Murder In The Abbey: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Play per monk, Brother Leonardo de Toledo. His student rides in the initial video, Bruno on the donkey. We listen to their conversation, about how the monk attacked them along the way.
We have abbey. Come to the cable hanging from the bell. Click right button mouse, so takes effect. If you need to call inventory, simply summarize the cursor to the top edge of the screen, if you lower it to the middle of the monitor, the inventory itself closes. We will meet Watchman. We speak about the incident on the road.
In the morning we are already at the abbot. This is a complete low-spirited person with precious stones in the rings of both hands. We present him Bruno, the son of the graph and a gift – a book. But Abbot expected something more accurate. We speak about the killings of library ward and mystical events in the library. Access to us is not allowed, but at least the services were released. Our modest task is to find the killer of the guard and explanation of phenomena in the library of abbey. Finally, get acquainted with the second, extremely unpleasant type, abbotism abbot.
Part 1.
We go straight to the church. We are entering. Right the first door is entrance to the tower, near the bell nest stork, in it feather. But too high, wait until the bell sounds, the feather flies down, and we will pick it up.
The next door is Celi. You can see your own, do not go backward, the same thing.
Last door is a garden. There we will meet the gardener, Brother Arkady, watering a chole plant, calls his clothild. Conversation We call the right mouse button. We learn that the watchman, Anselmo, died young, fell barrel with incense. Other such cases were not previously. Talk to Clotilda with the permission of Arkady. The old man himself will tell about the demon in the monastery.
Return to church. Now forward. We will examine the fresco, crucifix, empty fox, chapel of St. Torento, grave stones. Come to the candle on the right, take it. I immediately look at the grid leading to the crypt. Sorry that closed. Let’s leave the church, go back to the entrance to the yard.
In the courtyard there is a second office, you can talk to him, but he will just hurry you with the investigation.
We go left from the courtyard, there is a wine cellar. Barrels with beer, wine. In the corner we will examine the distillation cube. At the event that we use.
Another room is a kitchen. We talk with martin, cook. He also speaks about the unclean spirit. Soup it is unrelated, but the seasoning to guess you will not succeed. And therefore dine. Pay attention to broken blacksmatic fur. Food closed.
Now pass by the church and right. We are on a fork. Right – forge, straight – cemetery. Visit Kuznez. Sorry but there is no one. There is nothing to do in the cemetery.
Move on. Before us – Library. Behind the column hides with the books of the monk. Cool it and ask Show books. He clearly nervous and hurry. Seemed by the assistant librarian Gottfried. He says that Anselmo many were disliked as a person, although they respected.
We go to the writing desk. From him to the right. Raised the stairs, in the reservoir room. On the threshold, the brother of Marcellius will not miss us. Go down and come to the red monk. This is Umberto. We ask about Anselmo, he was arrogant. In this room, you can only look at the statue of Mary.
Going further to the list of books, look at the bas-relief, we take clean paper from the table. We leave from the library building.
Now left, to stalls and further to the well. We need a bucket. Bruno volunteered to help, but he fell there, because the rope bursts. It is necessary to urgently die, until the frozen.
We go to the stall, we pass to the place where the village is worth, on a bar hanging around the rope. We take it, apply to Bruno in the Well. He got out, but forgot to get us a bucket. Leonardo makes the decision to remove Bruno to the Clay, change clothes.
We go back to the stalls, there is a gatekeeper Egidia cleans our horse. Asking him. He, Nicholas and Gottfried kept Rope with the cube when the cable burst. At the bottom stood Anselm and Abbat. And the barrel with incense is just here, you can see. We go further, right mouse button and you can look closer. We look at the end of the rope, not fluttered, but also not cut. We look – stain: red ink. It’s time to visit the library again.
Talk to Gottfrid. Anselm spoke abbot about light in the library at night. Listen to the legend about the ghost of the former librarian, who committed suicide. And the red ink is only at the top, at the correspondencers, in the scriptorium.
Raised the stairs to Marcellus. Ask him thoroughly about everything. To become Bruno a pupil of the correspondence, you need to copy the book on the botany and translate to Latin. According to the librarian, the ghost is a fiction of bored monks. Anselm was interested in books too intently. The library has hundreds of closed to watch books.
We go beyond the book to Gottfried and it turns out that he needed to test the gardener Arkadius. Hurry in the garden.Arkady does not give the book until he finds a friend of his clothild, a plant. And there are no more such plants in the district. What to do?
