Lula 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Lula 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
July 14, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Lula 2: Passage

Fast, but full passage.

Attention! For the successful passage of this game, you simply must achieve 18 years of age! Otherwise, you are forbidden to install Lulu-2 and read this description!

Carry the ship.
To get into the forbidden zone, raise a cup and a throat of it in the scoreboard "Stone! restricted area!". Then jump into the car and forward. Inside the warehouse, we will show us a video with an airloader, hinting thereby that Baku has to be done in the future. And further events will not make a long time to wait – runs away and starts a palp from our hero. Apply on the container and we are saved.

In the next compartment, right in front of the tank eats the spirit of the robot-satisfactor. Several-conquered Polycemenni sexually concerned, did not stand the poor glands, did not stand it. It burned out at all. And our hero, as the last marauder, deprives the distilled android of his male pride ("Hot lever"). Put this thing to yourself in the chest and go to the car. Get out "Hot lever" and it fuss in the red hole of the unit (well, the game, damn – in each subject, in every piece of iron hung on it!). After contacting with the lever, the belt conveyor will start, jump on it and continue the way. Again guards, Androids, shooting. Do not be afraid, you will not fall. Grabbed the crane and jumped off the conveyor. Here we are in front of the cosmic ship. Here, as by request, the police cosmo-funnel departs and he jumps out of a figured Madame, like a robocop with tits. After a short conversation it becomes clear – she wants. well., Have to satisfy. We get out (more precisely not ours, and android) organ and apply it to the polysen. Right-click switching with hands into the tongue, from the language on the teeth and then on "lever arm" In every way please girlfriend. Need to dial 100 points in 5 minutes.

Climbing the elevator, go to the bridge and sit down in the captain chair. Click on the flashing button. Pick up from the earth, now we are trying to break away from the police roney. The game goes into shooting mode and we own, since we still do not have artillery, we are afraid of anything in no offend, young, full life and sexual energy by protective girls. They would live yes live, children give birth… But what to do, they have such.

Now we are free and granted yourself. Our ship hangs on the orbit of cumulars – the planets deserts inhabited by humanoids. In total, in the game 4 galaxies of 10 planets in each. First System – Hatonos. Almost all the planets are inhabited by humanoid. Skytus, Libid, 05, Coca Copa – Uninhabited. But we need to go there anyway. Until you break all the planets in the galaxy will not allow you to jump into another system. On Coca-kope, by the way, such a hyper-portal is located. Conditions for passing through it:
one. Score 50,000 credits.
2. Improving the ship to the level "Double breasts".
3. Explore all planet systems.

All the planets, anyway what system, the same types of buildings: repair shop, trade spare parts, trade in industrial goods and resources, local bar.

= Seller parts = – Sticks for upgrade your pepelants, in assortment.
= Repair machine = – outpatient treatment wounded in the battles of the Court for the price, twice as large than your boards engineer.
= Shopping Center = – Purchase / Sale of all goods. Generally, the market.
= Local Bar = – Disco and Labor Exchange in one bottle. Ship staff and whores are hired here for "Red rooms". Sometimes you can meet the smuggler and conclude a deal with him.

All kinds of employees we need.
Engineer – will repair the ship after each shelter with pirates.
Artillerist – will shoot from these pirates.
The storekeeper is absolutely not needed, but without it you will not be able to trade.
Major assistant & I will not fly away without them anywhere.
The doctor treats sick prostitutes from "Red rooms".
Zhigolo – Superman, satisfies everyone and all first-demand.
Whores for "kr. Rooms" – …just whores for kk. Sex: Classic, Orgy, Cybersex, Sado Maso.
All the staff except Zhigolo, female. You owe a salary every day (this is done automatically). And, during flights when the brothel is closed, whores also need to pay. The most necessary person in the team, this is an artillery – hire only "Good" And "Gorgeous". Prostitutes for starts enough of four, one of each type. I lived a hire at once, and then he will be hard for him (remember about the burnt android :)).

Sharp money.
There are three ways: trade, smuggling and brothel. All of them must be used for the speedy accumulation of capital.

First we have only 4 red rooms. Put there on one whore every kind and one bed, this kind of appropriate. Reception of visitors is possible only on the planets. Many customers – good, little people – bad. The brothel content is troublesome and, at the same time, a low-cost. Income brings little, and there is a lot of. Then diseases, then pollution, then some spies, do not keep track of everything. Therefore, I personally prefer to engage in trade. And I advise you.

The main source of wealth and independence. The principle is simple: We buy to the maximum of goods where cheaper and we carry it to sell there, where more expensive. I wanted first for you, dear readers, tables with rates draw up, but changed my mind. Since the range of goods is small and on all planets (and galaxies), he is the same. Prices are constantly varying, but in small limits. In general, the balance remains unchanged – there are planets cheap, and there are expensive. Visiting 3-4 markets on different planets you can already say what kind of water is cheaping (2000 – 4000 cr.), and how expensive (8000kr.). I used the following route to increase my income: I purchased platinum on cumistania and sold it to Vioran;There she was slaughtered into the porn of all kinds and veins on X-tra. Also good grandmas brings trade in water and salt between megabyte and loast.

Mafiosi, as a rule, are torn in bars. They have an extraordinary appearance and nationality, so they are easy to highlight from the crowd. If you carry something to them somewhere, you will get a NNNN-th sum. I advise you to always visit local bars for the presence of smuggler in it. Moreover, the transfer of smuggling does not represent any particular danger – the pirates will attack in any way, no matter what you drive.

