Ghost Master: Game Walkthrough and Guide

You, in the role of the Master of Ghosts, take the command of a cohort of various ghosts and go to the world of living to bring mortals to complete hysterics and drive them from the territory. At the beginning of the game, there are only a few ghosts at your disposal, but as the game is passing, your team will be replenished with a new composition. Each ghost has its own habitat, be it electricity, air or water, and your set of unique abilities that he will scare versatile. Before entering the task, you charge you to choose the appropriate team of ghosts, in most case the recommended composition will fit. At each level, in addition to the main task, there is also a side – this is the salvation of family ghosts that join your team.
It is worth saying that any mission has many options for passing and the option that is given here, just one of them.
Act 1
Mission 1: Owning 101
Ghosts Team: Purpose, Topotun, Buouu, Chills
This first mission is part-time and training, so I will not stay here for a long time, since you will explain everything so much. Your main task to scare to the death of female students and drive them out of the hostel, and the secondary – to free the witch of the storm. Having understood with the management and the game interface, scare one of the students. To do this, tie the buwa to the hall, and the interference – to the music center there. Enjoy all their abilities and wait. When one student or somewhat run away from the hostel, talk to the witch of the storm, which is located on the first floor near the bathroom. Tie the interference to the tape recorder, which is on the shelf above the witch, and use its ability to “complete madness”. After the witch storm will be released, she will join your team. It remains to scare the rest of the residents of the dormitories. In the hall, bind the wrong to the musical center again, and the chill to the carpet. Use all their abilities to speed up the intimidation process. When the last student with a wild scream will leave the hostel, you will finish the mission.
Mission 2: Spiritic session
Ghost Team: Buouu, Chills, Ether, Horror, Witch Storm
Cancel members of the Alpha Tau community from their home – here is your main task. And to release three ghosts, a lucky one, the eyes of horror and Venela, is a secondary task with which it is just worth starting. Talk to luckier, who sits on a gaming machine in the hall. To get it in your team, you must do so that some player won on this gaming machine. To do this, it is enough to take advantage of the lucky ability “luck” when someone will play. Talk to the second ghost, whom the horror eye. It is in the room on the first floor, from which music comes. It must be rescued from the bank, in which he was shoved. For this purpose, the air is perfectly suitable with the ability of the “ringing chain”, but no hope is not enough plasma for this spell. Tie a buwa to the room with the ghost of horror’s eyes, and the lucky way to the slot machine in the lobby and use all their abilities. When the plasma level increases, tie the ether on the left side of the house and use the above-mentioned ability. Talk to the Third Ghost – Wendel, which is located on the second floor in the room where Ted Kabab sleeps. It needs to be driven out of the house to be freed. But one should not throw all the strength on him, it’s better to immediately do all members of the community. Engage all the abilities of Bouw, a lucky ones and ether (if not yet) and start tieting the rest of the ghosts to the “workers” places. Horror tie to the head of a deer in the lobby, chills – to the basketball net in the hallway, the witch of the storm – to the main entrance to the house. As the plasma increases, increase the amount of abilities used by ghosts, thereby speeding up the escape of community members from the house. When Ted Kabab runs out of the house, Vendel will be liberated. Send him to the basement, where three Yents are conducted by a spiritual analysis. Using the abilities of the “steps” and “laughter”, scare them, and they will immediately run on the first floor, where the rest of the ghosts will work with them.
Mission 3: Kalalatvillean horror
Ghost team: barrier, Buouu
The main task of this mission to make the residents of the houses discovered two corpses of three. If they detect them, you will automatically free and ghosts. Go down to the basement and speak with the ghost arc light. He is closed over the wall in which you need to make a small hole. Nearby there is a block of land, which is ideal for obstacles. Bind it to the ground and use the ability to “concussion”. After some time, the tenants of the house will discover the corpse and cause the police to investigate, well, we, without waiting for their arrival, we will deal with the second corpse and the ghost, respectively. Talk to the ghost Static, which is located on the roof near the chimney and antennas. His corpse stuck in the chimney, which in some way you need to push the next. Tie the barrier to the nearest to chimney to the shrub and again use its ability to “concussion”. On the first floor, tie the buwa to the room with piano and take advantage of its ability to “kinesis”. Wait until the tenants detect this corpse, and then the police will then be detected.
