Half-Life 2: Episode One: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 25, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Half-Life 2: Episode One: Passage
Half-Life 2: Episode One: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1. Undue alarm

Dark Screen and 47 Health Points… WIN Sounds, Voice Alix… The dog digs us from under the rolled, and we find ourselves outside the citadel (thanks to the vortigons, we already thought Khan). Alix welcomes us, and cutie dog returns grave gun (damn, orange… Well, yes, we are no longer a citadel…). Alix says that little remembers, except for the explosion and votes of the revogs… And then it’s just how the dog dug her out of the ruin. In addition, it does not forget to mention that the citadel falls apart and it would be nice to think about how to make legs. However, there is a voice of her dad, illy, and she runs away for the call, not forgetting to put out and finish us.

Well, follow her. For this, the grain-gun smack the boards and on the resulting bridge we run. On the table near the computer we collect aid kits and listen to asia first, and then the kleiner tells horror stories on the topic “Will faster, and not that will be bo-bo. Having learned that we are still near the Citadel, they inform us the joyful news – the reactor will grow soon, and we will not have time to blame, except for the handles themselves a little. However, it is too dangerous – there are radiation everywhere. Hrm… And no one has a special case in the district. Suit? Gordon! 🙂 Excellent, in the Citadel so in the citadel.

Dog clears us a way, and we are crawling forward forward. Come to the edge of the abyss and take carelessly at the bottom. We go to the left of the ledge. Something falls on top – jump over the hole formed. Cutting into the car, we think not long and knock her gravel-gun.

Going to the platform, arrange the smoke, while Alix is looking for a dog and reflects on how to get into the citadel. Dog beautifully runs away… And he sends us a gift, in the form of the remains of the heroic minibus, known in the people as Rafik (do not fall under it, it hurts). Hitro grinning, Iron Bolon invites us to take places in this miracle of automotive industry according to purchased tickets. Alix, of course, shortly nomads and shrink and sits in the car. We follow her example on the other hand using the E button. Bridal fastened? Well, then enjoy the flight… And a bit more…

Landing the second time – climb, we utilize paper bags… Oh, the machine then flew further… Well, okay, we are good here.

Get face to the abyss, where the car continued to fly, and go to the right. Something bucks, but we are not fatty, and the costume of moisture keeps no worse pampers. On the bridge in the corridor and… The first on our way plate “Loading” 🙂 We go further and drag into another abyss. Turn to the left and jump at the level below through the railing. Top in the doorway, we go to the room and watch stalkers in the show “Behind the glass”.

Alix with the help of a mega-launder is trying to open a power field, but a slim stalker on the other hand does not give a beautiful girl to make a conceived. What to do? To the left of the power field on the light tube there and fighters the riding mines fly. Alix takes off for us… No, no, it removes the power field to the left of Min, and not what you wanted, and asks to look, where it is mines roll. I personally go to the bald, where they roll there, but you can not refuse a cute lady?

Middle of the Opera and Jump down. Come to the edge and running around the piece of iron, jumping on the design. Iron falls, and the elevator starts on the right. We go down the design, go through the elevator on the balcony and charge the energy from the machine on the wall. We go a little further on the balcony and give the red button. Of course, mines are lying right on us.

We grab the most fatty of them, using the right mouse button, and run to the elevator (I do not pay for the bite of other attention – I don’t have a lot of health, and they do not look much). Such a trophy to Alix and keep in front of it until Madmoiselle reprograms the guidance system.

Run a mine through the power field to the stalkers and enjoy a short slaughterhouse. Having done his dirty case, Mina will return to us – a bad sign… After some (rather short) Mina time will begin to blush – it means it’s time to throw, because now it will be not worse than grenades. Jahnulo? Well, okay, the field is removed, you can stup.

We go ahead – it is difficult to get lost, for the way one. Stumbled upon the challenge, divide it with grain-gun. Return to the balcony, jump on the ledge through the railing. On the ledge, approach the bridge, for which the soldiers of the Alliance run… Run not long, for the tricky device and all enemies were drowned near the wall nearby… Literally… The cunning device rages around the cycle – as soon as it stops ugly, run that there is a spirit (that is, shutting shift) through the bridge. By running, waiting for Alix and continue the way.