We will examine until the hospital that is near the stalls. Our old familiar eladium works there. We look at the room, locked cabinet at the back of the room. We take a frying pan from the wall. Eladius – our friend is still on the seminary. He gives a sealed pot with seeds for Arkady, but how to open? Mention seasonings for Martin: Tsmin and Majora.
In the kitchen, we speak Martin, what finally we have it to yourself. In the wine cellar sleeps Egidia, open the castle on the barrel, the wine is pouring right on him, he wakes up and hurries to ring into the bell. In the tower of the church raise the fallen feather.
Then we return to your cell, we substitute the pan under the wet robe of Bruno, here’s the water from the well. In the cemetery, we find Egidiy, he confirms that the past librarian imposed hands on himself, persuading him to open Anselma Clay. On the bench we find a book, and in it the key.
We go to the kitchen, we take the rolling pin from the stove. Put on fire a pan with water, pay wax on a saucepan with seeds. It’s open. We give her arkady, he is crazy about happiness. We get a book on botany. But she is in Greek. Come to Umberto, he is hungry.
Return to the kitchen. Pan applied on the boiler, but Martin is extremely outraged. We speak Bruno and convince him to distract the cook, and quietly pour soup into the pan. Take Umberto. But he again speaks about the translation after 7 days, completely looked. We remind you about SUP and get a translation.
Climb to Marcellula. Bruno barely passed the test for translators, we get access to the scriptorium.
We talk with a translator Thomas. We inspect the column, grid. Especially written table and blot red ink. Open the table the key of Anselmo. Inside parchment and ink. There is a voice from below, Gottfried. It turns out, Anselm was previously a correspondence. Here comes dinner.
Get acquainted with Kuznets Nicholas. We say that we will talk in detail tomorrow.
At night, Leonardo dreamed of a nightmare. In the morning we talk to Bruno. Parchment disappeared!
Part 2.
Abbot expresses us a wish-order urgently understand everything that happens in the abbey. Gottfried disappeared. The situation is glowing.
We go to the refectory, as the kitchen is closed. There we find Martin, he did not see Gottfried.
In the cemetery in the hut we go to the distant corner, we look at the floor, on the puddle of fresh blood. Behind the dies notice the body of Gotfried, Bruno runs away with a cry.
We find ourselves in the hospital, Eladius examined the body lying on the table. Murder blunt subject. Eladius also remembered the sleeping bag of Belladonna, but he has no accurate recipe, it is necessary to see the book. On the table at the monk Timyan. He will not take a mortar. Yes we still have no need.
We go to the well, in a saucepan, we recruit water from the bucket. In the stall near the donkey hangs a saddle bag, out of her compass.
In the library at the site of Gottfried Thomas, the correspondence. Marcellus appears and sends it. On the table we see the book, the one that is necessary. We read the recipe: Belladonna, beautification, thyme, distill. It can be useful.
We pass to Umberto. He was afraid and dropped the book, and our yesterday’s parchment flew out of her. Here, only he does not confess, and parchment quickly hid. All grieves what he wants to eat. To be hushed up and crap it!
In the garden you see Arkady who sews in the pit seeds. Near tools. Talking to him, he asks to attribute to swamp the sickle. About Belladonna asking it is useless, flows into the insanity.
In the kitchen, you can transfer a couple of words with martin, he again has a soup for lunch.
We enter the forge, next to the door closed barrel with coal. Take a blacksmith bench, pass forward. Next to Nicolas Corolts, we take one of the barrels. Sickle Blacksmith takes us, and will also tell me that it goes to periodically into the village, about sullen Umberto.
In the hut in the cemetery next to the passage we find a spade with a stain of blood. Here is an instrument of murder.
In the hospital, Eladius will tell that Belladonna is Clotilda. From the table of the monk we take a pipette.
In the garden cut off a plate from the plant, Arkady is dissatisfied, but what can you do!
In the office, Abbat will ask about the crypt and treasury, the Abbot will show us His Holy Saints. Pay attention to the bas-relief, ask the abbot key, remove the cast of the candle.
Now take the castle. But he has a lot of work. We give him your old compass as a gift. He promises to do everything to the evening.
We go to the abbot office, on the way, talk with the auspices, sweeping the courtyard. Cabinet is closed, looking at the window. We talk with Bruno, ask to get up on all fours. We climb into the window. So in the office. In the abbot table we open the box, there is a key from the entrance door. In the cabinet we find a chest, from there we take a pinch of a snuff tobacco. Open the door the key, return it to the place.
