LEGACY OF KAIN: DEFIANCE: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Before proceeding directly to the passage, I want to discuss some details. First, the game is quite difficult in itself. No levels of difficulty here for this reason are simply not provided. Accordingly, all puzzles and riddles in no way change their complexity. In addition, they are all solved in one single right way. For this reason, the methodical following the following passing simply guarantees a happy final. Well, for those who survive. In fact, if some kind of riddle becomes impassable, then you should go back on the text, and in the game – proceed to the previous location in order to activate there a forgotten button or something like that. Despite the fact that there is a real opportunity to return, in fact, from the most recent location in the very first thing, should not be done. All riddles are focused in close proximity to each other. It’s so, warning to those who have already lost successfully. Always hold on a specific location and try to climb it as much as possible.
Further, most of the riddles are solved not by the banal switching of the necessary levers, but with the help of magic, such as the transition to the ghost world, the use of telekinease and other energy blades in the case of Raziel. It is understood that you can enjoy both these and other acrobatic techniques you already know how to the first vertical wall that fell on the way so that you can calmly climb – will not put you in a dead end. On such trifles in the movement will not focus.
And the last. The game has a uniquely complex and confusing plot. Next, we will not disclose all its intricacies, but simply put out the mechanics of passage, minimize scenario spoilers. Why deprive you of pleasure to know what’s the case there yourself? Reveal the plot in this case – the complete crime! And we are honest vampires. So now on the road!
Chapter 1
The fortress of mercenaries Sarafan
Well, two eternal enemy and candid antipod – Cain and Raziel were divided by a temporary corridor of 5000 years. They walk on the same places, just meet them prevents them from the modest fact that for this good purpose has not yet come a suitable geological era. First of all will have to take under the leadership of Cain. He just turned out to be in the fortress, where Sarafan orders are full of mercenaries, guarding some Mebius. Mebios is constantly having fun with temporary paradoxes, therefore it is quite logical that Cain has a couple of pressing issues.
So, what about us? Pretty big fortress, divided by suspended bridges into several parts. Each part is a two- or three-story building with a lot of large halls and small rooms. Consider traveling a lot on the same rooms, so remember the unique interior of each of them so that it is better to navigate.
The fortress is guarded by miserable people, destroyed, though, in a rather impressive view of armor. However, compared with future demons and other creatures from other reality, they are children’s bow. Each person – a walking first-aid kit. If it becomes difficult with health, it is extremely recommended to drink some blood from two-legged intelligent “cups”. Moreover, if you want to quickly kiss the energy of the blade for Suprudar – feed your sword, the infants of the nonsense with a special blow. That’s it seems to.
Once in the courtyard, run forward. Running around the corner, stumble on two pickeers. These can be lit by a sword, but it is much more efficient to put on the spikes that stick out of the walls. To do this, press and keep some time the drone button by telecision. Simple pressing – just folds enemies to the side. Next, we go to a dead end and there with the help of a stone garbage tank jump on the entrance. With him jump on the balcony. There are overwhelming through two blocking the path of closed entrance and on the balcony we get to the first fork. Turn to the right. Find yourself in a room with a locked door. To the left of the door of the wall, and on the uneven stone surface can be completely climbed upstairs. So do. Through the grille at the top you can pass through. Fortunately, it is quite in the paranormal spirit of Cain. The following room is a dungeon where captives are chained to the walls.
These can be eaten, you can simply bore, but in no case can you spare. They are infected with evil and can be converted by enemies in fairly jubilant demons. And we need it? For hygiene purposes, we reserve all the oncoming prisoners. Having reinked the hall around the perimeter, climbing the ladder to the top and, sobbed two more helpless sacrifices, again climbing the stairs to the floor up. In an empty camera right at the rate, grab the bonus talisman and running on. Through one chamber, this is where the laying of the back wall is weak. We divide the wall with a sword and go to local sewage.
