Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 22, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile: Passage
Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Do you know much about Egypt? After all, Egypt is actually the birthplace of civilization. All Greece and especially Rome were much later. This Egypt gave the world of Pharaoh. Not those who, in the opinion of American criminals, are crying on the streets by their soul. And majestic rulers squeezing on the throne. In Egypt, the pyramids are towers, the secret of which is not known until now. And in Egypt there is a Neal, whose children we will manage. No, the game is not a zoo simulator, because the children of the Nile are not hippos and crocodiles, but quite normal people. After all, Egypt is a desert, and in the desert you can grow something only near the water source. But for those living near Nile there are opportunities and better. At some point, the stormy flow of the river Lelubets and the shores are exposed, opening the layer of fertile ral. Therefore, the fields opening do not even need to fertilize – it is only necessary to sing them and remove the harvest before the Nile will take back what he gave for a while. Who said we are waiting for a simulator of the life of ancient Egyptian farmer? Not! Personally, I will be the pharaoh, the Lord of the Upper and Lower Egypt, yes at the same time, the Nile at all of his current. Join now!

Egyptian debut

If you thought that the game is similar to their predecessors, like the little figures on your hands, it was very mistaken. What was the difference between Caesari? Your virtual ruler managed finances, built a city, properly arranging the building and occasionally performed orders of the higher authorities. Meanwhile, the people came and left, consistent with your activities. No clay plates – Quarter Zahir. There are wine – Cases knew the hill.

And here everything is not so. The people are not at all stupid faceless migrants, ready to drain, as soon as they will miss some good (although there are exceptions, but later). In Egypt live families. And one of the elders (husband or wife) will be a “worker” family, and the rest will drag the raw and food to the house. All family members are very mortal, which makes one’s own features. The second difference – you have no money. That is, the currency is still food. Very much in the game happens just for food. And in order to build a house, you need a stone, and not money. Then, it would seem, you can create everything that wanted? AN no – Prestige has become another currency. This is such a tricky variable, from which the number of students’ number of students. And without these most trained workers, the huge empire will not be exactly. Finally, the last difference – the class in the game became a thing quite real. That is, knowing some functions, and not only drinks wine and requires spices (although paying for this taxes). That’s about all this I will tell.

Let’s start with class. In the game of their little – Pharaoh and his family, peasants, servants, merchants, artists, workers, soldiers, artisans, scientists, researchers and tramp. Pharaoh – He is Pharaoh. Usually he is leisurely circles his possessions and is interested in the life of a simple people. If suddenly, the courthouse will meet him on the way, Pharaoh will gladly look there and the human destinies will reflect a little. However, simple peasants are usually no case to litigation, but the court visits the court with pleasure in the hope of anyone. Next in order goes to know. These people are not limited to anything. You can build them as much as you like, because at home their precious bricks are not required. However, do not hope to build their too much – if you can’t satisfy all the claims of know, then the riots are waiting for you very soon. By the way, to know in the game – this is yesterday’s peasant who managed to be the first to disturb from his house in a luxury mansion. Functions No simple – Collect food from peasants and share part of the production with Pharaoh. In the process of accumulation of wealth to know the choirs of the quarrels. And the one who tries on this field has the right to receive more peasants under his command. So, the wrathled nobleman commands only 4 yards, but the accumulating goodness – twice as large. Also in families of noble people (well, in the families of luxury merchants) can grow brilliant children who will then go into science. Where the peasants stand below. By the way, there are free blades in the game, living away from your villages, and the subjects of Pharaoh, called farmers. Actually, home farmers are taken from the wild peasants, which allows you to think that even after the defeats, no more than the farmers remain much more than the peasants. However, farmers have the right to twist in the shops of merchants, and the peasants there the way ordered. Maybe it makes free on the first call to throw to the place scheduled for construction and immediately occupy the building intended for them?

The rest of the estates are less important, you can even live without them, but your settlement will not develop. Traders offer public goods, without which the inhabitants of your settlements will be at least unhappy. And there are ordinary traders and luxury traders. The servants are engaged in the fact that they work to know and Pharaoh (and they get a salary from the hands of the employer). Artists entertain to know. Workers plow in careers and drag resources. Soldiers fight. Craftsmen produce. What they produce when, it would seem, there are merchants selling what has just been built? But at least bricks or bread. Of course, any ridiculous resident can send a child to disrupt a couple of fruits from a pomegranate tree and will be fed. But with great pleasure, he will delight the bakery where the fresh loaf will intercept. Scientists are representatives of the elite that are so good because they do not appear nowhere, but arise after prior learning. And if the free house of nobility will immediately occupy any non-shared farmer, then the empty door of the priest will remain empty, if there is no successor in the form of a previous student. Researchers – the inhabitants of the desert, a kind of successors, exchange food for other useful in the Egyptian faraoh objects. Well, and the tramps left, which are not engaged in anything. These are the most natural beggars, not bending and theft. And these are the most vile instigators of the riots.

From the estate in the estate, the people go very easily. Only 2 instantaneous transitions are impossible – in Pharaohs and scientists. In order to become a pharaoh, it is necessary that the former Pharaoh died without leaving heirs after himself. But scientists can become only trained student. All the others are obtained from former farmers, in time oriented in the situation and the cottage. No wonder each family has the history of her travels by profession and class.

