Magic & Mayhem: The Art of Magic: Game Walkthrough and Guide

This game is not an exemplary RPG, but I liked it.
About the graph I can’t say anything: neither good or bad. All Made B
traditions of Summoner but with greater freedom of review, which can not but rejoice.
I have passed the game not to the end, but it was well injured in the network.
For those who play this game, the arrogant will explain a little stronger:
Level 1.You are a modest peasant, son’s heads of the village. Wake up with big
Baduna and find out that your father wants to talk to you. You run to him with all
possible speed, but whether the aurax feet fall off, whether he is not a brine
drank, but he barely woven. Reaching your father, you will learn that your sister Nadya
Started into the forest behind the trust and did not return. You naturally fly for her.
Level 2. You are in the forest. Find a pair of apples and go through the bridge. There you see the scene
Hazardity: Troika Goblins, but Nadia, not having taken to your sister
Insults, shoots yukhizhov from fireball. Next goes a small introductory course
In the technique of magic. You will give 2 spells: wolf and notorious fireball (where without
it). Having risen since more than a few goblines and listening to Tirada Nadi,
You go back to the village.
Level 3. Village. Evil skeletons attacked her. It certainly needs to be solved. Here you
learn to use the recovers of magic. This is useful. Next go to that
home where you woke up from bodunger. There, on the way, you will meet two skeletons:
Kill Merzavtsev. Next, talk to the daddy, he will die in your hands, but
Leave the inheritance: the Talisman of the Law. Nadia will capture some kind of bike havik.
Talk to the surviving residents and go away the artifacts: 3 eagles. Go B
Portal and will begin your hard searches Nadi and justice…
Now about the magic system:
It is represented by three types of talismans and eighteen ingredients. Inserting
In a certain talisman, some ingredient, we can get a spell.
Talismans are three species:
1) chaos (x) – pigs with whom we bin.
2) Nature (n) – Many people who help.
3) law (h) -loudi standing at the head of state.
Ingredients I will describe with their spells:
1) Iron Village
Chaos: Plague spell, able to dump even the strongest hero, but one
Lack: until the end of the plague does not kill, but leaves a little bit of lives. Everything
located about infected themselves may get sick (25 mana) score-4.
Nature: Goblin-weak shouting. Can be used in large quantities, but goblins
Computer can very well bother you (30 mana) score-3.
Law: Iron Leather-Reducing Harm Applied to You or Chosen Character,
But non-imminent (40 mana) Rating-3.
2) Moonstone
X: Breath Dragon Spell used by Mesius. Score-4. Good
Alternative to Faerbulau. Mana-10.
P: DRIADA-NOTE CHRACH. Slowed down, but pretty strongly wipes enemies, mana-80.
S: Eccalibur-spell, creating someone sliced hand with a sword over the one on com
Used spell. Useful on the first pair of mana-45. Score-4.
3) Escape Tree
X: The adhesive drop-spell is very useful, stops the enemy to some
time and causes some damage, mana-35.Score-4.
P: Giant Spider. Nothing giant so spider knee. Weak and barely beats
Mana-20, cannon meat. Score-3.
W: Scythian bow. The same as the Eccalibur, only instead of hand with a sword
There is a bow bringing medium damage. Very uncomfortable when you need to be
Imperceptive onion shoots himself and you know perfectly, mana-45.Score-3.
4) Psuloshibin
X: Zombie is the most useless creature in the game. Slow and weak on the attack, although
quite a lot of lives at the beginning of the game. Can be used as distracting maneuver-
send them to the enemy, he wins them, spends manu, and you calmly go and achieve
His fireball for example. Mana-10. Score-3.
P: Eagle-weak tummy. Such a bird in the belt man, weak and defenseless,
Good to take for intelligence, Gets over the obstacles mana-30, score-3.
W: Fairy-luminous fly. Quickly flies, but poorly beats, mana-40 (for what), score-3.
5) phosphorus
X: demon-good creature. Holds poorly, but quite enough life. Mana-
100, score-4.
P: Tornado-good way to move yourself and enemies. It looks great
Parties. All that is in a certain radius falls into a hurricane and
throws into an enna place on the map. Mana-80. Score-4.
W: Totem Life. Creates a bath of which Baba gets out and treats someone in her
radius of action. It is quite useful, but the time recovery time of the totem is very
Great. Mana-75.Score-5.
6) fatal isast
X: Skeletons of chaos, used on initial pairs by Mesyius. Weak,
Middle with two foolboles. Mana-20. Score-2.
P: Feroball – No need to explain what it is, but I will explain it is the most effective
Loosity Weapons for All Monsters. Consumes the smallest number of mana in the game-
five. Score-5++.
S: the grave-cool spell, removes enemies within the radius of its action. BUT!!!
acts only on the creatures of chaos!.
Mana-10. Rating-5 (for the idea).
7) Municipal
X: Garpia-weak creature, but good enough. Mana-30. Score-3.
