Nancy Drew: Danger ON DECEPTION ISLAND: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Preamble – a farewell for young detectives
The game interface, as well as the menu, are simplified as much as possible, so as not to distract you from what is happening. There are only two levels of complexity: newcomer and “old icing” – differing only only by the number of tips in the course of the game, and each other completely repeat each other. You can save the game as much as possible times, since the number of slots is not limited, which allows you to play at once several players at the same time. And the last advice, if you fell, broke your hand, foot or just died in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, then do not rush to tear your hair and look for the latest saved game – there is a “second chance” option in the menu, selecting which you canreturn to the game for a moment before the tragedy and rewrite the history of your life raided.
Prologue – Free Willy!
This time, the tireless Nancy Drew decided to relax a little and went to visit George’s friend – Katie Firestone, which studies whales on Deception Island – something like “island of bad luck”. At the moment, Katie studies the female Dolphin, which appeared in the Bay of the town of Snake Horse (Snake Horse), and, of course, Nancy, like any girl at her age, on the way to visit the guests a wonderful picture on the topic “I ride on a dolphin”. Wrong on board the schooner, and she, and you understand that your dreams are not destined to come true and your holiday does not pass on the script “Flipper”, but rather “Free Willy”. But what to do – you have such.
Katie’s Boat – Schooner Katie – First Acquaintance
After you following Katie climbed on board, you understand that someone here visited and turned everything upside down. While Katie draws over the boarded engine, talk to her and find out that it does not want to report to the police so that the insurance company does not raise its rates for insurance. Strange, but in the end it is her schooner, and decide what to do with it, too.
Katie apologizes for the unsuccessful beginning of the day and offers you to ride a canoe, but warns that you should always wear a life jacket and helmet, and also not swim for the buoy, and then you will carry your shipyard to the open ocean and remember. But before you go swimming, you need GPS. The device is located somewhere on the ship, so go to his search.
Lower deck – a puzzle with water supply
Go down to the living part of the schooner. First of all, inspect your suitcase, in which, in addition to clothes, there is a prospectus from the exhibition Ceramics, probably, he was sent by a grateful curator from the sixth part. Take the prospectus will not succeed, but not necessary.
Then look into the freezer on the left, but so far it is difficult to understand something, since everything is covered with a thick layer of ice.
The next stop is a table with a computer where the business card is with the meeting held yesterday in the Sunson Hall, dedicated to the situation associated with Dolphin, which Katie said about. Over the table hangs one more greeting from that light, that is, from the seventh part – a calendar with dogs mafiosi Mikki Malouna.
Call your girlfriends Bess and George and tell them about what happened. Now pay attention to the fridge and provisions shelves. If you simply smeared the sandwich, you don’t eat it – almost all products are overdue and there are them unsafe. Leave food for a while alone and try to wash your hands in the sink nearby. As you assumed – Vandals got to the water supply. It’s time to play a plumber and repair it. Collect pipes into one whole is not at all difficult – one advice, start from the bottom of the water pipe, and then everything will go like oil. When we bring the water pipeline, you can take a business card of some Andy Jason (Andy Jason), working in the center of watching whales.
Look at the card and click on the ladder on the second floor where the next task is waiting for you.
Lower deck – a mystery with a bookshelf
On the table there is a microscope and a few test brakes with already ready-made samples: hair, onion peel, meat, butterfly wings and so on. You have nothing to look at the microscope, so pay attention to the books scattered around. It would be necessary to fold them back to the shelf. Open the bottom box and try to place them there. I think, if we manage for fifteen minutes, it will be very good. When finished with books, go up to the top deck.
Top deck – broken GPS
Go to the nose and find out that the GPS recovery is not subject to, and also read the threat “Stop to sniff out, otherwise you will not last”. You can click on the red button on the steering wheel, and you can immediately return to Katie, ask her about Andy and inform the regrettable GPS.
Katie will send you in the cafe “Hot kettle” for the new GPS, which can borrow candidate for mayor and old sailor Holtto (HOLTTO). Get out of the pier and find the bike. Do not forget to wear a helmet, otherwise you will not go away.
