Hidden & Dangerous 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 11, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hidden & Dangerous 2: Passage
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Operation “Snowball”

one. First hit.

Run to a forest house, kill two Germans near him or wait until they go to the forest, and then move to the point marked on the map, blue cross. There you will meet with Sigurd, Svyaznoy Norwegian resistance. He will hold you through a swamp to the database. Walking through the hide, step behind the sigurdom in the trail, otherwise you risk falling and drown.
Once before the fence, which is looking through the territory of the base throughout the perimeter, kill the guard, located on the roof of the warehouse with tanks. Then calm the German walking along the fence, it is better to do that when it will be in the shade, moving near the unfinished building. When with this sweet couple will be finished, we ride with a hole with a hole in the fence, opposite the stairs leading to a warehouse roof with tanks.
Penetrating the complex to the complex, wait until the dog runs on you, shoot it. Then climb on the roof and follow the terrain along the fence. After some time, a subject will appear on the side of the tower in a white maskhalate and with an automatic machine in hand. Send him a lead gift. Next, it should be turned on 180 degrees and draw a gaze to the territory between the tanks and the fence. There will be a clock, let him closer and kill it too. Find off the roof and go to the place where the corpse of the watch. Cut another hole in the fence and leave the territory of the base. Continuing the movement forward, you will reach the coast. To the right of you will be a cargo platform guarded by three nazis. One will stand close to the fence, the second – at the far end of the site, and the third runs between the pier and the platform. Fritz standing next to the fence, you need to kill at the moment when the patrol soldier will be at the end of the pier, then kill him, and on the snack of the third, near the boxes.
Leave the cargo platform through the entrance gate and go to the house near which the car stands. There are two soldiers inside the building. If you run up to a wall illuminated by a lantern, and a little wait, then one of the Nazis, concerned about the sounds outside, will go outside. Here at the exit of it best and kill. Then, looking in the doorway, kill the second. There is nothing interesting inside the house, so you can not explore the interior.
Continue movement and, bypassing the car, go for the house. You will find yourself in a narrow passage between buildings. Delay there and wait until the soldier will seem because of the pipe. A pair of shots – and the Nazis will lie on the snow, bleeding. Next, climb the stairs to the foot pipe, and from there, move through the wall and jump inside the unfinished house. Neatly approach the impeller in the right corner and kill the soldiers guarding the door to the left of you. Then move forward between unfinished walls to the fence. Kill the Hitlerman going along the fence, then the soldier near the power plant. Then go to the main entrance to the base, it will be protected by two infantrymen on the outside, two soldiers will be on duty on the checkpoint and one – on the tower behind the machine gun. Once you break all the protection at the object, return to the entrance you found in the underground complex.

2. Scout.

Your task: explore the underground complex, find and photograph all related to secret developments, and then raise all this fluid to the air.
Get down the stairs when you get to the tambura with two doors, go into double doors. You will find yourself in a dark place in which the post of protection is located. Soldier asked, sitting at the table. Do not shoot it immediately, and wait until he wakes up and comes out of his room. Searching it, you will find a pair of keys, one of which will allow you to open a locked door.
Having penetrated into the working rooms of the complex, go to the door on the right (moving around the complex, do not forget to close the doors in which you enter). You will find yourself in a room with equipment. Around walks clockwise, try to remove it silently. Then go to the nearby room where you will see a soldier standing near the wall. Do not kill him, even if he is aiming in you from a gun. He will not shoot anyway. When you leave him, he will just throw a gun and raise his hands. Come to the soldier and take it in captivity. Change with him clothes, leave all your weapons and a wretcher near the prisoner. With you, have only the most needed (camera, knife, nippers, first aid kits). Weapons can pick up near the corpse in the room with equipment. Go to the toilet adjacent to this room. In the middle cabin, hack the door and shoot a soldier sitting on the toilet (“no person – no problem”).
Get out of the room to the room with a small lift and walk to the wide doors on the left. Through them will pass into the corridor, and from there in the room “1-G”. In this room there is a project department. One of the drawings has a German scientist. Go to him from the back and turn the knife on the throat (the shot with a knife is more accurate if you switch to the first person view). Then take a picture of the drawings of the new model of the aircraft. Hide the designer’s body in the dark corner of the neighboring room. And leave the room. For the sake of prophylaxis, you can cut the soldier guarding the corridor, just do not forget to progress his corpse.

