Might and Magic 6: The Mandate Of Heaven: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 6, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Might and Magic 6: The Mandate Of Heaven: Passage
Might and Magic 6: The Mandate Of Heaven: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The “Enter” key includes hiking mode.

Mandate of Heaven as it is impossible to suit this description. The toy really has a characteristic RPG magic that makes you sit so long for the monotonous ritual of pumping heroes and the study of the dungeons. Fortunately, all Dungeon are lovingly made by hand, that is, they are not created randomly, and their inconspicuous amount does not allow, kicking a conscience, write a convincing solution for twenty bands. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to the usual “useful tips”, that is, the hints.

Love quadrangle

A selection of heroes largely determines the number of troubles with which you will come across during a tourist walk. The main role rule says: experienced magicians are always stronger than. Therefore, if you still chose four knighfoe, start biting elbows immediately. The rank of expert and some gold is all that Magu is needed for a successful career. Money goes to buy the most powerful spells, and the title of expert (and even more wizard), increases the slaughter sip of the faded spells. Soon you start feeling some fatigue from the presence of melee lovers in your team. Fights are increasingly resolved at a distance, exclusively with the help of magic. Monsters, of course, are also not lagging behind. At the punch of the most steep two-handed sword or trident dragon (or titanium) responds with a scornful look. Magic – Great Power, Friends!

Another important factor when choosing characters is the prospects for the physical development of the individual. Archer and Paladin from the very beginning have certain magical abilities, but whether they will come in the future? Yes, at the start of the game you have a vital need for an additional magician. The problem is only that with each UPGRADE ‘class simultaneously increase both Health Points and Spell Points. What leads to a very sluggish development of both parameters. As a result, we receive a medium fighter with very weak health and, at the same time, a nicudient magician, suffering from acute lack of mana. Semi-finished product-S.

An additional incentive for the choice of “pure” magician may also serve as Light- or Dark-magic. Both directions have quite useful and efficient spells and, of course, require incredible mana expenses.

Sorcerer: Spell as a friend of man

Sorcerer is your battle horse, your return ticket from the most unpleasant situation. Some regulations in the development of Elemental-Elements, this magician turns into the most fatal weapon in the game. It has power over the three most important in battle by elements: fire, water and air. Usually, to get the title of the wizard, you must have a twelfth level of skill in the craft. But for the elements of the air, an exception is made – only the title of expert and the title of archham. Very noble act by the developers of M & M, because they give you in hand real strength on one of the early stages of the game.

Quickly go through the most useful spells that Sorcerer can use.


Fire – the most deadly element. This magical school should be the first to reach the “master” level 12.

Fire Bolt at first simply indispensable. Safe way to finish the victim.

Fireball. Unlike the previous spell covers a whole sector. Absolutely not suitable for melee – your party will suffer much more than you.

Fire Blast, on the contrary, is ideal for firing. Come close to the victim and activate the spell. Yes, and do not forget to choke the corpse!

Ring of Fire “scatters” lights of fire around the magician. The only really useful quality of this spell – it beats through the walls!

Meteor Shower. Brilliant invention operating only on the surface. Grad meteorites caused by a fire wizard for two or three blows kills titanium. Incinerate works only with one goal. But as well! With the proper luck and the absence of the enemy of protection against magic Incinerate can “knock out” more than a hundred HP.


Air is deadly and practical. Having received the title of Archmage (which is pretty easy), you will find the opportunity very quickly, long before all other schools seize the “workshop” by the option of all spells.

Feather Fall does not allow you to imbuild yourself, even if you jump into a break, drip, vulcan…

Lightning Bolt has to be used only in cases where your opponent has a resistant reluctance to die from the element of fire. So, this spell does not like Fire Elemental’Bi of all stripes and calibers. Fly. Absolutely indispensable spell, working, to great regret, only outside the dungeons. Your trump card against Hydra, Sea Snakes, Titans, Dragons and Demons. Key element of battle tactics on the surface. But about this later.

Starburst, analogue of Meteor Shower. Considering that the air wizard calls on the whole twelve “stars”, try to present the consequences of such a starfold. Mages, cannibals, adherents of waa cult and other scoundrels die on top of one spell. A good way to earn some money and experience-glasses. All in one bottle is how much fun!