If you want to get a third ghost in your disposal, whose name is Maxina, then you should lose this mission again. To do this, go to the “Running Table” on the map and select “Repeat”. First, let the tenants will discover the body of the ghost of arc light and cause the police, and then talk to the Ghost Maxina, which is located in a closed room on the third floor. When some woman appears on the third floor, taking the ability of the ghost of Maxima “Intrigue” and watch the woman’s reaction. She must call for the rescue of one of the men in this house, so that he opens the door of the room, and after it should try to use the cosmetics to which Maxina is tied. But if the man opens the door, and the woman will no longer come to this room, then take advantage of the ability of “intrigue”, but already on another woman who will appear on this floor (the candidate of a police officer will come true).
Mission 4: Calculates do not count
Ghost team: Buouu, Bloach, Ether, Witch Storm
This time you need not to scare and drive mortals, but on the contrary to help them. Three students are looking for an ancient volume with which you can call the spirit of the Shadievik. But they can not find it, as a professor who belongs to this volume well hid it. Talk to the ghost Dance of the rain, which is located in the toilet. For his release, you need someone to lower water from the barrel. But the bee hive bothers the mortal to go to the toilet. Tie a barrier to the ground closer to the toilet and use it with the “concussion” ability. When one of the students will pass by the need to the toilet, the ghost will join your team. Talk to the second ghost – wind whisper. He is locked in a house trap, from which he would like to get out. Bind the ether to the bike here and, using the ability of the “ringing song”, free the ghost. The third ghost is the Lunar Creek, is in the cellar under the house (by the way, the ancient volume is also there), the path to which the mortals have not yet found. Well, we will help mortals. Tie the barrier to the ground near the entrance to the cellar (foliage lumping) and use its ability to “concussion”. By this, you will clear the entrance, which will now be seen mortal. It remains somehow to attract them to him. For example, tie a witch storm to the path between the kitchen and the toilet and put the level of its abilities to the maximum. Now some kind of bad must be found to find the door to the cellar. When it happens, tie Bouwa to the cellage itself and use its ability to “kinesis” to throw the ancient volume on the floor. When it is discovered, and all three students will gather in the cellar, a professor will appear, whom all somehow did not wait. Wait until three students leave, and do a professor. Use all the abilities of Bouw and the Moon Creek (this ghost, using the ability to “strange vision,” will immediately be released), and also led to the porch. His ability to “swallow” is very acting on the professor. When he runs out, three students will again gather in the cellar and will hold a challenge ritual.
Act 2
Before starting the next mission to teach the ghost shiver of a new ability – “Blood”.
Mission 5: Dematic
Ghost team: shiver, witch storm, tank, lucky, electrospasm, rain dance
Don Bartholomew does not believe in the existence of ghosts. Prove him that he is mistaken. If you study the fears of Don, then it is afraid of blood to horror, and all the abilities of the tank adversely affect it. Shivery just has the ability of “blood”, but this ability is valid only in cabins with water (mostly these are sinks). Sent trembling to those places where the Don is and where there will be a sink, and use it with the above-mentioned ability. When the level of horror don will rise, and he will begin to be afraid of everything, and he will achieve his abilities of the tank, and he will jump over the board of the ship. But before this happens, let’s liberate ghosts, which in this mission pleaded. The casino dwells the ghost. He wants a croupier in the fluff and dust in a gambling game. There is nothing easier. Tie a lucky way to roulette and use at any time its ability “Fortune Storm”. Now anyone will definitely benefit from the croupier. In the engine room near the generator is the second ghost – the hostess of waves. To free it, you need to run the pump for pumping water. Tie a lucky way to the chopper and take advantage of the ability to “strange behavior”. Now someone go down and launch the pump. The third ghost of Jordan lives in the bedroom of Don. Tie the mistress of waves to the aquarium in the bedroom and use the ability of Grad. With this action, you will break the urn to which Jordan is tied. The last ghost in this mission pianist. He is located near the piano in the hall opposite the casino. Pianist forgot the melody, because of which Don killed him. If he can remind her, then your team will be replenished with one ghost. Melody constantly dresses the cook. Purify it well so that he subsequently came running to the pianist.
Mission 6: Unusual suspects
Team of Ghosts: Static, Venedo, Horror, Rain Dance, Embank, Ether
You decide to strike at the police station. If you manage to scare before the death of all mortals there, and in addition to free two ghosts, then the victory in this mission is guaranteed you. Talk to the ghost electrospasm, which sits on an electric chair in the basement. Ties to interfere with the chopper and take advantage of its ability to “complete madness”. With this action, you will free electrospasm and he will join you. Talk to the Second Ghost – Blue Death. She wants to know which policeman sold it with guts. I will immediately say that this police officer is Norman Fritz, watch him for a while. When he goes to the basement to the room with evidence, his policeman Andrei Hayd will stop him. You need to scare it with all the might so that he escaped from the police station. After that, again, watch Norman Fritz. When it goes to a room with evidence and touch the suitcase with money, use the ghost’s ability to blue death “obsession”. After Fritz comes to her in the morgue, blue death is also free and joined your team. Now that all the ghosts are released, it is worthwhile to do mortals. Here you have complete freedom of action. Scare how you can, most importantly tie ghosts to the place where more people. Very well acts as a horror shot and blue death in the basement morgue, since blue death has the ability to attract people to them (the ability of “obsession”), then mortals will simply build go to her. When most people leave the police station, free the prisoners, as well as professors. Just tie an interference or electrospasm to the rubbils and take advantage of the ability of “strange behavior”.