During the flight from the planet on the planet, they are highly attacked. And, not even an hour, will take your ship to boarding. But, if you have good artillers sleeping calmly, they will sweep. The capture of your ship is equivalent to the scene, so I recommend preserving before each departure.

Offer a lot of things. And the practical benefit of all these hrenovin, (including weapons!) For me personally, under the big question: I departed three systems on one waterway and with one artillery! In general, your humble servant has not imprited anything at all, except that it is based on the script (double breasts). For diversity you can buy spies scanner (for catching Suslikov in red rooms :)).

When you are improving the ship to the level "Double breasts" You will have 2 toula and 8 sex rooms. Do not forget to hire another artillers and a few whores.

This galaxy is inhabited by aliens. Our whole life is completely similar here. Looking forward, I will say that it will be similar in other systems. We also fly, trading, we transport smuggling and shoot from pirates. Until we do all the conditions for the next hyper junction: Freight all the planets, dial the N-th sum, profite-level "Body" and explore shipwreck debris. The portal is in orbit planets. The debris can be near one of the uninhabited planets, in my case – oplane and erotic.

Debris 1.
We find a hole in the wall (right) and approach the caterpillar killer. Take her with you without forgetting to capture and red rag, lying nearby. We select the green pole, come to the hole and apply the caterpillar to her. Go to the resulting passage. With the help of a pole, we move to yourself a floating box and cross through the acid pond. Again with the help of a pole climbing the cable in the hole on the ceiling. Sanding I… immediately shook, because there is a stuffed number 1. Summary of the Golyan Save-Suppliest Worm from the Mesozoic Era. But by nature, he is bychrah, because they appeal to him as with a bull. Pooze with a red rag and, stupid gullible animal was dissolved in acid. At the top there are coveted containers with a commodity and get 50,000 loans as a reward.

Chips 2.
Very short quest. We write down the dead man (left) and take all the papers. Then we teleport to the bridge to the main computer and turn off the protection. The code for input is written on one of the deceased cards. After that, quickly go back to your ship.

Populated with water beings. Hyperportal near Planet Terrottin. For ling. Galaxy is needed upgrade to "Head", 200,000 loans, all planets, all debris.

<in>Chips 3.
Immediately at the entrance boxes. Attention, bug games – boxes are not signed. Therefore, duck on them at all. I will scare from them sleeping pills. In another room, again in the boxes we find a pistol-syringe and a cosmonaut breakfast. Come to the generator. Between the display and the bucket (right) there is a pipe. I fall asleep there powder with breakfast and sleeping pills. Click on the button, it turned out a cutlet. We take her and go to the room with eggs and a wanderer number two, something mean between bear and rhinoceros. I fuck him the cutlet and he lights. In the next room we find three syringe with medicines. There, nearby misses one more naive rhino. We charge the weapon with one of the syringes (I chose green) and shoot a beast. What began to see him with him, and we click on a large container and drape back to the shuttle.

Wheels 4: Lulya Ship.
Take a lomik and go to the corridor. So we got to the most difficult place in the game. Probably, many of you laid out a bunch of warm words to the developers, unsuccessfully trying to choose the light code to the switch. Although they say there are peppers, which opened the first time. Well, I am not lucky, I opened the castle of times from 50, there are their… In short, the essence is that it is necessary to repeat the sequence of lights, which flashed on the luminous lid. Eh, if they bought themselves. The door opened, go. There the second half-open door – we are hacking it with a lomik and pass to the command center. In the captain’s chair, open the safe and get out of it… HM-M…as if it would be softering to say… In general, toy. On the consoles we find brush hands and laser gun. On one of the remotes (left) you can turn on the on-board computer. Click the button "Condition capsules" and rewrite the code, like we were soared at the entrance. Then go to the ship Luly and with the hand hand turn off the engines. Go to the corridor and use the elevator in the middle of the room. There will be a robot. Find your head and put on his shoulders. Move on. Shot from a laser pistol Mount the garbage of a clutter passage. We go into the room, find the console and capsule with the oil. Press the button on the remote and teleport robot. Come to the monitor and enter the code that we recorded in the team center. Capsule with Lulle-Inside opens. But she herself sleeps dead sleep. How to wake it up? What do you think… Correctly applies to her dildo. We return to the ship, fucking who have not yet had time to wake up Lulu and take a course on Terrottin.

Humanoids. Gate on Maksus: 80,000 loans, legs, all planets, all debris.

Debris 5.
Take the board. Open boxes with cupcakes, take them with you. Then we find the wooden pole and go back to the boxes from under cupcakes. Construct a small bird: Put the cupcakes on the bottom of the box and the pole cover. When penipitis will fall, the trap will flare. We take these cute birds and go to the pirate reading the magazine. We produce our sparrow on it and drive through crevice. We select porn and go to the next room. Rose on the elevator on the second tier of the warehouse and get out of the box a holographic projector. In the room where tomorrow in the dungeons combat girlfriends Luula are sitting two pirates. Make it. Come to the terminal, lay the magazine under the scanner. Then a bit departed (so that the terminal became small) and applied a bare projector to it. Come to the scanner and click on the red button. Pirates scatter. Apply on the box in the center and take a key card. Then come back to the terminal and sow it in the gap. The camera will open and the Lula ship staff will be free.

Debris 6.
Played on the authority, applied on the head of the tiger. We took the notes from the skeleton, again composed again. The cabinet door will open in the next room, where the lost portrait of the Lulley will be lying.

Jump in the subspace means an automatic battle with a pimpeutor. Therefore, do not forget to preserve and harvest your favorite cannons. Most likely the fight you will win, unless of course you will not stand and beat fire to your assistants. Believe me, they shoot better.

The end of the film.
= Ss viking =.

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