Kult: Heretic Kingdoms: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 5, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Kult: Heretic Kingdoms: Passage
Kult: Heretic Kingdoms: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Religion – Opium for the people
Karl Marx

Inquisition – how much can tell one word. Bonfires, battles for faith, crusades… Destruction of heretics… And if heretics are not loners? What do you think the inquisition in the kingdoms of heretics? Right to eradicate believers. No matter who, the main thing – believers. And if the believer turns out to be brother, or even a teacher? How to proceed? What to choose? How to live on? What will affect the choice of the path?

Welcome to the world of cult, in the kingdom of heretics.

Role-playing system

The main difference from the standard role-playing game is that you get a ready-made character with a set of characteristics – and you first select only two auras (attunets).

The basic characteristics of only four (on their increase and will influence the levels obtained): Middle Battle (Melee), Shooting (Ranged), Magic (Magic) and Speed (SPEED). 800 points are given to enhance the characteristics at the beginning of the game. They are displayed in a letter: from F to A (F, F +, E?, E and T. D.), and 100 points experience is spent on the performance of the characteristics for one level. After the level A goes s, above which it is impossible to raise the value. Basic characteristics affect secondary skills. You can take the secondary skills, the dodge, block (block) and damage. For example, the speed affects the opposite and blocking, and the rest – to the degree of damage applied.

The specific system of magic is very influenced on the development of the character. The concepts of magical energy at all. Instead, the so-called system of addiction (manifestations of AUR). Its essence is that any item that you have is expanding the characteristics of the character. The longer you use it, the greater the opportunity to open. This is all implemented through the system of various AUR. Auras are chosen before bedtime the next day. But besides this, to enable each aura there is a set of requirements, without executing which it will not work. At the same time, several AUR of the same type can act. They can be magical – fiery, air, water and earth – or skill auras.

Weapons and armor

Weapons and armor besides combat characteristics, which change over time, receive various specific properties – auras. First, weapons only causes basic damage, but gradually, with an increase in your levels, the level of damage applied is changing – of course if you use it. The sword lying in the bag will remain the same. And if you collect the remains of the spirits and clean the marked places in the world of illusions with weapons in your hands, then it is over time when attunement points will be checked, will acquire a special way – aura. This aura will work only when performing the requirements for its use and, accordingly, when the weapon in the hands. The same applies to shields and armor. All weapons and armor shares.


Fast Weapons (Fast Weapons) Best against easily protective enemies.

Fist Knife (Punch Knife).

Triangular blade made in order to pierce weaknesses in armor.

Normal Weapons (Normal Weapons) "Golden mean" speed and damage. You can use shields with it.

Ax of the Garulian Legions (Axe of the Garulian Legions). These swords were issued by the commander and especially distinguished in Garulian legions.

Garulian Centurion Sword (Garulian Centurion’s Sword)

This sword belonged to one of the dead centurions and was so well preserved that so far is one of the best blades.

Heavy Weapons (Heavy Weapons) Two-handed. Attacks slower, but damage more.

Spiked Club) Traditional weapon Surov.

Imperial Glaieve (Imperial Glaive) Very effectively for a skilled warrior.

Runged (rened) (two-handed) The speed of use corresponds to ordinary weapons.

Fire Leek Surov (Sura Firebow) Shoots bone arrows sweeping in fiery essence.

Armor and shields Armor is a few species – from full armor with a helmet to light leather and, for example,. All armor is divided into two types: Easy and heavy.

Light Armor (Light Armour) Minimum protection, but does not lose the speed of attack.

Brigandine Jerkina (Brigandine Jerkina) Most often used by robbers or lightweight military formations.

Heavy Armor Best defense, but at the same time the smallest attack speed.

Chainmail Shirt (Chainmail Shirt) Excellent chain shirt. Such used mainly nobles in elite units.

Shields There are three sizes (small, medium and large) – the more shield, the more it reduces your attack speed, while increasing the efficiency to block. You can not use shields simultaneously with heavy weapons (Heavy Weapon), during heavy weapons (Heavy Focus) and with throwing weapons.

Imperial Sura Buckler (Imperial Sura Buckler) Made from skulls. Such shields were used by the ses during the Garulian Empire.

Magic and Aura

When the god of the territory was killed, his essence spread, and all things found part of her. Mages, born with a scar, known as Macula, can communicate with objects, weapons and armor, directing them sleeping strength and getting access to huge opportunities. Raising her strength, they get the opportunity to communicate with a strongly condensed energy of objects during the battle.

The main auras are those that have a natural essence, that is: fire, water, air and land. Of course, not all magicians can associate themselves with elements. Those who have not passed the test of elements, know how blind magicians (Sightless Mages). But even among those who passed it, some still prefer the path of the warrior of the magician.

Commitment element gives Magu access to its concentrated energy. These forces can be combined with weapons skills or with focusing to create destructive spells. But to use the force of the element, it is necessary to use an object that creates the corresponding focus. All spells require time to reuse. In the classic Tavmaturgy kingdoms of heretics, four elements are characterized so.

"Fire, destroying" Those who prefer the way of fire choose the destructive forces.

School spells of fire:

• 1 Circle Fireball (Fireball) Single shot of a fiery ball one enemy

• 2 circles. Flame Blast (Flame Blast)

• 3 Circle Ring Fire (Ring Of Fire) Releases fiery balls ring with fiery focus.

• 4 round. Inferno (Inferno) Fire burns all opponents on a certain area.