P: Morph is a very interesting spell, but it will be useful for you only in a mission where it is necessary
Kidset sulfur in the trolls and in the network game. With this spell you can
change appearance on the specified creation or hero. Mana-45. Score-4+.
S: Centaur is one of my favorite creatures. Fast and strong enough in big
quantities. Mana-70. Score-4.
8) Cool
X: Vampire-shouting not deserving attention is weak and barely beating. Mana-60. Grade-
P: thirst for blood-enhances the attack of the creature and makes it more aggressive. Mana-50.
S: Loose-What I did not understand. Who knows Write:
(MUAD_DIB @ BeEP.RU) mana-35.
9) Valeriana
X: Raising the dead-spell reviving unit corpse, but one condition: corpse
Must be visible. Mana-50. Score-4.
P: Wolf-your first spell, but the top is very weak and I advise you to put
Valerian in the Talisman of the Law. Mana-20. Score-3.
S: Treatment – treats an enno amount of health, is present at all additional
Characters. Mana-45. Score-5.
10) sulfur
X: Meteor rain spell in itself is not bad, but "Eat" too much
Mana (55). Evaluation – 5-.
P: Troll-good shouting somewhere the beginning of the game, slow attack, but enough
Life. Mana-60. Score-4.
S: lightning-attacking spell that will be applied against you after the quest
With theft of sulfur in trolls.Nothing butt and not necessarily the line of fire, lightning
Beats from above. Mana-15. Score-5.
11) mercury
X: Primanka-spell under the action of which everything will be thrown into the specified being,
Who is against this creature. Cool: Create a weak cry, make a bait on her
and send an enemy to the mill, and after her. All shouthes of the enemy will rush to the poor
tummy, and you urinate them from fireball. Mana-60. Score-4.
P: Speed-useful at a small health level: swap and surprise from enemies.
Nice when a dozen skeletons led by some kind of skeletons.
Mana-50. Score-5.
S: Elf-in my opinion is one of two person-similar creatures in the game. Elf with bow,
Weak and useless. Mana-15. Score-3.
12) Lazurit
X: Fear-skull running a few seconds on the ground, frightening and a little
damaging everything in his way. Mana-40. Score-3.
P: Minotavr – nothing animal, strong enough, but comes only for
high-level heroes, wipes too much mana-105. Score-4.
S: Totem Pacificism-creates a totem, peaceful all around himself, t.E. All enemies,
in the zone of the totem attack a little slower. Mana-55. Evaluation – 4-.
13) Silver
X: Totem Resurrection-Creates a Gargoyle on a pedestal, resurrecting all your
units in the action zone. Mana-65.
P: Totem Fences – Creates something large sizes at the point of action of the spell.
Mana-80. Score-3.
S: Griffon-good air shouting. More or less balanced and enough
Silna. Mana-110. Score-4.
14) Zircon
X: Dwarf on a boar-straight kamasutra some kind. Weak totality of beings. Mana-
40. Score-2.
P: Teleport, one of the most useful spells, when you need to quickly flush from the enemies:
Moves you in love within the action of your magic. Mana-50. Score-5.
S: Totem lights-increases visibility on the ground. Almost useless. Mana-70.
15) Tourmalin
X: Spirit-good creature, but not much attracted me. Mana-40. Score-3.
P: Invisibility is also a useful spell, like speed. You are not visible until you
strike a blow (magic is not considered). Mana-50. Score-5.
H: Magic eye-again did not understand what it is. Soap on MUAD_DIB @ beep.RU. Mana-
16) Obsidian
X: View Gorgon-Gerokachela read? So here there was such a bjaka, which
turned everything alive in the stone one of his eyes. Here the same thing is just not
Gorgon, and instead you. Mana-50. Score-4.
P: The removal of the magic – you were infected with plague? Not a problem clisp on spell, then
on yourself and the plague. Mana-35. Score-4.
S: Knight-second person like. Fair enough and costs relatively few
Mana-70. Score-5.
17) sapphire is the best of the component for the attack.
X: Apocalypse-powerful spell, useful against bosses. This spell
Milesius will kill Nadia, sorry a girl, but what can you do. Mana-100. Evaluation – 5+.
P: Totem remote magic-in the Totem Radius Your spells will be
Act regardless of your location on the map. Mana-80. Grade-
S: Justice-spell killing all the creation of amulets in the field of its action
Chaos. Mana-95. Evaluation – 5+.
18) diamond-best component against creatures.
X: Dragon is not enough that beautiful, yes, and also powerful!!! Mana-120. Grade-
P: Mountain Giant-huge carcass, slow but terribly powerful. Mana-110. Score-5.
S: Storm giant-carcass, but also with a stone in his hands. Also brake with huge
Physical opportunities. Mana-110. Score-5.
It’s the whole magic system. The game is not in vain so called: Art of Magic, as it
really art: learn to use all this disgrace.
With all questions, wishes and remuneration please contact soap
MUAD_DIB @ Beep.RU or on the vulgar address
Send @ BEEP.RU
Your Arseny Aka Freeman.