Imperial Glory: Game Walkthrough and Guide

I love bloody fight,
I am born for the service of the royal!
Saber, vodka, horse hussy,
With you the age of gold!
D. IN. Davydov
While the glorious series of Total War, puffing, climbs into the depths of the centuries, the pyro Studios shelves invaded the free territory of the XIX century. Commandos creators decided to try themselves in more large-scale hostilities – and succeeded.
Briefly about the rules
Before us – Map of Europe and Mediterranean, broken into flap, like in Total War or Victoria. True, the flaps of these – the preserved size: for example, the entire Rus-Mother consists of some 5 (!) Pieces. For example, the entire Caucasus and Black Sea are referred to… Kursk. Russia – from five regions, Lombardy – from two… Something you, the will of yours, have a worn came up. Well, what are you saying here.
This is interesting: In fact, here Russia did not hurt. The names of the commanders are quite real – Bagration, Kutuzov, Barclay, only dohturov for something did doctors for something. But it would be okay, but the teams and the combat clishes of the Russians are made and voiced very correctly – this will meet it infrequently. And finally, in the training missions, we are managing personally Alexander I!
There are many states on this territory, but “players of a big game” is considered five: Russia, France, United Kingdom, Austria and Prussia. The rest pass more in the category of “mining”, although they may be very valuable allies. Initiatives on part of the seizures, they usually do not show.
In strategic mode, things are approximately as well as Medieval: Total War. That is, we build buildings and troops in the provinces, we negotiate with other countries. There are important differences, but about them later. Tactical battle is also very similar to “Total Wars”.
As usual, it is necessary to conquer the world. True, you can not conquer – if the option of winning points is selected;Then enough just to achieve more than your rivals.
We all understand that in Imperial Glory and their similar play mostly not in the name of the strategic regime. Therefore, let’s start with the main thing – with battles.
As already mentioned, the situation is very similar to Rome or Medieval. The troops are moving only by one-piece detachments, there is a big difference – to attack the front or from the flank, from running, participation in battle and so on the soldiers get tired and lose fighting qualities. In general, everything is usually, but…
At first – sad news: we were deprived of the right to give orders in pause mode. Of course, in the network game it should be, but the single user played from this rather. Why so – unknown. Maybe correid?
But the fatigue system has become much better: now the fighters can not only get tired, but also rest. Round down the detachment into the building – the blue strip of fatigue is slowly restored. The main thing is truly an invaluable plus of such a solution: they have acquired the meaning bypass maneuvers. In Total War, they paid up too rarely: the colossal loss of forces during long-distance bypass were inevitable. By the way, with the usual march, the forces are spent here a little – only when running, forcing rivers and all sorts of swamps-beerakov, and in case of can.
It would seem, the defense (“branded sign” fighting Total War should be enormous from such an idea – a huge advantage of defending). But this is not the case, because… The infantry was finally allowed to occupy the buildings and to effectively shoot them. Only infantry can do it, and only Rifle (no militia, Arabs with sabers and other piercing livelies).
Each battle has some particular purpose, so it will not work for hours on the card from each other. As a rule, this is some village Gadukino in the middle of the card;The defending can take it by a moment, and the striker still get. Thus, the defender’s victory timer starts ticking from the very beginning, and the enemy is forced to act actively.
Moving troops arranged in Imperial Glory not quite as in Total War.
- First, the detachments will not be easy and easy to pass each other: “Faced”, they slow down each other. So the commander who, by a misunderstanding, arranged “porridge” from his regiments, will incur great damage – they will not have time in time. For the same reason, sometimes it makes sense part of the troops to cross over the river without the help of the bridge – otherwise too much time will be lost.
- Secondly, if you allocated several detachments and asked them to move, they will go with the speed of the very slow and will not stretch. This is actually a big plus, otherwise we would often lose the guns due to the fact that they were behind and fell under the gleam hussar. But this means that the Connection needs to immediately separate if we do not want horses on the way to pour grass… Often and part of the infantry are sent forward cannons, leaving a small battery.
- Thirdly, the column steps much faster than the line. And if the regiment is built in the line automatically when shooting, then it is better to order them to rebuild himself for maneuver.
- Fourth, guns have two positions: combat, in which they are stationary, and hiking, from which it is impossible to shoot. Switch requires a special command (automatically not done never) and takes some time.
On a note: At the lowest level of the difficulty of the enemy, it is always visible.
Yes, if desired, you can entrust the fight against artificial, with the permission to say, intelligence. But only a desire to have the right to arise in a single situation: when you understand that you lose, and do not even hope to escape or cause damage to the enemy. The fact is that during the auto-subject both parties carry difficult losses. For example, once my army, halveing the number of Turks (and taking into account the quality, apparently, four times at least – the Turks are still warriors), managed to lose, in particular, several cannons. Turks fought in walking. How did you manage to count? Diva is given.
In general, II here, right for example, not Clausevitz. But what is interesting: he will slightly smart with the growth of the complexity of the game. Especially strategic, but it’s later.
