Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 31, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2: Passage
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1: The Slums.

First of time you will be accompanied by the mind, helping to remember the skills and abilities that Kane possesses. Sketch after her, you will see the red bubbles rise upstairs – this is Checkpoint. You can save, of course, at any time, only when you download it from the last Checkpoint.


Go further down the street, jump on extensions to the left to mind. Cy the down, on the left, jump over the grille. Campfire Press the lever, the lattice will open. Go inside, then on the door.

Checkpoint 15%

On the door, go down and go to the concluded wall. Sung off his blood. In the future, kill and suck blood from everyone who meets on their way. Merciful to be more expensive. First, so you fill the health of Kane, which over time gradually melts, and, secondly, increase its level (“Lore” – a lilac strip next to red). It automatically fills when you drink blood, as well as when we suck the energy from ancient artifacts – Simply put, “chests”. When it fills in full – the level of health will increase, then you mean the neighboring red lifebar. So it will be easier to fight, including with tricky bosses that you can read about.
Further on the corridor, kill the aunt in a blue bathrobe, drink the roaring, then you can open the door with a lever. Ahead, the pier will be Save.

Checkpoint 25%

Jump left to the chest (just from these it is necessary to suck the energy, like from the corpses). From such chests, you can charge your weapon with the energy, which still sharply increase the slaughter properties. Come to the green protective field. Through such fields, you can not pass, so you will have to either bypass the tenth road, or disable. Run followed by the mind, in the catacombs.

Checkpoint 30%

Fight with the mind. You still do not kill her, it’s a workout type. First you must block 9 of her blows, then grab it for the throat and go away. All the lesson is over. Left, go out to the marker by the pool.

Checkpoint 40%

Screw the wheel, water will leave. Catch up to the other side and follow your warfed. Fall in the thug with a battle, you can try your special ability – “Fury”, for this you first need to accumulate “rage energy”, blocking opponent blows. Dublinka can then pick up. Go out on the cemetery.

Checkpoint 50%

Use the ability to imperceptibly sneaking – “Mist” (can only where there is a fog), turn the neck of the gangster. Open the grid, go on. Go to the Glyph Energy Source (Green Glowing Box, Most Mechanisms are working on this energy here) and click Lever. Then the lever at the lattice, when energy is suitable for it (it, infection, for a long time crawling through the pipes, you have to wait) . Mind will disappear, and then will be.

Checkpoint 60%

Left chest. Go under the arch, press the lever at the source. Back on the stairs and upstairs. Click the lever at the gate.


Screw the valve on the right, steam from the pipe will stop. Get down down the stairs, come down a couple of overannants and go to mind. The power barrier will be divided, will have to look for workarounds. Left, in the doorway in the wall, upstairs. Further, on the right of the barrels there will be a chest. Return to the stairs and jump up, on the roof of checkpoint.

Checkpoint 85%

Jump on the next roof, with it next. Jump over the roof where the peasant is standing and right. Jump back the street again. Take off the door from the door, now you can open it. In stock with drawers, go to the elevator and press the lever. Get out, press the lever at the source of the energy, the grille at the top will open.
Close back on the elevator and keep on. Fall down, the lattice will have two nerves, press the lever, it will open. Put the drawer under the grill and press the lever again. The next one will open, and this will strive in the box. Further Kane will talk to a citizen, and that heating the grid.

Chapter 2: The Den.

On the bridge another marker.


Go to the right, to the chest. Press the lever at the source of energy and when it reaches the lattice, twist the wheel. By the fire in the fire, the stairs are upstairs and on the door.

Checkpoint 25%

You need to lower the recovery bridge. Go down to the water, the bridge press the lever, he will drop. Follow the bridge on the door, go down. In the room with barrels – Saw.

Checkpoint 40%

Here you need to bring energy to the wheel at the lattice. To do this, climb up and in a small room, press the lever. Then down, twist the wheel and press the lever behind the bars. Climb upstairs and go out to the city. Press the lever at the green power barrier, it will disappear. Take up two robbers, then two lugs. Twist the wheel at the lattice. Go past the well, Taverns – Saw.

Checkpoint 50%

Come in the tavern, go to the man on the stairs. Climb upstairs, move away the bookshelf, climb into the hole in the wall. Go down, go out to the street. Move the box from the hedge and jump over it. Nearby will be a chest.


Go to the pier, will soon find yourself at the church. Go around it on the right, climb the stairs to the top, on the boards between the houses, in the break in the wall. In the elevator press the lever. Move along the corridor, left on the windows above the water.

Checkpoint 90%

Twist the valve, steam will disappear, then right, farther on the stairs. In the fog, use the ability of Mist, pass unnoticed by the technique, press the lever. Again in Mist and go to the opening opening. Come to the three levers and click all. Then to the smoking tube at the lattice, screw the wheel. Couple will kill technicians, now they will not make you annoy. Press the lever at the lattice and enters the inside. Another lever, then quite soon again lever. In the room with a well and steam tubes above it climb the stairs upstairs. Here you have to do a little – the problem will be at speed.
Press the lever in the center, steam at the door will disappear, but the stairs will go. Click the lever at the lattice, it will open. Now you need to harvest the lever to the left of the stairs (the grille will rise) and quickly run to the lever in the center – and still have time to go back to the way the lattice goes down. It did not work – start everything from the very beginning. In the end, climb up the stairs and press the lever. Then go down to the bottom and jump into the well.

