Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 8, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader: Passage
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader: Game Walkthrough and Guide

“Now I don’t need anything to climb on a sheer cliff, hack shutters, disrupt the castle, open the chest and – if they caress – convince the homeowner that I am a good spirit sent by the gods to check his behavior.”
(L. Spregg de Camp, “Goblin Tower”)

“New role-playing game from the creators of Fallout” – how much in this sound! Fallout is one of the most famous role-playing series, striking the community and its unusual mechanics (where the plot could be completely different depending on the skills of your character), and a completely unusual aesthetics (post-nuclear world, where people are humming in rusty bunkers and payFor the purchase of traffic jams from “Coca-Cola”).

In lionheart bunkers and traffic jams you will not find. Nevertheless, the world of “lion heart” also survived the cataclysm.

The famous King Richard was a great warrior, but an unimportant ruler. And often trusted people who did not always have the benefit of the state.

So this time he succumbed to the counselor. The fact is that Saracins could not fulfill some kind of condition of the winning king;And Richard was offered to shout all their nation with anger of God. To do this, it was necessary to just – collect together several ancient relics. Reliquia times of creation.

The advisor that was a magician. And I must say that the magic in those days in the world has not yet met, and only a little managed to look at the line of material. Sorcerer dreamed of mastering true magic. And he managed.

The concentration of the ancient power in the walls captured by the Crusaders of the city of acres led to the rupture of the universe fabric. This demons and other supernatural creatures poured into the gap. And since then magic entered the world.

Cunning counselor Foge. And Richard and the leader of Muslims – Saladin concluded the world to jointly deliver the world from evil forces.

So started Split – Catastrophe, flooding the world by witchcraft. Such is the prehistory of the game.

What can you find in this manual:

– Little excursion to the world lionheart.
– Description of the role system and tips on creating a character.
– List of spells and skills of heroes.
– Tips on the game.

From Richard to Cortes

To get real pleasure from the game, you need to understand what is happening in the world. Lionheart – a real work of art, it is impossible to pass, how some ordinary fermentation-Rubilovka.


Let’s start with the fact that Richard times have long passed for a long time. In the yard – the sixteenth century. The world has managed to adapt to the consequences of the catastrophe.

As already mentioned, the magic entered the world. And there was this magic predominantly malicious, although later people and learned to use some kind of good views. But at the beginning of the split, no one knew how to resist her. In those days, Magic distorted many people, giving them inhuman features. And now the distortion continues. Many are in themselves the blood of supernatural creatures, without even suspecting it. In many countries, the “fragment of the unclean” is watching, and somewhere even put out the law.

% This is interesting: In fact, the motive of “thickened blood” is not too typical for fantasy. Of course, it is the old good problem of mutants, moved to the game from Fallout. There are both organizations, as eliminate mutages. The most famous is called… No, not the brotherhood of steel, but the Holy Inquisition.

(To those people who own the magic force, the ratio is also not from the best. Although most recognize that there are also beneficial magic, divine origin, in general, the adepts of white, black and gray magic are wary. In Spanish cities, for example, the use of any char is a crime. However, it is not everywhere like this: the English queen legalized witchcraft in his lands. It is for this “heresy” (and not at all for the nominator in this world Protestantism) is eager to shit England Spanish king. At the time when the game begins, in the port of the new Barcelona is preparing for the departure of the court invincible Armada.)

Immediately after the split, Richard and Saladin united, and together they managed to prevent even worst troubles. The European kingdoms then shook from the inside, and meanwhile, the invasion of dragons threatened… And only the unexpected Richard army returned from Palestine could reflect the onslaught of the Bestius, declaring Fourth crusade – Against Dragon. Alas, Richard himself fell by the death of the hero.

To continue the case of Richard was entrusted to the Order of the Templars. This is amazing, because at the time of the campaign to Palestine, Richard is not tolerated

Could tembers, but it happens. Saladine also founded his own, Muslim, Order. He is called – the Order of Saladin.

