Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 2, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Layers of Fear 2: Passage
Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Note. This material indicates the location of all slides, film director and records interviews with James. However, if you are interested in the location of mysterious objects and receiving various achievements, we recommend reading a separate manual.

Prologue in the game is very short. Follow the ship’s corridors and open two doors. All locked doors will be marked by the “Castle” icon. Consider in the future that some doors open only one way. Browse the cat scene, after which you will find yourself in the cabin of the main character.

To begin with, examine the entire first floor of the cabin. You can rotate the board to see both messages. On the table you can find a daily telegram, and on the suitcase – a note. Next to the phonograph lies the first audio record, which can be inserted and listening. There is nothing interesting in the bathroom.Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideCalute of the main character.
Narrow staircase leads to the top floor cabin. You can look at the packer, but now there is nothing in the sea. After completing each act, see the pavement tube and catch various items floating in water. To do this, clamp the LKM and look at them within a few seconds.

Go to the room with the projector. Read a note hanging on the mirror, open the case with a cassette, take the tape and install it on the projector. Run the device and watch the cat scene. Now you can leave the room to start exploring the ship during the first act of passing Layers of Fear 2 on the website StopGame.RU.

Chapter 1. Habvtovka

Check out the message from Ikarus Translantic, left on the trolley for staff. Between white armchairs, on the table lies a broken mirror. All similar items can be studied near, rotate and listen to the comments of the main characters. In a cafe on one of the tables with a green tablecloth lies a small doll.

Go through the door to the side to get out. When you reach a metal door, then lower both levers before opening it. On one of the tables lies the Brochure “Ikarus Translantic”. Click on the elevator call button, open the metal grid, enter the inside and lower the lever, pre-closing the grille. Elevator will stop due to light off, but you can reuse the lever to start it.

On the left side on the shelf there is a captain whistle. In the long corridor, look at the cabin on the right and read the newspaper on the table. Continue to explore the ship until you reach the low table with a tablecloth and the message from the Security Service Chief. Get to the table with a fan, open the pull-out drawer and get the key from there. It can be used on the door located in close proximity.

In a narrow corridor, you will have to sit for the first time – on C or Ctrl. Around the corner to study the cane left in the stand. Go down the stairs and find yourself in the telegraph (Communication Room). You can interact with telegraph. Here you can even unlock the secret achievement if you submit SOS on the alphabet of Morse – three short, three long and three short signals. Also check the headphones lying on the table.Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideCane.
Leave the room and engage in the study of the new part of the ship. As soon as you find yourself in a long corridor, then inspect two cabins on my right hand. They are divided by bathroom. Start with the bathroom, inside which lies the photo. It is necessary to do it first, because when switching to a long place, a wall will appear instead of the bathroom.

In the first cabin, extend the box at the bedside table to find Slide number 2, which can be viewed on the projector in the cabin of the main character. In another cabin, the newspaper is inside the cabinet.

In the same long corridor, you will notice the open door, on the left hand. It is cabin with easter. The entire decor of the cabin suggests that it belongs to the main hero of the first Layers of Fear. Continue the journey and examination of the ship. As soon as it is indoors with suitcases that block the passage, look at the folder with blurry photos. You will find yourself in the same room twice. For the first time you can find another folder with photos, and for the second time – part of the mask.Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideMysterious dossier.
Go further, look at the table. Inside it, you can find a note for security officers. Enter the dark room with a globe. Turn it, after which the door will be highlighted. Try to open it, then go to the second door opposite. It is also not able to open it. Interact with the globe re-and wait when it collapses. Come to the new door to the right. Moving on, you can find a note on the table, and the pattern on the seat on the right.

Soon you will reach the room with a bird cage. You must solve a riddle with a lock on the door. Look in the cage to learn a pirate bandage. After a period of ceiling drops after. Look up through the hole to see the desired combination. Note that each time the code will be different. Examine the same room to find another children’s drawer inside the box. You can go for the opening gate, pre-entering the correct combination. In the next corridor it will be possible to find a decorated bag.

In the next room there will be a puzzle with a suspended chair. Use the lever to rotate the central platform with several tables. Your task is to lower the chair in the place that is marked with a white square on the floor. Go to the other end of the room where you find the button and the second lever. With the help of the latter, you can adjust the speed of rotation of the platform up to its complete stop. You need to stop the central platform so that the white square on the floor is right under the hanging chair.

Pressing the button lowers the chair. If everything is done correctly, it will be installed on the platform. Otherwise, the chair will rise back to the ceiling, and you will have to regulate the central platform with the lever. You can return to the room with a platform to see how much the white square is installed correctly.

Go on a new way. In the next room with a mannequin and a rotating platform, raise the wall on the left and remove the first Filmfish №1. All posters found in the game are moving to your cabin. They can be seen on the second floor at any time passing Layers of Fear 2 on the StopGame portal.RU

Follow on. Soon you will begin to face lines and arrows on the floor. Examine all the places where the arrows lead, even if it is locked doors. In the end, you will achieve tutu cigarettes. Examine it, keep moving and in one of the cab. Detect bunk beds. Find here the table, open the cabinet in it and get Record interview for phonograph number 2.

