Nancy Drew: The Haunting Of Castle Malloy: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Nancy Drew: The Haunting Of Castle Malloy: Game Walkthrough and Guide
April 22, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Nancy Drew: The Haunting Of Castle Malloy: Passage
Nancy Drew: The Haunting Of Castle Malloy: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Nancy Drew Ghost the Lylya Castle (Nancy Drew: The Haunting Of Castle Malloy) – another game dedicated to the same name Nancy Drew. These games are famous: manifold puzzles, tasks, and of course intriguing plot. You are interested in playing this game not only to children, but also adults. It increases the level of your intelligence. Genre – Quest.

Passage Lock Lock


The game begins with the way Nancy gets into an accident. Go from the car towards the light, see there arches. This is not a simple arch. It is hidden puzzle. Click on it and see everything yourself. Wow. In the middle of the road lies a toy. Pick it up. Then pay attention to the right side of the arch, there is the first puzzle. Collecting, you find it that lacks 1 details. Do not worry, just remember this place. Go further along the track. We go to the castle of Malymy. Click on the door of the castle, it opens some old man. Says that allegedly the wedding is on which Nancy is canceled. Closes the door. To the left of the door there is a small glade on which stones are lying. You must all these stones, throw the window on the second floor. Cayer, Girlfriend Nancy, looked out of the window. This time, knocking on the door, you will miss.


From the conversation of Nancy and Cayer, you will learn that she recently disappeared by her fiance. You must help. First, inspect the room in which you are. The wall has two bookcases. Inspect the left-sided cabinet. On the top shelf lies a book. Take it. Now we will examine the right-sided cabinet, there is another puzzle. Passing it, you get a flashlight. And at the end, inspect the table standing at the wall. There are viscos on it – this is another puzzle, click on them. (It is necessary so that you can pick up a thing lying on the table in the living room of the castle) leave the library and go on. Before the first left-hand door, it is a children’s.

Go back. We see how the crow wrote a round glass of the wall. But first, let’s look at the left of the fireplace, there are broken glasses. We select them with glass. Then your glance should look at the children’s horse. Click on it, and the coin falls out of it. We select it. Also, you should not see a children’s house with dolls, located on the left side of the bed. Click on him and what do you think? Again puzzle. Walking it, you get a coin. Now you have 2 coins. All now you can leave this room. We go straight to the stairs, and go down to the living room.

There you can see the guy, talk to him. Talking, go to the gun with a fortune. Next to the machine, in the bottom there is a coin, take it. And all 3 coins are styled in the machine. You drop out of the girling, and note. Nearby is a table. On the table, pressing the leaf, is a guitress. Now we have the missing hirings. But before returning to the library, look at the printed apparatus. In a place where they lie, clean sheets of paper, there is an iron sheet. Take it. We go back to the library, to the weights.

In the table on which the scales are, there is instructions for the girks, what a girlet of Lope weighs. You must arrange all the girks evenly, t.E. To each bowl of 100g. Passing the puzzle, you get a little stone tile. Yes yes, the one who does not get a fragment of the first puzzle. Naturally run to the arch. Insert this item in a puzzle. The gap appeared above it, which lies the second iron sheet. Return to the castle. Cayer was supposed to give you a task, print on the old xerox 4 invitations. Task easy. Now you can go to the pub (bar).

To do this, you must return to the crash site. There will be Hangdoska, indicating the direction to the Pub. Near the bar is a telephone booth. Call all available contacts in the notebook. Speaking with everyone, share information. At this time, the beverage is waiting for a drink “Raven Neck” Castle. And to ask him, you need to get a bartender and make a cocktail “Vorona nest”. This is a great chance to earn. After the question, pay attention to the slot machines in the bar, you must win in each of them twice. Prizes pick up. Winning, go back to the castle.

Passing in the castle must be talked with Kitt, it is the parenchy sitting in the living room castle. But unfortunately, he is busy. But if we help him, he will give us a minute. That is, again puzzle. We must post on the table of all guests. Make all instructions and you can handle. As a sign of gratitude for our help. He gives us a book. This book will help us to solve a riddle with laying in the garden. If you investigated the territory of the castle, then find the garden you will not be difficult. Well, if not, then go left from the entrance door.

If you want to check your logic, then go through this puzzle yourself, well, but if not, then arrange them so (screenshot number 1). Preparing correctly, a secret door opens. Take everything there lies. Run in the nursery.

Remember the place where the glass saw out of the crow. Insert them into your place. Again puzzle. The pattern is visible a rainbow. You need to repeat all the colors of the rainbow from left to right and vice versa. I hear click, a secret door opened. On the floor we detect the sheet on which the stones and the board are depicted. Take everything. We need a board will be to pass the swamp. (It is a little further than the garden) And the sheet, for orientation in the swamp.

