Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Passage of Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek:
In the passage, there are decisions of riddles, both for the level of “young detective” and for the “Experienced Izka”. Passage is optimized for the most quick investigation and tentatively divided on days.
In the game it is impossible to die at the same time in order to avoid surprises, it is very desirable to keep your achievements.
The game passes in real time, although accelerated six times, so pay attention to the dial located in the upper left corner of the screen to not miss the dinner or cleaning in the rooms.
Being on the street, look at the scale of the body of the Nancy and at the first time try to find the shelter and warm up.
About the rest of the nuances let’s talk during the investigation. Good luck!
First day – what can be done to do
After the introductory roller, you will find yourself in the room of the Ice Creek. Look at the bed at the bed. Near the teddy bear is alarm clock. With it, you can manage time, however, only in one direction – to the future. To do this, set the arrow of the alarm to the time you need and click on the lever from above.
Take from the table the key from the closet, as well as the reminder of the cleaner with the names of the guests and the rooms where they stopped. Share a few minutes reading guide for service personnel. Please note that at noon you will find the first visit to the kitchen for the preparation of Lunch, and before that it would be nice to get into rooms.
Cleaning in rooms and administrator rack
Get out of the room and go down to the hall. Go for the administrator rack and open the cabinet to the right. In it, you will find a canvas bag with the laundry inscription (“Laundry”). Take it with you. Before you leave, read all three crumplent notes, flashing on the cabinet shelves. Your predecessor had an extremely jealous fan.
Close the door of the cabinet and pay attention to a piece of paper under the table. Raise it and write down the phone number Elsa: 555-2383 (if you play at the “Young Detective” level, then Elza number will automatically be written to the phone book).
Right in the computer database. Pay attention to the list of guests of this year. Then click on the “PERVIO YEAR” button (“Previous YEAR”) in the left corner of the screen. Strange, someone storing the database last year. I wonder why?
Close to the second floor and start cleaning in the rooms. According to the reminder of the cleaner, on the second floor there are five of six numbers.
Salmon number (“Chinook”) – free and locked.
“Kwel Kwel” (“Kwel Kwel”) – Nancy room and do not clean it.
Number “Bobur” (“Eena”) – in it Student Lu Telbot. Come in his number and go to bed. Ship bed. Now look at the suitcase lying on the floor next to the bed. Open it and pay attention to the set of young archaeologist. Polystay books lying on the table at the wall. Then go to the hanger with dirty towels and put them in the bag for the laundry.
Bird Room (“Kalakala”) – Skier Room Yanni Volksstayy (Wolf Flats). Fuel the bed and take the dirty towels. Paint the biathlon log and read an article that tells about the upcoming competitions near the “Ice Creek”.
Lynx number (“Pish Pish”) – Cessler Bill number. Fuel the bed and take the dirty towels. Paint Engineering and Construction Books.
Room “Grapes” (“Ollarie” – the number of Guadeloupe Comilo. Fuel the bed and take the dirty towels. Note that this room has no alarm clock by bed. Find a sports magazine and read the article about Janni Volkstayya, which Guadeloupe emphasized the pencil. Mystery fan?
Go to the corridor and go to the toilet. Nearby is the mine cover leading to the laundry. Open the lid and throw a bag with dirty lover. Go down to the first floor.
Acquaintance with guests and mini-museum of the hotel
Come to the exhibition telling about the history of the “Ice Creek”. For loyalty, inspect all exhibits, and especially: Snowshoes with a code lock;The place where the dinosaur bone was previously located, as well as two signatures under the disappeared photos. Come in the living room where the fire is having fun in the fireplace. Paint the newspaper on the table by the fireplace. During the next table, you will see two guests playing some kind of game like “Wolf and Sheep”. Talk to the guests – it is Lu Talbot and Bill Kessler. They want to surpass in skating, and for this you will have to clean the pond from the snow.
Cleaning the pond from snow
If a couple of hours remained to Lunch, then go out to the street, and find the “Tank” pointer (“To Skating Pond”). Go along the path and will soon find yourself on the lake. Take the shovel, and the image of the pond will appear in front of you, top view.
Now let’s talk about the principles of cleaning the pond, which are very similar to the rules game “Sapper”. So, take a shovel and carefully clearing the lowest row of ice floes. Now take on the second and very carefully examine the color of the ice that appeared from under the snow. If the color is gentle blue, then everything is in order and the ice in this place is quite thick. If lilac, then the adjacent ice cream will be with a crack. Imagine a square three on three cells. So, the crack will be exactly in the center of the square of lilac ice floes. Set in place of the alleged crack Warning Orange Cone. Never disclose the icekee where the crack is, because although in your contrast to the sapper there is the right to two mistakes, you still do not need to tempt fate. The color of the sea wave says that there are two cracks nearby. Typically, such cracks are located on the edges of the sea wavelength. Bright blue will make your heart squeeze, because it is not even a lot, but a light crust and somewhere there are as many three cracks, usually around the edges.
