Goblins 3 (Goblin’s Quest 3): Game Walkthrough and Guide

1st room. Take a stick. Use a coin on the hook on the wall (VIS) and take a fallen hook. Draw it to the loop on the rope (Boucle). Unleash the knot on the stern of the ship. CHUMP appears. Hit chumba stick. Go to the chest and shift in it. Get a pepper and sucker. Make a suction cup on chumb. Put a blount to near hand. And Chumpe jump on the platform (DALLE). Take tooth (dent). Put the Blount’a near the hook, and Chumpe raise the weight. While the umbrella hangs on the hook grab it. Shove the umbrella in the hole in the basket on the left, and cut to the tooth rope from the basket.
2nd room. IDOL. Take an umbrella. Use it to the left long hole. Look into the hole in the teeth. Using platforms (DALLE) jump over the other side. Take a hand. Submit her kendo, and while it slows down to hit him. Take the hand and jump back. Hercule Hercul’a and Gromeelon. Biscuit (Biscotte). The next security guard to give money (ECU), and while it slows down, hit it. Fell helmet (Casque) and ECU. Take money, use biscuit on a helmet, and wrapped his stick. It turns out the crumbs that you need to take. Move behind Banzai’s back and sprinkle with him crumbs. While he is to be rolling his stick. Take his shield. Hang him on a branch near Zembl’a. Stand up for a stone behind him and sprinkle with his pepper. Take it stick. Chumpe sample Django, and when he drove his tongue, pull for him. Paste a stick in the stairs and climb upstairs. Natural Chumpa on Punky. When he gets to shove the stone on him (Pierre)
3rd room. Afterworld. Intelligent in the dark match (des allumettes) and take them. Use them on Zone Rugeuse, which is right above the matches. Light lights. Break a piece of braids, take a red little boy. Use braid to all exits of lights (Un Antre De Feu Folle). Their three. Use a braid on the clown springs (Poire) to take glasses (lunettes) and VABU from springs (L’Eau) set up a pirate prosthesis (Jambe de Bois) and, watering it with water, take yellow fire. Shove yellow fire in the ball (Boule). In the inscription ..Amoniak was here instead of the letter “O” will be button. Touch it and take the mirror. Malnik Collect fresh blood with inscriptions (SANG). Use a hairdryer with blood on a bottle of pirate. Then take it. Open Skull (Crane), put glasses on it and close. Blue fire is melted. Remove with skull glasses. Shove blue fire in the ball. A green hand will appear holding a plug. Take a plug and put a mirror in hand. Put a bottle for pedestal (SOCLE), red fire will fly inside. Plug the bottle of cork (bouchon) and take it. Malnik from ball remove yellow fire and sund red. A skull will appear on the spring. Glance on it. Remove blue fire from the ball. The Wall will appear Vampire (Vampire). Insert him a piece of braid instead of the second fang. Shove the remaining lights into the ball.
4th room. The Dragon. Take big (Dolmen) and painted cobblestones. Stand on the left end of the cappana, and Chumbon go for meat. Talk to princesse and king. Large cobblestone use on the block (ronces), where the knight is. Talk with knights. He will give an electric memory return – Memorum. Go and take about burning house something like a lame (Meule). Use it to the pool (bassin), and then it is on fire. Take a plug (FourChe). Use a fork on meat. Go to Auberge.
5th to take a spoon (Cuillere) and put it on a round stone (Pierre). Climb into the gap (Fissoure) and take a piece of sugar (sucre). Back through the circle. Put a chumpa on a spoon and throw sugar on it. Take sugar from the floor. Chumbon sniff peppers, and when he starts sneezing, shove meat into the pepper cloud. (being near the captain’s brush). Back to Dragon.
