Kingdom Come: Deliverance: Game Walkthrough and Guide of side quests in Sazave (Monastery)

It’s not all location aircraft – only the most interesting and ambiguous.
House of God
How to Take: Talk to Pan Divishe in Talmberg.
Pan Divish is all the time in Talmberg Castle. You will learn about the incident that happened during the construction of the monastery in Sazave. Offer your assistance in the investigation.
Go to Sazava monastery and talk to the specified monk, who will send Indro to another caretaker. After that, you will need to meet with a forever (Carl) – look for an accident at the construction site, where an accident occurred. Set all available questions. From this point on, the investigation will begin, and you will be offered to inspect all the evidence.
Explore the scene
Go to where an accident occurred. Go down the stairs and inspect a large stone in two different places where the worker fell. Indro picks up a stone fragment. With the resulting fragment, go to the quarry located near Talmberg, talk to Rupert and show him a fragment of stone. You will learn that this stone was not mined in Talmberg’s career. Return to Sazava Monastery and share your discoveries with the main builder.
Find and explore the devil skull
Find Leshek, who works south of the monastery. Talk to him about the Devil’s skull, which was found at the construction site. Now it will be necessary to find this skull, because Leshek threw it from the river. Go to the north and go down to the river. Skull can be found in the roots right by the river, from the bottom of the mound.The desired skull.
Indro will solve the authenticity of the skull and will go to the local village in Sazave. Show the skull to the local gravestone and find out, then this is a fake. Return to the forests in the monastery. In the area marked with marker, Lesha will not. Instead, talk to the assistant to the main builder of the zmoly. Tell him about the fake skull and ask about Lesha’s location.
Zmol will offer Indro to meet him and Leshek on the stage at sunset day. Wait nine in the evening and go to the construction forests at the monastery. The cat-scene will start, showing as an unknown person from the top of the scaffolding throws in Indro. Raise there, understand the workers in a fistboard or applying any melee weapon. Winning a fight, talk to a man. You will learn that he was sent here Zmol, who wants to kill Lesha, hiding in a local mill. You can kill the worker or leaving alive by sending for a grille.
Communication with a snar
If you want to find a zmolution and save Lesha, then you need to rush. Follow the lower part of the forests, jumping from the tier to the tier. Please note that endurance is spent on it, and if it is minimal, Indro starts getting damage. On the horse download to the specified location at the monastery and go to the right building.
The situation can develop in three different options:
-If you acted quickly, you will see a zmol in the building.
-If arrived a little later, the building will be empty. Try to quickly go south from this place and see how snakes drags Leshek.
– If you come too late, the zmol will run away. The quest will not be failed, but you will not be able to punish the zmol for the deed.
If you manage to catch a zmol, then he will offer Indro to inspect Lesha, supposedly located unconscious. This is a trick, as Leshek will be dead, and the zmol attacks Indro from the back. This is a very good fighter, so use perfect blocks and parry. Do not give him a chance to attack Indro surprise – immediately attack him on your own. After battle.
Completion of Quest
Street with a builder’s master and tell me that Zmol was a killer. Either come back to Talmberg immediately. Talk to the village of Divishe and tell him about everything. As a reward, Indro will receive 2425 pennies – a record amount for any quest in the game.
In the hands of God
The task is associated with the scene quest “Osada”. As part of it, it is necessary to improve the conditions in which patients of the Sazava monastery are treated, and help some of them with recovery. You can unlock the quest in a conversation with Johank in Sazava Monastery. At some point you will find yourself here in a number of plot tasks.
To complete the first part of the quest, you need to help with the recovery of five patients – Philip, Hans, Sek, a man suffering from insomnia, and a peasant with a broken leg). Talk to each of the patients lying in Lazarut.
You will also need to bring meat to Sasalea’s las4 – or take part in the hunt, or buy any meat from the local Corcmar (the cheapest sausage or lamb).
Communicate with your brother with a nicodemal area (a man in black robe in the side room of Lazarene). Ask for bad provision and ask the local patron.