"Water paralyzing" Going along the path of ice magic there is an opportunity to slow down and stop enemies.

School spells of water:

• 1 circle. Slices of ice (Ice Shards) Explosion of ice particles created by water focus stuns and damages opponents.

• 2 circles. Ice Storm (Ice Storm) Ring of ice particles released with water focus, damage and stuns enemies.

• 3 circle. Ice Spiral (Ice Spiral) Ice particles gather in a spiral that causes damage and stuns enemies.

• 4 round. Lightning (BLIZZARD) Ice lightning cause damage to all opponents around.

"Air fast" Lightning speed is a gift of air magic, and this path is characterized by spells that beat instantly, and auras affecting speed.

Air School Spells:

• 1 circle. Thunderbolt (Thunderbolt) Inflicts a single blow with ice focus.

• 2 Circle Lightning Circle (Lightning Cross) Links in all directions.

• 3 Thundershock Circle (Thundershock) Lightning strike causes a few more lightning from the sky.

• 4 Circle of the Spirit of Storm (Wrath of the Storm) Zipper cause damage to all opponents around.

"Earth, giving and taking life" Power of the poison and earthquakes are a rod of earthy magic, combined with severe protection and more powerful treatment.

School spells of the Earth:

• 1 circle. Showl (Tremor) A small concussion is damaged to several opponents.

• 2 circles. Poison Cloud (Poison Cloud) Around you formed a poisonous cloud.

• 3 Circle Poison Wave (Poison Wave) Circular Wave of Poison, released with an earth focus.

• 4 circle earthquake (Earthquake) Earthquake is damaged to everyone on a certain area.


Over the centuries, highly seen collected knowledge and recorded stories and legends about different things. Whole volumes were written about Flore and the fauna of heretic kingdoms, especially diverse on the outskirts of the Silken Sail Alliance. Opponents will be found very diverse, from wild animals to powerful spirits, and they will also increase their level of possession of weapons, like you. Therefore, even meeting a friend from the beginning of the Monster game in distant settlements, do not hurry to rejoice – he has greatly improved his battle skills and his health since. Here are some opponents who will meet you.

Arachnid Zombie (ARACHNID Zombie) Since necromancy was banned by many centuries, she served only to bring several personalities to the grandeur and powerful knowledge of revival. The result of one of these experiments was this monster – a combination of man and spider.

DemonSpawn (Demonspawn) Demons served God’s territory, but after his death, there are many of them left without. Some suras (and some Tauminian shamans) conclude agreements with demons. Demonic creatures are considered fallen angels;They quickly multiply, but rare of them wait to maturity.

Ice Elemental (Ice Elemental) From a variety of elementals living in external lands (Outlands), ice elemental elements are of the greatest interest to water magic practitioners. They are immune to all manifestations of water strength, but weak against ordinary weapons.

Taumiran Warrior (Taymurian Warrior) The strongest fighters in the power of Taumiran. In general, Taumiran fighters you will meet a lot – these are basic your opponents first. Of all the Taumiran are the dangers of all shamans – they can pursue you and in the world of illusions, and in the usual.

Sura Warrior Clans of Surov consist of a union of three races: harsh, surakai and Ishkai. They live in separate fortified villages and worship war and military arts. Sura – Elite Clean Union. Suras often serve as mercenaries in the heretical kingdoms, although in the alliance they supported the Garulian Empire against theocrat.

Ishkai Matriarch (Ishkai Matriarch) Ishkai weaker Surov. They take just a few fortresses, the most weakly protected. And because of the matriarchal system, they have warriors – women.

Rift Fiend It is known that true magicians have the strength to wander around the world of illusions, but even they are unknown, which lies beyond the habitats of spirits and nightmares. In those rare cases where the cloth of the world of illusions crackled along the seams, the breaking of a breakthrough arose in the world of illusions from unknown other places. They say that they are powerful over fear and pain living, and where they found these creatures, people suffered from nightmares. They are found only in the world of illusions, and only destroying all the breakouts of a breakthrough in a certain locality, you can close the breakthrough itself.

Disabled Spider (Aphotic Spider) Arazhelides are common in the mountains of the destroyed shield. Their web creates an earthen focus, so they attract magicians. They react poorly to sunlight, because their queen puts eggs in complete darkness. To protect farms, the Army of Corvor arranged campaigns on them every winter, during the lunar holidays.


In addition to a variety of weapons and armor, precious stones are often found and other valuable things. A lot of rings, each with its specific properties. But, like with a weapon, all properties are manifested only after a certain time – when you get the required amount of addiction points. Each items will have their own aura (only one), characteristic only for this subject.

Below you will find a description of several of these items.

Amulet Order of theocracy. Since this is a necklace – the Emblem of the Holy Order of Theocracy (Divine Orders of the Theocracy), it has a very useful property – allows you to apply doubted damage to the spirits and breaking the breakthrough.

Legendary rod treatment.

Amulet bringing luck.

Books are generally quite a lot, each with its properties.

This spike of a horned demon (Horned Demon) creates air focus.

The key to the latter breathing lock (Final Breath).

Key to Cadaur Castle (Cadaver).

The key to the castle of the lost immortality (Lifeless Immortality).

Box with herbs, potions and other healing.

Restores power. Created by Taumiran shamans.

Talon claw (Talon) uses air focus strength. It can be found on the lands of red smoke (Red Smoke) in the territories of Surov.

During use creates a rather powerful earth focus.

Endowed with the power of treating Taumiran shamans, but its strength is limited, as in all such objects.

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