Journey to The Center of the Earth: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 6, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Journey to The Center of the Earth: Passage
Journey to The Center of the Earth: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Volkan Sneffel

The game begins with the fall of the helicopter, Ariana removes everything on the camera. Helicopter: Ariana is interested in his pilot, go to the door of the helicopter, the door is closed. Next to the helicopter on the left raise the part of the propeller of the helicopter and they will open the door. Inside the helicopter find the rope, knife, computer and bag. Unpack the bag and you will have a screwdriver, gloves, lighter and empty flask. Inside the helicopter, take the first aid kit using a screwdriver, unpack the first-aid kit and you have: cleaning fluid, plaster, bandage and painkillers pills. Knife cut off the electrical wires to the left of the first-aid kit. Get out of the helicopter. Beach: Go left and you on the shore. Click on the computer to send mail. Dark passage: From the helicopter go back and right, you will see the passage taken by a stone, open the passage part of the propeller, Ariana says that there is dark and elder – a little fire from lighter and forth, yeah ! Falling! Welcome to the fairy tale.

First camp

Beach: Get to know Adam, he really needs some kind of crystal for his staff who is in a cave next to the first camp. Find out what the city can be passed through the old mine, but before that you must polish the crystal. Immediately under the legs of Ariana will find acute bone. Take an empty flask and fill it with water where the hand has a hand at the bridge – you now have a full flask. Old Mine: Go to the mine (bottom of the screen), to the left at the entrance will find a big sink, I will find the old chisel in the box on the drawer on the right and it is not clear that from an unknown material. Fold out of the mine on fresh air. Other side of the beach: go to another strand on the bridge. Find a rag and a rotten tree near some piles of something left. Go to the graves and look at them: Ariana speaks about the encyclopedia in the computer, hover the computer at the grave of Ivan Platonov, read it: Mmm-yes, the dates are incubated. The inscription on another grave is difficult to read: then you need to clean it! Mix the cleaning liquid and rag: Get a wet cloth, which can be grave to grasp Armand Latifer’s grave: I’ll look at the encyclopedia again and -, of course, the dates are increasing. Cave: The left back of the screen will lead you to the cave, come to the stairs, clutch on it. Put the gloves (one remains), connect the old chisel and rotten tree and squeeze the crystal. Go to the device on the right, look and put the crystal on the highlight to the right, press the bells, Ariana guess that she needs to polish crystal something. Get out of the cave, take the sand near the green bushes. Push the sand into the flask and press the bells several times. Get polished crystals. Old mine: Go to the old mine. Go to the end of what would go further, but Ariana is very scary – you see, darkness is afraid. See a big wheel, go to him, find torn wires, armed with gloves can be added to the electric wires and isolate their plaster . May there be light! Hello those who started reading from here. Go there where now is light. Ariana says that the seal needs to be located in a certain order. Look at the round door, look at the inscription above the door, read the door key: The Occident IS The Opposite of the Orient. Our Story Begins AS The Sun Rises. Nature and Technology Go Their Separate Ways. FIRST THE ONES WHENCE WE COME. THEN THE ONE THAT FEEDS US. Followed by The One We Mine. Comes The Time Of Transformation and Of Famed Energy. Finally Those Who Guide US. In general technology opposite nature, our story begins with sunrise and TP… I don’t want to go into details and immediately give a solution: rearrange printing around the door: Nature (left) Technology (right) Mother with baby Mill Kolos Bird in flight Mountain Chemistry – factory fabric and… Trees Zipper Wheat and Sickle Mask Sea Welcome to a fairy tale!


Observant post: go to the next picture. Mouse over the computer to a huge mushroom – unknown variety? No wonder I did not see such. Knife by picking in the ground and you will find small mushrooms with a strange smell . Now forward to the mushroom with a house on the roof. Close up. Long annoyed Lieutenant Lenkov. His friend broke his leg and must be satisfied;Go down from the mushroom and go further on the road until you come to the hanging bridge. Before the bridge there is a funeral from the mushroom, a knife cut from hemp. Smooth pieces of mushroom. Go back to the lieutenant and teach it some medicine. Now that the leg is bandaged, the lieutenant will stand and watch how you will repair horn. Hello, those who started reading from here. The horn for the call of Pterodactil is spoiled, so there is no one broken leg to take. Lighter Make solid hot bones. Solid edings will make the finished sink shell. Now we walk to the cave in the first camp to take bemes (2 clicks). They cannot be taken while the lieutenant will not ask you to fix the horn. We go to the horn and get mail. Look at the horn put the finished sink and mehs. Let’s chat with Lieutenant. I ! I saw Pterodactil! Lieutenant flies and you can now reveal what he has on the table: a map (read it), gunpowder, smear and some wires on a chair. Well, let’s go to the bridge? Adam’s hut: Crossing the bridge and reading mail Check the animal skull computer, stop wondering. Talk to Adam about everything;We were invited home. Where the books in the doorway hangs amulet;Fallen inside notice the eggs under the lamp, we take pieces of wood and a book that we read with great interest. On the table there is a vase in her it would be interesting to throw something, throw a little mushrooms with a strange smell . Ouch! Magic lamp! On the floor there is a closed chest in which of course it is necessary to climb. Connect pieces of wood and amulet. We have the key to the chest. Click on the key and before you the mystery you are guessing and without me. Discover the chest: computer to bust, take two letters, read with pleasure. Leaving don’t forget to grab paint from another table. Savannah: Go further left, Again the bridge. We receive a message. At the end of the bridge we get along the rope stairs. We go while the road will not blocked fern. Makeup a little, we cut and immediately take a big leaf. What we see are? Big dinosaur. We will fight with him without rough strength, but head. We go to the right, we see broken wood empty inside. We will make fireworks to scare a stupid dinosaur. Put a large sheet on the pecks, then the paint, gunpowder and clog all the wire. Ignite the lighter. Stupid dinosaur you frightened. Move on. There is a wheelbarrow to the wheel for protein. Poor little dinosaur tries to get a fruit from a tree. We use dinosauric as a squirrel with a tree with a fruit tree, dinosaur will run for you as a dog (you can run there here). On the left of the wheel click and open the wheel (as I am glad that the pilot escaped), we go to the fruit there, we are going to unknown edges.