Talk to Philip in Lazarute and find out about his problem. Job with Nicodemus and Johank. They will talk about the state of the health of Philip and give a new goal – find the father of Simon. A marker will appear, indicating on the Roven near the Rockies. Go there and in one of the huts Chat with a peasant. Find out where the father of Simon went. So the quest “Minister of the Church”.
You could start it before, and if you have already managed to fulfill, just visit Roven and talk to Simon.
Detailed job description Read below. In a conversation with Simon, you will learn that for recovery Philip requires a tincture of wormies (artemisia). Go to Lazaret, talk with a nicodemic and make a potion on an alchemical table. Recipe is in the book. Give the tincture of Worn Philip, skip the day and talk to a man to learn about his recovery.
Next, talk with a man with a broken leg. I will need to ask Johank about him.
If you unlocked the “first aid” skill of the second or third level, then you will receive a dialogue option in which Indro offers to make a foot. If you can not do yourself, select the phrase with the executioner from Rata. Go to Herman and find out how to make your leg. Any option will allow to achieve the goal.
Talk to Hans in Lazarut. For his recovery requires 10 dressings. One is on a barrel near the patient, two inside the barrel to the right of it, and the rest of seven can be bought from Nicodem. Once in inventory there will be 10 dressings, then passing them to Hans.
If you have unlocked a high level of the “First Aid” skill, then you can cure Hans yourself. If not, then ask is Nicodemia to do it.
Job with a bricklayer who has been injured. He will ask to find a purple plant that he needs for recovery. We are talking about a sprinkle. The fastest way to buy in Nicodemus (about 0.7 pennies). In addition, you can find it in the gardens of the monastery. Bring the grass bricklayer and move it from the inventory.
Talk to a man suffering from insomnia. Next, talk with nicodematic. Find out for the potion for sleep and it will unlock for you a recipe. Now you need to cook the lullaby potion on the table Alchemist next to Nicodem. All ingredients can be bought from nicodemus or get from the shelves to the left.
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All this poured oil. The process of potion is simple enough – proceed by the recipe.
When you make a potion (a message appears about the success on the screen), then give it a man.
After the treatment of patients, go to Sebastian in Berg and talk to him using the belief. Offer to arrange a banquet – you will need 12 units of eloquence. To enhance this skill, you can drink the potion of the bard, temporarily increases eloquence by 5 units for 10 minutes. Potion can be bought in bathing.
Skip the time until the next day and talk to a man re-. Choose the following options:
– perhaps because of Johanki (eloquence)? It will take 10 units of eloquence (again will help the potion of the bard).
He will send food for the sick, which completes the goal. When you fulfill all other tasks, then talk to Johanka and let me know anything else.
As part of this task, you need to visit Roven and talk to the local peasant. You will find out that the father of Simon disappeared. Go to the right place and talk with people about the priest. They will tell where he went (where the grave of the girl is). Follow the marker to the specified location, then raise up the top against the current and see two robbers who have tied Simon’s father. Either scare them by saying that soldiers go here, or defeat the battle. Free Father Simona.
Difficulties of translation
East of Sazava there is a mill. There is a caught Polovtsy. Talk to the owner of the mill and offer your help. Will need to find a translator. On the sawmill on the river there is a man who understands Polovsky. Go there by moving along the river in northeast. Find a worker in a green shirt – Melnik Simon. After several attempts of belief, he agrees to go for you to the mill.
Talk to the workers again and start the interrogation of Polovtsa. Interrogation occurs automatically except some solutions that Indro can accept. Offer Polovtsu Freedom and learn about his terms. Indro will notice that the translator acts strange – Polovtsy says a lot, and the translator tells you little.
Use eloquence to understand what the translator is lying. In the end, you will learn about the place where the treasure of Polovtsy buried. I will not walk around yes about, but I will point out the desired place in the screenshot below.Place location.
Miracles in the presence of the customer
This side task can be taken from Charlatan – a bearded guy who is located in Sazave (city, not a monastery). He will ask to get a few items for him – tooth proof, a branch from the monastery, a kosti “Cat of Paw” and a saboan of a dead man.
