Hitman: Blood Money: Game Walkthrough and Guide

You probably know that you can go through this or that mission in several ways. I will describe those who used personally I. All of them are based on fame to remain on zero, but I do not promise Silent Assassin rating, although it will be somewhere.
First mission. Death of Showman.
This is a learning mission. It makes no sense to describe it, because the game itself will send you to the right direction if you do not know what to do, you just have to press the briefing button (“B” by default).
Second mission. Wine collection year.
So, you start in front of the entrance, but you do not need to go to it. Go left, along the fence, that is, go around this phasend. Western Walls will stand a broken truck (on the map will be “!”). Wait until the guard leaves, and take a truck, and from it – on the roof of the hangar. In the roof there is a hole – you in it. Only it is necessary to dregs not notice. Wait in the hangar – the worker must come there. When he will tie the laces, accepted him in the neck of the sleeping pill (no need to kill – it will be the death of an innocent person, will take $ 3,000). Hide the body for any of the boxes and rejoice in the worker. Get out of the hangar and go to where the other worker is tested by barrels. Poor, he will not even understand what will work for two. Go to the opening between the house and the fence. Pipe climb the balcony. You can translate the Spirit. Now you have a left door – there will be a staircase on the bottom floor. When you go – do not make sure: the guard is sleeping there. On a chair, the bed will lie clothes. Now you are guard. If you manit a weapon in this room, you can make sure that you do not need it. Return to the top floor along the same staircase and go on the right door. There will be a couple of guards. Select a point and hack the door at the very end of the corridor. Your first goal will be there. This older will be in the same room to play the double bass, and in the next look from the balcony. You see what to do? Light movement we send a poor fellow in the last flight from the balcony. The guard sitting nearby, even the eye does not blink. Now, nothing is afraid, go there, where they left the clothing of the worker. She will need it again. Dried? Boldly go to the main courtyard where everything is having fun. Come in the wine cellar. Right before entering the winch. Chose a moment and put a bomb under it. If anyone noticed: the platform with barrels hangs under the ceiling. Objective number 2 becomes just under it. If you want, you can return your clothes, but keep in mind that it will be impossible to exit. Follow the map for the movements of the victim. When will you see that she got straight under the platform, press the detonator button. 200 kg bold him skull. Now leave the yard and go to the plane. mission accomplished!
Third Mission. Curtain down.
Probably the most interesting mission in the whole game. Opera theatre. Immediately at the entrance to the left you will see the wardrobe. Talk to Clerk. 47th will take a mauzer-like pistol. To the right of the wardrobe toilet. You go there. Wait until the theater employee goes there (he will be in a cap). Sleep him and take it clothes. Baaa, yes there is even here where to hide the body. Now in the codes go to the dressing room (exclamation mark on the first floor. The actor comes there who, according to the plot of the play, kills the main character (first goal) from the butt pistol. When he goes to the toilet, replace the gun on the real (the one you took from the costume). Now go to the door opposite. There will be a large staircase that will lead you to the very top of the theater. Minister the winch that holds a giant chandelier. Why, while surprise. Right will be descent for repair forests. Go there. Everything! Now it remains to wait. Take a detonator in your hand and watch everything that is going on below. The scene will be executed, only now the real. VIP person sitting on the balcony in the bed (goal number 2) with shouts will run on the scene. Oh, here is not enough, stumbled and fell! Yes, as well as: right under the chain. You only need to press the button. I do not know how much this chandelier weighs, but alive that guy will not remain. We return the costume from the toilet and we are successfully returned from the crime scene.
Fourth Mission. Calm.
