Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 9, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds: Passage
Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Traveling to frozen wastelands

Quest will not appear in the log automatically. To activate it, you need to find one of three NPC questoders. For example, one of them is located in the center of the Gaming World. Just find the blue markers and follow them. To the north of the “Cland of Death” there is a trail leading to hell. Climb on the cliff. During the climb, you will hear Silence’s voice, which will not be distracted by the Banook tribe affairs. At the top you will meet the first new monster – Demonic flames.

In the back, almost any car will be “demonic” (do not confuse with infected). This is a kind of damage, which can be recognized on the purple components on the body of the machine. Fights prefer to pounce on their sacrifice, to flew fire or cause a fiery explosion. Keep the distance, slow down the enemy with the help of the core or freezer ammunition.

When you defeat the flares, pick up the supplies lying in the niche where the monster got out. Next follow the path to meet Banook. Start the cat scene. Quest is completed.

Shaman trail

At the beginning of the mission, you can talk with Aratak to learn about Verake, Demon and the leader Banook. Find a student of the measure is not difficult. Follow the marker and find yourself at his position. Here you will get acquainted with the new mechanics that appeared in expansion. Instead of infected zones now there will be a demonic towers. These mechanical tentacles each a few seconds emit an energy wave, healing the nearest machines and turning off the regeneration of the shield at the shield armor.

The goal is to destroy the tower and the cars that it exposed damage. You can turn off the tower in two ways. Either capture management, how do it with conventional machines, or shoot on the tank at the top after the new wave is launched. If you can intercept the control of the tower, then another wave will start, temporarily stunning all cars in the area. The explosion of the container will apply fire damage to everyone who is close to the tower. You can first intercept the control, and after blowing up to take advantage of both advantages. When the tower is destroyed, node will tell you where you can find it. All shamans are tested under the name “Shaman trail”. Oreya hides at the end of this difficult path.

Follow the marker to the beginning of the trail and log in to the cave. Inside you familiarize yourself with two new mechanics that will indicate the right path. The first – lights, the light of which indicates the desired direction. The second – the sounds of bells who can catch a hazor. So the movement through the caves will be pretty simple. When you get to the room with three demonic catches, destroy them. Demonic damage increases the supply of health and eliminates the interception of machines. Exit the room to be outside the mountain.

Outside there will be the same lanterns as in the cave. Soon you get to the bridge. Wait when the waterfall fill in the basket, and then depart on the other side, until the bridge has returned to the default position. Around the corner there is a rope leading to a small barrier with another water bridge. Expand the staircase from the cliff and go down. Follow the path and go through the water to pick a pigment. This is one of the varieties of collectible objects The Frozen Wilds. Return and go through the bridge.Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds: Game Walkthrough and GuideOgnevolk.
The remaining path is most simple. Follow the lights and go Bridge. Soon the cat-scene will begin in which you will show a new car. Move up the hill to checkpoint with supplies. In Horizon there are cars in the form of lions, cheetahs, tigers, bizonov, hippos … And now the Bear has appeared. If there is no desire, you may not fight with flame. Go to the marked wall and go forward, in a safe place.

Before entering the battle with an icebreaker, deal with the tower, otherwise it will constantly repair the robot. It will be secretly difficult to act, so it’s best to destroy the tower with shots from Luke, shooting at the container after each energy wave. The explosion will damage and the icebreaker. The battle with this monster will be difficult. He loves to rush ela and throw giant drifts. Use fire ammunition by shooting out of the rash or onion. Vulnerable places are on the shoulders of the icebreaker. If you apply the rope, then the monster will distract to disrupt the ropes.

After victory, follow blue lights and drawings to the slope of the mountain. Start climbing. Go along the trail to the end of Shaman’s trails and assemble the item. Mission has not yet been completed, because now you need to go inside the mountain to find meureu. Go through the doors, scan audio recording and follow the corridor into a large room with a sealed bunker door. Apply a visor to detect the power node to activate to redirect the power.

Before opening the doors, enter the bunkers under the doorway with a giant letter B. On the bed in the far corner lies audio recording. Return to the main room and go through the same way to which followed here. To the right will be another opening. Go left to choose an audio record, and then – to the far right angle where the vent hole will be. Take advantage of them to get into the room with a power knot. Scan audio recording on the table, near the hole, and then activate the node. Your task is to redirect the beam of light through each point, avoiding red sections. After redirecting the power, scan the audio recording and go to the just opened door of the bunker.

You served meals on the door, but the elevator still does not work. Climb the mine to be outside the mountain. Go to the stairs, go down and jump over the abyss to go upstairs again. From this side there is a fire and a staircase leading to the door. Go through it and scan audio recording. Follow a little forward to get into a large room. First go to the room on the left to detect audio recording, and then move along the corridor on the right. Take advantage of the door to meet Oreye.

Oreye need help. There is a node inside the room, similar to the one that you used when opening the door of the bunker. If you want, you can solve the puzzle alone. You need to rotate the nodes so as to connect each of them, after which the measure will be able to communicate with the “Spirit”. Oreya will give you a new weapon that resembles a single-charge rifle. Take the drawer and scan the audio record in the room.

For Verac

Despite the fact that three different goals will appear, it is enough to perform only one. So Elo will conquer the confidence of Vera and will be able to challenge the Arataka. For example, you can kill all enemies on the territory of the robbers camp. Everything will be standard: there are many enemies, and after their destruction, a leader appears with a flamethrower. According to the logic of things with it, it is best not to closer. When complete any purpose, follow back to the settlement and talk to Aratak. Move with it to a new point, pass the bar of obstacles and disperse with the flock. Get to the balloon, follow down and finish off two burues. Other monsters can not kill. Get to the second balloon, use the ropes and finish off three icebreakers. After their destruction, Eloh will become the leader of the tribe.


