Galador: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Speaking with the digger of the graves and seek, he disturbed the grave of the sorcerer Arivald. The result of a long conversation with the sorcerer will be the card in your suitcase.
We take the shovel left after the drunk gnome and roll, according to the recommendation of Ariva, all the graves – we find an amulet in the form of a wolf head, some pearl, elixir of immortality and dagger (Dolch). Our green acquaintance is returned, saddened by what we took up his noble work, and he curses all our objects produced by unbearable. But the map turns on, and we go to the city
The city lives his life, and we go to the tavern. Before her, the beggar sitting, who, showing a certain dexterity, need to withdraw the shoes that he removes from his feet. In the tavern we speak with a monk about the temple, and a new area will appear on the map – Actually, the temple itself. We go to the house of Alchemist and ask him about the homuncule – a small little man in a bank. After that, we appeal to the homunculus, and he jumps to our pocket.
On the square we are talking to the prisoners, you need to talk to him about the players in the bone, then agree with him about his innocence and doubt his professionalism in the thieves. Then the thief will suggest to look in his pockets and you will get a set of bastards (Dietrich) and Zhulnic bones.
Shawk slippers to a fat merchant (take away from the poor and give out rich) and he will tell about the ring with diamonds stored at the Great Warrior – the hills will appear on the map.
You can still talk to the cook and learn about such a valuable product, like garlic and about its need for different dishes.
Let’s talk with both players – the right of them will tell about the castle, hidden in darkness.
Next you need to wait for the right moment and throw the players "left" bones. They are so carried away that you will not be difficult to cover the package standing at one of them behind the back and get a small book. Go to the temple.
Show the homunculus of writing over the altar, he decrypts the inscription in which one letter remains unclear. Next, experiment with the altar, until the Spirit appears, which you need to make a curse with magic items in exchange for immortality elixir. Return to Tavern.
In the tavern we give the pearl of the Gnome so that he missed us to Ariva. He tells us that in order to get out of here, we will need to go straight to hell. On the right in the tavern sits bard, from the back pocket of which you need to withdraw a letter. Let’s give his wife, politely knocking on the door of the house Bard. I dig in the junk, flying out of the window as a result of a leaving disorder, and select a musical instrument. Return to the tavern and tell the bard about the incident. Go home to the bard and take the bottle from the table, and at the same time we release a bird to the will, opening the castle of the cage. We go out and persuade the cat to wake up and pay attention to the bird, as a result we select a night cap in front of the door. We give an alchemist a book produced at the merchant, and get a scroll with magic change. In the tavern I give Arivald a scroll and talk to him – learn about the castle of the fjord.
Castle Fjord
Dragon rolongs from there, but it is useful to visit.
Boldly press the mouse forward – the ghosts will evaporate. We talk with a big skeleton
– I swear that
– I will continue your mission
– I will use your weapon for this
– Fight evil
We select a ring from the floor and open the door with the lever
In the tavern we speak with Arivald, he says that the mirror can help here, with this we appeal to the owner of the tavern, but there is nothing suitable. We ask Arivald, and the one turns us into the bear and in this form we penetrate the King Castle
Castle King
Go to the door at the end of the courtyard and further right into the princess room. Talk to Ne. We use ribbons hanging over the bed, and we kisses the princess – turn into a person. Open the launder door to the treasury. There is a small chest right there, try to open it – and waiting for you "One-handed gangster". Achieve all three heads laughing – and you get a mirror. We return to the courtyard, we put on a leash and again we turn out to be in bearish skins, but not long.
Castle Fjord
We use the mirror to the statue, then the homuncule on the statue and the mirror on the gate and enter the castle climb upstairs, raise an amulet and a book and get acquainted with the papers on the table. Return to Tavern.
I give the book Arivald and talking to him – we get the magic of moving, which we use to exit the tavern.
Sunny Prince
We use the homuncule on the plate to read it. Next, depending on the last words:
one. If you need to show his brothers – click on the star, comet and month, at the end – in the sun in the center
2. Enemies of the Earth – Fire, Water and Wind
3. His friends – Star, Comet, Month, Fire, Lightning
Talk to the prince, he will complain that he has not heard music for a long time. We play on our instrument, in return, he promises to light the castle of the fjord, where we go.
Castle Fjord
Go in the castle and turn into the passage. We approach the sarcopagu, in which the vampire swells and give riberate to the maudist. A little to stand up, until the voice will be heard, which will ask you to free it from behind the wall, for which it is necessary to drive a stake in a peaceful sleeping vampire.
Tavern. Speak with Arivald and find out in the future.
Give an elegant lady amulet, in return she gives us a scarf. We use a scarf on a merchant vegetables and fruits – get garlic. Go to the merchant meat and bring it empty chatter to white cation – he will throw an ax in us, but we have time to run out. Let’s go again and take the ax from the door. Return a lady scarf and get an amulet back!
Go to the church on the left and turn to the servant in the language of gestures: Prayer (hands down), jump, so little, the outline of the bottle (drunk) – we get a bottle with holy water. After leaving the church, Arivald will return us home.