Dumb mission in the hospital for alcoholics. Go on the road. Pay attention to the garbage. There will be one of the patients who secretly drinks. You need only his clothes. You can hide the body here, in one of the garbage containers. Go further on the road. Steal with a pacale skip shop. Go to the building itself. Stop! Left Square – Leave your gun there (any other weapon). Now go on. The guard will check you. Now it is clear why it was necessary to get rid of weapons? Take a look at the map: Left will be 2 blue circles (guards), there is a staircase. Wake there. When go down to the basement, look back. If no one sees you – run! Until the very end of the corridor. There up the stairs and stop. Move your breath, save… There will be 2 Sanitara in a small room: one of them will walk with a circle of coffee, and the other to follow the window for the setting. Wait for the first one, climb on the window to the left of the door and sue the second to the neck. Change clothes and quickly hide the body in the box in the far corner of the room. The table lies the key and the access card. Take them and calmly go down to the cameras for especially violent patients. Our Mr. Smith will be on the left side in the penultimate chamber. He will give you a photo of the unknown goal that you need to kill. It will be a guy who swinging a bar. Follow him (you can not change the costume: Sanitary – everywhere Sanitary). When he goes to talk with the doctor to the second floor and sit down in a chair, strangle him (do not waste poison). You can not hiding guy: no one will go here. Here you will be offered to kill two others for an additional fee. Well, for your money all your whims… At the first span in the globe, and the second is preparing some kind of rubbish in the kitchen, periodically trying it. And there and there poison poison. Goals themselves will find their death. We return to the agent, the drug to him (for this stand up before him and click “E”). We are waiting for him to be taken to the morgue. Get out of the hospital through the main output. Do not forget to take the left weapon from the back and the costume of the garbage. Go to the morgue. Open the door with a tricky key, revitalize Smith and Won from this shaky place!
Fifty Mission. Live again.
For this task you need a sniper rifle and silencer to it. Go down the street, look around. In a white van, crickens are sitting and listening to the whole house. Leave the suitcase with a rifle of the van, it is not needed yet. In the car with a sausage on the head… That is, on the roof, the donuts lie behind. Take them. Hide the corner and undermine the sleeping pills in them (not poison!). Take the donuts and go to the white van. open the door. From there you will be puzzled by the guy in black. Further the phrase follows from him: “Hey! It seems to me that it is not yours!”, and he defiantly pulls the gun. Your task is defiantly frightened and put donuts to him under my feet. Get out. This idiot will take the food and with the other of her congress. Goodnight! Close to van. If the doors do not close, drag the body: it does it interfere with the door. Repeat in the CIA agent. Get out of the van and go to the house. You will not pay attention. First find my wife who has microfilm in the medallion on the neck. Wife is a girl in red thongs. Wait for it to go to the toilet, sleep her in the neck. Take the necklace. Go from home. In the very end of the street there is a trash machine, and nearby, you will be surprised, the garbage. Unfortunately, he will have to kill him, because there is no no longer. Repeat and hide the body into a truck (on the back). Take the rifle left at the van and go to the garage opposite the house. Give weapons in combat readiness and put on the floor. Skece in white van. There, on the table is a cell phone. Call a witness and run to the garage. Take a rifle and wait until the victim is suitable for the phone lying by the window. Taken shot, and the case is done. So as not to take money, as usually pick up clothes and a rifle, and home. For the Silent Assassin garger will not give.
Mission sixth. Killing Voronov.