The easiest way to buy is to stun the proof and pull the tooth. This can be done either after a fist combat, either by following the rear. If you want to avoid violence, then convince him that the tooth should be pulled out. He will start moving towards the blacksmith in Sazav – go with him, because in the course of the movement will have to convince him several times (otherwise it will unfold and leave back).
If an error occurs and it will return back, then wait a few minutes and try again.
The desired branch is located on the top of the monastery. Climb on the top of the scaffolding and see the desired branch at the window. Shot in it from Luke (in the middle), and the branch will fall. Go down to the ground and get it lying at the door.
To get a playing bone will have to beat the player in the center of Sazava. The task is not simple because he is very lucky. But you can buy a bone for pennies.
Get a saboan dead person – a difficult task if you don’t want to stun anyone. Enter the church and see the mourners son. Communicate with him and tell me that you are a distant relative. We will have to answer correctly for three questions:
one. I came to say goodbye to a relative (lie).
2. We are from the wratist.
3. Lucy.
While the confused person turned away, interact with the corpse to the right and take the Savan (cape).
Bad habits
When you find yourself inside the monastery, you can take this task. Talk to Imply on the extraction of illegal. He will offer to visit Brother Kelary, who needs different forbidden items. Chat with him and ask for the brand. He will exchange them on food (you will sell it in exchange for pennies).
At night, go to the basement and in the distance you will see two settings. One of them is John, seeking to take a post in the monastery. Men will offer to sit down with them or leave, but to declare that anyone will tell anyone. To fulfill the task, talk to them and talk to iodok. John wants you to help one of the novices deliver a barrel of wine. In the future, everything is very simple (after you find a way to leave the monastery).
Libri Prohibiti
In the monastery, the staircase Nevlas will ask to find a forbidden book from the library for him. Climb on the second floor, to the library, go to her end and hack the cabinet, opposite which the monk stands in the afternoon. Night the monk will not be, so the closet will be hacked.
You could visit this place when Brother Nicodemus asked to get a book from the same cabinet. We are talking about different books! If he was already hacked, then take the second book (red, the left wall of the cabinet). Pass the book Nevloss.
Note. If you collected lost pages for a brother-librarian, then it will give you the key from this cabinet!
Lost Pages
Location of all lost pages (take the quest is optional – just find the pages and after passing their brother librarian).
Location of all pages:
one. Complete in the dining room and hack the box located in the right long part on the right of the door to the kitchen.
2. Go to the library and hack the box to the left of the entrance.
3. In the library, go towards the far part along the wall with windows. The stand will be the third page.
4. Go to the laboratory with the table Alchemist on the first tier. In the office, where there is a table, on the other table, find off the page.
five. Go to the next room from the room with the table Alchemist, find on the stand in the corner page.
6. Follow the second floor where monks and novices sleep. Early in the morning there will be no one here. Inspect all boxes – in one of them lies page.
7. There, where monks are sleeping, there is another page lying on one of the boxes.
8. Go to the cellar and go to the place where at night you can meet John and Jodok sitting at the table. Find a page here.
I. Follow the monastery corridor while in the corner do not discover the locker. Hack it and take a page.
10. The last page is in the depths of the monastery. Climb the library and hack the long door. Go through two rooms and find yourself indoors with a large bed. On the end of the bed on the right of the bed.
Saints of my power
This task will begin during a conversation with the guards guarding the far home in the Sazava monastery. His calling urban. Talk to him and learn about the request to touch the relics of the saint. You need to get to the sacred cave (where the construction of the monastery is held and where an accident occurred on the task “House of God”) and take some subject for Urban.
If you do not want to rob the grave, you can deceive Urban, giving him fake remains. They can be bought from charlatan or spread the grave and tear off the finger.
If you need real remains, you will have to visit the cave in the monastery. Follow the construction site, go down where the accident occurred, and before leaving the fortress, go to the cave on the right. At the bottom you will find a wooden cross and a bowl under it. Take the subject.The location of the Bowl of the Holy.
Pass the Urbana bowl and he touches the bowl. Next, he will advise to return the subject to a rightful place. You can ask for award a few pennies or create an impression and demand thanks.