4th pour memorum to the pool. Short the Ear Coin (Oreille) Skull. Plug down in Nostrine (Narine), and put on it a pepper meat. Go to L’Auberge
5th Put Chumba on the hand of a fat man (Main du Client). Give a peasant a piece of sugar. Laisse Take. Use the sucker on the base (SOCLE) cells where Othello sits. Make a rope on a sucker. Climb up, give a rat for money. She will give the key from his office. Use the key to the mouse door (Porte). Shove inside the dragon. Take back the key and return it Othello. Ticket (Billet) Captain. Take a letter from him. Talk with Korin. Give her a cobblestone with inscriptions, and look into the knobs of her sword.
6th on account. Take powder from barrel and stick (Baguette) at the feet of the skeleton in Ryas. Use a stick on the cutter (Silex) and on the skull helmem. Take both. Use a stump cutter (ECORCE), and assemble in the helm of the resin (GLU). Hit the cutter on the latter the last of the Inca tribe. Out out of the worm (Bestiole) hair. Take one of the sticks from the pipes (Petits Tubes) and use cutter on it. Give a new duff. And put Ooya on the arriving Condor. Take another tube, pour out the powder and stick the hair (Meches) of the animal. Hit the cutter on the stone head of the bird, quit dynamite in the rock on the sand (Rocher). Another dynamite throw in a red brick on the tower where FourBalus sits. The hair is swinging. Put Ooya on the skull from which they removed the helmet, and give it to the bambou (Bambou), which was under the rock. Make one more dynamite and throw it on the door or the wall of the tower. He will bounce. Then take a big bamboo, put it in a hole in the stone (Creux). Hooat there powders, pour resin, Warm hair and set fire. Quit dynamite. Also destroy everything that sees on the tower, except for FourBalus itself. Then talk to him.
5th go to the city.
7th room. City. Talk to the grandmother and plug the umbrella hole (trou) in the house. Again to talk to her, and she will give a heating. Use the heating on the egg (oeuf). Then go to the office where Chumba (L’Rpicerie)
8th room. Give a peasant (l’epicier) money and letter. Go take an egg Snake Boa (Oeuf de Boa-Boa) and a key (CLE). Open the moonlight lamp (Lampe de Lune), which hangs on the wall. Return to the peasant and talk to him. Take macaronin (spaghetti) from the floor. Open a saucepan (marmite) on the window. Go and throw a wardrobe (Armoire). Climb on cornice (corniche) and cigrand from-there. Break the hammer. Rolling them the second wardrobe (Bahut), and get a whistle from the hole (appeao), which love birds Boucassieres. Jump on the sofa, jump onto the spring (RESSORT). Hit the hammer on the head of the animal (gidoulle) and take a falling horn (Corne). Back to town.
7th room. City. Call the call (Sonnette) to the door and spend twice. Then enter the alchemical laboratory.
9th room. Alchemist laboratory. Preface: Left Hand – La Main Gauche Right Hand – La Main Droite Take things only right hand, act on something only left. To make a Croisixir – an electric height. Formula – Pucked shell + boiled macaronin + ash Hidulla Horn.! Open Crane (Robinet), drop a couple of drops and closure. Pour water in boil (bouilloire). Take on the shelf macaronin and put it in boiler with water. Take down in the closet lighter (briquet) and light the boiler (rechaud) heater. Remove boiled macaronin and put it in the mixer (melangeur). Put the Bao Bao Egg on the Heer. Take the chips of the shell (coquille d’oeuf) and put them in the thick. Dubbina (Pillon) crowned shell and pour into the mixer. Horn burn on the burner (cendrier) and crumble into the mixer. Left hand Click the button next to the mixer (Mise en route melangeur). Take the resulting CROISIXIR and send them a little Bao Bao. Go out.
7th room. City. Hospitter Croisixir Chicken Boucassier, then both plants growing in pots (Bourgeon and Pousse). Touch on Rychag (Levier) and climb on the weight (Boulet) and at the same time Fulbert then climb on the roof by a growing plant. The edge of the roof of Fulbert stretches and it will be possible to pass. SEMELLE). Back through the chimney. Snakes to climb on the growing plant Floriane (Tige de Floriane). Take a love letter and use it twice on the mirror. The mirror will reflect the formula Ailixir – Electsir Wings. Fulberta again climb on a tree, and Blount caught a flower from the Floriane tree. Go to Epicerie.