Soon after the death of Richard Britain, a terrible earthquake was shaken, and the island was divided into 11 small islands. There was a period of dismay and fragmentation;Taking advantage of the weakness of the royal authority, the barons have achieved from the king of John the signing of the Great Charter of Volost.

The fourth crusade ended the victory of people;But Christian peoples (as, however, Muslim) has already launched a new danger. And it was called – Mongols. Having passed with the fire and sword through Russia, they were stopped when he came to the news of the death of Khan Meggiya;But, with the help of evil spirits, he returned to earthly existence, and the Bate fell on Byzantium, and then ITALY, and was divided only by the joint efforts of many nations – at Rome itself.

Using the fact that the power of the Inquisition during the war with the Mongols weakened (it was not up to “internal enemies”), raised the head of the magicians. They formed their organization – dedicated to (Wielders). It is assumed that the initiates use the magic benefit to people, although… Options are possible. In any case, most of the Christian lands they are outlawed. During the Mongolian war, even entire territories were captured by the initiates;However, the reconquist was shortly followed, and most of these lands were disheightered.

In the fourteenth century, a crusade against necromancers, crowned with success. At the same time, Zhanna d’Ark united France.

By the end of the 15th century, as in the usual history, Columbovo swimming took place. But further things in America went for the Spaniards at all so happy. The second expedition of Columbus died. Aztec’s army led by ferocious priests riding on the winged snakes turned into a flight Diand Cortez;this adventure itself saved, but was forced to escape from the new world.

In Spain, the Inquisition acquired a huge power. The charges in the heresy roll like from the horns of abundance. Heretic announced Nostradamus (which, however, according to the logic of things, fairly), imprisoned for the use of Galile’s magic.

The most needed

Immediately inform someone bad, and for someone and joyful news: the game goes in real time. Therefore, the battle in it is quite reminded by an old buddy – Diablo. It is impossible to say that it is very pleased – Diablo, of course, a great game, but to mix it with role -holders, in my opinion, there is no need.

By and large, the gameplay is divided into two parts. In one there are thoughtful dialogues with a neat choice of replica (much depends on them, very much!). In the other – the mouse button is completed from the voltage, because it has to dwell on it quite like in… oh yeah i already said it.

The battle is arranged. After each of your action, the pause timer is launched: when you can do something else. The value of the delay depends on the last action and from the dexterity of the hero. And here we lies the trouble number two: because of the bug in the game algorithm delays for weapons and for magic are considered separate. Therefore, if we turn the enemy with a sword and right will pay the spell, then it will instantly and will not even delay the following our attack. That is why the characteristics of the class “double binding” are so popular: one weapon skill, one skill of combat magic.

If you are saddown by this method of fighting – you can play a much more “clean” role game, avoiding Absolute majority of battles. For this you need an advanced skill of diplomacy – and the desire to thoughtfully choose a replica for a replica. In this manner You can avoid even the final battle.

The role-playing system Lionheart, at least at first glance and complex, in fact, is quite unpretentious, and the player errors are gentle. So let you not frighten the abundance of opportunities – in fact the game can be taken almost as if. Although it goes right and thoughtfully much more interesting.


As usual, the first thing you need to decide when creating a character – whether he will be creating a trembling, albeit a mighty, or will be the right to have? In other words: whether we will make our hero with a purebred person or a representative of one of the “mutant” races?

In theory, “mutants” cause suspicions of everyone, especially in the inquisition. In practice, a well-suspended language easily eliminates the majority of the consequences of “thickened blood”, and even if the language is suspended so-so – nothing really terrible for inhuman ancestors threatens you.



Pureblood (Pureblood). If all the lines of your pedigree go to Adam and Eva – it is respectable. In addition, it gives balanced initial abilities. This is exhausted by the benefits of pure blood. Initial characteristics distribution – in the table.

