Nancy Drew: Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Nancy Drew: Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon: Game Walkthrough and Guide
September 6, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Nancy Drew: Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon: Passage
Nancy Drew: Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon: Game Walkthrough and Guide

This time you have to investigate without going beyond the threshold… Trains rushing without stopping towards the canyon of the Blue Moon, where more than a hundred years ago the remains of the first driver were found, and where the millionaire and gold killer Jake Hurley disappeared.
For the first time in the investigation, you will help two handsome – Joe and Frank Hardy, more famous, like “Hardi guys”, as well as your permanent and dedicated admirers of talent and girlfriend – George and Bess Marvin, who are always ready to give a few delight tips on the phone.
By the way about the phone, from now on it is equipped with a camera, so do not hesitate – photograph the information that you will be lazy to redraw or write – save not only time, but also paper, and it is known from trees done. Good luck!

Prologue – the disappearance of Lori Girad

After your employer, a millionaire daughter, Lori Girard, will introduce you to other participants in the investigation, the train will enter the tunnel and… In a word, when you return the ability to see, you will have the first task – to find out what happened to Laurie. Not lucky something millionaires on this train.

Searches Lori

First of all, talk with those who are in the car – these are the guys Hardy and the writer of love novels Charlot Persell (she helped you when investigating the Dirk Valentine’s case in the game “Nancy Drew: Mystery Ghost Rancho”).
The guys hardy are skeptical, as well as Charlot – they are sure that Lurie has kidna themselves herself. It seems that no one will try to find it. But your sense of debt and female curiosity is unlikely to stay back and wait for Laurie to play hide and seek, especially since there is always the likelihood that she really kidnapped. So leave Lazhien Hardy and go to the kitchen of the restaurant’s restaurant, where the phone hangs the phone for communication with the driver. Inform him about the abduction, but the guy does not want to talk to you and refuses to contact the authorities.

Restaurant – First evidence

Inspect the restaurant. Take a picture of the characters knocked on the cover of the stove in the kitchen: “Duck” and “Quadic”. Go to the wall on the right and look at the valve, as well as read the inscription: “Do not fit…”, that is,” do not turn the valve without making sure that all pipes are connected “. Of course, immediately turn the valve to make sure the warning is not a joke.
Get out of the kitchen and inspect the restaurant itself. Raise your head upstairs and pay attention to the gem, mounted in the chandelier under the ceiling. Then examine the picture with the image of the eagle of Belochkost and try to remove it from the wall. Strange but the picture is tightly nailed to the wall.
Before you go to the bar, pay attention to a pair of ballet pink shoes standing on the armchair handle. Take a picture or record the name written inside the tufelk – “Sadie Crawford” (“Sad Welding Tile”).
Look at the bar, where the writer is sitting, and pay attention to the photo on the wall where Spouses Hurley are captured. Get out of the restaurant and send to sleeping car.

Sleeping Wagon – First Riddle – Jigsaw Casket

Right in front of you face deer with horns. Great trophy kept a millionaire in his sleeping car. Inspect the deer and pay attention to the fact that in his left eye is burning if not a star, then some very expensive gemstone.
Unfold face to the door through which you just went through. To the left of you stop-crane, for which you want to pull, and on the right – the first riddle: Favorite by everyone puzzle from pieces. She is pretty simple, the main thing – do not forget that the pieces can not only change places, but also turn using the right mouse button.

If you bring the puzzle correctly, the casket will open, and you can read the record made more, probably in times of Hurley: “Left Pick Ax and Lamp with Buell for Safe-Keeping. To Open What’s Closed, Lead Is The Key “that translated into a human language means:” Left Bewyl for storage Kirk and Lamp. Lead will open what is closed “. Not in vain Apparently Hurley considered a little crazy if he hid in a closed box such nonsense.
Just in case, take a piece of paper with the entry with you and go to the exit from the car. On the left on the wall in the frame hanging the story of two dolls: about yawning Alice (Yawning Alice) and the terrible EDNA (Edna the Terrible).
To the right of the entrance at the floor level is a lattice. Open the cover, and you will see that you are one more door, and with a four-digit code. If you are not clairvoyant, then you will have to leave vain attempts to guess the code – it’s easier to find a needle in a haystack. Go to the next car.