8th room. Truncate the hammer of a man and pick up money. Fulbert Click on the button (Un Bouton). Use a hammer on the ladder (trappe). Take bone (OS de CroComouth). Raise the night table, and Fulbert’t pull out from-there Soap (Savon). Take it and return to the city.
9th room. Alchemist laboratory. To make Vitixir – the electroke rate of the formula – boiled sole + crowd bone CroComoTh’a + essays from Floriane flower. Cook the sole, shove into the mixer. Wrapped bone and mixer. You can get an essence in a distiller (Alambic). It is too shoved in the mixer. All mix and pour Vitixir on bottles. Back to town.
7th room. City. Go to the bell. Drink vitixir. Use on the bell duffer (appeau). Run up to the bird, pat on the shoulder and run to the lattice below, to catch the pen. Back to the laboratory
9th comanote. Alchemist laboratory. To make ailixir. Formula – soap bubble + laughter’s tears + ash from the feather of the boucassier. To make a soap ball need: 1.Calculate water in a saucepan on the window (Covette). 2.To dip there soap. 3.Money turn on the fan. 4.Has all pairs are grabbing the key and make it in soapy water. five.We use it on a working fan. Bubble should fall into the mixer. To get laughter’s tears need to dwell Memorum (stands near the book). Pour out these tears in the mixer. And add to the ashes of the pen birds. All this must be mixed and get Ailixir. Spill it into the bottles and about.TO.
10th room. Clouds. Take a knife (Couteau) and sand bag (SAC).Use sand bag on a basket of a balloon (nacelle). Housing cut off one bag from ballast. Goat is ready ! Touch with ooya. Use the stick on the fishing rod (Ligne de Peche). Jump on the balls of the balls (gonfleur). Plant Ooya on the ball. To put on the head of the Giant (Tuffe). Talk to a giant blount. Look at the stain on the glacier. Rod to pull the cloud (bou de nuage) to the giant. Happing another ball, put on it ooya, and at this time pierce the cloud with a knife. Go to the ground Floiandria.
11th room. Land Floiandria. Put OOYA on Pelle Pottreach (Pelle). Blount Press the bottom button on the catapult – the Catapult Control button (Commande de La Catapulte). Go to the telescope and see it. Ooya’y to put on cheese (FROMAGA). Blount will bring a catapult into a normal condition, and as ooya climb on it. Ooya’e to go and translate the catapult so that the blount gets to cheese. Then go and put on tables with ships (Table Au de Chasse de Colossus). Take a worm (ver) fishing rod. Soles and use fishing pitch. Back to the clouds.
10th room. Clouds. Holly Ooya on Stone (Pierre) and repeat OOYA moving operation to geysers using a ball. Attach OOYA to an inadenticious geyser, and Blount smoke the closest. Cut off the knife another ballast from the basket. Plan there ooya, and put two bags with sand there. View in the packer. Mold Ooya’y on Frozen Bizoo (Bizoo Gelee). Again look at the bizoo in the pipe. Take Bizoo Blount’om. Fish fish using a rod on a hole in the clouds (Trou de Nuage). Go to the ground Floiandria.
11th room. Land Floiandria. Charge the catapult, the top button to translate the catapult so that it is directed to Colossus. Trap Ooya’y on a board with ships. Throw Bizoo on Colossus’a.
12th room. Rynzh evil Colossus’a. Open one of the teeth (DENT), insert toothpick in the right (closed) eye. View to it. Climb into the left ear (oreille). Stick over the hairs in the nose (Poil), and until the tear rolled to shove the pussy. Using toothpicks to beat the whole Bloch family (seven soul). Insert toothpick in Nostrine (Narine). Sit down on a tear (LARME) and kick the pussy. Back to catapult.