Water – exceptionally functional element. Water Walk can be bolder to name the first spell that should be learned in this school. The name speaks for itself. But do not get carried away – you are not allowed to independently go through the water from one region of the kingdom to another. Enchant Item. Spell, which would be worth named “Money for Nothing”. Gives any, even the most worthless, at first glance, the subject of magical properties. Not at all the fact that in this form you still use the specified thing. Plus in the other – you can post or three times a big price when it. Town Portal pulls out people from the grave. Activate the spell and the magic wind instantly takes you to the last city you visited. Water Master has privileges – sees a full kingdom card and can choose the destination it.

Lloyd’s Beacon. Nearest relative Town Portal’a. This is a standard teleportal spell that allows Maga to put a “lighthouse”, which will remain active for a certain amount of time – depending on the qualification of the wizard itself. If the lighthouse is still active, then you can teleport just in the “marked” place. The only place unavailable for Lloyd’s Beacon, while there is the Hive, the denominations.


School of Earth, unfortunately, does not have particularly successful spells. Magi of this element specialize in the Protection.

Clereic: heal and restore moving from Sorcerer’a to Cleeric’y. This hero has a number of attacking spells, but none of them can compare with the Arsenal Sorcerer’a. The main feature of the character is healing from all sorts of diseases and curses, as well as the restoration of the HP party. Three Schools of Magic, Available Clereic’y, Heal Weakness, Curse, Fear, Disease, Poison, Paralysis, Insanity. Clereic can revive the killed collector (characteristic grave) and even restore it from the ashes (a very characteristic crypton). Despite the comparative scarcity of aggressive spell, Clereic still can be useful in battle. After all, he is able to master the bright or dark magic!

Dark magic is angry, bad magic, as always, more aggressive and useful. Here are the brightest pearls of the precious set of a dark magician. Sharapmetal in its action is very similar to Fire Blast. That’s just there is no spell to protect against chickens of a hot metal flying in all directions.

Shrinking Pay. Funny joke – twice or three times reduces the physical shell of your opponent. Accordingly decreases the impact force of the unfortunate. But the reserve of life remains the same. Shura, saw those dragons! They are gold.

Day of Protection. Elimination of the potential of dark and light magic. Single-only activated spell – and you make protection from fire, electricity, cold, poison and magic. Plus Feather Fall and Wizards Eye (Monsters and other objects become visible on the map). Do not worry, you do not need to have all the spells mentioned in Spellbook’e.

Finger of Death is trying to annigulate one selected monster. The probability of success depends on your competence as a dark magician.

Dragon Breath – Monstrous Spell. It is considered the most dangerous in the game – and not in vain. Complete energy clot pipes all nearby from the selected victim. In addition, this is the only universal, that is, acting and on the surface and underground, the spell of this kind. Just the killer.

Light magic

As always, good foolishly, slumping benevolently in relation to enemies. The latter go to the world other under consolation, but guilty sighs of the righteous.

CREATE FOOD carries out the long-standing dream of mankind – makes food from the air, and not from the remains of animals and weeds. True, only a meager amount is manufactured. And this once again proves that there is no limit to perfection!

Day of the gods activates Power, Meditation, Speed, Lucky Day, Precision. In a word, engaged in temporal improvement in the characteristics of your characters.

Hour of Power is much more interesting. He uses Haste, Heroism, Shield, Stone Skin and Bless spells, significantly improving party chances in battle with an opponent.

Paralyze, as follows from the name, temporarily shook a separate monster, not allowing him to move. All this time, you can imaginably mock the victim – do not forget only to finish it before it comes to yourself.

Three China and Big Turtle Kingdom Enright was mercilessly dissected by the creators of the game for individual, perfectly square areas. Between each “square” five days of the road. From one sector to another, you can only go on land – give it not always. To make it easier to imagine the total stripping area, we divide the entire card for five belts.

NewSorpigal, your starting area is in the right-handed corner. This is the first belt. You can only move left. Further on the belts: right left, bottom up.

The second belt includes Castle Ironfist, Bootleg Bay, Silver Cove. By the way, you will not be able to get from Bootleg Bay in Silver Cove, just moving to the north. You will have to either sail on the ship, or “go around” through the third belt. And here is its area – Mire of the Damned, Free Haven, Northern Highlands.