Hot Kettle Cafe – Cafe “Hot Kettle” – Quiz
Before entering, examine posters at the entrance. In the cafe talk to the girl behind the counter, and then with an old man in a sweater – this is the Holt. He agrees to give you a GPS for a while, but with one condition – you have to work the beta tester of his new quiz and answer a few questions. In addition, you have to find and calm the male crab, for which the Holt will give you a basket (Basket).
Talk to the girl – Jenna Devlin and taste the soup from mollusks. Then walk around the cafe, read the book about the local marine monster and examine the postcard with the image of two crabs – female and male. On the wall next to the postcards there is a poster with signal flags, if there is time and desire, they can be sketched – useful. Before you leave the cafe, pay attention to the panels on the walls, three of which can be opened and get to mysteries with cards, but until you still cannot solve them. Next Stop: “World of Whales” Andy Jason.
Whale World – “World Whales” Andy Jason – Arcade Games with Prizes
I hope that you needed a helmet and got without adventure. Come and talk to Andy. Pay attention to the poster behind Andy and enter the answer to the second question Quiz: “Fine for collecting mollusks without permission” – 138.43 dollars.
Now go to inspect the exposures of the museum and listen to the sounds that publish various types of cetaceans. Return to Andy and carefully inspect the boat in a bottle, and also ask for a card for games (A KEY CARD).
With the card in the teeth, come back to games and win each of them.
The Dolly The Dall’s game is a very simple arcade, during which you need to control the whale, which eats fish. The main thing is not to face barrels with toxic waste and not fall into the paws of octopus. Yes, and to float outside the air will not be superfluous, because whale is not a submarine
SWIM TO FREEDOM game – Quiz with questions. The correct answer promotes your whale closer to the goal, two misses in a row – and you will start the game again. You can, of course, persist after each correct answer, but it’s better to just use your gray substance.
Game “Whale Sounds” – also without revelations. You need to correctly identify the sounds published by different kinds of whales. Just five buttons, I think you will handle. Tips are located right in the museum where you can listen to sounds and look at the images of whales.
The game “Feeding Frenzy” is a fun arcade, during which you have to rain the whales of 15 fish. For those who are in a tank if you do not have time to dial 15 fish, then just lose five times in a row, and you feed victory. Strange but it works.
After all the games are won, insert the card into the apparatus for the issuance of prizes, cool the fortune wheel and go to a well-deserved walk with Andy. Upon returning from which you will have to go closely to engage in the Quiz Holt, otherwise you will not move on the iota.
HOLT’S QUIZ – Quiz Holt
To answer the questions of the Holt, you need to return to Schoon Katie and save the computer database well. While you are safe, use your chance and call friends, as well as read the magazine and mail – maybe you missed.
Below are the answers to the quiz Holt, but believe me, the questions are simple and you can easily cope on your own.
Answers: 1. West. 2. 138.43. 3. Port. 4. East. five. Vote4holt 6. Ursa Minor or Litlle Dipper. 7. Masts. 8. Fisherman. I. Bend.
Last task involves visiting the place where crabs dwell. I just know one such place.
Lighthouse – Lighthouse – Crack Crack and Message in Bottle
When you get to the lighthouse, then descend on the ladder to the beach. Look at two dead fishes and start grumbling stones in search of male crab individuals. When make sure that you are crab, not krabih, get a basket and put it there. In the bag!
Do not rush to leave the beach and collect three pebbles (Three Rocks), which are scattered around. Go to the left until you see a piece of tree thrown onto the shore (Wood). Take it and pay attention to the sea bumping in front of you, where some bottle is stuck between the stones. Your task: get a bottle using only your eyes and three pebbles in your pocket.
In principle, you can get any of the three stones, most importantly, choose the right corner of the throw and its strength. For example, for a flat stone, you need to choose angle – the third left, and on the scale of the strength of the throw – the maximum allowable value. If the first time it does not work, you can always try again, but before that you will need to replenish the stocks of stones on the beach. If everything succeeds, the bottle will become yours, and inside it you will find a message (Note) – Rosebud 42.517. I will tell you that these are coordinates for GPS, but they are clearly not enough to accurately determine the place on the surface of the planet.