We reach the room with a big computer, watch a short movie from the past about Brin and catch a glitch with a beautiful shader effect. Alix with a mega-launder breaks the field and we go on.

Pair of turns Next, we get into the confiscation room. Remember what it ended last time? Exactly, blue graw-gun 🙂 Actually, it ended in this time. We select mega-weapons and go ahead… To the favorite inscription “Download”.

Correct health from the machine on the wall. Come to the unfinished bridge. Beautiful balls fly around, and below on the wall on the contrary there are two cunning devices, and the right glowing, and the left, which is characteristic – no. We catch the right mouse button flying past and launch in the left device (not brake, from a long holding balls burst with damage to health). We get a pretty bridge.

We go ahead. Closer to the end of the bridge on both sides, the fighters of the Alliance are going – ruffles them attracting them with the right mouse button and running like balls in the bowlbane of the left. Almost six soldiers appear on the left – we kill. Another one appears right at the rate on the bridge on top – it is also not necessary to spare it. Come to the abyss and on the wall opposite we see a couple of familiar devices. Throw balls 🙂

Go through the bridge. From different sides and on top of the rod soldiers – kill.

The abyss see a familiar picture with devices… But! If the right ball is thrown simply, the left device is closed with glass. To activate it, go around the balcony on the left and go to the ledge over the device. We catch a ball and drive into the device by ricochet.

We go on the bridge and further forward. Left will come out the top three soldiers – you know what to do with them. Go further, go to the ledge and go to the left. From afar, the soldiers panel – we do not pay attention, now he will die himself. Go further on the ledge and turn into a room to the right. Alix opens the door, come in and… “Loading”.

Further forward to room with access to the elevator. Remember the health. We grab the ball from the column on the left, we run on the elevator and launch a ball in the device. Promazali? Not trouble, to the right of the elevator two more columns with balls.

When the elevator begins to move – I bow my head. Various large-sized objects (a piece of the bridge, part of the column) will be falling from above – they are slightly tightened by the right mouse button and immediately die away. Elevator, it is glass, not huhry flies.

After the third subject – stop. This time the device is hidden in the room. We disassemble the right mouse computer on the right and ricochet ride the ball in the device. Beat another piece of the bridge and stop again.

We throw the ball and take the usual movement and… OPA… Severse Stalker stops the elevator! Ricochet Send him to the room the balls until he dwells. Further as usual – a ball in the device and drove.

The next stop and this time repeat the surprise falling from above will not. Faithful sign – it’s time to go… Go ahead, on the right there will be a pharmacy point – I correct health if necessary. Still a little forward – download.

Chapter 2. Direct Intervention

Go ahead and kill the top five soldiers. From Alix, overlooking the computer, learn that the alliance seems to be intentionally trying to blow up the reactor. Through the window that opened, we watch the kernel agony.

Alix opens the door behind and causes an elevator. I correct health from the aid kit on the wall and go further alone – there is no road to the kernel, because the costume is one.

Go down on the elevator and fall into the reactor compartment. Go to the right. We grab the usual movement and shoot a stalker, which walks opposite (in principle, you can not shoot, but then there is a chance that it will turn off the bridge right in our feet). Now send a couple of balls into familiar devices – one on the contrary, the second we have over your head. By moving around the bridge, we kill another stalker in the distance, repeat the exercise with the balls and the devices and again we run on the bridge. On the other side we go into the room and click on the button on the wall – bridges are rebuilt into the center. We run again on the bridge, run away the column in the center and climb the stairs to the next level.

Rising, running through the only bridge, then left on the balcony and right into the passage.

Kill eight alliance soldiers, if necessary, we are treated from the machine on the wall.

A familiar device hangs on the wall above us, but there are no balls near. Returning closer to the reactor, grab the ball from the nearest column, and we run to the device while the ball has not rushed. We throw a ball in the device and observe how the first element of the reactor protection is included.

At the same time, the door opens in the far end of the room. From there and on top there are four Menhak, and there are several soldiers behind them. We are racing with everyone and go to the opened passage.