11th room. Land Floiandria. Using a fish-saw to cut a column (colonne), on which Colossus hammock holds. Holly on Blount’a caught in a cage. Shadow take sandbank (Sable). Use it to the mechanism of the catapult (Machine), and make the catapult shifts looking into the pipe or putting on the board with ships. Take a flying gear (engrenage). Robot. Shove the gear into the resulting hole. Take from the mouth of the robot another sand and use it on Colossus’a. Back to Bizoo.
12th room. Rynzh evil Colossus’a. Jump on the nose, and when the hand dares to scratch it waters on it. Take the pischin (so that not hanging the gama does not look into the pocket, but immediately…) put it in the left ear. Jump on the collar.
13th room. Queen Xina. Talk to the queen. Garde du Corps de Xina (Garde du Corps de Xina), and when he laughs it is necessary to fuck him with a hammer. Take his gun. Talk to the queen again. During kisses, courtie Caldunya Pythie closes his eyes. At this moment you need to pull her a magic wand (Baguette Magique). Fulbert’om climb on the candlestick (Bougeoir). Take the fallen candle (Bougie). Put Fulbert on the dish, and Boult’om try fruit. While swinging the first chandelier, climb onto the second and, jumping on the fireplace to take Fenouil. Talk with a man sitting in a saucepan (marmite). Go to the door on the left. Put a blount right to the place where the glasses will fall, and Fulbert then climb on the column (colonnade). When the glasses start swing to try to catch them Blount. Fulbert at this time to run down and stand up on the platform (DALLE) right under the BLOUNT. Take glasses and put them take them onions (Oignon). Put and light a candle in every hand, in order: medium, long, close. There must be a passage in the fountain. If it is impossible to try twice. Climb into the pass.
14th room. King Bodda. Talk to the king and give him a hand (main). Give a gun Tibo, Fenouil Fil’u, and a security guard with an ax. While the guard hindrances to pull the ax (HACHE). Fulbert then climb on a pillar FIL’A, and Boult’om jump onto the second chandelier and move to the fireplace. View in a Cage (Cage) with a butterfly. Go down and take a plate (Assiette). Magic wand (Bouffon). Climb Fulbert into a hole with cockroaches (Trou de Cafards), and when the King Bodd will beat the cockroach of the Queen Xina’s shoes, throw the jester plate. When the shoe will fly away with a gallop run after her, and take. Take a magic wand back in a jester. In the same order, as before, extinguish all the candles (if the passage in the fountain will not appear, repeat twice). The mouth of Fontana opens. Use a coin. If the eagle, the Blount will get there.
13th room. Queen Xina. Return the queen of her shuffle and talk to her. Get on the fireplace again. Shove the ax in the pan. Climb a Blount to the fireplace (L’Atre), and then Fulbert’om climb to the candlestick so that the ax flying out of the pan cut the rope from the skull, which Fulbert will collide. Take and ax, and skull. Return to Bodd King through Fountain.
14th room. King Bodda. Give a skull king bodd. Get out (l’exterieur).
15th room. Chess. Immediately go to the next room…(Vers Le Livre De Contes)
16th room. Books. PREPARD on the textbook on geometry (Precis de Geometrie) 3 times. Collect arrows (Fleches). View in Buplo (Trou d’Arbre) in the book, and throw down the arrows. FoulBert’om raise dust, and Boult’a put under it. When the clouds of dust begin to fall on it to bring mouse to dust. Collect all numbers. To take “9” you need to deliver Blount’a next to the spider, and Fulbert’om to act on the luna landscape (Paysage Sous La Lune). Take nine and horse (Cheval). Topor cut out a ruler (relek) and take a piece of wood (Block de Bois). Climb in the book on the design book (Manuel de Dessign) and in the book on sculpture (Livre de Sculpture). Use Circula (Compas) on a sheet of paper (Feuille de Papier) to draw a figure eight. Take it. Distribute all numbers in addition to zero. Take the ink pen (Pinceau a Encre) and to dip it in the ink. Turn over page books for the right corner (Coin Droit). Call the knight from the castle. Pick in the book the road and call it again. Give him a horse. Turn over page again. Call a woman. Hour under its windows of the singer (twice). Take mandolin. Use a coin on the cart and pretty her horse. Take back coins and capture a piece of something (Blocs de Marbre). Back to Chess.
