Knights of Honor: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Sometimes I really want to become a king. Or king. Well, at least a yarl. What to say about the honorary rank of emperor! Most often it happens in the fall. And not because during this period severe mental illness is exacerbated. And because it is at this time that global strategies come out most often.
By the way, now in autumn. And in front of me lies with a game called “Knights honor“. And what is the most important thing – you can win in it, becoming the emperor of Europe! Something suggests me that this title is perfect for me. But in general, it is necessary to grow – next time I will wade into the rule of the galaxy. I’m practicing on empires.
What is the charm of global strategies – none of them looks like another. That is how it is not customary to list something that the name is different from Warcraft N and why she is delivered to one gate. Each such game will be loved by itself, without references to other similar projects. Because to be similar to something – for global strategies means to lose. The key moment of this game is simplicity. Yes, there is a lot of opportunities in it, but the most important thing is that you can learn how to play and start enjoying the game after an hour. Of course, to become ASA (or the emperor), you will have to spend much more time. And to speed up this process, this guide will have to be likewise.
So, at our disposal we get Prince (Boyarina, Queen, the Great Duke – I need to emphasize) with a small country. The goals of this prince / Boyarin are simple – either to collect all the advantages of the state and to win a small victory (but do not think that it is easy), or to win the elections, periodically conducted by European sovereigns and become the Emperor of All Europe. If in the first case you will be more timidly offered to play further, then in the second emperor, apparently, so much powerful that he easily takes to the nail of any accelerant power and argue with him completely useless. So further to play do not even offer. But for now, we are far away to emperors, so let’s talk about things more land.
The country that we will command, consists of provinces. At first they are not too much – up to 6-7 at the most powerful powers. At the same time, the provinces are not completely developed and the armies are not relying even the most warlike states. That is – start with a semi-empty wallet and small cities and villages. Each province is divided into the city and several villages. The villages are not controlled and engaged in the production of individual resources. Revenues from them can be raised by the construction of certain buildings in the city. The city is the center of the province, here you can build buildings, produce troops and put garrisons. At the same time, the village is easily and naturally robbed by any passing troop of the enemy (if you do not keep your troops nearby), and the city with garrison is already the most natural fortress. And about the well protected city broken teeth not at one enemone. The number of provinces during the game may vary, and only the most lazy monarch will not try to increase the size of their powers.
This is interesting: Special lovers of conquests risk combine once within the selected country all its provinces. Then the graceful people will gather money and Offer rename power. So I happened, for example, with Novgorod, who was invited to rename to Russia. You can try this with any country of Europe.
Next point – resources. Here the system is very multistage. The first step – local natural wealth. Calculate specific provinces (from 1 to 3 per province), appear random in each game and determine which buildings can be built in the city dissected by such wealth. Second step – produced goods. They will appear after the construction of certain buildings. If natural wealth is only 8, then the goods are already 19. Finally, the third (although not the last) Step Step Steel Exotic Products. They can only be obtained in port cities after complete detuning of all port facilities. And – no more than 1 pieces on the port city and after pre-payment 5000 gold. All such riches in the game 7 pieces. Produced and exotic goods are needed to obtain the advantages of the state. And something can be said completely exactly – by giving them all, you will get all the advantages of states and get the right to defeat a small victory.
The rest is already much more clear gold (that is, money), glasses of religion, books, food, fortress and “recruits”. At the same time, the first 3 – the resources of the national, and the last of each particular city.
Gold – The thing is simple. Drips from each city to a common treasury. Just know yourself recount. Well, if quite honestly, at first gold comes with heavy labor streams, and it is used to leave wide full streams. True, a well-developed power does not have any difficulties with money, and it was easier for me to pay 60,000 thousand in some kind of nomads than driving an army through the whole country for the war with them. But for this you need to make a lot of strength.
This is interesting: Those who think to accumulate many, many – very mistake. When a lot of money will accumulate in your covers, inflation begins, which slowly reduces the full amount of cash flow. And once, having received the conference, I brought inflation to such numbers that the money began to not come, but to leave the treasury. So – do not hide your money.
Religion Need for a variety of actions. Such as taking control over the city, appeal to faith, for any religious action. But more than 1000 save will not succeed, so increase the religiosity of your citizens.
Books – The piece necessary for the training of its heroes or members of the royal family, as well as to assimilate the provinces and increase the power of power. They are also impossible to accumulate more than 1000.
Food – Abstract city fracture that empty if you decide to build an army. Respectively, the more these crust, the greater the soldiers you can build at a time. And the more arrival in these very bodies – the faster you will create the following batch of fighters. And the more food you have – the longer you will stand the siege. And it can happen that the enemy will remove the siege before you have the eating.
IN serf, More precisely in local “man-hours” measured the speed of building buildings. And if the building “costs” 200 fasteners, and in your city they are 5, then you will have to wait for 40 moves. The fortress do not accumulate – if you do not build anything, they will hang out without.