At the “Young Detective” level, 9 cracks await you, and at the “Experienced Izka” level – as much as 29! You can not avoid mistakes, so good advice – keep your achievements – cleared a particularly dangerous area, retained the game and so on. Believe me so much easier. When the pond is cleared, and all cones will take their rightful places, Nancy will scare back to the house.
On the way to the hotel you will notice the traces of the wolf. Go along the trail and will soon find yourself near the monument “Arrow Dan”. Pay attention to a piece of matter sticking out of the monument. It feels like inside the monument leads the door, just how to open it? Continue the game in the trafficking, turn to the left in the gorge. Suddenly the explosion suddenly. What do you know about explosions in the mountains? That’s right, they cause rockpads and gathering… Lavin!
When you wish, do not miss the mouse – useless, Nancy will do everything for you. Then go back to the monument and pay attention to the huge funnel from the explosion. Take a look in the funnel. At the bottom of the dinosaur remains are visible. Interesting way of conducting archaeological excavations. Return to the hotel.
Remember the instructions, according to which avalanch should be reported to a special patrol? Sit down for the phone and call Lavin Monitoring Service. At that end you will be asked to transfer Olli that lecture on explosives is transferred to the next month. If this explosion is the work of the head of the head, he will have no sweet. Talk to Guadeloupe, standing by the window of the Hall with binoculars in hand. She claims to watch birds. So we believed her. And now forward to the kitchen. Surely, already the time of Lunch.
Kitchen and cooking
Write your time when you need to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is important, no one in the head will not stroke you. The kitchen is located on the first floor, to the right of the exhibition, telling about the history of the hotel.
Breakfast: from 7 am to 8:15 (who slept, remained hungry).
Lunch: from 12 days to 12 days.
Dinner: from 6 pm to 7.
On the clock noon, so open the Talmud on the left and read the instructions for the preparation of Lunch. At Lunch, guests consume hamburgers and something called Quesadilla, similar to Khachapuri. Nancy in Lanka does not participate, as she is – she does not need a robot and food.
To find out what ordered guest, click on the tray from above and read the piece of paper. For simplicity, read all the orders at once and write down (remember), how much should hamburgers and how many khachapuri. Then put the required amount of the kitlet on the grid for frying. Khachapuri is roasting one at a frying pan. Frying pan two, but Khachapuri is fried quickly, and you can hardly have problems with it. The main thing is to have time to prolong the finished food from the plate on the plate;It is worth noting you how the real fire will break up, and Nancy with disgrace will be expelled from work.
After the cutlets are ready, spread them in buns. Now look again in orders and find out who and how much you need to put cheese, salty cucumbers, bow, ketchup and so on. When the order is ready, click on the checkbox “order ready”. If everything is true, then the tray will disappear, if you are mistaken somewhere, you will have to start all over again. Keep the game as often as possible, and everything will be fine. After Lunch, go to the hall and go down to the basement. The basement is located on the left of the main staircase.
Snowmobile trip game, Snowball and Important
In the basement, talk to Yanni Volkoy, and he will tell you about his hostility to the wolves and to people, in particular. Skier suffers from paranoia and confident that rivals want to blow it up. Agree with the sick and find the heads, which is busy designing a trap.
Talk to Zavorozom. He will tell you about his unsuccessful hunt for a wolf, and will also ask to drive boredom for him in the gorge and check whether the avalanche has no. Of course, because Nancy has nothing more to do. Take a snowmobile keys and go outside. Start Snowmobile. Your task is to follow the arrow and at the same time try not to crash in trees, stones and snowmen. Three mistakes – and snowmobile will explode, so save the game, at least when you get to the gorge, since you still have the way back.
When you return to the hotel, call the Lavin monitoring service and tell them about what they saw (in principle, you can report Ollina, and he will call himself).
Go to the basement and give the keys to the snowmobile. Zanechosis wants you to entertain Bill Kessler. To do this, you need to take part in winter fishing and catch a two-function pike. Go to Bill, he most likely sleeps in the living room, and agree on the competition.
Go outside and go along the path with the “Ice Lake” pointer. On your way an obstacle will arise in the form of a snow fortress and the “snow princess”. Freddie, the daughter of the Zagokhoza built a fort, and to pass by, you have to defeat it in snowballs. The victory goes to the one who first gain ten points, that is, ten times will fall into the opponent. Not too complicated task, but requiring a good reaction.
