God of War (2018): Game Walkthrough and Guide

Marked trees
At the beginning of the game, we see a brief located in the forest and a chopping tree. Click several times on R1, select the log and follow the artem. Sit into the boat and get to the opposite shore. Come to the hut, watch the cat-scene with the last moments from the life of the Mother Artea and the Beloved shorter.
Time to hunt with artem. Run forward to detect the first additional artifact. The purpose of this passage is to complete the storyline, so the location of secret objects is not specified.
Keep to follow the boy, jump over the hole in the bridge, then you can collect some silver and find a small chest. Throughout the game, you will encounter numerous situations like this – try to carefully examine each location in search of silver and kraft materials.
Get to the obstacle on the bridge, remove the ax and throw it at the specified point. Next will need to jump forward. Watch the cat-scene and get ready for the first battle. Use this moment to explore the management technique and understand what is capable of a brief weapon.
Move for the son of the GG, after which you will find a fork. Here is the first chest Norna. Go to the right and enter the crypt. Destroy three runes to access the contents of the chest. Inside is an apple idunna. Collect three such apples to increase the maximum stock of HP.The location of one of the Idunna apples.
Return back and head in the opposite direction. Pull down the chain, kill wolves and open the red chest. Now you can continue the persecution of Artei. Soon new enemies will appear. After them need to return to the exit and go through the door to the right. Observe the Volkov group and open the next red chest.
Return to the hall, go to the rotating wheel and lift the gate. Do not let the wheel rotate – pin the ax in the mechanism over the gate to stall it. Before leaving the camera, look into the room to the right and open the red chest. Follow the left and climb up the chain where the red chest is. Go to the lattices and aim to the ax on a symbol above the bomb – it will fall on the ground, and you get some silver.
Climb the stairs and find the first altar of Yotun, which applies to additional tests. In this particular mission you need to find 11 altars scattered around the world. Return to the main path and move in trails of animals. You will come across a deer – take onions and shoot in the animal. This will lead to the appearance of the troll and the first truly complex battle in the game.
This troll is actually a pretty simple opponent who is easy to defeat. Keep at a safe distance and let him attack first. Bates the enemy only after it opens. It is also a great opportunity to check and practice passages. It is necessary to avoid absolutely each troll impact, as it causes a huge damage. When you are away from the enemy, then throw an ax or order arthei to shoot onion.One of the location artifacts.
If you got damage, then find the green crystal and dispel it to restore HP. Come to the wall and help artheu climb her. Follow the boy to meet new opponents. The game will appear a hint about the possibility of stunning opponents, after which, in turn, you can execute the execution.
Fight with enemies, try new tricks and stunning. You should also take the rule to give artery orders – thanks to his archery of the enemies, you can faster and execute.
Soon you will find the first hidden room. You can open it later – at the moment, adhere to the story mission. A mysterious person will appear in the house – a very strong enemy, from which Artie should be protected.
It is the first battle against the boss. First, a stranger will make you attack him. This is a good chance to explore his movements. Damage from ordinary and powerful blows, performing the counterattack at the right moment. When most of his health scale will be played, you will see several scenes with QTE actions (click on the specified buttons in time).
The enemy will restore the stock of HP, because of what the shorts will be furious. Attack the boss with new and powerful attacks. After the end of the rage mode, go back to the old tactics.
Move home, but a stranger will not leave you alone. He will attack twice on a brief and reset the hero in the abyss. Climb upstairs and continue the battle.
Time of the Third Round comes. Health will be restored at a brief, and at the boss, but this time the enemy acts faster and is fighting much better. Damage, follow its air attacks and avoid charged attacks. Do not forget to parry attacks and beat the boss as soon as the opportunity appears.
Finally, click on the shortcut of the L3 and R3 keys to break the neck of the stranger and complete the battle. Return home to find out how things are at Artie.
The first task is completed – you get 350 experience points.