And only the great and terrible prestige remained. Than he is more, the more you can invite scientists (there would be only trained students). Where he is coming from? Its first component (and the only almost constant) – the state of Palace Palace. If you drew attention, then at first the palace is a halup, in which even known to live. But if you know the funds to improve your estates from your own wallets, the pharaohs use their treasury for this. Each improvement gives adding to the level of prestige. And every few glasses of prestige is the ability to hire another scientist. All other components of prestige over time are much reduced. First of all, prestige rises in a variety of monuments. These include all sorts of tombs (as the pharaohs, there are also known) and statues. All these facilities give a good increase in prestige at the end of their construction. After the prestige, it begins steadily to decline, up to almost a complete disappearance (a small statue that people looked up to holes, costs the whole unit of prestige). Far practical obeliski and stela in honor of some events called propaganda. They add a lot of prestige, and this that decreases very slowly, so it is enough for him for a long time. Opened settlement in the desert – put Obelisk. Destroyed the cunning enemy – lay the stele immediately. Another source of income – opening. But here it comes (by the way, a little), it goes away – very rapidly. Of course, there are penalties. Here you have fallen Pharaoh, and the tombs for him are not harvested – the eternal shame. And in general, Pharaoh will die – such a grief that the prestige of the next pharaoh will still be suffer from such a untimely loss.

It is important: you can create no more than 35 scientists. But, frankly, planning this case is so tough that more than 24 manage extremely difficult. True telling you!

How many buildings are wonderful!

So, the basic concepts became clear to you. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately go to the houses that your settlement will fill. I immediately note that the population of the houses will be described together with them. For only the house can cost something. But the inhabitants come there usually in their own goodwill.

Residential buildings (Private Homes)

It is impossible to say that people in Egypt live only in residential buildings. But they have a property personality and state. Farmer offering the “position” of the farmer, and he gladly builds a house on his own funds, but the artisan house is built for the state account and from state bricks, so it is considered to be belonging to Egypt. The value here is just one thing – if the state has no bricks, then there will be no state houses. But private can always be built.

Palace (Palace). Place of residence of Pharaoh. Without it nothing will start. This is the first building you have to build. Brings your state pretty prestige glasses. It is amenable to expansion, and some improvements have a very specific purpose and are used on it in full (except that every improvement increases prestige). Barn (50 meals, 50 bricks) allows you to store more food. Fountain (50 meals, 50 bricks), frescoes (75 meals, 25 bricks), garden (75 meals, 25 bricks), the belt (50 food, 50 bricks) and statues (25 meals, 75 bricks) only lift the mood of Pharaoh,not possess deep meaning. Wall (25 meals, 75 bricks) protects against robbers and marauders. True, if someone wants to steal something, then nothing hurts it to do it, but part of the thieves of the wall scares.

Houses of Peasants (Farmer). Either do not stand anything, the benefit of them are building the agriculties. It is better to have their blocks of 10 pieces. Only inputs do not confuse. Help them closer to the Nile so that peasants are far from running for harvesting.

House servants (Servan). No pharaoh in the right mind will deal with dragging weights. The same can be said about nobility. They are better servants nimat. By the way, hiring servants – the case is purely personal, and they will pay them. Therefore, just do not forget to create a little servants, otherwise noble gentlemen will be unhappy.

Home Noble (Noble). It first initial the origin of the nobility is very turbid, but then only merchants become known. In the manual to the game it is indicated that such a fint can only be tested by luxury traders, but simple merchants are capable of it, and scientists. Just the first is very difficult to accumulate money for the initial contribution, and the second can, accumulating money, to prophe in this class of their children. However, no one bothers from farmers to jump in noble traders and already next to the next minute. Well, the confirmation function is simple – control farmers and collect taxes from them.

Normal ShopKeeper (Common Shopkeeper). Even Pharaohs come to these stores. For no one could do behind the table without dishes. All these stores are 4 species, and near various settlements must be all kinds of stores. For the absence of any of these goods seriously undermines faith in Pharaoh, causing demonstration among his subjects. Produce these shops Len, clay dishes, mats and baskets. Work in them exclusively wives, while husbands and children mining raw materials. By the way, merchants differ from workers also because their products are paid, without departing from the cash register. Of course, food. Little feature – they can get all the raw materials for their products on their own, the benefit of it usually grows nearby.

It is important: If you want the store to work normally, – specify it to workers than exactly they should do. If you put a case on samonek, then the situation will often happen when the miners brought one raw material, and the manufacturer decided that it would trade quite different (won the neighbor across the road of the basket how well go, I will also!). The same applies to scientists, even more.

Luxury Shopkeeper (Luxury Shopkeeper). These stores are only for scientists, nobility and pharaohs. So it is not necessary to stick them everywhere. It is enough to build them near the settlements of the necessary people – and they will most likely be satisfied. These stores are 6 species, and sell jewels in them (Jewelry), sandals (Sandals), furniture (Furniture), perfume, cosmetics (Cosmetics) and sculptures (sculptures). The peculiarity of these stores is that they can create goods and from girlfriend, but then the products will be caliber, it is easier and less satisfied by the owners. So, the sculptor can create from clay. However, if he is the highest decree to allow the use of state warehouses, he will drag copper, tin and basalt statues from them. Jeweler can always find quartz, but can use gold, turquoise and emeralds. The shoemaker uses the reed, but will not refuse both the skin (it can be mined, killing a cow). Perfumer is able to do on its own, extracting grass in the vicinity, but the manufacturer of cosmetics except henna and the paint for the eyelid is ready to use cops. The joiner makes its products from acacia and papyrus, but hopes that he will deliver cedar. Getting raw materials from Pharaoh warehouses, merchants pay for it. But do not forget to start a scribe who will follow the vacation of raw materials, otherwise the merchants will drag the necessary them without any costs.

EXTERTAINER). Another partner workers. Do the fact that entertaining the rich. As far as entertain – so much and get. Interesting moment of the game – In the game, visitors sell monkeys. These are the most monkeys often come to ideas and help the actors to entertain the richeev. However, the actors monkeys do not buy. This is the privilege of rich?

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