Still note that experience for the computer won battle is accrued all.
Outlook is clear, I guess?
The first and most importantly, what should be remembered when planning a campaign: Battles benefit Balanced Arms. Of course, homogeneous troops can also succeed if the enemy is not enough, but the losses will be unreasonably large.
Infantry is needed for the formation of the main line of troops. Ideally, the shooting and “mixed” shelves should alternate. When attacking the cavalry, they are rearranged in the square. It is an artillery between them, so that the infantrymen managed to cover it when. Well, and the cavalrymen are needed mainly on the flanks to bypass the enemy system and beat the side and rear.
Therefore, if the flank is not covered with one of the armies, and the second has cavalry, it means automatically large losses.
This is interesting: At the end of the 18th century, in some armies there were still “horse” troops – not hiking and not cavalry. These were draguns and equestrian artillery: troops, whom the charter was relied on horseback, but to fight on his own legs. Then the draguns gradually became cavalry…
If you need to defend the village – life is beautiful. I drive arrows at home, cavalry put behind, cannons among the village – and excellent. But here without cavalry, it is difficult to do without. Why? Because the most dangerous for such a position – heavy guns. They are extremely preferably preferably to knock out a quick attack: so much more than once they saved the pitiful remnants of some hussar regiment, in three combat units, which, however, have managed to chop artillery players and made storming position almost impossible. For the same reason, the cavalry is needed and precipitating – to reflect the tale.
This is a bug: Computer-driven infantry reluctantly occupies buildings. It greatly simplifies life. In addition, AI adores infantry without rifles.
If the enemy built in a square and waits, when your Cossacks begin to attack him – it is worth switching to a concentrated rifle fire, focusing it as far as possible on flanking detachments. Line shoots much better than Kare! Often manage to “force the turtle to turn”.
But, perhaps, the enemy has much more infantry than we? Nothing terrible: Kare is not too mobile. Keeping on both (if possible) flanks, a cavalry threat outside the reach of guns, we shift our entire infantry for one flank and get a desired advantage there. Now, if we are completely bad with the infantry – then it will be not easy. In this case, you need to break through the infantry front infantry, and then finish the Connection.
The further, the stronger the fire power of infantry and artillery, which means that the offensive does it. The eykop and camouflage age has not yet come, but this is not the reason for the sowing head to rush under the bullet.
Attack with short ignitions when we deploy the system for fire, we fold and move a little forward, in the game, as in reality, it turns out to be the best way to promote infantry.
But if the enemy has a noticeable advantage in artillery and knock down its conee will not be able because of the squall fire infantry – then, on the contrary, running in the bayonets. Guns, of course, can shoot and for those in the near battle, but then the losses will be on both sides.
In defense against cavalry, the “chess” system works well when the infantry of general purpose is nominated forward, and there is a little bit between them a little behind. But from attacking infantry fading chess system does not save, rather, on the contrary.
In principle, it is quite enough against the computer of these basic techniques, but it is better to search for several non-standard solutions.
When you learn how to determine where your troops are visible, and where – no, you can try to implement VENTER. This is such a cavalry ambush: with her help you can try to win even an equestrian army without serious infantry support. The idea is simple: hide in the forest our cavalry, one detachment lurnt. The enemies of the cunning – at once the whole crowd will not go after her, send a couple of detachments. Dismiss them “for the angle of” forests, we travelers still a couple of detachments on them. When the rest of the forces come – we produce other cavalry. It works well, but there are two subtleties: first, it is not easy to calculate visibility, secondly, the enemies often decide to fill the detachments in the near battle, ignoring possible hitting in their.
In general, the pulling tactics against the computer must be applied constantly – it is easily “conducted” on enough banal bait. I can sometimes even take the village behind him, although this is an exotic: to spend unnoticed infantry nevertheless too hard.
On one infantry, you can also, oddly enough, to do something like a surroundings. To do this, “cannan tactics”: the center retreats when the enemy is approaching, and the flanks are closed, as soon as the enemy is suitable enough.
As already mentioned, a big map is broken for the provincial flap. Of particular position are the metropolitan provinces: there, and only there, you can hire troops and build another number of institutions, for example – educational. Only these areas can send trading tracks. What is interesting: after annexation of the country, its metropolitan province saves its meaning. Say, won Turkey, you can increase its contribution to scientific progress, only rebuilding schools in Constantinople.
Buildings mining resources can be built everywhere.
It is important: Having lost the capital, you drop out from the game instantly. It is about the delivery of the capital, and not about the arrival of enemy troops in the relevant area.
Troops and ships can be moved to the next region (including you can ship troops on the ship and from the ship). The position of the detachment on the role of the provincial role does not play: here you are not Rome. The stay of troops without an officer is allowed only as a garrison of the city;Each officer has a command limit, initially three detachments.
Within the same area, it is allowed to transfer squads from the commander to the commander, as well as in the city garrison.