NCIS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Episode 1. Jack-Pot
Hall of slot machines. Harvesting
We look at a long introductory video. So, our first task (shown in the upper left corner of the screen) – take a picture of all bullets. We carry the mouse cursor to the first bullet located on a wooden rack, on the left side of the entrance door. Click on the bullet hole again, thereby taking the camera. We carry the camera lens so that its center coincides with the bullet hole. If they match, the centerpoint of the lens will take green. Now rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in / decrease the scope of shooting. When the scale is selected correctly, both scrolls on the sides of the screen will take green. Close the left mouse button and pay attention to a small rectangle, which begins to decrease and literally decreases in a second to the size of the rectangle applied to the lens. When both rectangles coincide, they take green. It is at this moment that it is necessary to release the left mouse button. Photograph learned! Two other bullet holes are in the wall, on the right side of the entrance door. Customize the camera (the center of the lens should be about two holes) and we make a second photo.
Photographing the sacrifice, then – a gun. In the lower left corner of the screen, on the floor, notice someone traces. We make a photo of these traces. And we do, after which in the lower left corner, again, we find another track from the boot. Photographing traces. Returning to the entrance door and taking pictures of fingerprints left on the on / off button. Photographing the sacrifice lying on an inverted table in the center of the room.
Our colleague asks to help him drag the body of the victim. Click on the killed guard, we bring the mouse cursor to the center of the circle, clamp the LKM, after which we move the mouse up the table (from yourself). Thus, we raised the victim. Now we bring the cursor if you managed to knock him down, on the center of the circle, clamp the LKM and move the mouse to the left. Next, again, we bring the mouse cursor to the center of the circle, because the circle moved from the right side of the screen to the left part, clamp the LKM and pull the mouse over.
We make a photo of the bullet hole located behind the guard. We go into the opposite part of the room (right) and take pictures of three bullets on a wooden shelving. Move the chair located on the right side of the bullet holes. Click on the lamp, slightly above the chair, and take the next bullet hole. We go to the right side and together with our partner move a large tumb in the right side. We take pictures of the last bullet hole.
Install in all bullet holes Laser devices. In one of the holes, the laser device will install a girl. We need to run in four places and install lasers. We look at the video.
I interrogate the Vilasco, the third guard hall of slot machines. During the interrogation, when the icon appears with the mouse and the blue scale, instantly click the left mouse button.
Sit down for your computer and move the documents in the upper left corner of the screen on the blue window with the image of the computer. Press the “Confirm” button. Click the left mouse button, timer starts. Before us 9 cells with constantly changing numbers. BUT! Every 3-4 seconds in one of the cells, the figure stops changing. Our task: at such moments quickly click on this cell with the number. By clicking on three such cells, we get access to the computer. We go to the second folder, “Criminal Record”, and drag the only letter to an empty window on the right side of the screen. In order to drag any item in the game, you need to bring the mouse cursor on it, then clamp the left mouse button.
Now we study the victims. Move the photo of the first victim – Men on the table. We pass another mini-game: you need to remember which of the 9 cells and in what order highlighted. After that click on these cells. For the first time there will be only two such cells. We go into the second section, “Employment Records”, and move the second letter to the empty window – “U. FROM. NAVY – HONORABLY DISCHARGED ». We move to a blue window a photo of the second victim – Melvina Farley. Mini game starts. Task: Alternately press one of the characters in 9 cells, according to four characters at the top of the screen. We go to the second folder, “Employment Records”, and move to an empty window “Lucky Card Casino”. We look at the video.
First of all, click on the table on the left side of the girl. Moving a photo of fingerprints from a switch to a blue window with a microscope image. Move the mouse on the right side, click once on the left mouse button, thereby gluitive the tape. Next, move the mouse to the left side. We move the mouse to the left again, but in the course of the movement click LKM. Prints received. Move the photo of the gun under the microscope. Repeat the procedure.
We approach the table on the right side and begin to study the finished fingerprints, as well as traces of shoes. We move to a blue window the first fingerprint. So, in the left window is an unknown fingerprint. In the nearby window, there is one of the fingerprints found in the database. And even the right is just the same, all fingerprints found in the database. Among the fingerprint found in the database, choose the one on which the locations of the circles coincide with the unknown print. It is also worth considering the directions of green lines! When analyzing you can figure out the “software” imprint or counterclockwise. After you have chosen a suitable fingerprint, move an unknown fingerprint from the left window, in the right. Attention! When moving the fingerprint you need to turn it so that the mugs coincided! Rotation We carry out the mouse wheel.
Moving to the analysis of traces of shoes. Move any of two photos of footwear in a blue window. All make it by analogy with fingerprints. The difference is that there are no circles and green lines. Just compare the drawings of the soles of shoes and impose them to each other. On the other hand, it is much easier than to look for fingerprints!
Come to the table, next to which the detective stopped, and click on it. Combine a photo depicting a victim lying on the table and a photo of a gun. We choose the phrase in which the name of Melvin Farley and a gun 357. Now combine photos of two victims and choose the answer where the same Farley and Pistol 357. Combine the two remaining photos and choose the phrase that Farley did a very good shot (the last phrase). We look at the video.
Sit down for your computer and start looking for vobolenko. We carry the sight on the yellow point on the road – this is the car VALESKO. Keep the car in the center of our kinda sight. Through the 3 stages, Vallesto will be detained.
Moving fingerprints in blue window. Move in a blue window a photo of the victim lying on the table (Shot in the Dark). We continue the interrogation, after which we move to a blue window the footprint of the shoes VALESKO – the latest evidence. We look at the video.
