Golden Palace: In Search of Golden Beetle: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Golden Palace: In Search of Golden Beetle: Game Walkthrough and Guide
June 8, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Golden Palace: In Search of Golden Beetle: Passage
Golden Palace: In Search of Golden Beetle: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Several preliminary comments on the passage of this game. First, you need a lot and often talk with all the characters. The same topic can be discussed several times, the response of characters is unpredictable, in addition, as a rule, after passing the episode, additional topics for discussion may appear. If the character does not react as it is written in passage, it means that you did not do or have not discussed. Secondly, it is not necessary to pass the game in the same sequence as described here, you can apply your own investigative methods. This passage is written exclusively to help playing key points. In order to better understand what the character is in front of you, you can right-click on it. Further. When you have "Fire evacuation plan", It will be possible to move with it, indicating the plan of the visiting point you need.

After the introductory video, when we are so not looking at the help of an excellent stranger, we turn out to be completely without money in our coupe, and even chained handcuffs. Thinking a little, we write a free hand sofa under the right hand and discover there a book and a map. Apply a book on the window – and Long live freedom! We are talking on all themes with the Larachnitsa Oksana trading by Chebureki. She admires our chain from handcuffs, and we are happy to be ready to give all this wealth to her, but how we will withdraw your handcuffs? We talk with a girl who categorically refuses to skip us further. When conversation with us, she suddenly rises his hysteria and she drops crayon from his pocket, grab it. We go to the booth "Metal Demon", speak with the old man. Come out of him and talk again with Oksana and the girl. We learn that with a lockshawk, it is impossible to talk about restructuring, it is terribly annoying. We go beyond the booth and on the wall of the house, opposite the windows "Metal repair" We write chalk word perestroika. We go to the old man and silently ask him about restructuring. The old man leaves his post to destroy the word hated for him, and we will use it lacking and its machine to get rid of handcuffs. Giving a magnificial Oksana chain, she also gives us her hot love and phone card to us. After that, show the girl card and speak with her about the casino. The path is clear. Once on the other side of the underground transition, we see how from the Chinese restaurant is straight "Violas" Our beautiful stranger from the train and disappears right from us from under the nose, on the go, something dropping. We select an advertising leaflet on which some kind of mysterious phone is recorded. Straight to the casino we can not pass, so you have to look for workarounds. Insert a phone card presented to us and call this someone. He invites us to order a mysterious dish with a hard-acting name. Go to the restaurant and talk with the Chinese. At first, he pretends that he does not understand what it is about, even when we pronounce a password. Persistently asking him about the casino and pass after the Chinese. At the entrance to the casino there is a girl – the provincial of Isolde, who told its beauty to the capital. It turns out that for this she needs to have good underwear, which she has no. Tear the mirror from the old "Zaporozhets". Lombard is closed, and we go to the casino and get acquainted with the secretary check mark. It turns out that the entrance to the casino is paid, and we have no money, alas! Saying a little more, we leave unsolon bread, and go to the dark alley. There is inappropriate to give some abomination that turns out to be a versatile bug. Professor Entomologist Caught. He carries some nonsense about rare poisonous bugs, which are found only in the casino. Trying to bring up your awkwardness, speak the professor about his desire to penetrate the casino, and promise him to search for these bugs there. We go to the casino from the black stroke and speak with the guard. But here we are waiting for failure. We go out and knock on the garbage bake, speak with the professor. He does not give us money, but is trying to give a valuable council. Go and speak again with the guard. Useless, you need to come up with something else. Take the velubra exhibition machine. We go to the casino and apply Mopharynik Mop. Olya-Lia! Our beauty is here too. We are trying to talk with her, but her cavalier, Georgians, categorically against our conversations with it. We speak with Georgian to all topics (especially he loves to talk about his Georgia, then new topics for conversation appear). Go to the right and speak with Bartender Denis. We go to the poker room and get acquainted with Leonid’s manager. Talking to him, go to the door behind his back. We speak with my wife’s wife, Fainain. Twice touches the topic of the game. We go further, behind the back of the dealer and get into the safe hall. Remove the keys from the wall and open the safe in the wall. such a surprise! We go further into the toilet and take toilet paper there. We return to the hall and speak with the red-haired beauty of Julia. Talking to her twice talking about underwear. Undress her to the thread and find themselves in the hall where they play roulette. We speak with Naault about the game and help her free from the underwear, and at the same time we raise the fallen stud from the floor. We return to the safe hall and taking the Julia’s panties from the table. We go to the poker room and climb the red stairs to the top. Remove from the wall "Fire evacuation plan". We look into the guard room, get acquainted. We go out and pass to the VIP-hall, get acquainted with Marryan dealer. We go to the next room and speak with the guard at the door. He requires a password that is still unknown to us. We go out on the door and get into the fireplace room, where without a revelation of conscience we grab the silver candlestick. Go down on the elevator, go to the professor and talk to him about the protection and chamber. Go to Lombard. Get acquainted there with a cute older Valentiya Samuelovich. If you really want to