All ingredients for sleeping bags we have. In the hospital, we lower the thyme, a sheet from clothild and tobacco. EVERYTHING PERSITIVE. Leonardo himself adds to a saucepan with water.
Already running out. We go to the wine cellar. Insert a pipette on the outlet of the unit. Now you can start. Pour the contents of the saucepan. In the ashes put the corner, then we work furs. Everything is ready.
In the kitchen, you will be familiar to Martina, we get soup soup. He will give Umberto. When he lights up his room. Take the statuette of the Virgin Mary, we will examine in inventory. Inside it is a hollow, parchment with us.
Time to pick up the key from Nicholas. Night will have to visit the treasury.
Here we inform you that Umberto poisoned. Not we did it?
But upon closer examination, it turns out that he suffered. Well, though not poisoned.
Part 3.
Night. Go to the cleaner. Open the door to the crypt. We inspect the bas-relief, comparing with parchment, on parchment the same, but with differences. Need to click on these differences. The first – at the top to the left of the two-headed creature, in the center – on the open mouth of the devil, the third – at the bottom of the right figures are directed to the other side. Opened secret move.
Before us a fork with three passages. We go straight, next to the aisle a notch, these are mirror written letters. Talk to Bruno, he gives the inkwell. We use it on the notch, then paper, stroke the rolling pin. Inventory read text. Moses 10, verse 1. Take in the bottom corner on the left of the femoral bone, go to the left, to the statue. Click my hand to her and put on the clock next to the number 10. Go to the right door. In the hole of the statue insert the femoral bone. Now click on this bone until the unit is set on the clock. I hear noise.
We go to the pass straight. Come to the wall, click on the stone. Find out on the street, moving in the cemetery. We ask Bruno to dug Anselma’s grave. From his hands to the top of another parchment. Now move to the library. The light on the second floor is burning, the door turns outdoor. We go to the scriptorium, come to the column where the grid. Apply to the column Parchment Anselm. Climb the stairs to the opened passage.
We read on the shelves of the book. The villain is hidden from us. That’s not enough.
We will examine the pentagram on the floor and book at the Department. Go down to the first floor, locked door. Returning to the Cabinet of Marcellius, under the package I am withdrawn a piece of tiles.
In the room where the list is approaching the bas-relief. Here just tile exhibit a one-piece picture. The door is open. Night for us finished.
Part 4.
Inquisitor Nazarius arrives in the abbey. Man from our nightmare. But we repeat this thing.
We go to the cemetery. Troy there: Egidia, Arkady and Nikolay. Gardener appoints a meeting in the garden. That’s just not coming there. We go to the cemetery again, I appoint a meeting in the cell. There Arkady reached, but does not want to speak with the tick. We leave from the Celi, talking to Bruno, we are already alone. We learn about Tarot’s cards at Martin, chefs.
There is no Martin in the kitchen, in the leaves of salad we find a deck of cards, on one of the same Pentagram. In the refectory talk with the cook.
A meeting took place, Nazarie accused of all elaria. Inquisitor’s voices, abbot and rector. Near closed cells Umberto.
I find Egidy and ask you to open this cell, he in any way. Then climb into the Cabinet of Segundo, on the table a letter, show his aegidia, he will open the Clay.
Under the bed in the hole sparkles something metal. How to get? We go to the blacksmith, on the floor raise the hammer. Nikolai repaired us a compass, and we will get it a hammer and magnet. In the inventory, combine the magnet and crucifix. That’s how we get out of the hole under the key.
Hospital closed. But it’s very necessary to get there. In the church with the altar, we take a candle, in the blacksmith scrap, taken right away, open the barrel of gunpowder, we take a handful. In the kitchen in a frying pan melting a candle, here we have a wick. In the wine cellar from the barrel in a saucepan type wine. Fitil is soaked in wine. On the altar, take the second candle. We light it from fire in the kitchen. Come to the hospital. Insert gunpowder, wick and burning candle. The explosion opens the way.
Cabinet Open the key Umberto. We read the translation of the page and take the chest. Here Bruno will show a plumpness, Leonardo goes into a forge one. Nikolai is not, but on the floor, a piece of leaf with the words: Come in the refectory. Find there the corpse of the blacksmith, he was poisoned.
Inquisition appears, and Leonardo is sent to the fire, cutting the rope with a crucifix. Talk to Bruno. We run to the hospital. We must have time to throw a book in the fire. The case of mystical murder, in fact, not one, successfully disclosed.
Passage by Ivanova Inna