When Freddie will be defeated, go further and turn left, to the place where the service of the servants once stood. Find the melted alarm clock (here we found missing hours from the Guadelupe number). Really bomb was with a watchmaker? This is no longer a joke…
Winter Fishing – Two Pike
Return to the fork and turn onto the path leading to the lake. Come to the awesome fisherman. Fishing today will not be, someone defeated the waggered and broke all the fishing rods. On the bear does not seem. Native Floor and find the magazine scribe about birds with a phone number. Write down the number. Guadeloupe tried? Return to the hotel.
In the hallway you are waiting for a note from Freddie. The girl invites you to fight in snowballs, and if you defeat, she will give you a prize. Go down to the basement and inform Ollie about broken rods. Zaught will give you your kit. Return to the lake. On the way you will again have to defeat Freddie. In a reward, you will get an energy snack that allows you to stay in the cold longer. Eat if you start freezing.
Come to the awesome fisherman. Get ready to catch fish. Save the game, because the dinner remains less time. Crochet control elementary – down-up with mouse. Pike looks like a long smooth silver rinse, everything else, but I don’t even advise you to catch a bric. When you catch a two-soft pike, and Nancy will approve it, leave the house. Someone will run you in the forehead Ice snow. Freddie?
Icewater and Lost Jacket
You woke up in winter in the middle of the ice drink, without a jacket. Your actions? Right, get a jacket lying on the shore. To do this, jump off with ice floes. The problem is that some ice floes are drowning, while others pop up, and you do not have time for maneuvers and a lot – in winter without clothes in Canada live quite short.
Your task is to find a cliff, which will make the ice floe near the jacket. When ice is found, quickly get to the jacket, and Nancy will be safe. Pay attention to the note in the pocket of the jacket. Some cipher?
Lower the eyes, and Nancy will see wolf traces. Go to the trail until you come to the gorge. Make a few steps forward until Nancy says that she needs snowshoes. Do not give the girl, return to the hotel, as the further path is not forward anything good. I warned you.
Dinner, he is dinner – cooking
If on the clock more than six evenings, then go to the kitchen. Read dinner / dinner instructions. Calculate how many slices of salmon you need for dinner. Fork them on the grid. Now salad. To cook it, first put on the bottom of the salad-lathouse salad, it is located in the left of the left. Then add the remaining ingredients. Cook cook does not need, it is added to the salad automatically. When you cook dinner, go out in the hall and go to the phone. It’s time for negotiation.
Phone calls
Remember that you are in Canada, so all the phones with the beginning (403) should be recruited immediately from 555, for example, calling Elsa, you’re just 555-2383. But if the phone number begins with some other console, for example (202), then you should dial all the numbers, that is, 202-555-7237, since you are calling into a neighboring city or even another country.
The list of those who need to call at the end of the first day:
Chantal – Canadian phone. Ask her to give you code from snowshoes. Service for the service, so before you get the code, you will have to fill the questionnaire for Tino Baldchchi (of the trains in the blue canyon).
Tino Balducci – nonresident number. A questionnaire for guests will arrive.
Sheriff Mahikan – Canadian phone. Tell him about the found alarm clock. Sheriff “will please you with the fact that it was not just a bomb, but C4. Very bad.
Elsa – Canadian phone. If you turn call, then achieve it from being recognized at the expense of who actually punctured the motorcycle tires.
Farindale family (those who poisoned) – non-resident phone. Talk to Mrs. Farindale.
Karl Jenkins (the one that fell from the staircase) is a non-resident phone.
Derek saufweight (married couple, almost suffocated in the sauna) – non-resident phone.
Phone with magazine about birds (animal protection society) – answering machine will answer you.
If you have for strength, call someone else, and then go to bed. Put the alarm clock at seven in the morning so as not to sleep breakfast.
Second day – what can you have time
In the morning you will hear a quarrel between Guadeloupe and Olli. Hot Yuzhanka will decide to immediately leave the hotel! As long as you are looking for pants and socks, Guadeloupe already and the track has bothered. As it is a pity, because you did not have time to ask her questions from the Quiz Tino, although on the other hand, it is now less prepare and clean.
Go out into the corridor and go down to the hall. Take a bag for dirty clothes and go to the kitchen.
Breakfast – mix paprika. The first task of Tino
Read the instructions for breakfast. Remember that for the profile of Tino you should find out who loves the paprika from guests, and who is not. Guadelupe left, and it is no longer check, but the rest are three on the spot. Remember where guest plates are located.
For breakfast served: toasts, fried sausage and omelet. Launde your paprika in the omelet in the cooking process (on Lunch Papika put in hamburgers, and for dinner – in salad), and then put it on a guest plate. Also, do not forget that the toasts are preparing almost instantly, do not lay out them with a bunch, otherwise you will not have time to remove from the stove. To prepare an omelet, pour egg weight into a frying pan and already peel the remaining ingredients there. Then put a frying pan on the stove.
After breakfast is over, Ollie says that Lou Talbot did not like paprika. Fine. Go to the second item.