To accomplish this task, it is enough to get to the village Long Serf. Follow the drum, move the building and climb the crane. Move above and above, finish off the enemies and decide how to follow: kill enemies or bypass them. When you run the console, then holographic recording will appear. Understand the monsters in the cave, kill the demonic bulbous and complete the quest.

The forge of winter

Move around the marker until you detect multiple points for capturing. When this happens, inspect them. One of the points is infected, so you need to bring down a demonic damage. And for this, it is enough to shoot on the protrusion of the usual arrow. Move the top, pick up time and move further by protracks. Keep moving, and when go down, look for a platform with protrusions. She will spin. Cook behind the protrusion and raise upstairs. Intercepting the control of the terminal, you get rid of traps. Go down, finish off the enemy and get to the platform, from where you can move to the moving elements. Find and activate the terminal so that the measure and Aratak can cross the bridge.Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds: Game Walkthrough and GuideIcebreaker.
A little further will be new opponents. When you make a bridge, follow the other side and use a rotating platform. Keep moving, help the allies to cross the abyss, following the bridge. When Aratak opens the path further, activate the console and listen to the hologram. Get to another room, find a long time and follow it down. Destroy the demonic damage on the protrusions, move on columns that will rise and go down. Take advantage of the new terminal to find out where to go on. In the end, you will find another control panel, which will create a bridge for Orey and Arataka.

Arriving to the node, interact with him. Rotate the rings so that the light passes through each element. After the video, grab the tower and destroy flames. There will be other towers on the location, so ideally you should get rid of them, and already after focusing on cars.

Strengthening Arsenal

Go to a long stitching and talk to Vargoy. This NPC is able to strengthen three of your weapons – Buruevik, Iceshype and Mountain Flame. The first two you will receive according to the plot, and the third – when killing the leader of the robbers camp in frozen lands. To improve every weapon, you must kill three monsters – bulkowva, Burdyuk and a petrel. They will be marked on the map, so it remains to proceed to the specified place and deal with the machines. You can make items separately, and you can – all.

Underground claw

Another quest that takes long serf. Talk to the smartcom, go to the marked place and capture the management of the tower. Here you are attacking demonic Kamnyg. When you defeat the monster, go back to smart.

From Gorna

Quest will start immediately after you complete the plot line DLC. You can finish off 5 flames. In one battle there will be two fireflinks at once, but Elau fights with Aratak, and the remaining three will attack you separately. You will receive a reward from a node.


Visit the hell and talk to Laula. Go on the marker, finish off the clutch and inspect the bridge. Instead of the marker, continue to move up the map, along the trail, go straight from the bridge. So you get to the dam. Go it, roll to the left and find a small LAZ leading to the complex. So you get into the gray catch.

Get to the control room and learn the control scheme by activating the visor. Destroy the door on the left side, follow the sound and help Gildun. Together with him, move on, arouse under the blades and turn the valve twice. Continue the way, jump over the opposite direction using the hanging platform. Go to the left side of the beams, follow the stairs and lower one more so that Gildong rose to Ela. He will rise from the valve, and you have to get to another. Move up stairs. The valve will not turn. Climb on the stove using the pipe, follow up, right and use beams. From the top of the vertex down with the help of a cable, creating a counterweight. Jump below and turn the valve.

Concederate the bottom of the clips to find the ring that lies on the monster’s corpse. Opening the door, go down the pipes. Turn the valves so that the blue stream passed through the entire room. Avoid red plots. Get to the control room, change the item and scan the terminal. Turn holographic locks according to the tip on the terminal. Taking the element, talk with Gildoon. Replace it with the control terminal, and then choose from the complex. Job with Laulai by the pool. Will need to go down.

Total mystery

Task can be taken from a character from hell. Having done this, go to the north of the card, to the bunker. Inside there will be a broken drone. Go above on the side staircase, jump over the other side and interact with the console. Drone will move from the place, and you can get to the opening. Go deep into, set out the right holographic locks using a visor and terminal on the side. Sense through ventilation to find the second drone. Take the desired detail and give Shaman. He will improve spear. Now you can insert modifications into it.Horizon: Zero Dawn – The Frozen Wilds: Game Walkthrough and GuideDemonic tower.

Justice at the border

Another quest that can be taken after the plot line will be completed. Go to hell and talk with the associated character. Follow the specified location, talk from the car and apply the visor at three points. Move the trail, find it continued and in a dead end, find noticed traces. Behind the door you need to find three enemies. Kill them, talk to the roar and follow the top of the hill. Examine the helmet of carcha and armor. Move to the site of the link of the Andota, give the armor and kill all opponents. Among them will be two icebreakers. After return to the piggy.

Three hunter

Another quest that can be performed after the plot DLC. Go around the marker, finish off hunters and kill flashes. Take the detail and pass it with hunters. Get to the new place where you need to kill Lovech. Be sure to get rid of demonic towers. Go to the third point, relax by the fire, and then rub with three tower. Then kill clutch. Give the item and go back to Bergrund. Quest performed!


Quest can be taken in Veraca in the northeast of the card. Need to find the missing hunters. Simple mission. Follow in two places and defeat two enemy groups of cars.

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