Path to Mount
Time to continue the journey. Spend experience glasses and then move forward. Pass along the narrow edge, jump over the other side and climb above. So you will reach the cave. On the right side hangs the bucket – run and collect silver. Then follow the rotating wheel and lower the bridge – aim axes into the mechanism to stall it. Go to the artery, lift the boy and order to reset the chain. So you will find yourself at the top level. Move right and jump in the direction of the chest with silver. Return to the bridge and climb above. You can find another chain on one of the protrusions – lose it down and get up again.Brief with atrem.
Keep moving until you reach the end of Dikasya. Take the silver from the corpse and go straight to fight with a group of draped. Kill them all and inspect the surroundings (scatter the vases and collect silver). After raise up. One enemy will be top to win him and follow. On the right side is a Golden Chest – this is one of the legendary chests with a valuable reward that are well hidden. In this chest lies Runa – Equip it to enhance a brief. Go forward, lift the column and follow the artem to the bridge. You will find yourself in the lower tier, where the enemy group is located. Take advantage of the recently received mannery and try to eliminate single goals. Do not forget to throw an ax in the opponent from above that shoots you.
Go to the obelisk with runes and read them. New opponents will appear – armored drags using powerful weapons. They apply painful blows, so watch each movement and evade attacks. After you need to climb the wall and move on. Jump down to the atre and go straight. Collect silver with fallen soldiers and come to the creature that carries the melody. Now you need to fight with a revive – a new and very strong enemy. To cause damage to him, order atre to shoot on it – thanks to this, for some time the enemy will be vulnerable. Avoid Monster shells and try to approach it at an angle.
Jump to the remnants of the bridge, run a bucket with silver and go to the right to open a red chest. Jump on the other side and fight with rubbish. There is also another Norna chest, open which is not so easy. Making it back back. When studying this region, you can find the altar of iotuna, a scroll and go down in a hole to fight for another red chest. Move forward and open the smaller chest on the right. You will get to the place where you need to take part in the next complex battle. First kill several ordinary drags, after that – armored. For the latter, searct the mode of rage, do not forget about throws and evasion.
Take the silver and lower the bridge – you need to aim and throw the ax in the sign below. Move forward and open the red chest on the right. Return to the goal and open them to appear the robbers. Quickly finish off the enemies, and after the short scene, the devotion. It’s time to escape from the ruins. Come closer to the wooden boards and raise atrey upstairs. The boy will reset the chain for you – Climb her next. Go ahead, move by narrow edge and hear someone’s voice. Move to the source (on the way you can also collect the contents of the red chest), throw the ax in the tree on the right side of the bridge to go further.
It turns out that Brock is one of the brothers who faked an ax. Dwarf will propose an upgrade of weapons – this is a short training that explains how to upgrade the equipment and how to buy it in the store. Soon there will be several opponents, on which the updated weapon can be experienced. Move to closed gates, roll left, lower the bridge and slide down the chain. Take another red chest.Meeting with brock.
Now you can go through the gates and log in. Aim in the mechanism located above the gate, stroke them and continue forward. Go through a narrow passage, and then aim to the right upper corner of the trap with spikes. This will allow you to move it and open a new passage. Repeat the action and move forward. Behind the niche in the wall you can find a red chest. Unfold, aim in the corner of the studed gate and discover the chest.
Go ahead until you get to the trap. Aim in a wooden sign to neutralize the trap. Then you need to throw an ax into the mechanism from below and go ahead. A rather big enemy group will appear – defeat them. You can also call the ax and return to the atre to kill monsters together. Winning fight, return to the arena, destroy the barricade on the left and open a small chest with silver.
Call the ax and aim to the angle of another studded barrier. Go straight and turn to open another chest Norna. Go outside, browse the cat scene and move at the atre. Allow the boy to decipher the riddle. Need to turn around, climb the hill and activate the puzzle mechanism.