play, then rent it in exchange for chips dress, candlestick and mirror, get chips. Their quantity you will only learn when you play. But you can do without a game, it does not affect anything. We go to the casino, speak with the check mark and with the guard. We pass forward and collapse from fish to the left. Insert the card into your phone and call someone again. Raise the blue stairs upstairs, and get to the restaurant. We speak with the operator Oleg Loupe. Twice touched on the topic about movies and speak further. Then we approach the table where the old man sits with binoculars, I will also talk to him about everything. Having finished the conversation, go to the scene, go into the dressing room. There is a hanging syndrome of the singer Yeremy Pornova. Twice talking to all themes. Find out that she can not speak, because he lost his voice. Need to help her restore this very voice. We leave and go to the door near the little bar, we get into the kitchen. Get acquainted with the cook – French Pierre. Go down to the bar, speak Georgian and ask him about the voice. He reveals us a secret of a strong voice. It turns out that you need to drink fishery fat. We rise to the VIP room, and speak with the guard at the door about fish. We find out that the fish is best caught on the manna porridge. Go to the checkmark and asking her about fish and fishing. She gives us your hair for a fishing line. We connect hair with a hairpin, we get homemade fishing rod. Now you need a bait. We return to the cook, greet it, and he tells us about Paris. Talk with him about cooking and get semnel porridge. Having received a porridge, talk about the US. Go down to the bar, we speak with the bartender about drinks, fish fat and ask about the cook. Cook is really hot, especially in anger. Take a glass rack. Go to the fish. Plan a manna porridge on the fishing rod and fish. We go to the kitchen. Hello with the cook, and he tells us the story of his tragic love that happened to him in Tbilisi. Pick up the topic and talk about Georgian. The cook is very unflattering about them responds. Go down to the bar and speak with Georgian about sex. Hinting about unflattering reviews of the French chef. Georgian disappears for disassembly, and we are given the opportunity to talk to Ophelia. Discusing all themes with it, show her a map. She promoted and mentions about the Gadsky. We go to the phone, call someone. Then climb the restaurant, go to the kitchen and watch the field after the battle of two is not a good guys. Take the pepper who lies on the head of the cheese, saucepan from the table and skip the fish through a mixer and get fish oil. We offer Eremee our drink. Voice comes back to her, and she goes to the scene. Oil eyes light up with binoculars, and he rushes over the singer, and we take binoculars and Viagra from the table. Go to Isolde and offer her underwear. Happy, she runs away. We return to the bar, say again about everything with Ophelia. Twice talk about scammers, new topics for discussion appear. Twice then asking about the Gadsky. After seduction of Ophelia, we take a grape from the table. Climb into the dressing room. There is a half-breeding isold and tremble from fear. It would be necessary to help the poor woman get rid of shyness, otherwise she will never be able to boast of their beauty. We go to the hall, greet the operator, talk about the contest. He mentions women’s battles. Asking him about it in more detail. It turns out that these spectacles are very familiar with the cops and military. We go down to the poker room, we say in detail on all themes with Gadsky. Show him a map, and then apply toilet paper on it. It turns out that Ophelia joked about paper! But with us such jokes do not pass. As a result, we turn out to be the second card. Go call the chef. He appoints a meeting in the fireplace hall. We rise to the hall, ask the operator once again about women’s fights and ask him the camera. Naturally, we get a refusal. Go to the checkmark, complaining to her game, get from her Valerian. We go to the toilet, we score in a glass of water, put it there Valerian and treat the operator’s drink. We take the camera, go to the security room, talk about women’s battles. It turns out he is really crazy about this spectacle. We notice the camera in the director’s office. We take the operator camera and switch the camera in the office of the director. We enter the office, get acquainted with the director, ask him about everything. Talking to him, go to the fireplace hall. There is a modestly sits on a stool, our old-dandelion from the pawnshop sits. Will have to say hello to him several times until he conversate that you are all know. There is a big and meaningful conversation in which you need to ask three times about a big game. As a result, we turn out to be a third card and password to enter the office. Go down to the bar, we speak twice about drinks with Bartender Denis. He reveals the secret of the recipe "Goodbye chastity". At the same time talk about the director. We go to the manager Leonid, talking about problems with him. It includes a fireplace. We rise to the fireplace hall and make a highlight from grapes, toggle it in the fireplace. Go to the guard near the room, tell him the password that revealed us the chef. We observe a big game and expose Fisher. Staying in the room alone, take a bottle with port and cook for isold exciting drink. We rise into the dressing room, let the glass of the glass with a drink and look at the liberated isold. The director fits her beauty, it means that the office is free. Go there and find in a basket for garbage leaflets with a telephone. We try to open a safe. Alas, alas! We go to the professor, talking about casino and chip with him, we get another sheet with a phone and further instructions. Return to the Cabinet of the Director and type the code at the safe: 123-055-099. Open the safe, take a box with a chip from there. Trying to go to the roof, it was not there. We go to Maryan, trying to talk about the roof with it, but the player bothers near her. Talking to him and offer him binoculars to be better visible. After that, we speak with her about the game and find yourself with her on the roof. We look at the final roller, where all the secrets are revealed. Happy end!

He played for himself, and wrote Galina Yasnikov for you.

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