Kane & Lynch: Dead Men: Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the center of attention of the game Kane and Lynch: Dead Men – two characteristic characters (Lynch and Kane) with confusing types and challenging fate. According to rumors, their cruelty will envy Grandfather Hannibal, although they are not good to cannodies, and “Greenpeace” can sleep well, cats on the blowing pistol are not going to stretch. Cruelty – only means, all attention to the plot.
Lynch – a terrible psycho, sitting on drugs, frozen to the whole head, and it is gently said. Looks like being under the influence of psychotropic substances, cut his own wife with thin slices, but I absolutely remember. Kane still seems to be kept the remnants of reason, but from the point of view of morality, too, went on nowhere. In the past, he worked for a mercenary, then his work was tired, and he disappeared with the money of a mysterious organization that worked for. And then – family drama and death sentence.
Intriguing, is not true? Well, then run the game and start to delve into the story, and we will help you.
After the crash
Blurred paints – you will see at the very beginning. From all sides, you will be given orders, so try to perform the maximum that you require. First go to the lane. As soon as you firmly put on your feet, the image will become clearer, then it will be easier to move. Follow people in masks down the alley. Passing a little forward, they will ask you to move through the fence, for this use the car standing nearby. Close to the car, and with it through the fence. Come in the garage. Here you will get your first weapon – a gun. Do not worry, on the first pairs, this weapon works quite satisfactory. For the destruction of enemies, 2 – 3 shots. Now you need to get a shelter, from which start to destroy all the police who will get to your eyes. Your accomplices will take care of most of the enemies, so just work out in shooting and recharging. In the dead policemen, you can pick automata, it will significantly simplify the process.
After you figure out the police, go out to the street and move for your accomplices to the next alley. When accomplices go to the building, go beyond the stairs and around the add-in. Before you opened an excellent position for the further destruction of the police. The main thing is not forget to hide yourself with a sterling position, just sit down enough. All that is now required – periodically get up and kill enemies below.
When sample with the police, you can leave the building. Follow the team in the diner.
We continue to shoot
Entering the diner, immediately find a shelter. Hide either by columns or racks. Enemies will be dressed in everything black, so shooting their work will not be. Do not forget to pick up more powerful weapons, if such falls out of the dead.
When you order to extend to the street, observe the limit caution. Pay attention to the right side of the street where police cars with reinforcement will arrive. I do not advise go to the frontal, demolish and won’t notice. It is best to hide behind a red minibus and from there to shoot. As soon as we clear the territory, run on the other side to the ponchikov. Stay in the store, while actively move from the window to the window, trying to stay into the shelter. If you are still shooting, then the partners will be able to treat, but only if there are not far away, so try to keep together.
Chapter 2
Consider this chapter as a kind of late learning. And at least you already know how to shoot, there is still a couple of things that need to be learned to become a successful criminal. To begin with, give Linch weapons, perfectly, you can now move to a red machine with Coca-Cola. Hide behind him as for the shelter. Following the instructions, shoot on mannequins. Then you will tell you how to use grenades (for those who do not know how). Then go up on the escalator on the third level. As soon as you get to the place, the police will arrive. Take advantage of escalators, while not working, the police do not sleep. However, you have an advantage – you keep the position above the police. With the help of a special team, test Lynch and order him to stay next to you. Order Linch attack the police, you can go down. When to be at the bottom, using columns as a cover, recycle the remaining enemies. Now you can go out, the level has passed.
Chapter 3
Just look at the wheelbarrow
Go down and go to the van. Rear to the garbage container at the van, and from it through the wall to banking parking. Surride to the guard, standing on the descent, to the right of you. Do not forget to order your people to wait for you in the van, so that they are not confused under the legs. As soon as the guard turns into the other direction, move to the right. Attack the back of a suspect of a suspect, just do not make sure. Note that attention is better not to attract. Entering inside, you will see another guards. Rapidly approach and cut down its handful so that the siren does not turn on. Siren turns on automatically if you use firearms. Close the stairs, but it will wait for you another guards. Understand him just like with two previous. All now the path to the roof is free.
In momish
Split on the top of the roof. On the right you will find industrial air conditioner. Let out gas from it. Wait until the armored vehicles do not enter the garage, then descend on the rope from the edge of the building. To the right of you will be the place of protection. Hurry there and cut down the first guards in hand-to-hand. From now on, if something goes wrong, you can safely use firearms, it will not be worse. Between you and the keyboard panel for entering the password there will be two more security officers, we will act with them as well as with all other grains. While the cracker will work with the password, cover it by shooting through the glass. As soon as the doors open, shoot that there are urine.
