Gomo: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Friend in trouble
Homo and his dog Dingo Corotali Days in a calm and serene valley. It all begins with the fact that Homo wakes up from the nightmare, in which something bad happens with Dingo. After examining inventory and menu, click on the character. Having charging, go to the right and take the key from the wall. With the help of it unscrew the door and come out out. Sleep turned out to be rest: collar and booth on the spot, but there is no Dingo. Look inside the booth. While we examined her, a flying plate appeared and dropped a capsule with video. Aliens stole Dingo and require a redemption in the form of a crystal. Key.
Searches for crystal
We go to the right, I mock my moles a bit and get to the entrance of the mine. Click on the trolley to sit down in it and ride on the “American Golkov”. The trip is pumped by dip in the depths of the mine. Go to the next screen, climb the stairs and fall down. Left hanging a hook – take it. To the left of the left is a bag from which we get the access card. We go to the right, go down and correct the need in the second booth. Someone used toilet paper to play cross-ticks.
Climbing up and throw a hook with a rope from the inventory to the rope, stretched along the resulting failure. We climb upstairs and interact with the door code lock. Buttons on the lock and cells on paper from inventory are lonely. Therefore, activate those buttons that correspond to cells with cross on paper. Insert the map into the left connector and click on the square button below it. Activation of buttons.
Go down lower and rising to fuel bac. Loose tank, fill in the canister and select it. Going down at the bottom, we select the fork and insert it into the outlet. Fuel from the canister pour into a device with gears, press the button above the device and thereby remove the obstacle from the way. We go to the right, we get to the lift, click on the button behind the back and go down.
We continue the passage of GOMO ..
Raised the stairs, disinfected and pass to the room with lockers. Open the door of the most extreme cabinet on the right side. We select the discharged item, go down and interact with the control panel. Detail from the inventory insert into the middle line. Move the part by holding the appropriate mouse button. The detail of the upper line move to the left side, and the detail of the bottom lines – on the right side. We remove the approximation and click on the bottom tanning button on the panel. We pass through the opened door. Location of details.
Sit into the cabin of the drilling machine (optional). Two left levers are responsible for the boring, and two right – for claws. Left lever Bura pull down to failure. The right lever is also pulling down, but until the button lights up. Pressing the green button, the stone drops on the conveyor belt. Clash levers pull up to failure. Then the right lever pull down to the failure and again pull the left lever down to the failure. Press the button to grab a stone. Alternately pull the levers up to refusal: first left, then right. Left lever pull down to failure. Click on the button to lower the stone. Go to the next screen, where we interact with the control panel several times. We pass on. Press the button to release the container from stones and debris. Just above the button lies the disk – take it. Return to the previous screen, insert the disk into the control panel. Thanks to the explosion, the operation of the conveyor belt resumed. As soon as we climb the stairs, we will sleep in the pipe. Once on the stones, click on the pipe above your head.
Emboding from the stone, select it and transfer it to the right side. On the railing in front of the door hanging the twine – we take it. One of her end is tied to the stone, and the second – to the door handle. Opening the door, go further. Twine.
Raised the stairs, take the key from the hook and poster from the wall. Go down, unscrew the door with the key and twitch for the wheelchart lever. Climb upstairs, click on the button near the door and go to the next room. We remove the picture and detect the device with the retina scanner. Apply a poster from inventory to it. Going down, press the button and pass to the crystal storage.
We climb on the steps, remove the protective glass and remove the crystal. Alarm has worked, and a robot guard appeared. We use crystal from inventory on it. Click on the button to the right of the robot. The door opened, but we do not have time to escape. We apply the crystal again to the robot and now calmly leave the repository.
We pass to the lift, we interact with the control panel and build items in such a way that it turns out the nearest line from the upper left corner to the right lower right. Moving on cells and changing the position of the elements is carried out using the buttons under the scale. Next, click on the large button and go to the surface. From the point “A” to the point “B”.
We select a clipboard from the chair. We use it to swing the sheath of the ram. It is noticeable to facilitating the lambs, and we can notice a combination on his body – 9873. We go to the end right, we interact with the codebar and enter the number from the combination.
Remove the handle that is slightly about the stairs. Insert it into a similar connector even right. Climb upstairs, jump on the wing and move on the other side. We are replaced by the right, jump down and go to the next screen. All three door mills are closed. To the right of them is the scheme. I exhibit multicolored stones in the following order (under the arrow from top to bottom). Successful combination is accompanied by a characteristic click.
Light burgundy – green – blue (1st door, inside lies umbrella).
Brown – Light Burgundy – Yellow (2nd Door, inside Loaded).
Yellow – brown green (3rd door, inside anything useful, but you can see the snake).Combination for the 1st door.
Inventory handle insert into the connector at the edge of the wall mills on the right side. Near the well is the lamp. We use a magnifying glass on it from inventory. Go down to the well and with the help of an umbrella fix the red lever on the left side. We go right through the opened passage and climb up the top.
Raised the stairs, loosen the masculine nest, go down and use the nest as a crossway. Going to the next screen, pull the carrots from the ground. Fix it to the rack in front of the magnifying glass. We put the crystal from the inventory under protective glass. After interaction with the control panel, click on the bright light and turn out to be in the future. We approach the device, remove the bottom cover and connect the wires as follows: the upper left with the upper right, the middle left with the lower right and the bottom left with the average right. Click on the green button and run the rocket that destroys all the technique in the district. We pass to the end to the left to return to the present. Take the crystal and go to the next screen.
We select the parcel and collect a puzzle, focusing on a small picture at the bottom. Puzzle is a game of “spots”, so it’s best to start collecting from the top row. From the parcel we get a canister and apply it against a predatory plant. Raising the stairs, pull the knife knife. Go down, go to the right and with the help of a knife we open the sealed box. The resulting key unscrew the door of the house on the tree.
Left is a table, and under it – a box. Get a screwdriver from it. Use a screwdriver on the outlet, after which we insert the plug of the tape recorder into the rosette. The animal ran away, now we can go upstairs. From two attempts climb on the roof. Next, we rise to the branch, we interact with the apple and, descending down, select the hatchet. We pass to the balloon, raise the board and apply a hatchet on it to score a nail. We climb into the basket, we pull several times behind the sling and disappear from the restraining rope by cutting it with a hatchet. Move clouds.
Jump over the small cloud in the middle. Moving to the right, lower down a small cloud in the upper right corner. Long cloud in the upper right corner moving to the upper left corner. Raise two little clouds to us. Top small cloud in the lower right corner shift a little left. Long vertical cloud in front of us omit at the bottom. The path is free, it remains only to get to the rocket.
Come to the final of the game Gomo from StopGame.
Landing on the planet, get another video message from aliens. We go to the right and turn out to be absorbed by a large being. Remove the barely noticeable thread over your head. We associate two thicker threads, hanging a little right. Move the box for them by clicking on the arrow that appears if you hover the pointer to the box. Click on the button on the box and the flying toy grabbing the thread. A thread.
Selecting out, move a large stone to the left side. Long stick, which is leaning to the creature, put on a stone. We interact with a stick and alternately throw small pebbles lying under us. Rising upstairs, go to the right and send the Crystal to the aliel. Long he is destined to be the owner of the gems. We select the crystal and return to the native planet. At home we are waiting for a surprise. Open the box and, really not having time to figure out, get a blow to the head from the robot from the repository. Instead of traditional titles, it is possible to become a conductor of the choir, consisting of virtual copies of the game developers.