Right in front of his house, a branch of a tree from a tree, then once again – we will get an aspen amount, but the ax will only handle. We use our bodies on the branch – we get a very sharp and dangerous subject. Now connect the aspen stake with our sharp item – the sacred cross will turn out. We rub it with garlic and pour holy water – the weapon is ready.
Castle Fjord
Kill the vampire to our cross. After leaving the lady, we examine the sarcophagus and find the last page of the book of necromancer with a spell. I select the dragon scales from the castle. Return to Tavern.
We use a spell on a monk and quickly raise its belt. Let’s talk to the bartender, he will be offered to play in "Clip Clap" – You need to pull your hands on time, by pressing the left mouse button in a timely manner – we get a coin. And so need to do 5 times. And all this is only to listen to the old man’s elegant. By the way, it is possible and not to listen, so it is exclusively for funkiness.
Show the Hermitage of the Scaly, he asks to look at the image of the subject of his search.
Let’s go to visit the Alchemist – the book that we gave him, was not a magical, but historical, and the alchemist will give us a page from the book dedicated to snakes and lizards. Apply the scales of the dragon to the new page and find a complete match.
Show your hermit page – the dragon cave opens on the map.
Dragon Cave
We use the bottle of perfumes on the web, and so far the smell dissipated, beat the dagger on the rock on the left – there are no more cobwebs. But with a dragon until you can cope.
We speak with the gnome, he declares that the reproot of the dragon people are nothing. We speak with Arivald and go to Sillanion.
Another speed test, this time, with accuracy. Take a stone from a handful and throw in a bird, the second stone needs to be hurting a book hanging on the edge, and the third time to drive the bird until it hangs in the air. The result will be a fallen book and spell, which gives you the strength of the troll, which is better remembered.
Dragon Cave
We use our diamond ring on the dragon, repeating the spell that Arivald told us – the Dragon will be offended and go away, and we again release this lady again. We use a scroll with a spell on a dagger and a sword, destroy the chain – get a fellow traveler. We go to the cemetery.
We say first with an evil creature yourself, then we ask for a lady. Then apply on the green mascot of the necromance.
We go to the alchemist where we change with a stranger – we give him a talisman of necromanta, he – the elixir speed. In the tavern at the place of the bard sits a wrapped lady, let’s talk to her. Now you need to remove his mug from the gnome. To do this, it should be provoked to the scuffle, and when he gets up because of the table, instruct the girl to take a mug – she will confirm the receipt of the order. We, of course, will get, but a mug – we have.
We pass through the remnants of the gate, drink the elixir speed and score into the beer mug of swamp.
In the tavern, we are trying to knock the mud with the mud to our stranger, she proposes to prove that this is poison – give a mug of a gnome. The stranger buys poison (for very large rats), and we will acquire cash. We go out on the street. Stranger dropped the veil, we select it and use the girl. Disguised as a stroke, buy a real poison from the witch.
The mill is near the dragon cave and you need to walk nearby, to notice it (for example, from the cave on the hills). We go inside and look in the hole in the floor – there is an appetizing, fatty rating. We use a girl on a hole, and then help to squeeze there friendly push. We look again in the hole and get deserved.
Impact a scroll on the dagger to get a sword that expand the hole. Throw rope there. We bind the rope-thrown back to the axle handle – the girl got out.
Give a rat robber graves and get two pennies
Go to the pier and use poison on it. We will take off the carrier in hell
Drink a speed elixir, turn the scroll into the sword and attack the guard. We go to the next room and speak with another feature (I paid more taxes than it is necessary). In the room we are trying to pull out a piece of meat from a plate – not the first time, but it will succeed. We will spend the moment when we teleports strictly behind the trait and the rear of it with meat on my head, then thaw in a circle. We blow up a black candle and select horns left from the line.
Cut the dagger with a red candle and we blow up white, in the room we open the coal with a knife, and: a little waiting until the corner cools, pick it up.
ATTENTION: When the corner cools, it needs to be heated with a red candle, otherwise it will turn into dust.
Now we go long, past the dungeon with a girl, past a niche, down the stairs to the valve with a lava, not forgetting about coal. Close the valve and insert the horn to the crane, then open the valve – a small explosion will open an impregnable door. We select a piece of horns at the site of the explosion and go into a new room.
Put a hot corner for a big cooled boiler and immediately put a candle there – the flame should appear. We take red clothes with a mannequin and stretch it under your size on one of the torture. Then we lower the suit in our boiling boiler – it turns on, and then we screw the horns here – well, no devil.
We go to the niche, where the security is worth, just do not forget before the entrance to change clothes for a small masquerade. Our outfit did not slip, although you tried to convince the protection to natural damn.
Go to the girl’s camera and she tells you the escape plan, but… For this plan, we must catch us, which makes the guard and puts on a combat girlfriend. Further we move the stone, a minute is actively raining the keyboard (M and N keys) or mouse. We manage it and we find yourself in one of the rooms of sinners. Here you only need patience – everything will happen without your participation and you will find yourself in the distributor.
Again go to niche and change clothes. We appear in front of Lucifer:
-Hey, Lucifer
-It’s all unfair
-We want to smoke
We look at the final scenes.