Next, go to the door “1-F”, the room in which two people in white coats of something Mastery will open for them. Staying indoors, wait until the soldier who patrolling a neighboring corridor will go to the door at the end of the passage. Then make scholars and hide in the room “1-E”. Now you can safely take a picture of the model of the aircraft lying on the table. After the photography is over, come back to the room where the bodies of German designers are hidden. Go down the stairs to the level below. Going out from the stairs, you will find yourself in the hall in which the soldier reintegrates the heating battery. It would also be nice to remove and hide the corpse in a secluded place. In the same room, wait for the car gun from the passage to the left, finishing it (everything quietly). Corpse hide for safety. Then go to the corridor from which the unlucky soldiers came out and, having passed through a room with large wooden boxes, exit to working generators. Continue movement by the corridor bypassing the room lit by green light, go out to the hall with barrels facing the concrete pillar. The room is protected by one soldier, follow him and when he goes to some room or starts to climb the stairs, stick the knife to him in the back. Return to the corridor and cut the nickname sitting at the table in the lobby from the window. Next, go to the room where the green light burns. In it, you will find an aerodynamic tube with a model of an aircraft inside. Take a picture of this unit, then leave the room and go to the Armory. Kill the equipment digging with weapons. From the table, take a wound from the table (you need to add explosives in it), and then take the four charges of explosives from the box, take the fifth no need. Run to generators and install a mine. Now you can use the firearms with a firearm, there are no more needs in silence. From the moment of installation will go five-minute countdown. You will need to have time to put 3 more pieces. Next, return to the top the same way that came. In the room “1-F” turn the left and run straight to the open door, the tank warehouse will open behind it. Kill the soldier standing near the stairs and run to the next along. Near her install the second charge and climb the stairs up. Fold right and run to the doors at the end of the corridor. Once in the experimental block, run to the left far corner, where the room is located with the control panel. Kill two scientists and install the third mine. Go out through the door inside the room, and follow the room “1-B”. Indoors, on the table, install the last charge and go to the surface of the same expensive you came here.

3. Randenev.

Do not rush to leave the territory of the base. Wait until the aircraft with ammunition and ammunition boxes will be reset from the transport aircraft. Three drawers will be reset. You will be interested only two of them. The one that fell on the road (in it is ammunition), and the one that lies in the forest, to the right of the road (inside this box are first aid kits). As for the last third box, it lies on the left of the road going on the base. In its depths, find the English rifle, but if you pick it up, you will donate with your disguise. Where did you see the German soldier with English weapons?
So, leave the base through the main gate, type the cartridges, then turn the right to the box with first-aid kits. If you look closely, you can see it from the road. In the course of the movement do not shoot the soldiers of the enemy. They will take you for their, since you still have a German form on you.
Move forward, holding the edge of the swamps, and come to a truck standing near the road. Pomegranates are stored in the drawer near the machine. Type it yourself 5-6, they will be useful to you in the following mission. From the car, go left and at the end of the way will reach the forest house, not far from which the first level began. On the porch at home you will expect a Sigurd. He will report on the setting around the house. After graduation, his sniper bullet will fight.
Come in the house. In the room you will see a shot of a pilot that will express joy about your appearance. Your further assignment will be: bring the pilot to the ship moored near the German base pier.
Since the forest around the house is sisite by German soldiers, do as follows. Take a position in the doorway at the outdoor outlet. When the soldier will appear in the field of your visibility, kill it. On the sounds of shots to the house will begin tightening the fascists concerned. During the knob, you will be able to kill six people (in any case, it was for me). Then order the pilot to follow you and do not open fire. During the movement, leave from time to the time of the pilot in a safe place, and you yourself encourage the further path and if the circumstances require, enter into battle. When danger will be eliminated, keep moving together with the pilot.

Rotating to the truck, continue the way along the edge of the marshes. You need to reach the place where the Norwegian coherent in the first mission brought you. Do not go to the territory of the base, but continue moving along the fence. When you go on the coast, climb through the hole in the barrier, made by you before and find yourself on the bootground. And from there run to the ship near the pier.

4. Iceberg.

From the documents found in the underground complex, you will learn that the main results of research were directed to the meteorological station. The Norwegian station is located on Iceberg, where further processing and evaluation of the results of experiments takes place.
You will fall around near the station with the task to penetrate the base and at any cost to get documents. From the box lying next to the boat, take the Springfield with a sniper sight and go to the right from the ship, along the foot of the Ice Cliff. After some time, the locality on which the meteorological station is located in front of you. Being at a considerable distance, open the sniper fire on the enemy in the visibility zone. When the shootout is over, continue moving forward, bypassing the place where the ice lump broke out, go on the slope of the snow torus. Then move deep into the territory of the meteorological station. You need to find a radio station and documents.
As you move from the entrance to a long one-storey building will run out an officer. With the screams “alarm” he rushes away from the station. You need to kill it at any cost until he managed to reach the submarine moored near Iceberg. Come in the building from which the head of the station ran out. In the hallway, enter the door to the right, cross the room and open the door in the right corner. Go along the corridor to the first door to the left, the room with scattered documents will open. The documents you need lie on the table, take them, and then methodically check all the rooms of the building, as the enemy soldiers can hide in any of them. They are better to kill immediately so that later they did not give problems.
Coming out of the house, turn left and go to the house with a long antenna on the roof. Come inside and use the walking on the table. Command, listening to your report, puzzles a new order. You need to capture a submarine standing near Iceberg. The boat is guarded by four soldiers, the most dangerous of them is the one who sits behind the turret of the automatic four-barreled gun installed on the vessel. Disappear from the boat and go to the running slaughterhouse, where you find the open hatch, leading in the submarines. Don’t rush down. Throw a grenade into the hatch, exploding, she will kill a soldier guarding the stairs. Then wait for the sound of the opened door and throw 3-4 pomegranates with an interval of 15-30 seconds. Go down and recycle the remaining soldiers, then leave the submarine and return to the house with the radio station. Report on the success of the operation.

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