Car Camilla Khurley – the first visit

Go forward and at the very end of the car Turn right to enter the inside of Camilla’s apartments. Apartments located John Gray – Dark-skinned haunted hunter. Talk to him and look at the metal box at the right wall. Behind the box you will find a drawing of another doll with a thermometer in the mouth. The doll is clearly sick, as reported by the inscription made in Figure: “Sickly Sara Caught A Germ SO NEW. IT MADE One of Her Pretty Green Eyes to Blue “, which means:” Sorry Sarah picked up rare infection. And one of her green eyes cried. Looks like alcoholism…
Look around and go to the sofa at the wall. Lift the girlet from the sofa with the number 7 (7 Slug). Near the sofa is a book on embroidery history. Paint the book, and find out what, for example, such a word, like “America”, in translating to the kneading language, the cross looks like “eagle”, and the word “wisdom” is embroidered in the form of “owl”. Opposite the sofa stands a table with a slot machine. It’s time to disperse.

Slot machine “CAMPTOWN RACES” – Racing

Your task: help jockey and his horses jump over obstacles. To do this, you must click on the left mouse button on time (the red button on the screen). The little trick of this game is that you need to press the button as often as possible, since the orders come to jockey for a very long time, and if you break a little bit, he will immediately move into an obstacle.
After all obstacles are taken, as a prize you will get a tight sheet (Camptown Races Music Sheet) with a ringtone recorded on it.
If you have not mastered the spelling of the violin key, do not despair, go to the toilet table and open the box. In the box there is another leaflet (Piano Notes), on which for Lamers from piano drawn, on which keys, and in which sequence to press.
In addition to the leaf with a tip in the box, you will find a ribbon with the name of another doll – Thomasina O’Neill.
Inspect the dressing table itself, on which the casket is worth it, but it is so far soiled.
Continue the inspection of Camilla’s apartments and find a blank box from dolls in the colors of Scottish Kilt. Read the label attached to the box – Teddy Eberhardt, apparently so called the doll inhabited inside.
Now go to the piano and install the sheet music. Try to play, but the ghost hunter will ask you to do this until he is free – your game can put the work of his “high-precision” devices.
Leave the piano alone and go to the wall to the left of the dressing table. Inspect the tight grille at the floor level, as well as a large panels embroidered with a cross. Note that there are numbers next to embroidered characters. Take a picture or write down those numbers that you have already seen the symbols: duck, square and eagle. Examine Panels and write down the name of the next doll hiding behind the tree – the terrible Ursula (awful ursula). Differently about this doll and you can’t tell me, because it let down the slope, if you believe the panel, one of the train cars.

Jack Hurley car – the first visit

Go forward and at the very end of the wagon turn right to enter the inside of Jack’s apartments. The apartment at the table is sitting at the table, the star of the cheek – Tino Balducci. Talk to him and hint that you know that after the disappearance of Lori he raised something from the floor. Take this something that will be a girlet with a number 3 (3 Slug).
Now inspect the car. Come to the Periodic Table of Starny Mendeleev, which hangs on the wall above the table on the left. Examine it, more precisely, that part that is allocated – nothing surprising that this part is devoted to gold and silver.
Paint the book about the precious stones, which lies on the table, and pay attention to the photograph of Camillas with two dolls. Read the signature under the photo and write down the next names of the dolls: Hagar Anderson and Chantilly Hildegard.
The last object on the table is a closed box with a symbol of silver “AG” (Argentum). To open the box, you need a sequence of six colors of the rainbow (in English 6, and not 7 colors of the rainbow, as there is no distinction between “blue” and “blue”). And since such a sequence you do not have, then do not try to blindly choose the code – a waste of time.
To the left of the table at the floor level you will see another lattice, this is open. Look inside and you will see the pipes – apparently, there was a speech about them in caution hanging over the valve in the restaurant car. Connect the pipes with each other so that there is a continuous pipeline, and all pieces of pipes were involved.
Go to the exit from the apartment by stopping only to choose a piece of paper on the right of the sofa. From the record made on paper over a hundred years ago, you can find out the name of another doll – Eliza Sandberger, as well as the fact that this doll has a red ribbon.
Get out of the apartment and go to the end of the car. Here on the table in front of a closed door in the next car there are scales. But before doing something to inspect the door closed – “Cherry” and “Owl” are depicted on it. Now return to the weights, in front of which you will be automatically found by the dignity of the “3” and “7” unknown in which units.