Sylvanians (Sylvant). Silvanas are akin to magical creatures: Fayam, DRIADAM and other similar living things. Someone erroneously reported, as if they could pass for a person;by no means. Silvanov fragile addition, but this is compensated by a sharp mind and natural charm. Excellent magicians and diplomats. Must choose a racial feature (Racial Trait) – see. below.

Demokin. These grandmother sinned with a demon. Sometimes it is outwardly unnoticed, and sometimes – very much;Depends on the choice of racial traits. They are delicious, smarter and more careful people, but slightly pumped. Must choose a racial line.

FERALKIN). These in the family, some kind of wild forest creature. Accordingly, a silhole and endurance is not offended, but with the mind and charm – problems. In addition to Mordobius – no wonders. Must choose a racial line. You can’t go for a person.

Starting characteristics of all four races cm. Tables 1 and 2.

% This is interesting: half the character on the characteristics does not affect. The only place where I have found the dependence of events from the floor of the hero – in dealing with some Shakespeare. Which, being a pretty ladies, will care for any any charming girl.


They are as started with the days of Fallout, seven: strength (Strength), perception (perception), endurance (endurance), mind (Intelligence), charm (charisma), dexterity (agility), Luck (Luck).

Strength Determines how much cargo you can carry, affects the initial hits (with the growth of the level, it does not add anything to the hits) helps threaten Another when conversation, and, most importantly, enhances damage from hand-to-hand attacks: cm. Table number 3.

Perception Increases damage applied when shooting – 1 for three units of characteristics, affects mana and adds opportunities when talking.

Endurance affects hits – 2 hits per unit at the start, approximately ? hit per unit with each new level;She accelerates the restoration of health and, if exceeds 6, improves the resistance to poison and diseases (in the game of the other is quite a bit, so this is not very important).

Charm – Basic characteristic for communication and secondary – for mana. At the same time, it does not define the number of options for your replica – only the degree of your persuasiveness (along with the corresponding skill). Need to mainly diplomats and clean magicians.

Mind affects manu and, most importantly, on skills: adds 1 point to the level for each unit characteristics. One of the most important features for anyone. Oddly enough, does not affect communication.

Dexterity It affects your protection (+2 for each unit) and at the speed of action (adds action points – Action Points, which in real time means a decrease in the pause between actions): cm. Table # 4.

Luck Improves protection against fire, cold, electricity, increases the probability of applying a critical hit, and with value 10 opens an additional area in the game.

Mana – not the main characteristic, and the aggregate of several. It is considered as:

Mana = 2 * perception + charm + luck / 2 + (number of points of magical skills) * (charm + perception) / 6

Started hits Calculated according to the following formula:

Hits = 15 + power + 2 * endurance

For each level is added approximately 1 + endurance / 2 Hits.

In my opinion, for most characters the most valuable characteristics – mind, dexterity, perception. Power is needed mainly to fighters, charm – diplomats and clean magicians. Good luck and endurance will not interfere with anyone, but there is no need to dwell on them. Of all this it is clear that for any profession, except for a hand-to-hand fighter (and maybe in general for any) very good ras Demonian, with pluses on all three key characteristics.

Carefully learn the table for power and dexterity. For example, it can be seen that the dexterity of up to 10 does not change much: the speed of action will not change, only protection.

In the game you can still improve the characteristics – due to properties (PERKS). Also, a variety of quests add a total of +2 to luck, +1 to perception and intelligence;For accession to any fraction, you can get +1 to intelligence, endurance or perception.

% This is interesting: The game is done so that if you wish, you can change it almost the entire role system. The fact is that the file Data.Dat, in which all these games are stored – the most ordinary ZIP archive, and information on skills, features, racial traits, spells, even on the calculated formulas of the game are given in the form of a script, to understand which it does not work out. And not only to figure out, but also change everything to your taste. So, probably, we will soon expect many, many variations of your favorite game…

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