15th room. Chess. Harce chalk on Broke Tree sketch. Has a piece of something – to (marbre) Sketch Draw Circle. Using chisel (barin) and hollow out from (marbre) Blount’s figure of a wolf, and from a piece of wood, using a hammer and a chisel (ciseau a bois) cut out the usual ran. Hack. Take the figurine ink pen and put on the board. BALLES (BALLES). They must smash a pig (Nourrain). Lower the coin n pig. Play a couple of times on mandoline. Hold the game by airing hand on the board.
Rules of the game. Archer walks only on green cells, and only male. The rider walks like a horse in ordinary chess, but can not get on a blue cage with a snake. Killer (L’Assassin) and in love (l’amoureux) go all cells. The in love should get into the castle (Tour), and the killer must neutralize the king (ROI). The killer can attack the king only by the painter.
The archer should remove two guards, knock down the key and prevent the king to escape to the side. The rider should also prevent the king. So that the Duegne escaped must be put by the rolled Othello debris from him. The rider must stand on the left of the king, and the archer must shoot the cage to the right of the king. To remove the executioner (Bourreau), you need to pull the lever, which is originally hidden by one of the guards, Blount’om-Wolf. To get into the castle in love should first play on the cage with mandolin, and then use the key.
17th room. Mirrors. Take an egg and shove it in a mirror of time (Miroir de Temps). Suk chicken in the mirror of the ceiling (Mirir Grossissant). Pass oily ciglings through the passage (passage) reflect. Put it in a big hole (Aiguille Grande). Twice to shove the chicken in a slimming mirror (Mirir Amaigrissantes) and pass it through the pass back. Suk thin chicken in a small hole (Petite Aiguille). Make chicken normal, then grow up to chicken, and thicker chicken. Go to the next room.
18th room. Carts ! Wolf Slide the showcase of memories and Blount to press the button until Colossus appears. Wolf give Colossus to the face, and take the pussy pussy. Driving a cart control lever, throw both to the lake of Gallucinations (Lac De Vision). Wolf jump into the lake, and Boult’s throw there Sadchinka (grain de sable). Once the fish gets out of the lake, run the wolf back to the cart, rolling down, translate the lever to the middle position and scant again (all at the pace). The fish should move the wolf on the stove where the label is sticking to the dragon (Appeaau A Dragon Emprisonne). Hit her and she falls out. Go down through the passage (PUITS), and through the door (Porte) back to the lever. In the same way, throw a blount there and take a bait. Go down. Use Croisixir on the Side Plant (Bourgeon). Use FoulBert on the growing plant (Plante). Use a duff (bait) on the window (Pavillon). Get the dragon Croisixir and settle it. Use chicken on grain (grains). Take the remaining grain (Grain de Folie). Use the duff on the fence and on the key (Flaque des Songes). Use the keeper on the chest. Take from the chest eye ointment. Dump back into the room mirrors …
17th room. Mirrors. Thick in a demone grain of madness (Grain de Folie). Reflection Take the Laideur concentrate. Both approach the leftmost mirror. Get used to use onguent on the mirror. When he finishes talking, and still will be “beautiful”, the top also use ointment.
19th room. Last ! Talk with left face. Take the Time Rope (Fil Du Temps). Ax to cut a wooden hedge (Palissade), and the hammer break the brick wall. Call both calls and get up on a strained chain. Choose notes. Throw them into the water (Source Amere). Again call calls, but this time jump into the pool (Bassin). Put a demon to the stand for notes (pupitre) red notes, and the angel is white. Throw in a gold wrap (aureole) coin and gallop running to the demon. Hammer on the electrified cloud (Nuage). Had water should hang out two notes: white and red. Get a rope on them and call both calls. Hands will be tuned by the rope.