Nancy Drew: Legend of The Crystal Skull: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull:
In the passage, there are decisions of mysteries for both the level of “young detective” and for the “Experimental Icost. It is optimized for the most quick investigation;In addition, it contains descriptions of all three Easter eggs and places where they are hidden.
In the game it is impossible to die, but in order to avoid surprises, it is very desirable to save your achievements from time to time.
About the rest of the nuances we will talk a little later. Good luck!
Manor Bruno Bole – Primary Inspection
When you wake up, you will be offered to drink some turbid green liquid. Drinking or not to drink – decide ourselves, regardless of choice in the goat Nancy will not turn.
Stand off the sofa and inspect the room. Talk to the nephew of the deceased, a cute boy, dressed in the style of “Emo-Fight”. Try to call a taxi, but because of the bad weather, no one will agree beyond the limits of New Orleans. Apparently, you will have to spend the night in the estate, and at the same time, and sort out the damnier taking place here.
View the room. Pay attention to the Cup Collection. Take the Cup dated 1991. Open the Cup cover and take the number one glass eye (eye 1). Go out into the corridor and go to the next room, where you first saw the skeleton and lost feelings (or rather, you were deprived of feelings).
In the living room, inspect a miniature copy of the estate and counties. Find out that there is a cemetery near the house. Take a crypt in the hands of the lower right corner. Open the door of the crypt and take the glass eye at number two (eye 2). Now move to the upper left corner of the area and pay attention to the roof of one of the crypts – you will see four pictures. Consider them near, you need code to open the roof of the crypt.
Come to the fireplace, get out of the ash scraps of the receipt and a piece of coal. Look at the portraits hanging on the wall on the right. One of the pictures disappeared. Bend and lift a leaflet with prints from the floor, on which the “crow” is depicted.
In the corner of the room, find the stand for books on which there is a list of people buried in the cemetery next door. Polyce folitic, but he is not useful for you yet.
Mystery in the style of “Sokoban”
Coffee table. The game field for the game “Sokoban” is mounted in its lid. Your task is to hold a little man to a glass eye in the lower right corner of the game field. The little man can be controlled using the appropriate keyboard keys.
Solution for the level of “young detective”
Move the movable brick so that he is on three cells above the ball (the brick will fall in the fourth cell). Now push the ball to make it in brick. Move the brick so that it is in three cells to the right of the ball. Your actions will block the second laser beam. Now push the ball so that it is inserted into the brick and automatically blocked the first beam. Then push the ball again, but this time up so that it turns out to be at the top position, where the beam comes from. Come to the second ball. Pick it up to the left so that he will be in the first ball and duplicated the actions of the bricks, breaking the last laser. Everything that needs to be done is to get to the third beam, pushing bricks in front of him. Take the eye number three (eye 3).
Solution for the level of “Experienced Izkanka”
Between you and the eye are not three rays, but all five. For simplicity, let’s call the balls in one column “One Ball” and “Ball two”, and the remaining – “Three Ball”. Bricks are moving under the “ball one” (top of the pair) and then slide on three cells to the right to block the first beam. Push “the ball three” left, then up and right so that he blocked another laser. Brick move right to two cells and block the third laser beam. “Two Ball” Push up, under the “ball one”. Then “Two Ball” push right to make it in a brick. Now raise the “ball two” as high as possible so that it blocked the beam number two. Slide the brick to the right to block the fourth laser beam. Raise the brick on one cell so that it turns out to be in the same row with the “One Ball”. Now push the “ball one” so that it is inserted into the brick. Raise the “ball one” to the highest possible, so that he blocked the third laser beam. “Four Ball”, located to the right of the lasers, push the left so that he blocked the fourth beam. Raise the “Four Ball” to the highest possible, so that he again blocked the same ray. Everything that needs to be done is to get to the fifth beam, pushing bricks in front of him. Take the eye number three (eye 3).