We need everything
The repository is at the bottom covered with a red carpet, stairs. Stop and shoot four guards facing below. Move down the stairs best crossed to get extra defense. Burglar will ask you to cover it, but you can do better – go to the stairs and remove all the right guards. Rise back the stairs and destroy the remaining guards. After you figure it out with the latest remaining enemies, return to the repository. And here and the cops arrived, so when you finish with the repository, you are waiting for another Potashka on the stairs. Now you can go upstairs, and there through the hall and in the lobby located right.
Chapter 4
Older will take care of everything
Lynch could not do anything without you, so before doing something, pick it up with a bag located to the right of the atrium, where he stood. The first wave of the attacking police is easiest to stop grenades, so forward, do not miss. When you play with grenades, hide behind the column and rank everything that moves on you through the front entrance. Note that there is a police on the balcony too. Change the disposition and pass the restless law enforcement. After stripping, the driver will appear, call the accomplishers and wash away.
The escape
There is nothing sly. Your van is multifunctional, apparently when buying you did not forget to trace the presence of such an important thing as grenades. You, their whole 10 pieces, which is quite enough to turn escape into light fun. When police cars are near you, throw a grenade in them. If the machines are far away, they will hit them much more difficult, – be patient.
Clean the way
Once in the tunnel, you will have to work a little more for the benefit of escape. Ignore the police behind you, the main task to get to the locked road section. Use cover machines and shoot the police from the maximum distance. With the help of a grenade to calculate the path from their machines. Everything can be returned to the van.
Escape, part next
You again fly away from the machines. As not strange, but all ten grenades returned again to the place (apparently, they are made of tachyonov and can exist in different places of space-time at the same time). What to do you guess – waiting for the car, throw, look at the explosions. You can, of course, shoot, but why spend time and strength, if the same result is achieved by lower cost.
The situation is still complicated
The driver, it turns out, also does not lapties humping, part-time it is also a mechanic. You need to win him a little time, and for this you will have to shoot from the police on the embarrassment, behind the van. See old cars folded on each other? Now reinforcement will arrive. Being at a sufficient distance, you can kill them, not even hiding into the shelter. Carefully look at the enemies can not be left alive. Take back to the van. Throw grenade into pursuers and watch the chain reaction of explosions. The scene will be very beautiful.
Throwing them
Only you remained, yes Lynch. Order him to follow you. Through the turnstiles, descend to the subway. Turn back and hide behind the column to get a cover. Shot from the upcoming enemies. Remaining grenades Use to knock out the police from the shelter. Below, on the platform, you only need to hold out enough time until the train arrives. Let Lingch covers one side, and you take another. When the train arrives, run to his doors.
Chapter 5
Night club
We arrived at the nightclub, but not for rest. Yes, the fate of the bandit. Paint through the crowd to the stairs. Close and immediately kill three guards. Note that it is necessary to do it in hand-to-hand. Then shoot a security guard that is high above the door. Now two more will appear. Can hide in the doorway and kill them. Now go to the stairs to the left of you. On the first floor, look for guards, find them in a crowd of labor is not, t.to. They have lanterns with them. Keep closer to the walls and kill them remotely. There will be a few more guards on the stairs. Go around the stairs and shoot them on your feet. Rising upstairs, move on the left. Drive by Bar into the far left corner, and from there again up to the fire exit, it is a door on which a light bulb is lit with a red arrow.
We are suicide
Your hostage escaped, however, it’s not destiny. Go to the roof and move to the window in her office. Shoot the bodyguard, after which you can safely penetrate the room. Lynch will pick up the hostage. Now go to the stairs. On it will be a guard.
You will have to proceed to the same way as before. With one exception – firearms appeared in the guard, and the crowd of visitors disappeared. Go on the stairs to the left, by the way killing the guard. Now hide behind the column and shoot the following security guard. On the stairs, behind the bar, there will be two more guards, what to do you guess – kill them. There may be still guards on the stairs, so you just wait until they descend and shoot. Guards at the top level can be ignored, head to the bar.
Once you enter the bar zone, to the right of you will be another guard, the other will be opposite you. Go to the fireman, by the way, killing three more guards. Once on the roof, hide behind any designs and shoot in guys for ventilation. Kill one more security guard high on the left. There must be a few more people at the windows, killing them, you can dump, the mission is passed.