Checkpoint 95%

On the door, meet the Vampire traitor Faustua and your first battle with the boss will begin.
Boss: Faustus.
First step.
Put the blocks and use your Stand Fury, repeat this simple procedure several times.
Second phase.
Faustus will run into another room and will begin to throw from above the exploding burning hot bobbers. You need to quickly run up to the boiler and press the chopper earlier than the enemy jumps over to a new place. We’ll have to catch. Repeat it three times – and the next phase will come. You can also try to sneak into the levers imperceptibly in Mist mode, however, then you need to enter this mode as far as possible from the lever you are going to click.
Third stage.
All the time spin around to see when Faustus appears and do not sleep his blow. During the strike, jump up so that he can fly by, then catch up and hang him pink. As usual, repeat this acceptor several times.
After the victory over Faustus Kane will receive a new Dark Gift – “Jump”. That is the ability to jump for huge distances.

Chapter 3: The Lower City.

First you will meet with the mind, then go to the door at the signboard “Auberge du Roitre”. Here will be a chest. Get back to the city, climb the stairs to another chest, from him on the stairs to the right. Jump out the street with JUMP.


Fall down, kill three robbers. Move through the aisle between the houses, to the right side. Enter the bar and talk to the hostess. Go outside and go through the bridge. The man from the other side will open the grille. Go to the square, in the center of which is the chest. Jump from the chest (Jump) to the source of energy, press the lever. Go down and press the gate lever, enter inside.
Before the following goal, you will see a damaged gear ratio (a pyramid with a ball from above). Move it and put it in his place the same, only a good, push it away from the entrance (enter the entrance gate). Turn on the lever on the left, and then the lever at the gate, will be saving behind them.

Checkpoint 20%

Jump into the window on the left, go to the grid. You will need a password. Go left and on the street. Past signs with anvil, come and talk to the trader at the tray. Return to the one who asked Paro, now he will miss you. In the basement you can cut and suck the blood of three prisoners. Choose a sword and upstairs. Use Jump to jump on the other side.

Checkpoint 25%

Similarly, jump on the roof on the right, on the stairs down. Press the lever at the source of energy. Then on the same staircase climb upstairs. Jump on the adjacent roof, press the lever. Warehouse doors. To the room to the left, down the stairs, through the warehouse, upstairs on another stairs. Click Levers. Fall a box and breaks the hole in the floor, go down and jump into this hole.

Checkpoint 30%

Top stairs, soon leave to the new puzzle. You need to raise the box to the very top, to throw it away from there and punch the floor. Go to the box on the other hand (go around it) and click Lever. Push the platform box to the elevator. Install it on the elevator and lift it upstairs. Slide the platform to the side, otherwise the box will not be able to fly to the floor. On the stairs to climb upstairs and collided e box down. Jump into the resulting hole.

Checkpoint 40%

Right, come soon to an empty pool. Screw the valve, it will be filled with water. JUMP on the boards on the other hand, on the stairs upstairs. Click the lever at the signboard with fruit, then follow along the glowing pipe, the lattice will open.

Checkpoint 50%

Follow the right, jump over the piles of boxes, again right. Go to a new pool. Before you another task. The gate lever raises the gate, and the valve in the next room pumps water. You need both at the same time. First pour the water, then raise the gate and quickly run under them, because soon everything will come back on the circles. To the top of the stairs, Save.


Press the lever, take part in the gangster disassembly. Left will be a lattice and lever. Two knights resorted. Go left and climb to the ledge. Jump from him (jump) to the balcony and go to the chest. Jump down, to the entrance with two “flashers”. Twist near the wheel, the lattice will open and there will be a marker.


Go further down the street, in the alley between the houses on the right. The lattice is spinning the wheel. Exit the courtyard with a bunch of bloody corpses. Marcus will appear, follow him. Jump on another roof, from it to the next roof. Marcus speaks with you and jumps out there, where you can not get. Fall down.

Checkpoint 90%

Go along the street. Left under the sign “Personal Girl” will be a green field closed. You need to turn it off. Go to the end of the street and right. Boxes jump on the roof, down (chest), go down to the basement. Again the task.
Press the bridge lever, on the other side you will see the valve. While you do not twist. To the right on the ledge there will be a box, collide it down and push to the valve, opposite the place where the bridge rolled back. Now cool the valve, the water will come and the box will pop up. Jump (jump) on the other side and press the lever. The bridge should get up exactly under the box (if you installed it correctly). Turn the valve again, water will go. Push the box on the slab in the floor, then the grille opens ahead. Go there, press the lever at the source of the energy, the field will turn off.
Run back to the signboard with a lying girl and on the door of the inscription “Blue Lady”. Below will meet the Vorador and his resistance group. Also learn that the mind has kidnapped and need to save it.

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