Your new task is to shoot the mechanisms so that Identical Rune was created. Enter the cave and move for the son of brief. It’s time for the next hunt! Both characters will hunt the beast. Jump down and meet another troll. This enemy will use the fire, and in all the rest resembles the previous troll, with which they were fighting earlier – beware of his new fiery attacks. Explore the area, collect prey and go to the next chandom of Norna. This time you need to find three bells and hit them to open the chest. When finished, then enter the cave and jump down. In the role of atreya, you need to aim and shoot in the animal. The creature will be invulnerable for arrows, so just pursue it.
Jump down to the old village and explore the huts to find a lot of silver, and then move on. A group of opponents appear. Use Leviafan to kill them, then take the stone block and view the cat-scene. Time to find the atrey who ran at the wild beast. Run forward until you find yourself in a labyrinth. Find the boy by following his voice. Go to the right, left, right and left to left – here will be atrees accompanied by a mysterious woman. Help save boar and take it into the witch’s hut. Place the animal on the table and go to the garden to collect therapeutic herbs.
Go closer to white flowers and take them. Then go to the atre and talk to him. Follow the witch, after which it will be possible to use a compass, indicating the current target and allowing to move on the lands. You will come across a special green circle and several red crystals – the obstacles can be removed later. The legendary chest in this area to find very simple. It lies a good talisman. At the bottom of the cave, you can push the chest to access the other red chest.
When will be ready, then go to the boat and leave the cave. Compass will indicate the direction – move to the ruins of the temple. Atraya read the rune, after which the brief will be awakened by the Yurmungand. Fortunately, creature friendly.
Now you can explore the nearby islands to find collectibles and provide a brochure service. Similar actions will allow to get a good equipment that will be useful in the coming missions. To continue adventure, follow the marker on which the compass indicates. Talk to the Brock, who opened the store. Dwarf will give a stone that allows teleport to the store – this can be done using a mystical gate. At the moment, the journey is unilateral, so moving only if you are confident that there is nothing more to do on the current location.
Go through a huge bridge and head to the top of the mountain where you meet new opponents. In addition, you will learn that Atraya can now attack enemies with physical attacks, allowing to stun the enemies. It is very useful, because the son of the brief turns into a real warrior! Open the gate and follow forward. Be careful, new enemies await you ahead. Using new atreya abilities, deal with them.
There will be a yellow flame and torch ahead. Direct your ax to a torch to pay off the flame. So you will see a passage that will allow you to go further. Repeat the action several times until you find a chest with silver. Inside, you can find the code (find four such code to be able to read certain runes and unlock a new world for study – Sullheim.
Climb up and go to the right. You will reach a small place – foothills where you will meet Sindri, Brother Brock. It can improve the axle ax. Leave the store, after which an enemy group attacks you. Kill opponents and follow the right to find the chest Norna. Restore the runes on the nearest signs to open it.
You can also unlock two red chests. The first opens after throwing the ax in the fire above the stone (right above the chest). The second can be discovered by a throw of the ax in the fire right behind the Tent Syndry. The third chest can be found in several steps further – climb the hill on the left of the nest chest and deactivate two smoke traps. Continue the journey. Jump down and go to the mountain. By killing the next group of opponents, including wolves, blow up the bombs and open the red chest.OGR Brenna Daudaud.
Follow the next, after which the OGR attacks you. This is a big and cruel opponent – be careful if you want to survive. Use deviations, counterattacking the enemy as soon as this possibility appears, and do not forget that you can throw an ax. Follow the closest opponents. Apply a damage enough fire, after which you can settle it and defeat the remaining enemies.
Being a monster, you will get a special award (Randomno). For example, “Ice Flame”, allowing the Blacksmith to modernize Leviathan, opening new abilities. Go through the gate and follow the black smoke. Unfortunately, the path to the top is blocked. Witch will appear, which will lead to the completion of the episode. You will receive 2,000 experience points.