Behind the swamp we find a hut. Inspect everything there. On the table lies toy and fix closed box. Also, in the distance of the rooms we see the cells in which the whole flock of flies buzz. To get rid of them, you need to use herbs. But before reading the instructions. Having created an ideal tool, a muraching, you will spend the cage and take a magnifying glass lying in a cage. Do not rush to leave. With the right from entering the baskets. Take a look in them. Wow, you, rocket launcher. They did not expect? Well, now we go to the cemetery. (Next to the marsh)

There are 3 crosses. Insert a magnifying glass in the cent of each cross. And remember the symbols and years. Go to the wall of the castle. It’s not a simple wall. It’s the door to another part of the castle, but to go through the code. But the code we know! Only drive him in order to increase the dates on the crosses. Door opened.

New territory opened, divide her. Visit the large four stones in the field, a healthy tree. Next to the tree is a leaf with a drawing. Take him and run to Kitt, and after him to Cayer. She will give you a task to collect a bouquet of colors. You need to visit such areas like:

– Polyana with flowers (left garden with lepricon);
– garden with leprichons;
– swamp;
– hut;
– arch;
– Field with 4 large stones;
– road (from a broken car, go further along the road);

Having gathered the whole bouquet, you return to the castle and see that China is absent. It is a chance to look around. Look under the bed. There are things Matt. Then we climb the Cayer and become witnessed by a conversation of China with Cailer.

While they chat, strive, study the territory, go to the pub.

Better visit the old man and ask about things about the big stones in the glade. But as always, nothing is just. We must pass the task, play the drum. Task easy. The old man will give you a book, with the help of which you will pass a puzzle with stones.

Run to big stones. Complete this quest will help you the book that you found in the library. Follow the instructions.

Returning, talk to whale. And give a bouquet of Cayer.

Now go to the pub.

Talk to the castle supervisor. He will give you a quest, drove sheep. It’s easy to go to the recently opened castle area. And how the sheep current will fall into the lantern lighting radius, whistle in the whistle. And so do not bring 10 sheep.

Then go to the old man again and ask for permission to trim the sheep. And go to sheepskirts. Nastrigitis 3 bags and take a little fur. Now you have everything you need to make a toy sheep. Go to the hut. There are sheep and run in the castle.

In the nursery, as you know, there is a puppet house. Place the dolls on the second instruction. And you get 4 of 4 iron sheets. Go to the old copier. I made a calculation and simplified you the task.

The sheet with the code paint:

01001011 – Black.
01001101 – in red.
01000011 – in blue.
01011001 – in yellow.

You get instructions for setting up a jet. Tuing it, fly to the tower.


There is a written table in the tower, but to open it need to know the password. Opposite the bed has a small table, it has a list of books. To solve cipher it is necessary to find 5 letters. As you probably guess, these letters are associated with the books listed in the list. Just to learn letters need to answer riddles hidden in books. Go to the library.

From the beginning of the usual left cabinet. There is only 1 of 4 books. Then on the next cabinet, there are 2 books out of 4. Well, the last book lies on the table with weights. You probably think “letters 5, and books 4. Where 5 letter?”. As stated on the sheet, you need to find out where there is a certain “convenient place”. We remember the melan, where we teamed flowers, next to the cliff. Fly from the cliff on the rocks, where 5 letters are depicted. Return to the tower.

The code turned out this: to, s, g, x, l. The table opens. There is a doll (similar to Nancy), the key (from the box in the hut), and photography. Let’s fly in the hut.

Open the casket. There is a greeting card. Lying a postcard of Rope and here, from where I do not take, a terrible old woman appeared. This, as it turned out, was Fiona. You fell into the cave, through the trap Radom with the fireplace.


Nothing dark nothing, and only a lever is visible away. What do you think it is? Switchier light? Click and check. Yeah. This is a lever for emergency door closure. Not everything is so bad, you finally found Matt, talk to him. Now you need to get out of the court. View the room. This is a laboratory, rocket mine. So, there is a second output. But for this you need to get rid of the rocket in the mine. You need to do a whole range of puzzles. For the beginning you need to get the key. In the far room there is a Mendeleev table, read it. Next there is a kind of incubator. In the end lies the key. You just need to distribute all substances by groups. You can do it yourself. Now you have a key. It is necessary to get a missile warhead, lying on the closet and install it on the rocket itself. It’s easy to do everything. So we need to unravel the wires at the foot of the rocket. Wires must be positioned so (Screenshot number 2). All now the most difficult. We go to the control panel, pay attention to the calculations shown on the board. Remember this number It’s time to launch a rocket. Insert the key, open the first lever, turn the wheel to 90.1 and open the remaining levers. Everything, the rocket “went”.

Next comes roller.

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