In the fourth belt you will find Dragonsand, BlackShire. KriegSpire, and in the fifth Hermit’s Isle, Paradise Valley and Sweet Water.

In the first belt, there is also a monastery of MIST magic masters, but this sector can only get on the ship – as well as get out of there.

The information provided will allow you not only to navigate in the game world, but also approximately catch the degree of severity of local monsters. The greater the belt number, the more evil creatures run, fly and swim around you. Fifth belt populated exclusively by titans, hydraces and demons. Right say: the farther in the forest, the thicker partisans.

Kupa go to learn? One of the most tedious Might & Magic VI duties is a methodological bypass of all existing buildings. Just so you will find all the teachers you need. However, this grief still can help (see. Table below).

We won not number

That’s for sure! You only need to be properly controlled with an interesting hiking-realtime hybridium M & M6.

Camping mode has only one drawback: you can not move at all – unlike your enemies. Real-time game has another problem. Enemies are too agile for you and cause much more strikes than your four. Have to combine both modes.

The best way to move the surface is levitation. By activating the FLY spell, you can avoid most unpleasant meetings. Staying inaccessible, you are free to destroy the game of interest to you with the help of spell and arrows. When the enemies are directly under you, you have to turn off the campaign mode for a while, a little distance and re-start shooting. More complicated with a large beast, titans and dragons. Indeed, in the hike mode, the horizontal movement is blocked, but vertically – no! You can shy away from all attacking spells, dramatically varying the flight altitude. Special function allows you to instantly turn off le-vitation. You quickly lose the height, thereby avoiding meetings with enemy shells.

The situation is changing in the dungeons. The party will no longer be able to use no levitation nor powerful SPELLs like METEOR SHOWER. Before dissolving any door, be sure to go to the hike mode. The inspired suspicions of the doors are best discovered from afar, using Telekinesis. Using the Covenial Dat of Day of Protection + Hour of Power allows you to minimize strikers and maximize the damage you are.

The beauty of Mandate of Heaven is that quests, including related directly to the main storyline, can be performed in a completely random order. Even after the successful end of the game (that is, the plot) you will be able to complete unfinished tasks and take a walk around the world of Enroth, annually filling your expanses with the new generation of monsters. Gullible crowds run away with the intention to confuse your party, and small Hiroshima, generated by the finished heroes, fall on their heads.

How nice it is – I don’t care what to play Quake with the GOD MODE enabled!


Title, requirements where is

Expert – 4 level, 2000 Golden – Free Haven
Master – 8 level, Cavalier – BlackShire

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Darkmoor
Master – 8, 40 Might – BlackShire

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 8, Battle Mage – Castle Kriegspire

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 8, Snergle Quest – Haunt Inn, Darkmoore

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Free Haven
Master – 8, 40 Speed – Castle Stone

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Mist
Master – 8, Cavalier – Darkmoor

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Mist
Master – 8 – Silver Cove

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 7, Hero – Castle Temper

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 10, Crusader – Darkmoor

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 10 – Castle Stone

Expert – 4, 2000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 10 – BlackShire

Light Magic
Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – Silver Cove
Master – 12, Saintly Reputation – Island near Castle Alamos

Dark Magic
Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – BlackShire
Master – 12, notorious reputation – Paradise Valley

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 12 – Silver Cove

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 12 – Silver Core

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 12, High Priest – Castle Ironfist

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 4, Archimage – Mist

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 12 – Mist

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 12 – Mist

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 12 – Mist

Body Building
Expert – 4, 500 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 7, Endurance 30 – Free Haven

Expert – 4, 500 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 7, 200+ Reputation – Castle Stromgard

Disarm Trap
Expert – 4, 500 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 7, Accuracy 30 – Castle Stone

Expert – 4, 500 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 7, Intelligence 30 – Free Haven

Expert – 4, 1000 Golden – Castle Ironfist
Master – 7, Intellegence 30 – Silver Core

Expert – 4, 500 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 7, Personality 30 – Mist

Expert – 4, 500 Golden – Free Haven
Master – 7, Personalities 30 – Siver Cove

Expert – 4, 500 Golden – New Sorpigal
Master – 7, Luck 300 – Darkmoor

Expert – 4, 500 Golden – Free Haven
Master – 7, Accuracy 30 – Castle Stone

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