Hard Reset: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 25, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hard Reset: Passage
Hard Reset: Game Walkthrough and Guide

General advice

What our future without mechanical implants? So B Hard Reset An important role in the success of our mission is playing upgrades of weapons and own bodies. This guide will help you choose the most necessary and useful implants that will make the game even more interesting and colorful.

From the first minutes on our way there will be so-called nanits, the active collection of these blocks will be rewarded with the glasses of improvements that can be spent in terminals.Hard Reset: Game Walkthrough and Guide
As we see, we have 3 branches of improvements:

1) CLN weapons – rapid machine, the default is called the Q key. In the standard configuration, it has a rather weak fire power, but it becomes a formidable tool if we carry out global upgrades.
2) weapons n.R.G. – Plasma rifle, the default is called the E key. It has good power, but has a number of disadvantages, such as a low shooting pace.
3) Equipment. Our body and armor are also amenable to modernization, because the further we go, the stronger we need to be.

Since in the whole game, we will not be able to explore all three branches, concentrate on two of the three. The optimal option will be improved equipment and one of the guns close to you in spirit. Let’s wonder each of the three branches of upgrades.

Branch ClnHard Reset: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Immediately, after the start of the game, it is given to improve the standard CLN mode – “AUTOMA”. However, throughout the game, we will be able to improve our weapons, add new modes of shooting and increase their fireproof power.

“Automatic” mode

Standard mode of our weapon, applies almost throughout the game. He has two additional improvement modes:

Mode “Cyclops” – an optical sight that allows you to conduct targeted battles on distant distances. Relatively useless improvement, as the mode of sight is uncomfortable with close skins. Not required to install.

Improvement “Flame” – a turbo engine that is raising the pace of arms. Extremely useful module, as the automatic rifle mode will be used until the end of the game. Increased shooting rates favorably affects the fire’s fire. Recommended for installation.

“Shotgun” regime

Available after improving the “Automatic” mode. Good combat power, however, a small distance of fighting. Two extra modules:

Additional “Shark” mode – can shoot EM-darts that are able to paralyze opponents. A good mode that allows you to neutralize the enemy, but due to the fact that the shotgun will be used by you rarely, the question arises: whether it is necessary to spend the point of improvement? Not recommended to install.

The improvement of the “Octopus” is a return compensator that reduces recharging time. Useful module if you actively use a shotgun. Recommended to install.

Mode “Grenade”

Good mode that can make it easier for mass clashes. It has a good pace of “spinning” grenade, but the grenades themselves explode after a certain period of time. It has two additional modules:

Additional regime “Collapsar” – gravitational grenade, which attracts enemies to the epicenter of the explosion. Pretty useful module, if you actively use a grenade launcher. Recommended to install.

Improved “demanding” – reaction amplifier, increasing grenade damage radius. Very useful module, again, with the active use of grenade. However, it will never be superfluous. Recommended to install.

RPG mode

Extremely useful mode when fights with bosses. Shoots missiles and has a huge firepower, when a meeting with which even the most Grozny enemy becomes easy prey. Two extra modules:

Additional mode “Blade” – laser target designator, giving rocket. The ability to control the rocket is pretty good, the module will be useful, although it is not always possible to apply it. Not required to install.

Improvement “Trinity” – a discontinuous rocket having a large area of defeat. Although the standard rocket itself has a big damage, improvement will be useful. However, all his potential can open except in the final battles. Recommended to install.

Mode “Director Min”

Module on a weapon that will be able to succeed only in the second half of the game. Acknowledgment “Grenade” 2.0 “, without which you can easily do. The main advantage – Mina Velcro, which are fixed on the hulls of opponents. Two extra modules:

Athylla mode is a manual fuse that will help you control your mines. Not required to install.

The improvement of the “Avalanche” – increases the number of mines activated by a manual fuse. May be quite useful, but only with the active use of the “Director of Min”. Not required to install.

Outcome: From experience, you can judge that for a comfortable game with CLN you will need only two modes: “AUTOMATIC” to kill standard enemies and “RPG” for boss fights. The rest can be a pleasant supplement that can diversify the gameplay.

Branch N.R.G. Hard Reset: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Plasma rifle with good combat power. In terms of modules from CLN, it is characterized by the fact that almost all rifle modes will be in demand, so they need to alternate them. We will analyze where and in what situation to apply them.