Again need a rifle and silencer to her. It all starts in the restaurant. Leave a suitcase with a rifle there somewhere. Go for red chicken. He has diamonds in his hand, if someone did not understand. They need them. Pray that this guy goes to the left: it will be 2 times easier. Follow him, and when he goes in the alley and starts casting (or smoking), sleep it. Do not break: time is expensive. The body is hiding, and if you want, you can change your red chicken for laughter. Suitcase in hand and running in a restaurant. When you run, you should be found in the way a girl in a black chicken suit with a walkie-talkie – this is the first goal. The second suitcase also leave in the restaurant and run there where you soared the poor courier. Lady Chicken must already be there. Kill her, but without blood: the cops go here. Hide the body somewhere. For example, there will be a door: drag it there. And if you still promised and missed a bird, then you will have to run around all the alleys in her search. So you killed her. Take the radio. On the map you will be located by the second bird. It will be some bar where you are not fairly waiting for you. Well, go around this place behind. There will be either a waiter, or a guy in a hat. It does not matter much. Wait for the moment to pick up clothes. Come into the brothel and go to the very top. Maybe there will be a guy and kissing with a girl. When he sees you, says to pour from here. Make the view that you go, and when this guy goes after you, go to the door at the top. Behind her bird. On the map I will define when he does not see you if you go. Straight out of the doors can put a bullet in the attic, or strangle – as you want. Go from the bar through the reverse and take your suit. Now go beyond the rifle in the restaurant. Third purpose in the house in the northwest card. A little south of 2 exclamation signs. Go there. There will be 2 grandfather sit there – do not worry that they will notice you. Behind the small wall there will be a pipe upstairs. Climb on it and collect the rifle upstairs. Between the houses you can see the window – Move the sight and wait for the purpose number 3. When you see a shredded blond in idiotic glasses, shoot. Go to the restaurant where they started. There on the second floor in the room there will be a box (on the map “ICA” icon). Collect the rifle again and put it in the box. Otherwise, you will take money for the fact that you have not returned your weapon. Pick up the rifle in the suitcase will not succeed, because the 47th still need to carry a suitcase with diamonds. By the way, you have already completed the mission. Take diamonds and leave.
Mission seventh. Better beware…
Here attentive: do not confuse the movement paths that I will describe. Go to the right, where the guard is Santa and smokes. Go on. You will be informed that you are recorded on the film. Heck! Well, on, there will be a touch rays. Wait until the guard goes back to the machine with drinks, go to the room and immediately on the left there will be a red button. She will turn off the rays. War on the elevator. You in it. Upstairs there will be guards in black. Right door. Go to it. There is one of them, apparently, tries wine… As usual: injection hoist and hello, new clothes! Go out through the transparent door on the contrary and go to the left of the ledge on the nearby balcony. Wow, bats! Logic and rushing: It is not even clear where they came from! Close to the balcony and go upstairs. Open the map, see a big cluster of people. There is still an exclamation mark – Barman. Come to him and he gives you a drug that enhances sexual activity. Now go to the red mug (goal number 1). He entertains with girls in the mini-pool outside. It is sometimes suitable for a waiter with a glass, and when the glass becomes empty – refers his bartender. Wait for this moment and pour the drug into the glass. Our guy will feel a special craving for love and leave with a girl in one of the rooms. And now attention: American habit after sex should be smoke. When he goes to the balcony, you hint at him that smoking is harmful! Especially when hetman stands behind and pushes you from this balcony down. Now you need to take care of the film from the camcorder. Find a star on the map and go there (above). Here I advise you to be preserved, because it may not be able to withdraw. The process itself looks like. Two tables, on the left tape recorder with a cassette. The room is a security guard that looks into the monitor on the left, then on the right table. On the walls on the left and right 2 switch (light). When the guar goes down to the right table, turn the light with the left switch. The guard will turn it on, but on the right side. At this point, the cassette should be in your pocket. Now on the elevator go to the top, to the shooting area. Pay attention to the exclamation mark in the very center on the map (if you, of course, arrived on the right floor). There will be a goal number 2). So, this exclamation mark is a video cassette that you want to pick up on the task. She will lie on the table. Pick up not difficult. Now the last remains: kill the second goal. Wait for it when he (grandfather) will look shooting and go to the balcony, in the bottom of the card. Oh, what a dog walks with him! Grandfather teach fly, and give a dog lead. Of course, she can give a hanging bag (she lies in the kitchen on the first floor, the door with the inscription “STAFF ONLY”), but so more reliable. By the way, you will be surprised, but the dog is a witness. For it you will add 10 points of fame. It remains only to escape. Unfortunately, you will not get to pick up your costume. Leave through Pierce.