With a message and crab in a basket, climb the ladder on the lighthouse only to make you a disgrace. Strange that they hide there?
Return to the cafe and give the quiz and crab to the Holt, and in return get GPS. Talk to Jenna about the boat from the Jason Museum, and she will tell you about the “lady with the full one”, which after the death of her husband lives secluded on one of the islands. Nothing is not clear, and it’s time to consider your finds closer. Closer, it means you need a microscope.
Katie’s Boat – Schooner Katie – Wood Analysis
Rise on board and talk to Katie. Ask about a piece of wood, and she will advise contact some Casey Porterfield (Casey Porterfield), which works in the library and is fond of studying shipwreck residues.
Swipe on the bottom deck and call Casey (its number is in the address book). After nothing who gave a conversation, climb the stairs to the shelf with the books you led to order at the beginning of the game. Open the shelf and find the book on the morphology of trees. Remember the name of the author and call the number indicated on the book. Talk to the professor, or rather professional, and she will agree to analyze the wood on the phone, but for this she needs your help.
Sit next to the microscope. You need to cook a tree sample. First of all, with a knife, cut off a piece of wood. Then place the sample on the test glass and move the glass under the microscope. Having done this simple operation, call professional again.
The meaning of this riddle is to answer the question correctly on the questions of the scientist, based on what you saw in a microscope. The correct answer options are shown below:
one. Brown. 2. brown-reddish. 3. Many Holes. 4. SAME SIZE. five. Pretty Sizeable.
If everything is in order, then Professors will say that your sample refers to the tropical form called Luan (Luan).
Thank Woman and Call Caesi. Finally, you achieved something from him, and he will ask to call back in an hour.
Go down to schooners and go to the most edge of the Pier, where canoeing will be waiting for you. Wear a rescue vest and remember that swimming for the bays is dangerous for your health.
Search for bottles with messages and secret cave
To get a complete set of coordinates for GPS you need to find four bottles with messages. You already have one, three remains.
Bottle number two:
Swims right next to the canoe. Get it out of the water. Message inside: 08.615.
Bottle number three:
Had twice directly and pick up another bottle. Message inside: w123.
Bottle number four:
Show, forward, right, four times forward to buoy number 12. From here, turn left and swim twice forward, left again and right to the entrance to the cave. In the cave, hold on the left side, and very soon you will find the latest message: N48.
Select from the cave and open GPS. Select the “Create New Place” option – “Make New”. Then enter the collected coordinates: latitude – N48 42.517 and longitude – W123 08.615. Select the “Create way” option – “Create Waypoint”. A new point will appear on the screen. You go there.
Secret Beach – Secret Beach – Box with signal flags
Swim to buoy number six and from it all the time straight to the beach. Go on the edge of the beach to the very end, where there is a natural pond with fish. If there is a desire you can cut down and build a castle from sand. But on slippery stones left while you should not jump.
When you get to the pond with fish, pay attention to the bunch of algae on the left. Click on algae, and you will find a box with an image of the signal flags. Remember, I asked you to draw flags in a cafe, it’s time to find applying your records. To open the casket, you must click in turn on the checkboxes to get the word: rosebud. Each letter corresponds to your checkbox. When you enter the code, the box will open. Inside you will be waiting for three letters. Read them. The first is quite normal, but the second is some kind of solid nonsense. Probably some code and you will have to decipher it.
Mystery with a letter
In fact, you are not a letter, but an encoded message. The text meet words that are used in the international language of sailors on a par with signal flags, like – Alfa, Bravo, Delta, Zulu and so on. Your task to find these words in the text and insert the first letter of each word into an empty string below.
Says in the letter as follows: Alpha, Sierra, Kilos, Hotel, Sierra, Alpha, Juliet, Juliet, Delta, Foxtrot, Oscar, Romeo, Hotel, India, Lima, Delta Alpha Sierra, Golf, India, Foxtrot and Tango.
In the bottom of the bottom you must enter only the first letters of words and you will work the following: Ask HS AJ JD for Hildas Gift.
The third letter is just from Hilda Svenson, the very “ladies with a full”, which lives on the island. She wants you to send her a message with the help of ABC Morse. Why are you always extreme?