Mission 7: Cosmetics and Metla
Ghosts team: interference, rain dance, electrospasm, Venedo, wind whisper, tank
In the hostel Kappa Lambda appeared three new students who enter the Sabbath witches. Their forces are aimed at protecting residents of the hostel from the forces of Darkness, that is, from your ghosts. Finger them – the matter of your honor. First of all, visit the ghost tail of fire in the basement. To free it, you need to put out the ceremonial fire in the roaster. Tie the rain dance to the aquarium and use the ability to “rain”. By this you free the tail of the fire, and at the same time destroy the protective circle of witches. Now they are also defenseless, like everyone else. Take a bathroom on the second floor, where talk to the ghost trice. She wants only one from you so that you bring someone to the bathroom who has exactly the same hairstyle as she has. If you inspect the list of tenants, then Blair Vechel is perfect for this task. But here is the question, how to make it come to the bathroom on the second floor? All simple. Scare Blair to death and in fear, running around the rooms, it is sure to visit the bathroom. You can also place the rain dance in the bathroom on the first floor with the activated ability “rain” in order for mortals to do not go here. After the trice is free, do the third ghost, which is sitting in the greenhouse. To liberate the boot, you need to bring him some electric thing. There are two ways. The first, scare the guy Tony Tupillo, on which the headphones are dressed so that he subsequently came to the Orange. The second, with the help of triations to create a gift (the ability of the Efemerial Dar), which serves as inks for any ghost, in the hope that anyone will take it into a greenhouse. Anyway, freeing the bullshit, we do the most important thing – the expulsion of witches. The Cher Medfort Witch is afraid of darkness, so it is ideal for it, the ability of a darkening “darkening”. The second witch Michelle Redmont is afraid of dirt, so intimidate it with a ghost tank with the abilities of “dense Horde” and “Middle Horde”. The last witch, Susan Southford, is afraid of noise in every way, but in practice it turned out that the tank is also able to bring it to full horror.
Mission 8: Poltergeist
Ghost Team: Morning, Topotun, Buouu, Lunar Creek, Tail of Fire, Rain Dance
You go to the spirit of Poltergeist steep, which can not be resting with the world. In order to help him, you need to clean the house from all mortals. So, here are the recommendations for intimidation of people. Babby Bobby Hats is afraid of the literally everything, and especially bringing. Therefore, use to intimidate Bouw with the ability of “hide and seek”. Granny and grandfather Hats in horror from the form of fire, which means more efficiently against them to use the tail of fire with all the abilities, except for the “heat”. Steve Hats, who hates darkness, use the ghost Boat with the ability to “dimming”. The ghost of fire dance is very valid for Greg Hats with the ability of “Flood”, because Greg is afraid of water. And on Diana and Marcia Hats, straighten the ghosts of the Topotun and the Lunar Creek.
It is worth noting that as soon as you begin to scare mortals, they will cause a professional medium. Be careful not to give her the opportunity to grab Poltergeist steep, as well as all other ghosts in your team. When the danger for some kind of ghost will be close, remove it from the shackles. After studying the conscious fear of the medium, it turned out that it is afraid of blood. Poltergeista is cool there are appropriate abilities, but since he is attached to the Karol-Ann Hats child, then you can use them when the child and the medium will be in the same room. Naturally it is a rarity, so use the abilities of other ghosts, such as “Current Throw” at the Ghost Tail of Fire or Man-Torch at Morning. When all residents and the medium leave the house (except for the girl Carol Ann Hats, of course), the spirit of Poltergeist will find peace and join your team. But it is too early to rejoice, for the complete victory it is worth driven by a girl and a hunter for leadership, which is incomprehensible as it turned out to be on the threshold of the house. The common forces of all ghosts rhine the first-hand hunter, and then the girl. Use powerful abilities and do not give a hunter to capture your ghosts.
Before going to the next mission, teach the ghost of the pianist of the new ability – “Suspicious SMRArad”