Fourth eyes, ramper and crypt more
Get out of the living room. Climb the stairs to the second floor and go to the room with a lonely dirty bed. Take a look at the night table and take the fourth eye (eye 4). Return to the Cabinet Bruno and talk to Henry about your finds. Call Ned and tell about the incident. Go outside.
On the veranda you will see Rene. Talk to her (pay attention to the shovel with a strange handle, hanging on the wall to the right of the homework) and inspect the garden. If you’re too close to the tree, where the Lock is growing, then be prepared for a fatal match with the aspen special forces. In the drain of the fountain, you will see the key, but it is guarded by an aggressive and biting spider, so for the time being leaving the drain alone.
If you come to the stone wall, the fireflies are twisted, then you can pull two stones from the masonry. Go out from the territory of the estate through a large iron gate. Do not rush to run on the cemetery, turn 180 degrees and go to the stone wall on the right. It is from it that you just pulled out stones. Raise your head and look to the left. Looks like they kept the rolling pin. Although it is not too smart, take the metal pin with you, you never know who will come to meet in the cemetery.
Crypt Bole and Rone Room
Find a crypt family. Door locked. Inspect the facade of the building and find four blurred bas-reliefs. You need to make a print with them, but you do not have paper. Maybe the homework has several leaves? Return to the estate.
Talk to Rena and ask her to give you paper. Rene will give you the key from the room where they lie… No, not money, and written accessories – and ask for a chocolate tile.
Climb on the third floor at home and open the door key. Go to the night table. Open the top box and take the paper. Bend and open the bottom box, there is a secret chocolate supply renee. Take the tile and try to set the record for the number of eaten chocolate. Nancy will be a weak and can mask only six pieces, after which a doll will appear in a mystically rocking chair! The main thing is not to wood…
Continue inspection of the room. Draw stacked on the wall on the left symbols. Pay attention to the doll in the chair, and then go to the chest Rene.
Chest Rene
To open the chest Rene, you must play four drawings located along the edges of the cover. For simplicity, imagine that the buttons in the center of the lid is the dial. Then in the position “12 hours” there will be a button at number one. Moving clockwise, we get in the position “Six hours” number ten and so on. Each drawing consists of four components that need to be selected by clicking on the correct buttons. Solving the following (in the brackets number buttons). Figure: 1, 4, 7, 15. Figure: 2, 9, 16, 17. Three: 5, 8, 10, 12. Fourth: 11, 13, 14, 18. If everything was done correctly, the chest will open and you can get a practical guide to Hud. Pay attention to the decoding of characters thin. They are very similar to those you saw on the wall. If you are all decrypted correctly, then you will have an incomplete, which sounds like this: “Bah, Zah, Loo, Pah, Dee, Moo, Kah”. Why do you need, you will understand later. René back and give her chocolate. Go to the cemetery.
Easter egg number one
On the website of Professor Hotchkis, you can get three more pictures, similar to those you saw on a refrigerant lid. Close the chest Rene and look at the lid. Enter the following pictures. First: 3, 12, 13, 17. Second: 1, 2, 6, 9. Third: 3, 4, 11, 14. If after the third you heard a cock cry, then the first Easter egg will be at your disposal!
The key from the crypt
Go to the facade of the crypt. Use on the bas-relief paper and a piece of coal from the fireplace to get four prints. Here is the code for a crypt with a miniature model of the cemetery!
Return to the house and go to the cemetery model. Consider the roof of a miniature crypt with four pictures. Back on the left image of the “crows”, and on top to the right image “two bones”, below left the image of “worm”, and at the bottom right – the image of the “coffin”. Crypt will open and you get the key.
Run to the cleaner. Repair the door of the crypt and lift the floor with a rolled portrait. Return to the house and hang portrait in place in the living room. Strange, nothing happened. Maybe portraits should hang in a certain order? It’s time to make a call to a friend and ask for help from Bess.
Game Bess – First visit to Zika Shop
Call imagine. Go down from the hotel to the street and go to the Zika store. Come inside, look around and talk to the store owner. The things on the receipt he received from Henry, but he will not give you any additional information. Not a problem, we will find out everything yourself, but first you have to neutralize the seller.