We look at the corpse lying on the left operating table. We make a photo of a red dot in the left (for us) lung. Move the cursor to the left or right side of the screen, thereby turning the body. Photographing the bullet hole from the back. We inspect the second corpse and make three photos in three wounds. Turn the sacrifice with your back to us and take pictures of the red point on the right hand. We look at the video.
We approach the device on the left side of the room and begin to analyze the found bullet 9 caliber. All make it by analogy with fingerprints. In the case of bullets it is necessary to coincide all lines (both in length and in the interval on which they are located). Ready!
Sit down for the computer, move the phone number of robbers in a blue window. We get access to the computer by pressing four digits. We go to the “Institutional Owners” section and move to an empty window “Deep Coast Rifle Range”. It is done!
We proceed to inspect the crime scene. Take care of two automaton lying on the floor, next to the dead. We make photos of both corpses, as well as – money lying on the floor, next to one of the corpses. Take pictures of a mobile phone that is lying on the floor, next to the same victim. We follow the direction of the bottom of the screen and in one of the corners of the room we see iron cabinets. We examine the closed cabinet. Tighten the wheel depending on the arrow shown around the code lock. If the middle of the lock begins to blink green, it means that the desired figure is near. If you twist the mouse wheel (pass by the right number), then everyone will have to start first. Photographing the contents of the cabinet. Come to the counter and photograph an empty cash register. We look at the safe. Open the code lock by analogy with the lock on the closet. Photographing the contents of the safe. We make a photo of a pistol lying next to the third corpse. I take pictures of the corpse itself, as well as bulletin holes in a wooden cabinet, above the seller’s head.
We go to the next room, through the passage, located next to the third victim. Photographing blood traces on the floor. Also take pictures of blood on the chair. Take care of a mobile phone lying on the table.
We return to the previous room and take pictures of bullet holes in the counter, from the side of a man in a white coat. We look at the video.
Click on the table to which the cursor indicates. We move in turn in a blue field three photos of weapons. Remove the fingerprints with them with the standard way: the mouse is right, click on the LKM, the mouse left, re-move the mouse to the left and in the course of movement click LKM. We carry out the procedure with three weapons and get three fingerprint. Click on another table and start learning fingerprint. How to do it already know. Attention! In one of the unknown fingerprints there will be less circles than on the appropriate fingerprint in the database. Just do so that the circles and green lines coincided. We approach the device in the left side of the laboratory and compare the bullets of two automata. How to do it, I already clarified you. After that compare the bullet pistol. Here, as in one of the fingerprints, there will be less lines than in the database. Click on the specified table and study the traces of shoes on the floor. Guesses confirmed, two killed are casino robbers. Click on the table, next to which our boss is worth. Combine the case of James Finn and the machine, from which James Finn killed Johnson. We choose the phrase that fingerprints and footwear traces issued James Finn. Combine a photo of a girl killed in a dash, and her machine. Choose a similar phrase about fingerprints and traces of shoes Kate Ramus. Combine two photos with blood on the floor and chairs. Choose the phrase that the body of the killed seller of the store was moved. Combine photos of the locker and safe content. We choose the phrase that these items were used when a casino robbery. Ready.
We inspect the body of the victim. Taking pictures of three bullet wounds in the field of heart, broken by the Unnamed finger of the right hand of victim and bullet wound in the heart area from the back. After talking with a detective, click on the conclusion board. Combine two photos of Louis Silva and choose the phrase that the body of Silva was moved (last). Combine the two remaining photos and declare that everything indicates that robbery occurred in the dash. We look at the video.
Click on the computer and move your mobile phone into a blue window. What to do, you already know! Open the first section with telephone calls of James Finn. Choose the first phone number, because the call was made immediately after the robbery. Move this number in an empty window on the right side of the screen. We go to the fourth section “Luis Silva’s SMS” and move to an empty SMS window obtained from Kate (first item).
Move the second mobile phone. We get access to the database. We go into the section “Transactions”, choose the second translation and move it into an empty window.
Approach the conclusion board, near which our boss is. Combine a photo of the victim killed in a casino and lying on an inverted table with a telephone, in which the robbers contacted Louis Silva. We choose the phrase that all three planned the robbery in the casino. Combine a mobile phone and a photo of Tira. Choosing a phrase that everything points to Sergeant Gates (writing a mobile phone conversation, gun).
Sit down for your computer and track Gates. We look at the video. Episode completed!
Episode 2. Theft of personality
Interrogate Nickelson. Click on the LKM immediately as soon as the corresponding symbol appears on the screen.
We start collecting evidence. We go to the long part of the room where Dinozzo stands. We inspect the camera on the wall, climb the table and take pictures of the camera. Moving in the opposite corner of the room and inspect the second chamber. Move with the dinozzo table first to the wall, and then to a wooden counter. We climb on the table, from the table – on the counter, after which I photograph the second chamber. We go for the counter, and from there go to the bank’s repository. We look at the third video camera, automatically ask Dinozzo to sue us, and then take pictures of the remaining chamber. We pass for the counter and on the yellow rope, lowered through the hole, go down, in the parking lot. We go ahead and take pictures of the traces of the tire of the car robbers. Photographing scratch on the corner of the wall, next to which our boss is worth. We also make a photo of the fragments of the car’s side vision mirror, which are lying next to this part of the wall. Raise upstairs.
We make a photo of a yellow powder that scattered mainly on the right side of the hole. We look at the video.