Riddle with weights: open the door with the symbols of “Cherry” and “Owl”

Look at the scale scale, and you will see images of various symbols, under each of which is off the red light bulb. First, if you look from left to right on the scale, just the symbols of “Cherry” and “Owl”.
Right in your records made from Panel in Camilla apartments, and find out what “Cherry” costs 10 units, and “owl” – 7.
The main principles of this riddle are: if the symbol is on the scale first on the left, then in order to light the light bulb under it, you will need one hiring, if the second, then two and so on. Now about the scales’ bowls: the one, that on the left, deducts the units, and that on the right – folds. It is clear that if you need to get 10 units for Cherry, then you will have to put both girks on the right bowl.
So, the right solution: First, the girlet with 7 units put on the right bowl, and then add a girlet with 3 units to it.
If everything is right, the door will open, and you can go to the next car.

Machine compartment – Visit First

Wow, here’s the nineteenth century! The car is simply stuffed with various mechanisms, like those with whom I had to deal with Cate Wolve from “Siberia”.
Drain and go to the table with a lot of drawers. Open the bottom box and read a broken note on how “Naughty Tina) lost his face. The following box lies the drawing (Plan), guided by which, you can run cars around, but for this you need to find a lot of missing spare parts: Kirk, lamp and 6 precious stones. In addition, you must connect the train pipeline to provide access steam to machines. As they say, it would be better if you didn’t find this drawing.

In the drawer above the drawing there is a piece of paper with a record: “Silver Is Orange, Blue, Green, Red, Purple, Yellow”, which means: “Silver: Orange, Blue, Green, Red, Purple and Yellow”. It seems you just found the code to the box in the jack apartments.
In the last drawer of the table you are waiting for another guitressive advantage of 8 units (8 Slug).
Try to go to the next car, but the door, of course, locked. To open it, you need to click in the right order for all 9 buttons on the control panel on the left. Those buttons that are pressed correctly, remain pressed, but it is worth it to be mistaken how everything will have to start again. The task is not so much complicated as requiring the minimum presence of patience.
After you enter the correct order of the buttons, the door will open and miss you in the last car train, where a surprise awaits you. Talk to “surprise”, you can at elevated colors. She deserved it.

Luggage compartment

Talk to Laurie and take away from her letter Jack, addressed to his niece (Jake’s Letter). Read the letter. In it a lot of tips, but about everything in order.

Game in Cities – Linguistic Mystery

First of all, go to the table on the left, on which the screen with letters is. Your task: Find among the letters all 6 cities in which Jack had been, and which he wrote in his letter. These are these cities: Calico, Silverado, Central City, Dodge City, Virginia City and Tombstone. For example, you want to find the city “Calico”. To begin with, find the letter “C”, from which the name begins, and then see if it is impossible, without tearing hands, write from the letters next door the name of the city “Calico”.
If you correctly noted all the letters that make up the name of the city, the letters will appear, and you can search for the next city – “Silverado”. The main thing remember that cities should be sought in the same order in which they are mentioned in the letter.
After you find all the cities, then the screen will remain an incomprehensible set of letters: “NVRZTBAA”. Write it down or take a picture.

Ballet shoes and manufacturer name

Return to Camilla and look at the machine on the left. Ballet shoes hang on the machine. Recall that Jack in his letter mentions the name of the manufacturer’s shoes, which should serve as a key to the solution of tasks with dolls.
Inspect the label with the title of the manufacturer and make sure that it laid out and became unclear. Call Bess and George who paint the room. Ask them to help. Girls will agree and ask you to send a photo of the shoes. There is nothing easier – select the camera on your phone and take a label on the lens on shoes (it is important that the viewfinder cross is exactly the center of the label). Take a picture of the label and deposit the photo Bess and George.
Continue inspection and find a wardrobe with dolls – God, how many of them! Finish the inspection of the car, looking into the chest at the door. Lay in it a wrench (Socket Wrench) . I just know one grid, where this key would be likewise. FROM VAGON.

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