We reach the end of the corridor, turn to the right and grave-guns tear the door closing the passage into the pipe.

In a pipe of four holes, the balls belong to us, a collision with which badly affects health – one blow on the average level of complexity is even such an elephant as Gordon.

On the pipe we need to right. Tactics There are two – either to dodge (the balls fly with a certain periodicity), or beat them with grain-guns (do not waste time attracting, just beat the main attack). Choose to taste, from my point of view, the combined tactic perfectly works – we are drunk from what we can, beat the rest. Up to the end of the pipe, we turn into the passage to the left, climb the glass surface, jump onto the ledge on the right, go straight and left. Once again, embroider the door and jump into the room.

Here we are waiting for six soldiers, but with super-graaring a gun it is not a problem. The way to the right blocks the power field – remove it just pulling the ball from the column at the wall.

We go to the bridge and see the pulsating core of the reactor. We need to run on the bridge left at that moment when the core is compressed as much as possible, otherwise there will be Gordon baked in its own juice. Run with acceleration (Shift button), on the bridge and further into the passage of the left, where we kill four soldiers.

We go straight to the room, where we meet more than five – we are growing up with them. Further with the usual movement we send a ball from the column to the left in the device on the wall – the second element of the protection is enabled.

Go straight into the opened passage on the elevator. Raise. We pass ahead and kill the fourth of unfortunate, who decided to remove with Gordon. If necessary, we are treated from the first aid kit. We go straight to the rotating design over the core. Jump on any of the blades and go to the same balcony as you just left us, but then in the course of the construction of the construction, they are passing back from the drunking Manhaks. Jump over the balcony and go ahead.

Killing another four soldiers and go to the right, knock out the door to the left and jump into the hole. We go straight, bolding into the fire, turn left, go down and get to another pipe with balls.

The principle is the same as for the first time, only the pipe is longer, and the balls are more. It is necessary to go on it to the left (against the movement of the balls). To go through the pipe, try to dodge most of the balls, and rest. If it does not work, try to reduce the complexity to low (although it is hardly useful).

Exit from the pipe to the left, and immediately for him there are four soldiers.

On the wall hangs already familiar to the device – I feed the ball, taken directly from the pipe, from where we just got out. The machine from the floor leaves, but does not want to work – something was smashed. But there is a passage down – jump.

At the bottom we see the cause of the breakdown – three empty columns for balls. Over your head we have a break in the notorious tube. We grab the balls from it and throw in two of the three columns. Now grab the third ball, we ran back to the platform from which you descend and already throw the ball into the column – as a result, we climb the elevator as a result. If you still charged all three columns immediately and can’t get out – not trouble. Just take the ball from one of the columns and the elevator will drop. Repeat the process as described above.

Rising again, charging the device on the wall with a ball – the last element of the reactor protection is turned on. The kernel came to normal, the gravi gun fade to the usual state, and we took all the energy from the costume… Was it worth trying?

Deploy and go to the opened door… Through which we get into the room where Alix left. The combat girlfriend says that during our absence she breathed in the computer’s computer and found out funny details: after we blew up the Tower of Brina, the only way to get enough energy to send a message to the homeland of the Alliance is a chain reaction in the reactor core, which tried to doCunning enemies. The message has sufficient value so that the alliance is willing to sacrifice the entire citadel for its sending. Of course, Alix made a copy that I need to urgently deliver Kleiner.

In addition to these good news, we learn that Judith Mossman has a problem for the first time see a mini-strike, albeit a glimpse.

Well, it’s time to go. We run for Alix to the elevator and go down. loading.

Running forward. Militants of the Alliance appear from behind, but Alix locks the door in front of them. A more pair of steps forward and two risk mines appear. We select them and give Alix to re-education.

The soldiers appear in the room on the right – do not climb, let Alix and Mina understand with them. When everything is over – we go for Alix on the train.

The train begins to move on the walls hanging millistically stalkers… We are still a little… BMS! The train is the expected Kirdyk, we are thrown to the end of the car, and Alix turns out to be clamped between the wall and the stalker, which clearly nourishes tender feelings. Come closer and thawing the creature from the lady graw-gun. Then embroider the door and jump down. Slopping in a hole – download…

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