Water – fatal for vampires. It corps their skin, like acid. Just so the river does not jump. We go to the right end of the room, we climb the pipes to the very top and from there jumping on the opposite bank of the stinky river. Now we run left and on the shabby wall climb above on the iron flooring. From him to another similar wall get to the top floor. On a wooden bridge lies a drawing rune of telekinease, which improves your weak abilities for it. We will certainly be laughing in the outdoor doorway. Dinner is served! Eat two aunts at the wall and come out on fresh air. Before us door. Naturally, it is her who we need and no less natural that it is she closed with a magic shield. I remember its location as the very first door, and we go for the necessary to open a device. Through the courtyard and to the passage to the left.
Here is the first Western! The exits of their yard are overlapped with lattices, and three archers are materialized on the wall. In order not to spend the nerves on them, all the trinity we throw away the telecision with the fortress wall in the abyss. Now seep through the grille and find yourself in the next yard with the statue. Behind the statue in the statue are two closed doors, open which you can only find special artifacts. This is done. Get up my back to the face of the statue that, in general, although it is indecent, but we need, and look straight. Before us, the door in which it is quite possible to enter. Tear there. We run a long stone corridor to the end, saving intense traps in the walls that every time you try to stall us with burning arrows.
Once in the big hall, we run to the amulet, which lies ahead on the altar. Another Western. Kill two archers on the balcony, having painted them with telekinesis down, and take the long-awaited relic. This special vampire device, created for the blade and instantly activated the first stage of energy in it. After activation in the hall, soldiers will burst, promising to us quick death. It is a pity that we cannot promise them the same. We kill everyone, not allowing the speakers to approach close and long stay behind your back. To the right of the entrance to the hall can now open the door, hitting the sword on its magical field. We go through it further. Again a long stone corridor with traps in the walls. Run it and find themselves in the hall where there is a door with an unusual lock. Remember it and, having interrupted the security, pass through the door that is right through which we just entered.
Again the street, again a small snowy courtyard and again ambush. Archers’ Trinity We send a telekinetic blow to the abyss of cloned brethren. After that, we assume the column at the entrance to the left. By fragments we climb the visor and, passing through the grille, find ourselves inside one of the castle towers. Jump down and fall into the training room. Here you can hone the necessary impact, methodically beating mannequins. Hurting all the mannequins, pass through the door, what a mannequin in the center of the hall and find yourself in a room with two aunt. Next, we climb on the wall to the left of them and the sword we destroy there the mechanism holding the suspension bridge. We by walking along the lowered bridge on the other side of the fortress RVA and, bypassing the stone corridor, turn out again in the courtyard with the statue.
This time we will be waiting for a few more spearners and a lonely archer, which must be divorced first. Killing everyone we see how one of the doors opens. Follow in the opened passage. Running through a couple of familiar already snow-covered courtyards, find out in the very one we remember the very first door. Now it is easy to open it, just shirting on the magical field with a blade. The energy of the blade is included in the resonance with the energy of the spell, and the protective spells are disconnected from overload. We pass through the door, not forgetting to kill all those who wore weapons in the yard. I will pass a long stone corridor, which looks no longer so parade, as the previous one, and begin to descend everything lower and lower on the terrible type of the stairs, while the staircase does not turn into a jumble of stone blocks.
This lowest castle. Flooded semi-bases, smoothly passing into caves with small lakes. Having reached a special pentagram on the floor, we turn to it, clamp the jump button and fly to the other shore of the lake. With the help of aiming telekinosis, we assume a couple of stalactites and use their remnants to get closer to the stone eaves. On one of the blocks on the left, you can get used to an incomplete amulet of health. The main thing here is not to fall into the water. It harms Makeup. To death!
Once on the eaves, make your way to the boat and, sigane through it, turn out again on solid land. With the help of aiming telekinosis, click on the button above the door and pass to the opened tunnel. Here is Mebius! This type is busy with something indecent with the staff. Although, upon closer examination, he prays a big god, more similar to the eight of the overgrowth. Mebius immediately cuts out that we came here not so much for his miserable life, t.E. for his life, it goes without saying, but the main thing is to find out where it is Raziel – our eternal zanoza in an intimate place. Mebius will answer us that he does not know anything, will cause a serious heart attack of this statement from Cain and hides in the wall. We will also drink a bunch of shadows. Shadows – such innocuous creatures dangerous only for those gamers that are amazed by paralysis brushes. Having shutting all the shadows, finish chapter.