“Conscripts” – Those “Men” above the image of the city. The fact is that in the city it is impossible to hire a bunch of armies. Even if you have huge food production. Because 1 recruit is consumed on each army. But normal people will not make any recruits – with the right approach, even the smallest number is enough. And for the raising troops with terrible force there are mercenaries.
Of the general issues there are few – heroes, war and royal family. Here about it short. Heroes in the game are present to 9 pieces and in 6 options. Great helping the establishment of the kingdom to feet, and also lead the army (the troops do not move independently). They also lead war, but about it in more detail in the corresponding chapter. Once the hired hero remains in this class until the end of his life. Heroes are immortal (in any case – do not murut from old age), unlike the royal family, properly and dying. But but the ruling sovereign with his characteristics strongly changes the economy and politics. I think that sensible people will not send their monarch in battle to avoid his untimely death. Yes, and no sense in this – I did not have time to rush, how already died.
Be a hail
Each city requires separate attention to himself, they do not want to be in the common pile. For it is not even everywhere you can build the necessary buildings. Moreover, it is very desirable to initially plan what you are going to make from the city. Maybe it is destined to become the outpost of your possessions and reflect the attacks of the enemy. Or maybe a university center will grow from this city – the number of possible buildings is limited to 18, and it will not be possible to build at once. And affordable for the construction of already three times more. But do not be discouraged – most of civil buildings will already be initially cut off due to the lack of necessary natural resources. How to determine the rest? To do this, you will serve as a map in a political review. There is a special filter that will allow you to determine which buildings can be built within your provinces (and strangers, which allows you to aim your probable attacks in advance). Naturally, you need to start with such buildings like university, cathedral and merchants guild. It is they who require most likely buildings, and it is them that can be built not more than 4?5 throughout Europe. Although I met when the will of the lot in one initial country could build 2 cathedral at once. After that, you assess your own provinces on the production of certain goods and begin to develop them accordingly. Those who are not particularly capable of whether they are most likely to get into the manufacturers of troops. Of course, if they did not have impudence to settle down in the deep rear of your possessions.
Military buildings
Immediately, we note 2 concepts – the inaccessibility of the city and the defense of the city. Both are only related to a computer and mean how it will react to your cities for which these characteristics are not empty sound. So, the inexpensive city, the greater the likelihood that the enemy would just hide him, not even trying to storm him. The higher the defense indicator – the harder it will take it to the storming. By the way, it applies to you if you decide to cast the storming of the castle on the sputter to your commander. Ballists and enemy catapults will not leave them and wet.
What you need to build? Be sure to build barracks and shooting range – without them the protection of the lock is impossible. And then you need to choose which buildings you need to produce the most valuable troops of the city. That is – the shage of the ax will be an extremely rare building in the city. But the spear shop will be needed almost always.
What to build from defensive structures? Completely hopeless, which is a shallow ditch without water at some distance from urban walls, which is overcome. No wonder I have never seen a computer to build it. But the stone wall is a much more useful thing. So she will not allow the enemy to easily enter the castle. Short towers I would not recommend – the boilers are invested on them, and the place they occupy. And I still consider it a meaningless increase in damage damage.
Do you need catapults and ballists? Catapults – not very. The fact is that there will be no more than 4 in the city and they are always concentrated about 2 gates. At the same time, we still have at least 2 gates in order to quietly enter them, while the catapults firms a strictly outlined sector in front of them. But the balleans are very much improving the defense capability of the city. They are just shooting in all directions, and when building angular towers (and not only towers for baller), the urban wall will be “covered” by all the length. That for computer precipitating equal to automatic striking. Yes, and you do not take this city without a catapult. Well, though they shoot a little further baller in the towers.
Civil buildings
In fact, here we are deprived of some special choice. In order to build most of these buildings, or there are no restrictions, or there are restrictions on useful resources in the province. But the main set of comes from here will have to build anyway.
Here you should mention the villages of the provinces. The fact is that the villages are heterogeneous, and some buildings affecting the villages can give a completely different effect in different provinces. So, there are monasteries, coastal villages and peasant farms. Well, and just the villages supplying serfs. If the building affects only one of them, then when prevailing in the province of other villages, you will not see any special effect after building the building. But if it affects all villages (or on the city) – the effect will necessarily. Villages with time rise in the level (except simple villages), increasing its production. The maximum level of the village is the third, with it in the image of the village at houses red tiled roofs.
It is important: Muslim Mosque is absolutely similar to church Christians. And it is not built on a new – religious buildings change the names depending on which faith confronted in the province.
Special buildings
But these buildings are equal and on them determine what you can build in the province. Most buildings from this list produce goods that will give you the advantages of powers.
Gorgeous nine
Cities cities, and the game still rule the heroes. Without them, you will not even be able to spend the army from the city to the city. Not to mention other extremely diverse actions. It is time to call their names: a commander, a spy, a clergyman (he is missionary), a merchant, Majord and architect. You can buy any of the heroes in just 1000 coins. You can save, putting a hero of one of the royal relatives, if so many suddenly got into a lot.