research ship at this time should get to the maximum number of anomalies to strengthen civilization.

After the “Planet Racing” start developing. Opening a galactic translator, as soon as possible, adjust relations with the Altarians. Do not hesitate to give them technologies. Strain with them trading. Out to the orbit of the northern planet itself a couple of defenders and master the cosmic resources to the bases.

There is nothing wrong to destroy the cameras early by rebuilding a pair of databases and opening Corwayta. With the help of Altarians make it easy.

Task 2. Trade relations

Target: to achieve friendship Altaian and prevent war with them.

Mission is extremely easy to pass. The map is simple and understandable: the stars are located in the form of the letter “T”. Downstairs “letters” is your civilization, and on the “shoulders” – the Altarians left and the cuts on the right. Of course, from the very first moves, it makes sense to arrange a “hike north”, especially since a very tasty star system with several excellent planets is waiting for you in the center of the map (one of them is high-quality “twenty”). Hurry up, do not let the tricks you stop. Immediately get to it will not work, so move “jumps” from the system to the system. Not trouble, if as a result of the chase of the stars of aliens will be ahead of you in economics and the population.

Grabbing everything, how can you reach, start classical development. The game offers to make friends with Altarians with trade. Well, so be: without a rush, give scientists to learn trade. But do not forget that the easiest way to ride the race is to throw it free know-how. Quietly give the Altarians military technologies – you are not going to fight with them. But the diplomatic science is better to leave with you.

Opening the trade, for several moves, transfer the economy to the military situation and build a couple of merchant ships. Send them to Altarians. If you share the secret of trading, then they, in turn, will trade with you.

In my game, I achieved the location of Altarians before the merchant ship reached the destination point.

Task 3. About Corsakh

Target: conquer the capital of the Corts.

Three powerful linkers. This is the Fleet of Corks, which is already on the raid from the Vol. The power is serious, but you should not panic: as soon as you get to the ships of the “combat secury” system, the problem will disappear. A dozen “secrech”, ticking on the battleships, will quickly turn them into scrap metal. Yes, and planetary ships-defenders (you can build them from the very beginning) cost something. True, only in orbit. Even if the planet is almost not protected, and the enemy will approach, there is always the opportunity to spend money on the purchase of ships from third-party firms for one move – for cash or on credit.

According to the old tradition of the star again arranged in the form of the letter. This time it is a lambda. Or “y”, if you turn the map. And again people, Altarians and Cors sit in different angles. Your task is systematically developing in the center of the map, get to a strategically important area of Poseidon. Protect her well, as the combat ships are waiting for you right in the north. Bringing off from them, develop and build space bases. One – near Poseidon, the other – in your starting sector. Send merchants to establish business connections with Altarians from the same planets.

Most likely, the Altarians will immediately begin to aggressively attack the corts and it will make it easy to fate. Collect the fleet from the “secrech”, give them two or three filled shipping ships and capture the will. You will win as soon as the planet turns out to be in your hands. Therefore, especially not a ceremony with defenders. Use the man-made tsunami (my favorite folding method of the planets).

By the way, it’s not necessary to fight with lincars.

Task 4. Intervention Dratov

Target: Do not allow war with Arkean, or make friends with them, or defeat drains.

I love sense of humor developers. “It turns out that all this time the corses were under the rule of the unknown civilization of Dratkhov. But you do not need to regret them – they are still nasty “. This time you are in the system with old familiar to Galactic Civilizations. On a miniature map with you Neutral Arkean (in the center of the map) and aggressive beasts of drains (in the south-east). You took the extreme northeastern sector. Military conflict lovers will bring drains, while supporters of diplomatic decisions will prefer to make friends with incredulous arkean.

Actually, the option is only two: rejuvenate military infrastructure or trading. There are only four star systems at your disposal. Occupy them in the first few moves (military economy and order from third-party firms), but do not put on the colonial ships too many settlers – the central world will suffer. Research ship let the spaces of space in the direction of Arkean and get acquainted with them as soon as possible. Two military spending for zero and share the budget between construction and science in half. To win, you just need to move the slider of the relationship of aliens to you right, to the cherished greenery. Keywords: two: gifts and trade. Crude their technologies (except military and diplomatic). Send shopping ships to Planets Arkean. Try to save money for unforeseen expenses – for example, if the fleet of bloodthirsty drags appears. However, should not – the villains are located on the opposite edge of the map.

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