Mode “Plasma rifle”

Standard mode, the firing power of which can be perfectly upgraded. It has two additional modules:

The additional “Typhoon” mode is a plasma concentrator that allows you to combine and accumulate the power of several plasma shells in one. The invaluable thing in battles with heavy robots, causes a colossal damage and greatly facilitates the battle. Recommended for installation.

Improvement “Storm” – magnetic accelerator, boosting speed and frequency of shots, and also reduces charging time. An extremely useful module, since the rifle mode will be applied more than once. Recommended for installation.

“Dischangetor” mode

Next Rifle Improvement Stage. The mode allows you to send current waves on enemies, which makes it an indispensable weapon against light robots. With the help of the “discharge” you can destroy the hordes of small robots, not releasing the mouse buttons. It has two additional modules:

Additional mode “Anvil” – electromagnetic pulse paralyzing enemies. Designed for the decrease of more terrible enemies than light robots. Recommended to install.

Improvement “Pliers” – an additional transformer that increases the range of “arresters”. Extremely useful modification that reduces the chances of light robots to damage zero. Recommended to install.

Electromynet mode

Another very useful rifle mode. Shooting mines and creates electrical streams around them, which are deadly for a number of small robots. At large battlefields, it is useful to shoot the space around itself, thereby creating an impassable shield. It has two additional modules:

Additional regime “Python” – a narrative pomegranate, which can be stopped by any enemy and shoot it in the emphasis. Recommended to install.

Improvement of “Cobra” – a capacitor that increases the radius of the action of electrical and alarm mines. Recommended for installation.

Railotron mode

Very powerful mode of proton beam, which can beat enemies even through the walls and other obstacles. It has two additional modules:

Additional regime “Powers” – X-ray sight with an increase, which can be useful in shooting on far and closed goals. Not required to install.

Improvement “Bite” – overclocking turbine, reducing recharge time. Required module, if you often use “Railotron”. Recommended to install.

“Startup” mode

This mode truly facilitates the game that it does not cause the player to aim. Installation “spits” by energy charges, which themselves find the victim, is very useful for leaving long-range targets. It has two additional modules:

Additional “torus” mode – a target design module, striking one goal at once with several shells. Extremely useful against heavy robots. Recommended to install.

Improvement “Perun” – a nuclear element that increases the fire power of the projectile. Also recommended against heavy goals. Recommended to install.

Outcome: N.R.G. Notable in that all its modes are very helpful and have their own category of enemies. They are pleased to use, and most importantly – he copes very well with his work.

Branch EquipmentHard Reset: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So we got to that branch that you need to study, but it is necessary to do it with the mind.

Improvement “tactical scanner”

With this improvement, everything related to our mini-card is connected. Includes three components:

“Hecata” – a module that allows you to accurately determine the direction of the threat. There will be no superfluous.

“Cerber” – modernizes the mini-card, displaying the position of the enemy on it. You can do without it.

“Hydra” – an extremely useful module that reflects on the mini-map of the location of all the naniths nearby. More naniths – more upgrades.

Improvement “First Aid”

When your health becomes critical, the time of hormonal injection, which will strengthen your perception and will allow you to scatter from that light. In addition to the main “Spider” module, two more additional are:

“Bastion” – with aggravated perception, you have increased resistance to damage.

“Nemesis” – prolongs the time of this very perception.

Improvement, in general, designed for the game of difficulties above the “average”, so I do not advise you to spend glasses on it if you are comfortable.

Improvement “Condenser”

All with regard to your ammunition, has three modules:

“Harpoon” – increases the maximum waters. Definitely should be explored.

“Spear” – increased accumulation of charges N.R.G., If you use this type of weapon, the module is quite useful.

“Strela” – an increased rate of recovery of ammunition and energy. The module itself is good, however, the abundance of blocks with cartridges around makes it useless.

Improvement “Medical Module”

Modernization of your health and its regeneration. It is divided into three components:

“Hygea” – expansion of health stock. Of course, the desired module.

“Sanitary” – increased effectiveness of aidhechki. The module is practically useless, since the first-aid kits around and so enough.

Egida – increased resistance to damage. One of the most important modules, be sure to explore.

Improved “Protective Field”

Includes modernization of armor and its restoration.

Zeus – an increase in the maximum capacitance of the shield.

Prometheus – Increased shield recovery rate.

“Phoenix” – early start restoration.

All improvement modules are extremely useful in the game, so if possible we buy them.

Outcome: Modernization of equipment – the most important component of the game itself. Upgrades and implants are able to make you rushing and stronger, so we will not refuse.

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