City of Askam

Gate: We read the news, speak with Osin. He gives you a pass to the city and does not forget to ask him to repair him the camera in the tower next to the door to which the key is attached, for chink need a lubricant and some kind of piece. War? Go to the tower to the left, open it with the key. We look at the table, read the instructions on the wall. Take the photo paper, the switch will give you a red light, put a photo paper for the developer, switch the developer, photos begin to manifest. Switch the developer again, take and place photos into the liquid on the left, then upstairs and right. See pictures that dry: you are tracking. We’ll figure out. We leave and go to the city. I chat for a long time with the Vollas, in the inventory there are tickets for the alimonoral and pass to archives. Read the computer posters. Go to the city, do not scold your mouse (while I played, Adrian times 5-6 came to such places of which could not get out in spite of all my efforts). Communication Center: Go left to the Communication Center. Come and notice that the clock is worth. Now you can talk to the Figaro on the microphone, he will invite you to himself. Go to the door, then the doors to the left, which are open. Inspect the posters, go left and talk to Enrico, he will give you the key from searching and ribbon. # 218. Let’s go see the movie. Go back to the corridor, directly opposite to the room which is closed and opens with the enrico key. Read a note on the shelves, poster on the wall. Take ribbon # 218 and click on the searchlight. See scenes 2nd world. We go back to the room where Enrique. In the middle of it is the elevator who will take you to Figaro. He also lacks something – energies, coordinates changed, so energy does not come. Go down back down. On the left of the window lie formula that will solve the computer. Now you have the right coordinates: 6283, 1667, 5483, 2092. We will rise up and enter the coordinates on the panel, if you entered them correctly, you will automatically go from the panel. Note pliers on the floor on the right. Say Figaro that the work is done, not enough that he has been drawn to him and he also want to send a telegraph. For it he allows you to recharge the computer. Idid to Enrico and tell him about the telegram. Worked here, go on. We leave the building and go to the right on the road, again right to the intersection. Crossroads: You have a fountain, go to Triseratop, intend it. On the street there is a man, his name is Hercules, get acquainted. Of course he is missing something: eggs. The next caravan to the mine in three months. He allows you to climb him in the store. Come in and immediately climbing to the checkout, take recipe codes and empty recipe cards. We read the book of recipes, press the button under the cash register, Eden to the aquarium. Wall near the aquarium has a secret door that we opened with a button under the cashier. We go inside. Ba! Look anyone here! Adam! Before Adam on the table there is a note, read it – the biocardamon says. Let’s talk with the old familiar, he needs a chant of forces. Play with a trisheratop hologram. On the table next to will find a needle. Talk to Adam about hologram and tetelogram. Let’s go from here where the box office on the wall 0.75 seconds faster. We leave from the store. The road to the left goes to the pharmacy. Talk to Armanda Groginfield, yes, not surprising rat. In the inventory, click the needle on the card, look in the book of recipes and make a recipe for Adam (Hanagra Forces). Try to turn the recipe of Armanda, the old sparrow in the punching. Speak about the biocardam, she will go to the university behind him. While it does not have a little rear. In general, then the recipe card which you have, it is going to where Arian is now standing, so push it a little left and you will see a slot. Take a map, pull the lever to the left of the wheel and, voila, take the chant forces. Take this Adam, for this he will give you an aerodynamic map. Read it and went down the screen to the bazaar. Search for details Crawraspace Osin. Bazaar: How to go straight to the shop with a clock, there will find lubricant and old dinosaur skin. Go left and get to know the local Chkalov. He also needs a repair – you need to go to the Academy. To do this, we go to the left in that part of the bazaar that is not visible at the entrance. Go to the tower, we go to the Academy. Academy: Go to the stairs, go up, come. I will immediately say that there are only 3 doors here: exit, entering the laboratory and the entrance to the archive. Go to the left to the laboratory, talk to Armanda while she is not sick here. We go to the archive to the right – you have a pass there. Let’s chat with Vollas and Cute Alexander – University Rector. They leave and we go to the table and read two books about giants! And some light. Take the ribbon # 254 and go to the typewriter on the right, twitch for the lever, dig a pit under the volatile. Armand has already gone, so you can go to the laboratory. Here on the table we find a sheet of iron and a file that you can immediately add this sheet of iron. Left on the screen Go to some generator, where we find a bottle of helium on the floor. Well, here we have nothing more to do, we went to the communications center to watch the movie. Courlers: Let’s see the film in the already familiar searchlight: someone does not love us, such cute. Let’s go now to repair Osin’s Fotapparat. Go to the tower, stitching an ironing sheet of iron, then lubricate the camera and it is ready. Of course you need to tell Osin about our exploits for what he would let us go beyond the city. And beyond the city we will go beyond the eggs for Hercules, and we take these eggs – yes, Adam has a hut. The path is familiar – on the seasa and on the waves in Ughabam and the paths. Take the eggs and go to Hercules. He will tell you about the pilot of Gustav and about the giants. Let’s fix the balloon. Talk to Gustav again, he needs an aerodynamic map. Click on the car Machine, see a hole on the pipe? It needs to be brought by old dinosaur leather, put a bottle of helium on a small tube from above, insert the aerodynamics card on the panel that higher levers. Go?

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