In one of the following premises, you will find an interactive sight. Get to the office. You can pick up a card with a schedule of classes. Go further, look through a round hole in the wall and see the mountain treasure. The arrows depicted in chalk will lead you to the layout of a ship that needs to be studied in detail. Go to the steering wheel and turn it into any direction. Go down on the deck below, follow the arrows and open the door down. In the truma, study the contents of the chest, in which the toy saber and the hat are lying. Come to the cross on the floor to pick up the key. Chosen out with a staircase and key. Go to the White Spot on the upper deck and drown for the rope on the bell.Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideStorm.
You do not need to descend in the trum. Instead, leave the ship and keep moving to the left. Get to the specified door. When you open it, then for the first time the black and white filter will turn on. Get used to this, because many future locations will be exactly such. Move the curtain and log in to the new room. Check out the sheet with the order on the table left. The room has another school board. Expand it to read both messages. Following the latter, return the route. Get to the lever and pull for him so that mannequins appear in the next room. Follow there and go to the nearest metal doors.

In a new place you must avoid moving light rays. If you stop in the illuminated area, you will have to start all over. Move with the Shift pinch key. In the end, you will fall into a small office. On the wall on the right hanging another Cinema N2. In the next section, you will again need to run away from the beam of light. Get to the niche on the right, go there and wait, and then follow further. Make and move through the hole in the wall. In this area there will be a mystery with a safe. After you choose from behind the wall, turn the right and at the end of the corridor, detect a note with a code combination. She is always identical!

Return to the exit of the tunnels, use the swivel mechanism and open the huge storage door. Inside it is a small safe with which you need to interact. Safety code – rotate clockwise up to 10 and release the LKM, rotate counterclockwise up to 80 and release the LKM, rotate clockwise to 40 and release the LKM. Get out of the safe a seabed and listen to the words of the heroine.

Start learning a new area. As before, move along the lines and arrows. In one of the lockers you will find a note, but it is difficult to read it. One more Slide number 3 Hidden in the table drawer in a room with two new doors left and right. In one of the neighboring rooms there is a puzzle with the projector. Come to him and interact. Start scrolling the frames on the projector until you see the door. Come to her so that the door can appear. Open and pass on.

During movement you can view through the round hole. It is hidden by another Easter, this time associated with “shine”. After you feed and enter the lighted area in the dim, get a photo on the floor. You can look through another round hole, where the chair will fall on the mannequin. Looking into the corridor, look to the left to see Cinema Number №3. In the room with suspended chucks of mannequins, another photo of the table was hidden in the table drawer. Get to the corridor with a lever. Pulling him, you will burn the dummy, but also lower the key on the rope. Take the key and open the nearest door.

In the next corridor, go to the new mannequin and take the balloons from the table – this is a strip for a pistol. You will need to take the first door to the door with the inscription Recording. Get to the right place where the revolver lies on the table.

You have two options to choose from:

– Shot into the mannequin on the left (man). This action does not match the “script” and the expectations of the director. He will be loonable and allow you to change your mind. You can choose a female mannequin or confirm the initial decision, by twice by pressing the trigger at the time of aiming in the mannequin on the left.

– Shot into the mannequin on the right (woman). This action corresponds to the script and expectations of the director.Layers of Fear 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideImportant choice in the first act.
Leave the room where they shot the mannequins. Go through the dim the illuminated corridor, which will deliver you to a bright room. Come to the black fragment on the wall to see the cat scene. You can use the passage to the right.

As soon as you find yourself in a long ship corridor, then learn the card lying on the side. Go down to the lower levels. On the way, you will notice the child swaying through the grille. His words will depend on the selection earlier. In one of the boxes lies shopping list. Open the metal door and go ahead. The bench is a note. You will get into the storage room where you can pick up a broken flashlight. Continue the study of the truma. On the way you will come across the sliding door. In practice in their fast opening and closing, since such a skill will soon be useful.

When you get to the room with a big suspended cargo, then pull the lever to get rid of it. Open another door. After entering a new corridor, it is recommended to make backup saving, because the scene will soon begin, where you can easily die. Around the corner you will see a figure that will turn into a monster. You must run away in the opposite direction, because you can die. If you die, you will revive on the last checkpoint.

Run to the storeroom, where came from. The key to survival in this scene is the rapid opening of sliding doors. Do not miss this step, otherwise the monster will easily catch you. On the way you will meet the place where you can take a hammer from the table. As soon as you do it, the pursuit will continue. Keep running and open sliding doors. In the final part, it is necessary to sit down and get under the boards.

The chase will end in a dark room. Remove the sliding door. Sit and move to the cache with a large chest. It lies a film. Soon you will be moved to a new place. Open the door and return to the first cabin.

Here you can make several new actions:

– Read the new messages on the board.

– Check the projector with slides found in the first act.

– Place the audio record in the phonograph and listen to it.

– Read the new posts on the table and suitcase.

– Write down the movie the airfish hanging on the second floor.

Go to the picking tube at the top and interact with it. Find a boat in water and increase the scale by closing the LKM to catch it. All these actions listed above can be performed after each act when returning to the cabin.

To go to the second chapter of the passage of Layers of Fear 2 on StopGame.RU, go in the dressing room with the projector. Read a new note on the mirror, take a film and install it on the projector. Run the cat scene, and then open the door to be in the ship corridor.

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